white paper eu

The exact nature and scale of these subsidies is contentious and there Who We are What We do Market & JoBS relevance to eU agenda Market BarrierS Market PotentialS the fUtUre. Kent Walker. The White Paper is open for public consultation until 19 May 2020. White paper on Artificial Intelligence - A European approach to excellence and trust Skip to main content. Basket x items X; This item has been added. White Paper on foreign subsidies – Position Paper / 2 • In principle, a combination of the two first modules would indeed provide the broadest possible scope of protection for the EU. More Advanced search Browse by subject Expert Search. Language Selector. Lesen Sie hier, was die wichtigsten Inhalte der EU-DSGVO sind. EU WHITE PAPER ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SUBMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION BY IBM JUNE 2020 IBM is the largest technology and consulting employer in the world, with over 350,000 employees serving clients in 175 countries. 3. The White Paper recognizes the opportunities AI presents to Europe’s digital economy, and presents the Commission’s vision for a coordinated approach to promoting the uptake of AI in the EU and addressing the risks associated with certain uses of AI. Message from the EU Commissioner, Mariya Gabriel. X. Message from the EU Commissioner, Mariya Gabriel. In order to respond to the consultation on the EU Cancer Plan, the EAU has joined forces with Movember, Europa Uomo, the European Cancer Patient Coalition and the European Alliance of Personalised Medicine to update its 2017 White Paper on Prostate Cancer. To summarize some of the key points: (1) Most U.S. companies do not deal in data that is of any interest to U.S. intelligence agencies, and have no grounds to believe they do. x���Kk�@����w��y$ ��h-�(�i��k����fR��&�X�n����� ���f��m�5&��,H��$|�%d��,2�c_]'�*�w:��� 9S�x�f@A���0��c�)0�{\�����bn4א>Ґ�'�p!gр�����9vP�B0��������z�a��S�9�ch��iA�T%rIZB�E�ܝ�Z�U1����֞�k�������G�$XV�yv.�XUgx�O'Ϟ�G�Lm&�� (���I���]�����wqŨ+k���sK�S�dYr��*�m�'����f����r������b��@�Ӕ�� ��h CERT-EU Security White Paper 2014-07 Pass The Golden Ticket v1.1 3 10/06/2014 do lateral movements with pass-the-hash or pass-the-tickets attacks as explained in Annex B – Introduction to pass-the-ticket. Moreover, the white paper provides an in-depth analysis of Edge solutions that have been selected, deployed and validated by 17 different EU funded 5G PPP projects. 7 European Commission METIS study S07 on The role and need of flexibility in 2030: Focus on Energy Storage, August 2016. 19 February 2020. 1. I believe this White Paper will further strengthen Europe’s capacity to develop science based solutions that will help tackle global challenges and directly benefit European citizens. There, leaders of the European Union will come together to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, reflecting on past achievements and debating what our shared future could and should look like. stream <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Introduction – The 2011 White Paper In 2011 the European Commission adopted the White Paper Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system in the context of the Union's 2020 growth strategy. It focuses on the link between the electricity and gas sectors (for the purposes of this paper, the gas sector includes hydrogen). Participants, including EU and non-EU citizens, Member States and all relevant stakeholders (including civil society, industry and academics) provided their opinion on the White Paper and contributed to the European approach for AI. %���� In order to respond to the consultation on the EU Cancer Plan, the EAU has joined forces with Movember, Europa Uomo, the European Cancer Patient Coalition and the European Alliance of Personalised Medicine to update its 2017 White Paper on Prostate Cancer. Microsoft has released a white paper that provides the controls to put in place to protect your domain against credential-theft-based attacks. 4 0 obj Europe is at a crossroads and needs to decide how it wants to tackle the challenges of today. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the GSA in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. <> Five scenarios for how the Union could evolve, depending on the choices we will make. EU Pledge Nutrition White Paper – Updated February 2021 Page 4 Executive Summary The EU Pledge is a voluntary initiative by leading companies to change food and beverage advertising to children under the age of twelve on TV, print and internet in the European Union. Authorship+White+Paper+Authorship-White-Paper.pdf Autonio Autonio_Whitepaper_v1.1.0.pdf Avalanche consensus.pdf Aventus whitepaper.pdf B2BX b2bx_white_paper-en.pdf BANKEX bankex-whitepaper-20171019-en.pdf BLOCKv whitepaper.pdf BOScoin Boscoin_One Pager_EN.pdf overview_en.pdf press_release_en.pdf BOTTOS Bottos whitepaper English final.pdf Bancor EU law. Responding to the European Commission’s AI white paper. The next step will be the Rome Summit on 25 March. So können Sie die EU-DSGVO-Anforderungen in Ihrem Unternehmen erfüllen (inkl. White paper Hikvision H.264 AVC Encode Technology V0.8.0 Download Hikvision H.264+ Encoding Technology Download 6 0 obj A factual report and a document including all the input received, will soon be available in this page. The “Structure for the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence — a European approach” provides an overview of the regulatory lay of the land for AI in the EU and proposes several options for regulations moving into the future. In the White Paper the Commission proposed a series of options for AI rules that the EU plans to start releasing early next year and asked for feedback from the academia, public administrations, industry and civil society. Download White Paper. The 2012 White Paper foresaw the potential to further reduce the sodium value of hard/semi hard cheese in 3 years’ time. 1) OBJECTIVE. The White Paper recognizes the opportunities AI presents to … The union: pr… This White Paper intends to launch a broad discussion with Member States, other European institutions, all stakeholders, including industry, social partners, civil society organisations, researchers, the public in general and any other interested party on the best way to effectively 9 0 obj [Brussels]: Commission of the European Communities, [10.05.2007]. endobj Trust and Excellence Made in Europe: Our Response to the EU White Paper on AI. In January, our CEO Sundar Pichai visited Brussels to talk about artificial intelligence and how Google could help people and businesses succeed in the digital age through partnership. Available languages and … 12 0 obj 10 0 obj For example, ensuring there is human oversight, and clear information on the capabilities and limitations of AI. 261 – 266; Cram, 2001a, 2001b; Wall ace, 2001 ) . endobj The European Commission, as part of the launch of its digital strategy for the next five years, published on 19 February 2020 a White Paper On Artificial Intelligence – A European approach to excellence and trust (the “White Paper”). MainSearch . European Commission White Papers are documents containing proposals for European Union (EU) action in a specific area. For example, ensuring there is human oversight, and clear information on the capabilities and limitations of AI. On 14 June 1985, the European Commission submits to the Council its White Paper on the completion of the internal market which sets out a timetable for the measures required for the completion of the single market by 31 December 1992 at the latest. White Paper on Artificial Intelligence: a European approach to excellence and trust. Please complete the fields below to access all of our medical device white papers. 4 AI and digitalisation in general are critical enablers of Europe’s Green deal ambitions. Communities: ending free movement with a new immigration system, support for farming and fisheries, and what is called a “shared prosperity fund”. It is having nothing less than … After a broad debate across our continent in the months The EESC's 329 Members are organised into three groups: Employers, Workers and Diversity Europe. The debate on the future of Europe starts with the white paper and ends with the European Parliament elections in 2019. This White Paper aims to make Community decisions more effective in order to win back the support and confidence of European citizens. <> The European Commission has adopted a white paper dealing with the distortive effects caused by foreign subsidies in the single market. This White Paper is the European Commission’s contribution to this new chapter of the European project. I believe this White Paper will further strengthen Europe’s capacity to develop science based solutions that will help tackle global challenges and directly benefit European citizens. endobj 3 0 obj endobj The European Parliament's legislative train schedule monitors the progress of legislative files identified in the 10 priorities of the European Commission The EU Cancer Plan is a unique opportunity to facilitate a more coordinated and harmonised European approach to Prostate Cancer. Europe’s research infrastructures have been key to the way we have been able to pool our resources in our response to the coronavirus. IBM … endobj endstream Annex B of the White Paper looks at various examples of international Internal Market systems in federal states (Australia, Switzerland, and Spain), but not the EU system. Its suggestions, guidelines and aims are intended to support and supplement education and training policies, the responsibility for which rests first and foremost with national, regional and local authorities. This is why the white paper offers five scenarios for the Union's evolution, depending on the choices we will make. Download Order. In this update of the 2017 White Paper on Prostate Cancer, we provide the latest general information on prevention, early detection and awareness raising, treatment and care, survivorship and quality of life and White Paper on food safety Publication metadata Download and languages Close. Title: White Paper on the completion of the internal market (14 June 1985) Author: CVCE / (c) European Union, 1995-2013 / Completing the Internal Market: White Paper from the Commission to the European Council (Milan, 28-29 June 1985) COM(85) 310, June 1985. This proposal will aim to safeguard fundamental EU values and rights and user safety by obliging high-risk AI systems to meet mandatory requirements related to their trustworthiness. The Commission plans that the relevant legislation should be adopted in 2021. They sometimes follow a green paper published to launch a consultation process at European level.
white paper eu 2021