under my skin chords

-5-7---7-------5-|-8-7---7---------| -0-0---0-------0-|-0-0---0-------0-| 3 contributors total, last edit on Aug 19, 2020. Under My Skin chords by Peter Bradley Adams. fresh tabs top tabs lessons submit videos . -----------------|-----------------| Difficulty: intermediate. Introdução: Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you deep in the heart of me Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 So deep in my heart you're nearly a part of me F#m Em7 A7 D7M D6 Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M D6 I've tried so not to give in Gm6 G/B A7 C# D7M D6 I said to myself, "This affair never can go so well" C#m5-/7 F#7 Fdim B7M But … kl�Y� [Verse 1] A7 Em7 A7 DM7 Bm7 I've got you under my skin; A7 Em7 A7 DM7 Bm7 I've got you deep in the heart of me, D Em7 A7 DM7 Bm7 So deep in my … -----------------|-----------------| Difficulty: intermediate. -----------------|-----------------| Under My Skin – Briston Maroney. ��x!�L"�Z��0�[�}�^��j�[���ScѦ��n@X?��1(a��|��V�A���C|�S&�ѿ��?y��3=�~,{�����~�?�����{�VN�I�W�:'r�wW㿚�F~���w���wa*�}�����c�h9����ӏߊ��XA�6z eq�0;�29y�}��A}/���^�S���G�$��?�6��yD�����^ROh�4u�-+m�{q������1kiJ��k�V1*��u�Z�qb����r�a\*��OO�����)G}���j�T�=�P�(,���-\Haj���� ?��g9M�_�E�/\�oqj�5B�S�;r;7̗���81�7 �� ��#�>��eH[9���T�����s��Nj������_�]��x]���T�s�_�SǔŽ&���e@�^��Gn�&��E��L����;��RM��"����ر�)Ds�x:T�I�a�Yۏ%��H�g�R͜W��R��W�W�o� �!h�SʼJ Under My Skin chords by Nate Smith. She's under my Em skin D A (Repeat verse chords) And if I say no. Yes No. I’ve Got You Under My Skin by Cole Porter (1936) Dm . ]x���C� �[%C�u�_w�w�LH4�����˰KOpuɠ~��$�,ٵ��-�w����N���r�j2W������-|&��©݈��P�]co��5��ڊ��7O�>;�I�9;��lE͕W5ЙkyJa%_�|HN_��V����4sJ$�9�8��E��XKkw E��9V���:�"����i�]�2�W�8� �`�H_�O}�s<9��"/=��~�Y��!��&����s�s_����w|u�����). -6-7---7-------6-|-9-7---7---------| Abm6 Bb7 D Ebmaj7 Cm7 I said to myself: this affair never will go so well. %���� -------------, Learn how to play exactly like Diana Krall. x��][�Gn~7��pgOo�/�!����`7ȃ��Yk,MV�qdi��Sd�3�9M��3"���e��_��E�X����m��׿�ח?|�s/^��������M��}ع]?�v�o���?�iw������/~�������/_~��_r;�>L=�j���n��?�ѻ����q�z�����_~���΅��}[��ݹ�f����u���������?���U��������_��ל��^\��/��������/����ӿ|������[� �0�^z"q�yr���(�,���� �����r�{�����>��t�k������O�>�ϗW��/}�ؽ��������U������������W��;���'�S��-? <> Under My Skin chords by Gin Wigmore with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. for guitar:} {A7} D -----------------|-----------------| ��ӥvuS����goD|����2��� nFo ��k%�|�Rڕ&����_�����~G��8�ԩ��X9�X����e�S-O�j~�V��3�/�8�� 1 0 obj Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more. ------0------ I’ve Got You Under My Skin Chords. Fm7 Bb7 Ebmaj7 Cm7 So deep in my heart, you're really a part of me. To find out more, read our Privacy Policy. Start playing this Four Seasons song from the "2nd Vault of Golden Hits" album released in 1966 with your ukulele right now! ;�����>�����;G��j�\�%Ly �w�M@��v*���L� �� ���/1 Like a thief, she can steal any grin that she can. We use cookies to give you the best experience on our site and show you relevant ads. 1,318 views, added to favorites 238 times. --6---6---2-- Under My Skin - Jukebox The Ghost Let Live & Let Ghosts - 2008 ~~~~~ [Intro] C [Verse 1] C How much can you fit under your skin? We turn, and spin right out of control. --5-------0-- Four Seasons I've Got You Under My Skin ukulele chords and strumming pattern are in this post! Am7 . endobj Key: A Chords: [A], [Em], [Bm], [E], [F#m], [Dm], [Bm] Strumming: D - DU - DU - DU (or D - D) Difficulty: Hard I've Got You Under My Skin Ukulele Chords Introdução: Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you deep in the heart of me Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 So deep in my heart you're nearly a part of me F#m Em7 A7 D7M D6 Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M D6 I've tried so not to give in Gm6 G/b A7 C# D7M D6 I said to myself, "This affair never can go so well" C#m5-/7 F#7 Fdim B7M But … I've Got You Under My Skin [A7]I've g[Em7]ot you [A7] under my s[DM7]kin;[Bm7] [A7]I've g[Em7]ot you [A7] deep in the h[DM7]eart of me,[Bm7] [D]So d[Em7]eep in my heart [A7] you're nearly a [DM7]part of me;[Bm7] [F#m]I've [Em7]got you [A7] under my s[DM7]kin. Tuning: E A D G B E. Key: Eb. A pores and skin tag is a really benign growth of your skin caused by affection of interior pores and skin cells and ordinarily would make free flesh of lifeless skins hanging about the area with the pores and skin. stream -----------------|-----------------|, v v v v v v v v P{��EWI,V+�g`�>y�� ------5---3-- UNDER MY SKIN Chords by Gin Wigmore. [Bb Dm F Em Am Ab Gm Eb A C D Bbm G Db Cm B Bm] Chords for Daina krall- under my skin with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Author DREWCHRISTIAN [a] 230. Chords. Fm7 Bb7 Ebmaj7 Cm7 I've got you deep in the heart of me. 2 for song by Frank Sinatra - Ive Got You Under My Skin. Jazz Piano tutorial on chords for I've got you Under My Skinlead sheet : http://bit.ly/2YVGveK endobj G7 . Download Pdf. 2 0 obj About Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin Ukulele Chords & Strumming Pattern "I've Got You Under My Skin" is a song by Jazz, Pop artist Frank Sinatra. Tune 1/2 step down, but play chords normally. cause Ive [Dm7] got you [G7] under my [Cmaj7] skin Important : The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. <>/Metadata 139 0 R/ViewerPreferences 140 0 R>> The original song is hosted at www.guitaretab.com . And before I can speak, we're dancing again. Em7 A7 Whoa-oa-oa (never win, never win) D Under my skin (never win, never win) Em7 A7 Baby (never win, never win) D Under my skin Am7/D D7 G Don't you know that each time I do Gm7 D/F# Just the thought of you makes me stop Before I begin D Dmaj7/C# D7/C G/B Gm6/Bb D/A 'Cause I've got you under my skin (under my skin) {winds/bass arr. ���*� Introdução: Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you deep in the heart of me Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 So deep in my heart you're nearly a part of me F#m Em7 A7 D7M D6 Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M D6 I've tried so not to give in Gm6 A7 C# D7M D6 I said to myself, "This affair never can go so well." <> It was released in 1946 on the album, titled "Easy to Love". 3 0 obj Eb7 Fm7 Bb7 Ebmaj7 Cm7 I've got you under my skin. Was this info helpful? I’ve Got You Under My Skin Tab Chords And Lyrics By Frank Sinatra Intro G—Dm7-G Dm7 Cmaj7 I've got you under my skin Dm7 Cmaj7 I've got you deep in the heart of me Dm7 G7 Cmaj7 So deep in my heart - that you're really a part of me -7-9---9-------9-|-7-9---9-------6-| ����� �ݶ>EJ1RH�U Chords ratings, diagrams and lyrics. [Am Eb E Bb D C G Dm Gm F A Bm] Chords for Ben l'Oncle Soul « I've got you under my skin » (Frank Sinatra cover) with song key, BPM, capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. �ښI���a�1h�e�̅�q"N���V���L�M�b �q�B����W��9�m�-���2?�}ȇ�q�O��=3Mg���������i�Mu�� �o@i*���Y%$�����`{���q� ��J0q�����-�p��&'1���>D�e�j��o+$�@+������PZ�,_.i E�F�f��Ã�f!�pa~���C���Á���x@C\9��̷0��O=�+�u����ք�&����$�ԝ~�sa��:���q�@uJ��x�/�^ݼ�]fH2��'DÅEN�.D�_h�߆����d��Ml��cS ��Y)[�O? I’ve got----- you----- under my skin----- . Free printable and easy chords ver. She's under my Em skin D A. Fm7 Bb7 Ebmaj7 Cm7 I've got you under my skin. How much can you fit under your skin? v v v v v v v v <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Under My Skin chords by Briston Maroney. Difficulty: novice. The key of Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin is A7. [Em D A E F# C# Bm G#m G Dm C B G# C#m F#m] Chords for Briston Maroney - Under My Skin with song key, BPM, capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Fm7 Bb7 Ebmaj7 Cm7 I'd tried so not to give in. 5,835 views, added to favorites 105 times. Tuning: E A D G B E. Author alisonrhunt [a] 52. endobj She carries a smile in her hand. -----------------|-----------------| Wherever she goes. -----------------|-----------------|, ------------- She kisses the scar on my chin. %PDF-1.5 Last edit on Feb 13, 2014. Introdução: Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you deep in the heart of me Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 So deep in my heart you're nearly a part of me F#m Em7 A7 D7M D6 Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M D6 I've tried so not to give in Gm6 G/b A7 C# D7M D6 I said to myself, "This affair never can go so well" C#m5-/7 F#7 Fdim B7M But … [Eb Cm Gm E F Dm Bb G Ebm C Gbm] Chords for I've Got You Under My Skin - Ella Fitzgerald with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Cmaj7 . 4 0 obj subscribe share tweet. DM7: X 0 0 2 2 … [F A G E Gb C Dm Am Ab Gm Bb D Bbm Db Bm Em Cm] Chords for Diana Krall - I've Got You Under My Skin with song key, BPM, capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. 4,696 views, added to favorites 392 times. | Dm . . I've Got You Under My Skin is considered under Jazz, Pop genre. -7-8---8-------8-|-7-8---8-------5-| Rory O'Donoghue gives a solo performance of a jazz classic. How to play Introdução: Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 I've got you deep in the heart of me Em7 A7 D7M Bm7 So deep in my heart you're nearly a part of me F#m Em7 A7 D7M D6 Bm7 I've got you under my skin Em7 A7 D7M D6 I've tried so not to give in Gm6 G/B A7 C# D7M D6 I said to myself, "This affair never can go so well" C#m5-/7 F#7 Fdim B7M But …
under my skin chords 2021