the iran project wiki

[281] When specifically questioned about the potential use of nuclear weapons against Iran, President Bush claimed that "All options were on the table". You can help International Entertainment Project Wikia by expanding it. Our documentation resides on its own site and this wiki is strictly a contributor workspace. [278], IAEA officials complained in 2007 that most US intelligence shared with it to date about Iran's nuclear program proved to be inaccurate, and that none had led to significant discoveries inside Iran through that time.[279]. [220], On 16 November, the IAEA released a report showing continued expansion in Iranian uranium enrichment capabilities. by Muhammad Sahimi,, 7 October 2008", "Israel says it holds a trove of documents from Iran's secret nuclear weapons archive", Netanyahu’s Iran Revelations Were Aimed at an Audience of One, and Iran’s Atomic Archive: What’s New and What’s Not, Iran Was Closer to a Nuclear Bomb Than Intelligence Agencies Thought, "ASIL Insights:Iran's Resumption of its Nuclear Program: Addendum", "Safeguards Agreement between Iran and the IAEA (INFCIRC/214) 12-13-74", "North Korean Links to Building of a Nuclear Reactor in Syria: Implications for International Law", "Nuclear Non-proliferation – how to ensure an effective compliance mechanism", "Adherence to and Compliance With Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and Disarmament Agreements and Commitments", "Congressional Research Service: Iran's Nuclear Program: Tehran's Compliance with International Obligations", "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Deterring Safeguards Violations", "SAGSI: Its Role and Contribution to Safeguards Development", "Safeguards in a Broader Policy Perspective: Verifying Treaty Compliance", "Security Council Demands Iran Suspend Uranium Enrichment by 31 August, or Face Possible Economic, Diplomatic Sanctions", American approach towards the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), "FM lashes out at big powers' nuclear apartheid", "Iran's Mottaki quoted: will not suspend research", "Embassy of the United States in Russia: Briefing by Secretary Condoleezza Rice En Route to London, England", "Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Statement of Richard N. Haass (March 3, 2009)", "IRAN: Nuclear Negotiations – Council on Foreign Relations", An Unnecessary Crisis: Setting the Record Straight about Iran's Nuclear Program, "Transcript: 'Response ... will be a positive one' – Nightly News with Brian Williams", "Iran's nuclear program is peaceful-Financial Times, 9 September 2004, by Gareth Smyth", "Disarmament Diplomacy, Issue No. Register Start a Wiki. After some delay in responding, on 29 October, Ahmadinejad voiced an openness towards cooperation with other world powers. Facing Israel means facing the US. [366], On 24 November, the foreign ministers of Iran and the P5+1 agreed to a six-month interim deal that involves the freezing of key parts of the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for a decrease in sanctions, to provide time to negotiate a permanent agreement. We mostly recommend, and proudly present: [48], From the beginning of the 1990s, Russia formed a joint research organization with Iran called Persepolis which provided Iran with Russian nuclear experts, and technical information. The following is a list of things you can do: The following recent articles have been identified by a bot as being possibly related to Iran: Rules | Match log | Results page (for watching) | Last updated: 2021-04-07 20:07 (UTC). According to the Israelis, the documents and files (which it shared with European countries and the United States),[380] demonstrated that the Iranian AMAD Project aimed to develop nuclear weapons,[381] that Iran had a nuclear program when it claimed to have "largely suspended it", and that there were two nuclear sites in Iran that had been hidden from inspectors. Cleanup listing for this project is available. The talks deadlocked after Iran imposed two preconditions: recognition of Iran's right to enrich uranium and dropping the United Nations economic sanctions on Tehran. [168] Iran says that since the reactor is not in a position to receive nuclear material the IAEA's request for access was not justified, and requested that the IAEA not schedule an inspection to verify design information. This report opened the way for UN Security Council sanctions against Iran. "[30] Make Wikipedia a primary and reliable source of Iran related information. I hope that it would be perceived as a win-win situation. Templates . [383] On 5 November 2019, Iranian nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi announced that Iran will enrich uranium to 5% at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant, adding the country had the capability to enrich uranium to 20% if needed. [217], In response to this report, the IAEA Board of Governors on 13 September passed a resolution that rebuked Iran for defying UN Security Council resolutions to suspend uranium enrichment and called on Iran to allow inspections of evidence that it is pursuing weapons technology. [330] A number of reports suggested that Venezuela was helping Iran to obtain uranium and evade international sanctions. [385], In January 2020, following the killing of Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, Iran stated that it would no longer abide by the JCPOA's restrictions on its enrichment program. [273], The negotiations between Ahmadinejad's government and the P5+1 group did not end the dispute due to Iran's firm stance on not suspending uranium enrichment. "[148], 15 November 2007, IAEA report found that on nine outstanding issues listed in the August 2007 workplan, including experiments on the P-2 centrifuge and work with uranium metals, "Iran's statements are consistent with ... information available to the agency," but it warned that its knowledge of Tehran's present atomic work was shrinking due to Iran's refusal to continue voluntarily implementing the Additional Protocol, as it had done in the past under the October 2003 Tehran agreement and the November 2004 Paris agreement. Iran dismissed the IAEA's report on the possible military dimensions to its nuclear program as based on "unfounded allegations." [224], On 21 February, the IAEA released a report showing continued expansion in Iranian uranium enrichment capabilities. The Iron Giant would only allow his suit to activate its defense weapons in self defense but it is hard to control his suit's' def… [161], The IAEA also reported that it had held a series of meetings with Iranian officials to resolve the outstanding issues including the "alleged studies" into nuclear weaponization which were listed in the May 2008 IAEA report. 22 (March 1992), p. 28. Bolton said that when the deadline passes "a little flag will go up." [230], Interviews and surveys show that the majority of Iranians in all groups favor their country's nuclear program. 118 Pages. Lead negotiators met again 7–8 November to negotiate that framework, joined at the end by Foreign Ministers from the P5+1, but despite extending the talks past midnight 9 November were unable to agree on that framework and agreed instead to meet again 20 November. They sent a separate team to Muscat to negotiate a nuclear deal through a back channel with the White House. [1] In 1970, Iran ratified the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT),[2] making its nuclear program subject to the IAEA's verification. [196] The IAEA later assessed that Iran has been conducting experiments to develop nuclear weapons capability. [169] Iran says that for the six years the Agency has been considering its case, the IAEA has not found any evidence to prove that Tehran is seeking a nuclear weapon. [242] Iran's contracts with other nations to obtain nuclear reactors were also known to the IAEA – but support for the contracts was withdrawn after "a U.S. special national intelligence estimate declared that while 'Iran's much publicized nuclear power intentions are entirely in the planning stage,' the ambitions of the shah could lead Iran to pursue nuclear weapons, especially in the shadow of India's successful nuclear test in May 1974". Iran ceased its implementation of the Additional Protocol in 2006, and also ceased all other cooperation with the IAEA beyond what Iran acknowledged it was required to provide under its safeguards agreement, after the IAEA Board of Governors decided, in February 2006, to report Iran's safeguards non-compliance to the UN Security Council. Iran stated that there had been no such activities in Iran. Threats of the use of nuclear weapons against another country constitute a violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 984 and the International Court of Justice advisory opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. At the time, Iran was not even required to inform the IAEA of the existence of the facility. 1981 in Iran, 1981 in Iraq, Military operations of the Iran–Iraq War by year, 1981 in military history Military operations of the Iran–Iraq War in 1981 Category page Some believe this prediction to be the coming of a World War III. Qatar / Iran: Exploitant Qatar Petroleum - National Iranian Oil Company: Historique; Découverte 1971 Début de la production 1989 Géolocalisation sur la carte : golfe Persique North Dome, North Field ou encore South Pars est un gisement offshore de gaz naturel situé à cheval entre les eaux territoriales de l'Iran et du Qatar dans le golfe Persique. "[267] Abassi's allegations were viewed by some Western experts as providing a potential pretext for Iran to officially downgrade its level of cooperation with the IAEA. Les relations entre l'Iran et le Hamas consistent en une aide militaire, financière et politique au Hamas, qui est une organisation considérée comme terroriste par de nombreux États et vouée à la destruction d'Israël par le djihad.Le Hezbollah et le Jihad islamique palestinien partagent la même idéologie et sont considérés comme des « proxy » de l'Iran qui a le même objectif. He said in his view the United States needs to make it clear to the Iranians that their alleged development of nuclear weapons and funding of organizations "like Hamas and Hezbollah," and threats against Israel are "unacceptable. [185], In May 2010, the IAEA issued a report that Iran had declared production of over 2.5 metric tons of low-enriched uranium, which would be enough if further enriched to make two nuclear weapons, and that Iran has refused to answer inspectors’ questions on a variety of activities, including what the agency called the "possible military dimensions" of Iran's nuclear program. Moreover, this chapter in the confrontation with Iran is infused with the memory of the faulty intelligence on Iraq's unconventional arms. [215], In a briefing to the Board of Governors on this report in early September 2012, IAEA Deputy Director General Herman Nackaerts and Assistant Director General Rafael Grossi displayed satellite images for its member states which allegedly demonstrate Iranian efforts to remove incriminating evidence from its facility at Parchin, or a "nuclear clean-up." [134] In August 2007, Iran and the IAEA entered into an agreement on the modalities for resolving remaining outstanding issues,[135] and made progress in outstanding issues except for the question of "alleged studies" of weaponization by Iran. Construction of one small building at the same place where a building of similar size had previously been demolished. "[311], In April 2018, Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State nominee at the time, said that he believed that Iran had not been "racing" to develop a nuclear weapon before the finalization of the Iran deal and that it would not do so if the deal were to unravel, although he favored a "fix" of the deal.[312]. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Tehran Housing, Iran, Central Pavilion (1981) . [6], In May 2003, shortly after the US invasion of Iraq, elements of the Iranian government of Mohammad Khatami made a confidential proposal for a "Grand Bargain" through Swiss diplomatic channels. [137] The IAEA did not detect the actual use of nuclear material in connection with the alleged studies and said it regrets it was unable to provide Iran with copies of the documentation concerning the alleged studies, but said the documentation was comprehensive and detailed, and therefore needed to be taken seriously. Welcome to the Public Diplomacy Wiki, an online database for public diplomacy scholars and practitioners. That offer stands, but it must be real and tangible, and there has to be an agenda that they’re prepared to speak to. [225], Fordow, the nuclear facility near Qom, contains 16 cascades, equally divided between Unit 1 and Unit 2, with a total of 2,710 centrifuges. Project Related Templates. After August 2019!) Iran and the IAEA in February 2003 agreed to modify a provision in the Subsidiary Arrangement to its safeguards agreement (Code 3.1) to require such access. The report does not indicate whether Iran accepted or rejected these proposals. However, questions about the authenticity of the documents persist, with claims that the documents were obtained either from Israel or the People's Mujahedin of Iran, an Iranian dissident group based on Islamic and Socialist ideology officially considered to be a terrorist organization by the United States, and that investigations into the alleged studies are intended to reveal intelligence about Iran's conventional weapons programs. This template is within the scope of WikiProject Iran, an attempt to build a comprehensive and detailed guide to articles related to Iran on Wikipedia. Shrouding of the containment vessel building. [382] In July 2019, the IAEA confirmed that Iran has breached both the 300 kg enriched uranium stockpile limit and the 3.67% refinement limit. Some diplomats reportedly dismissed the new allegations as being "of doubtful value ... relatively insignificant and coming too late. If there is actual evidence, ElBaradei said he would welcome seeing it. [280] Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh reported that, according to military officials, the Bush administration had plans for the use of nuclear weapons against "underground Iranian nuclear facilities". Iranian officials shrugged off approval of the resolution by 25 members of the Board, but the US and its allies hinted at new UN sanctions if Iran remained defiant. In May 2018, former U.S. … Panel from Iran. more. [127], Iran responded to the demand to stop enrichment of uranium 24 August 2006, offering to return to the negotiation table but refusing to end enrichment. "[219] The resolution was introduced jointly by China, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. [57], In 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) first reported that Iran had not declared sensitive enrichment and reprocessing activities. [395] In February 2021, Iran’s Foreign Ministry confirmed that the country has informed IAEA about its plans to reduce the commitments made to the agency, alongside limiting the IAEA’s access to Iran’s nuclear facilities. [61][101] On the question of whether Iran had a hidden nuclear weapons program, the IAEA's November 2003 report states that it found "no evidence" that the previously undeclared activities were related to a nuclear weapons program, but also that it was unable to conclude that Iran's nuclear program was exclusively peaceful. Nevertheless, the report reiterated that the IAEA would not be able to verify the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program unless Iran adopted "transparency measures" which exceeded its safeguards agreement with the IAEA, since the IAEA does not verify the absence of undeclared nuclear activities in any country unless the Additional Protocol is in force. [108] Mohammad Saeedi, the deputy head of Iran's atomic energy organization rejected the offer, terming it "very insulting and humiliating"[108] and other independent analysts characterized the EU offer as an "empty box". Country Project Wiki. Anthony H. Cordesman, "Iran and Nuclear Weapons: A Working Draft," Center for Strategic and International Studies, 7 February 2000; "Iran Atomic Energy Agency Head Goes to Bushehr," BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, 24 June 1989. [283] The policy of using nuclear weapons on a first-strike basis against non-nuclear opponents is a violation of the US Negative Security Assurance pledge not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear members of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) such as Iran. China and Iran are rumored to be finalizing a $400 billion deal which would deepen economic, political, and militarily ties between two of America's chief adversaries. [104] The talks made little progress because of the divergent positions of the two sides. MCKAY, H. The Cento Institute of Nuclear Science in Tehran. [111], Around 2005, Germany refused to export any more nuclear equipment or refund money paid by Iran for such equipment in the 1980s. Mark Hibbs, "US in 1983 stopped IAEA from helping Iran make UF6", Nuclear Fuel, 4 August 2003. According to the IAEA report itself, the IAEA had "not detected the use of nuclear material in connection with the alleged studies, nor does it have credible information in this regard." This article is within the scope of WikiProject Iran, an attempt to build a comprehensive and detailed guide to articles related to Iran on Wikipedia. [33][36], In 1981, Iranian governmental officials concluded that the country's nuclear development should continue. [325] Iran said the plant was for peaceful purposes and would take between a year and a half to two years to complete, and that the notice Iran had given had exceeded the 180 days before insertion of nuclear materials the IAEA safeguards agreement that Iran was following required. Although Iran has been found in non-compliance with some aspects of its IAEA safeguards obligations, Iran has not been in breach of its obligations under the terms of the NPT. [150], Israel criticised IAEA reports on Iran as well as the former IAEA-director ElBaradei. This request was dropped four days later. These meetings are intended to resolve concerns about Iran's nuclear program. [321] At the meeting, which included Avigdor Lieberman, Ehud Barak and Shaul Mofaz, the Israelis demanded a guaranteed timetable for cessation of all uranium enrichment by Iran, the removal of all enriched uranium, and the dismantlement of the underground facility at Fordo. [348][349] France's Prime Minister called the agreement a "positive step" toward resolving the Iran nuclear program dispute, if Iran were to cease uranium enrichment altogether. In 1987–88, Argentina's National Atomic Energy Commission signed an agreement with Iran to help in converting the reactor from highly enriched uranium fuel to 19.75 per cent low-enriched uranium, and to supply the low-enriched uranium to Iran. Opinion. [128], A congressional report released on 23 August 2006, summarized the documentary history of Iran's nuclear program, but also made allegations against the IAEA. [260], Following the November 2009 IAEA Board of Governors resolution demanding Iran immediately stop building its newly revealed nuclear facility and freeze uranium enrichment, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs avoided mentioning sanctions but indicated harsher measures were possible unless Iran compromised: "If Iran refuses to meet its obligations, then it will be responsible for its own growing isolation and the consequences." "Russia is providing the fuel, and taking the fuel back out," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in August. Once the matter is resolved, then the file is closed.[401]. Therefore, the report recommended that the United States should increase sanctions on Iran in order to curb its ability to develop weapon-grade uranium. DVD were a batch, th… [262], In March 2009 Iran announced plans to open the Bushehr nuclear power plant to tourism as a way to highlight their peaceful nuclear intentions. The following day (22 September) IAEA Director General ElBaradei informed the United States, and two days later (24 September) the United States, United Kingdom and France briefed the IAEA on an enrichment facility under construction at an underground location at Fordu, 42 kilometres (26 mi) north of Qom. "[156], According to the report, the IAEA shared intelligence with Iran recently provided by the US regarding "alleged studies" on a nuclear weaponization program. In part, that is because American officials, citing the need to protect their source, have largely refused to provide details of the origins of the laptop computer beyond saying that they obtained it in mid-2004 from a longtime contact in Iran. [106], The IAEA Board of Governors deferred a formal decision on Iran's nuclear case for two years after 2003, while Iran continued cooperation with the EU-3. The first operations were during the 1960s with support of Iran… [100] Iran attributes its failure to report certain acquisitions and activities on US obstructionism, which reportedly included pressuring the IAEA to cease providing technical assistance to Iran's uranium conversion program in 1983. [49] President Boris Yeltsin had a "two track policy" offering commercial nuclear technology to Iran and discussing the issues with Washington. We did not use chemical weapons against Iraq. Nuclear bombs belong to the 20th century. [356] Iran's atomic energy chief said the agreement left world powers no reason to continue to pressure Iran regarding its nuclear program. Under the terms of the Paris Agreement,[102] on 14 November 2004, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator announced a voluntary and temporary suspension of its uranium enrichment program (enrichment is not a violation of the NPT) and the voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol, after pressure from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany acting on behalf of the European Union (EU, known in this context as the EU-3). Dismantlement and reconstruction of the annex to the other large building. Energy ‘Major Part of Equipment for Iran Tube System Produced Domestically’ Transportation.
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