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The EU’s foreign and security policy enables it to speak and act as one in world affairs, allowing the Member States to tackle challenges they cannot solve alone and ensuring the security and prosperity of EU citizens. Regional policy is jointly managed by the European Commission and the Member States and their regions, which choose the projects that will be co-financed by the EU, under programmes agreed in advance with the European Commission. officially signs) a number of agreements between the European Union and non-EU countries, and also with international organisations. The EU also provides humanitarian aid to refugees and migrants in countries outside the EU, and supports work to address the root causes of irregular migration. information exchange between national law enforcement, customs agencies and border guards; operational cooperation, with the support of EU agencies; training, exchange of best practice, funding, research and innovation. In the wake of the crisis the EU carried out ambitious reforms to strengthen the financial system and the EU’s ability to deal with future financial and economic shocks. The multiannual financial framework lays down the maximum annual amounts (ceilings) that the EU may spend in different categories of expenditure (headings). They provide opinions on proposed legislative acts. EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal, also helps connect jobseekers and companies offering a job. Citizens can share their views on Commission initiatives at key stages of the policymaking and law-making process. The Parliament’s consent is required for all international agreements in fields covered by the ordinary legislative procedure. Authors: Verena Graichen, Jakob Graichen, Sean Healy (Öko-Institut e.V.) Whether they conduct these studies within or outside the EU, developers conducting studies to support the marketing authorisation of a medicine in the EU have to comply with strict rules. This conciliation procedure has become rare. The presidency of the Council of the European Union is responsible for the functioning of the Council of the European Union, is the co-legislator of the EU legislature alongside the European Parliament. The number of deaths on Europe’s roads halved between 1992 and 2010. The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. Leading European politicians and analysts comment on the UK's role in the EU and what a UK "in or out" referendum would mean. It applies in all areas. The EU continues to remove hurdles that prevent citizens, governments and businesses from taking full advantage of the internet. make lifelong learning and mobility a reality; improve the quality and efficiency of education and training; promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; and. There is not as yet a fully integrated EU single market for consumer financial services, which still operate largely on a national basis. Generally it is the European Commission that proposes new laws and the European Parliament and the Council that adopt them. The European Council generally decides issues by unanimity, or by qualified majority in some cases. The newly-established European Public Prosecutor’s Office, due to start work in 2020, will investigate, prosecute and bring to judgment crimes against the EU budget, such as fraud, corruption or serious cross-border VAT fraud. The principle of equality between women and men underpins all European policies and is the basis for European integration. Turkey is a key partner of the EU in essential areas such as migration, counterterrorism, energy, transport, the economy and trade. EU consumer policy safeguards consumers’ rights, ensures products are safe, helps people make informed choices when they buy goods and services, and offers tools to solve problems if something goes wrong. The unique feature of the EU is that, although the Member States all remain sovereign and independent states, they have decided to pool some of their ‘sovereignty’ in areas where it makes sense to work together. While it is clear that no candidate is ready yet, in the future the Member States will be greater in number. The Member States and the EU institution or institutions concerned then implement them. The EU’s trade policy covers trade in goods and services, but also matters such as the commercial aspects of intellectual property and foreign direct investment. The European Commission is the main institution that runs the day-to-day business of the EU. The annual EU budget in 2019 was around €165.8 billion – a large sum in absolute terms, but only about 1% of the wealth generated by the economies of the Member States every year. To safeguard people from environment-related pressures and risks to health and well-being, EU policy aims to guarantee safe drinking and bathing water, improve air quality, reduce noise and reduce or eliminate the effects of harmful chemicals. The programme concentrates action in three key areas: The EU is working to safeguard natural resources and halt the decline of endangered species and habitats. Deployment decisions are made jointly by national ministers from EU countries. However, in the face of increasing competition, the EU needs to get better at turning excellent research and innovative ideas into successful products and technologies. It will start in 2020 and run for two years, bringing together citizens of all ages from across the EU, as well as civil society and European institutions. Institutional corruption, however, is not the only threat. The EU is often observed as a leader in global environmental politics, but its leadership role can nowadays also be questioned, especially in the area of climate change. Trade is a common policy, which means that international trade agreements are negotiated and signed by the EU rather than by individual member states. The European Parliament is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the EU. Each year the Council concludes (i.e. Through the web portal Have Your Say, citizens and stakeholders can contribute in different ways. It enables most goods, services, money and people to move freely. While national governments are responsible for setting tax rates and collecting taxes, the EU ensures that people or businesses from another Member State are not discriminated against and that taxes do not hinder the EU’s single market. The relevant directorate-general then takes up the subject. Corruption and fraud can seriously harm the economy and undermine the trust of citizens in democratic institutions and processes. Since it was founded in 1957 the EU has grown from six countries to 27. The Investment Plan for Europe, adopted in November 2014, uses public guarantees to stimulate private investment. It then monitors how these recommendations are implemented. National parliaments monitor the correct application of this principle in EU decision-making and can give ‘reasoned opinions’ when they consider that the principle is not being respected. When a case of suspected corruption or fraud of EU funds is assessed and proved to be substantiated by the European Anti-Fraud Office, an investigation is launched. The benefits of an enhanced international role … While the organisation of healthcare is the responsibility of individual Member States, the EU complements national policies to achieve shared objectives. They work on issues and problems affecting the everyday lives of people living in the EU. The feedback period for Commission proposals is 8 weeks, after which the contributions are passed to the Parliament and the Council to be considered in their negotiations. It maintains a balance between being open and ensuring that rules are respected and that EU industries are protected against unfair trade and unjustified barriers. Following the White Paper, the Commission contributed to the debate with a series of thematic reflection papers offering different options for the EU in certain policy areas: the social dimension of Europe; harnessing globalisation; the deepening of economic and monetary union; the future of European defence; and the future of EU finances. It makes its decisions without seeking or taking instructions from governments or other EU institutions. The current candidate countries are: Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. If a private individual or a company has suffered damage as a result of action or inaction by an EU institution or its staff they can take action against them in the Court, in one of two ways: If someone considers that the authorities in any country have infringed EU law they can follow the official complaints procedure. The EU’s customs policy currently focuses on the following areas: The EU works to preserve Europe’s shared cultural heritage and make it accessible to all. The European Union (EU) - The European Union (EU) consists of 28 member countries, united for economic and political cooperation. The EU is a unique organisation, in that its Member States have set up common institutions to which they delegate some of their sovereignty so that decisions on specific matters of joint interest can be made democratically at the European level. Foreword . There may be police checks, based on police information and experience, that are not equivalent to border checks. The treaties lay down the objectives of the European Union and set out the rules on how the EU institutions operate, how decisions are made and the relationship between the EU and its Member States. cartels or other illegal arrangements between companies to avoid competing with each other or to set artificially high prices; cases where major players abuse their dominant position on markets to try to squeeze out competitors or charge excessive prices; company mergers and takeovers that could restrict competition in the single market; promoting competition culture internationally so that EU companies enjoy fair competition on markets elsewhere in the world. In general, decisions are made by consensus, but votes can also take place. EU countries are responsible for their own education and training systems, but the EU helps them achieve quality education through the exchange of good practice, setting targets and benchmarks and providing funding and expertise. In 2017 the EU adopted new rules for the external Schengen borders to reinforce checks on all people, including European citizens, against relevant databases, to make sure that they do not represent a threat to public policy or internal security. In this case, decisions are made by simple majority, with every Commissioner having one vote. It elects the President of the European Commission and plays a key role in vetting Commissioner-designates through individual hearings. The EU protects our seas and oceans, while ensuring that they remain economically and environmentally sustainable as a driver for jobs, growth and innovation. Under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), the EU operates civilian and military missions worldwide. The EU is not simply a single market for goods and services. For example, while the euro is the single currency of the EU as a whole, the euro area currently comprises only 19 Member States, while Denmark has an opt-out and the remaining countries do not yet meet the criteria for joining. In the Mediterranean, the EU has launched Operation "Sophia" as part of the wider EU efforts to disrupt the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Southern Central Mediterranean and prevent the further loss of life at sea. negotiates and adopts EU laws, together with the European Parliament, based on proposals from the European Commission; develops the EU’s foreign and security policy, based on European Council guidelines; concludes agreements between the EU and other countries or international organisations; adopts the annual EU budget jointly with the European Parliament. by freephone: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (certain operators may charge for these calls), at the following standard number: 00 32 2 299 9696 or. The EU’s transport policy helps keep the European economy moving by developing a modern infrastructure network that makes journeys quicker and safer, all while promoting sustainable and digital solutions. Besides promoting better health and well-being, sport can help tackle issues such as racism, social exclusion and gender inequality. The EU has made human rights a central aspect of its foreign relations and expresses this focus in political dialogues with third countries, in its development policy and aid, and in its participation in multilateral forums, such as the United Nations. Humanitarian aid is provided according to vulnerability criteria and needs assessments. The euro, in circulation since 2002 and used by more than 340 million people in 19 Member States, is the world’s second most important currency after the US dollar. Europe needs efficient transport connections to drive trade, growth, and employment. The global strategy set the following five priorities for EU action: The EU supports countries facing conflict and crisis. In certain specific cases, not all Member States participate in all areas of EU policy. Through the Interreg programmes, regional policy pays particular attention to the needs and potential of border regions. the European Parliament,; the European Council (of Heads of State or Government),; the Council of the European Union (of national Ministers, a Council for each area of responsibility), To ensure that EU action meets its objectives in the most efficient way, the European Commission assesses the expected and actual impacts of policies, legislation, and other important measures. Protecting the environment and promoting sustainable growth go hand in hand. Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Europe’s rich cultural heritage and dynamic creative sectors bring immense enrichment, pleasure and a sense of identity to millions of people. The EU stands for open and fair trade and fights against protectionism. Environmental challenges know no boundaries. boost excellent science, including through the, promote industrial leadership in areas such as nanotechnologies, biotechnology and information and communications technology, and through support for companies and entrepreneurs; and. Every proposal for a new EU legal act is in accordance with a particular article of a treaty, which is called the legal basis of the proposal. Ultimately, the EP argues that this will be an “era of re-definition” in which the EU should play a crucial role. Please click here for the latest information from the European Commission on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, including travel advice. Enlargement policy is therefore instrumental in encouraging and helping countries to achieve three key criteria: During the enlargement process the Commission helps countries wishing to join the EU to meet the necessary criteria for membership, and supports them in implementing the related economic and democratic reforms. The EU has dedicated over €10 billion to dealing with the refugee crisis, financing projects to address the most urgent humanitarian needs of refugees arriving on European shores. Human rights are protected by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. A population in good health is also good for the economy, and therefore the EU’s ambition is to ensure the accessibility, effectiveness and resilience of health systems in the EU. The Commission monitors the assistance Member State governments give to businesses to ensure that it does not give certain companies an unfair advantage over their competitors. To accompany their transition to fully-fledged democracy, the European Neighbourhood Policy aims to maintain solid and friendly relations with countries at the European Union's borders. Together, the EU and its member states provide more than half of official development assistance (ODA) globally. The EU has set up a number of other initiatives to make it easier for people to study, train or work abroad. The EU countries have given final jurisdiction in matters of EU law to the European Court of Justice, whose judgments have to be respected by all. The European Council, based in Brussels, is made up of the Heads of State or Government of all of the EU Member States, the President of the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Early attempts to set up a defence union were largely unsuccessful. It uses trade defence and market access measures to defend its companies and citizens against unfair competition and unfair trade practices. The EU contributes to the creation of more and better jobs across Europe, and aims for decent social standards for all its citizens, including through the €86.4 billion European Social Fund. Any citizen, resident, association or business of an EU Member State can make a complaint to the Ombudsman. The EU offers its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal borders. Most of the actual implementation and spending is done by national and local authorities but the Commission is responsible for supervising it. establish a common consolidated corporate tax base in the EU and a financial transaction tax. In order to reach these goals and address the diverse development needs of all EU regions, €259.7 billion, a quarter of the total EU budget, is available for regional policy in 2014-2020. Here are a few examples of the roles the EU plays beyond its borders: Internationally, the EU has led and supported peace talks around the world to facilitate solutions in conflicts worldwide such as for example: In July 2015, following years of EU-led diplomacy, a historic international agreement was reached on Iran’s nuclear programme. Following the adoption of the European Union’s counter-terrorism strategy in 2005, the EU Strategy for combating radicalization and recruitment to terrorism has increasingly emphasized the ‘internal-external security nexus’ and ⋙ The EU is the world’s biggest knowledge factory, accounting for almost a third of global science and technology production. In addition, more than 1 600 European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) officers are now helping Member States’ national border guards to patrol in places like Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Spain. The 2008 financial crisis showed that no single EU country can manage the financial sector and supervise financial stability risks alone. It acts to promote economic growth and financial stability in the euro area by coordinating economic policies. View Video. The Parliament, the Council and the Commission must consult the European Committee of the Regions (of which Karl-Heinz Lambertz is the President) on matters of relevance to the regions. The benefits for consumers should also be significant in terms of their rights to change energy suppliers, lower household bills, and quality of life issues such as less air pollution. The presidency is not an individual, but rather the position is held by a national government. Then the national governments (acting through the Council of the European Union) and the directly elected European Parliament approve the EU budget, usually before the beginning of the year.
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