Some Shopify themes may remove the Add to Cart button when there is no stock. I am trying to remove the add to cart button on the Debut theme and I can't get it to work. 0. In the online code editor of collection page find to the loop {% for product in collection.products %} add the below code. {{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t }} I didn't exactly have theme.scss.liquid, I had theme.js, does that make a difference? If you're using a paid theme, then your theme was made by a third-party developer and Shopify's Support team can't help you with it. Asset->/theme.scss.liquid->paste below code at the bottom of the file. Re: How to create a custom link call to action button? Our customers are reporting an instant sales boost when they added the nice button to their store., debut theme - change font colour on collection image. Automatically updates the cart when a change is made to a product(s) quantity. Go to Online Store->Theme->Edit code2. Even if I delete the contents of product.liquid and product-template.liquid, the product displays just fine. To hide dynamic checkout buttons on product pages on Android (Click here) Step 1: Tap Store Open your Shopify app, then tap Store. The steps for this tutorial differ depending on whether you are using a sectioned or a non-sectioned theme. Debut - Remove Add to Cart Button - Changes to product code aren't updating for the product. If you're using a paid theme, then your theme was made by a third-party developer and Shopify's Support team can't help you with it. Re: How to optimize banner size for desktop and mobile? ,