royal geographical society
The RGS-IBG also holds manuscript materials from the mid sixteenth century onwards, aerial photography from 1919 and contemporary satellite images. Foyle Reading Room Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) 1 Kensington Gore London England SW7 2AR View on map. Visit website. In 1902 they awarded khan Bahadur Sher Jang a Sword of Honour (the Black Memorial) in recognition of his valuable services to geography. Royal Geographical Society (RGS), British group founded as the Geographical Society of London in 1830. Join us today, Society membership is open to anyone with a passion for geography, Royal Geographical Society
Slawson Awards is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Royal … By placing a booking, you are permitting us to store and use your (and any other attendees) details in order to fulfil the booking. Information, maps, charts and knowledge gathered on expeditions was sent to the RGS, making up its now unique geographical collections. Friends disconnected: How mobile work … More than 70 projects are supported each year and in excess of £180,000 is awarded annually. Founded in 1830 to promote the advancement of geographical sciences, the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) is today a 16,000-member professional organization. London, SW7 2AR. [24], Since 1994, the Society has recorded the majority of its Monday night lectures – Society members and Fellows can watch selected lectures from 2006 onwards online. The RGS-IBG also supports academics attending geographical conferences around the world. [31], 21st Century Challenges is the Society's discussion series that aims to improve public understanding of, and engagement with, some of the big issues likely to affect our lives and society in the coming years. The geographers in the cupboard: Narrating the history of Geography using undergraduate dissertations. The council consists of 36 members, 22 of which are elected by fellows and serve for a three-year term. These documents contain details of the achievements and research results of expeditions to almost every country of the world. It includes one million sheets of maps and charts, 3000 atlases, 40 globes and 1000 gazetteers. Please note that we are currently only receiving post once a week. He's such an amazing guy and so great that he came to speak here. Chartered geographer (teacher) is a professional accreditation available to teachers who can demonstrate competence, experience and professionalism in the use of geographical knowledge or skills in and out of the classroom, and who are committed to maintaining their professional standards through ongoing continuing professional development (CPD). [1], The Society also works together with other existing bodies serving the geographical community, in particular the Geographical Association and the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. The premises in Savile Row were sold and the present site, Lowther Lodge in Kensington Gore, was purchased for £100,000[3] and opened for use in April 1913. In 1870, the Society finally found a home when it moved to 1 Savile Row, London – an address that quickly became associated with adventure and travel. [19], The library collection holds over 150,000 bound volumes which date primarily from the foundation of the Society in 1830 onwards, and focus on the history and geography of places worldwide. Since launching, online guides have been published for more than 25 flight paths, including London to Johannesburg, New York City to Los Angeles, Sydney to Singapore, Madrid to Rio de Janeiro. We will not use your details for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. Browse our catalogue of award-winning resources to enhance geographical learning. Grants are available for both human and physical geography projects, in any area of the world. [12], The society also presents many awards to geographers that have contributed to the advancement of geography. [39] Developed in partnership between Hidden Journeys and the IFE software company Airborne Interactive, the enhanced map is available for the Singapore-London route on the airline's brand new Boeing 777-300ER (flight number SQ308 and SQ319), and features a range of geographical facts and highlights, photography and maps, all curated by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). Telephone: 020 7591 3044 Fax: 020 7591 3001 Email: [13], The most prestigious of these awards are the Gold Medals (Founder's Medal 1830 and the Patron's Medal 1838). The talks are held at the Society's headquarters in South Kensington, London, with all talks available to watch online along with additional information. In addition to the elected trustees, there are honorary members—who include the Duke of Kent as honorary president—who sit on the council. Registered Charity, 208791 You can also watch a selection of our past talks online. Royal Geographical Society, Lowther Lodge, London, This image was taken circa 1920 and shows the Council Room, which is now the Tea Room. Walks are themed according to the landscape in which they are located, including built, prehistoric, historic, working, hidden and changing landscapes. In total the society awards 17 medals and awards including Honorary Membership and Fellowships. The Society produces cases studies, lesson plans and activity ideas for an all levels of learning, from KS1 up to post-GCSE. In January 1927, the Royal Geographical Society, close to 2 years after the party's last message, declared and accepted the men as lost. Applicants must be of at least 21 years of age and provide evidence of a body of relevant work; alternatively, a previous five-year commitment at the regular member level (less, at the council's discretion) is also considered for eligibility. [38], In December 2013, Singapore Airlines began a trial of an enhanced moving map that featured Hidden Journeys content. The Society’s Climate Change Research Group have announced the winners of their competition seeking the most effective, original and engaging ways to encourage action on climate change. Extracted from his journal, and from papers transmitted to the Right Honorable the Secretary of State for the colonies, and by him communicated to the … Please login to continue. The RGS and IBG co-existed for 60 years until 1992 when a merger was discussed. HIRE OUR VENUE
Independent travel grants support geographical expeditions. The Society's Research and Study Groups bring together active researchers and professional geographers in particular areas of geography. Die Royal Geographical Society (RGS; deutsch Königliche Geographische Gesellschaft) in London ist eine Gelehrtengesellschaft, die sich der Förderung von Forschung und Lehre und der Verbreitung von Wissen zur Geographie verschrieben hat. We support cutting-edge geographical research through a wide range of activities in higher education and beyond. [citation needed], With the advent of a more systematic study of geography, the Institute of British Geographers (IBG) was formed in 1933, by thirteen geographers including Hilda Ormsby,[4] Andrew Charles O'Dell,[5] as the RGS was seen as too focused on exploration. You must be a member holding a valid Society membership to view the content you are trying to access. Fellows may use the post-nominal designation FRGS after their names.[11]. [16] The Society preserves the Collections for the benefit of future generations, while providing public access and promoting Collections-related educational programmes for schools and lifelong learners. Soon after the RGS's declaration, there was an outpour of volunteers to attempt to locate the lost explorers. In 2012, three main journals alone were accessed online internationally over 1.3 million times. In the same year, a new category of membership was introduced to widen access for people with a general interest in geography. In 2004 Harish Kapadia was awarded the Patron's Medal for contributions to geographical discovery and mountaineering in the Himalayas, making him the second Indian to receive the award in its history. The document collection includes a few papers from before the Society's foundation in 1830, and is particularly useful to biographers of nineteenth and early twentieth century travellers and geographers, as well as research into the development of geographical knowledge and the historical development of geography. The catalogue of these reports, and over 8,500 planned and past expeditions, is held on a database which provides contact with a wide variety of sporting, scientific and youth expeditions from 1965 to the present day. [29], The Society supports a range of field and desk-based research by academic geographers, from established researchers undertaking fieldwork to early career academics working on smaller projects. Meteorology, photography, geology, natural history, anthropology, industry and commerce, medical, etc. [7], People aged between 14 and 24 currently studying, a recent graduate of geography or a related subject. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London × Close Overlay A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the family of related journals. PRIVACY NOTICE
The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) is the learned society and professional body for geography. In the same year the Society's ban on women was lifted. Some of the other awards given by the Society include: The Society's Collections consist of over two million documents, maps, photographs, paintings, periodicals, artefacts and books, and span 500 years of geography, travel and exploration. Chartered Geographer is the only international professional accreditation that recognises your use geographical knowledge in the workplace. Research has been conducted in more than 120 countries, from Namibia to Brazil to Greenland. Free. HOW TO ORDER. The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) is the Learned Society representing Geography and geographers. Educational Charity promoting geography and a joined-up understanding of people, places and the planet. Historic images range from the Antarctic adventures of Scott and Shackleton to the pioneering journeys of Livingstone, Baker, Speke and Burton. Information is delivered in real time, with content changing as the flight progresses, so for example, while a passenger is passing over the United Kingdom, they'll be met with a pop-up that explains the origins and importance of the English Channel.[40]. [30], The Society supports innovation in teaching geography at secondary and higher education level, offering several awards for school teachers to work alongside researchers in geographical research, so to develop educational resources for the classroom, and to create teaching materials. Learn more about the history of the search for the Northwest Passage in our online exhibition. There are 27 active research groups, with each group organising their own seminars, conferences, workshops and other activities. [citation needed], It has been a key associate and supporter of many notable explorers and expeditions, including those of Darwin, Livingstone, Stanley, Scott, Shackleton, Hunt and Hillary. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Society staff are working remotely and can be contacted by telephone or email as usual. [citation needed], The Society was also pivotal in establishing Geography as a teaching and research discipline in British universities, and funded the first Geography positions in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Lowther Lodge was built in 1874 for the William Lowther by Norman Shaw, one of the most outstanding domestic architects of his day. Copley Press, J S Copley Library This site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. The RGS-IBG education department offers courses, resources, accreditation, grants, awards, competitions and school membership, all for the benefit of teachers, students and parents. F +44 (0)20 7591 3001. The Young Geographer of the Year[44] has four categories for students in KS2 through to A-Level. [citation needed], Geographical is the official monthly magazine of the Society, and has been published continuously since 1935. Don’t forgot to download our events programme to your calendar. Find out about the advice, training and grants we can provide to support your field research or scientific expedition. [20] It currently receives around 800 journal titles, as well as many more journal titles that are either not currently subscribed to, or have ceased publication, allowing Society members access to the latest geographical academic literature in addition to the journals published by the RGS-IBG itself. To request rights and order images for commercial reproduction please visit; For individual print purchases please visit; For all other enquiries, including academic research access to the Society’s photographic and film collections, please contact The Society has over 16,500 members, with its work reaching the public through publications, research groups and lectures. In 2005 the Founder's Medal was awarded to Professor Sir Nicholas Shackleton for his research in the field of Quaternary Palaeoclimatology and the Patron's Medal was awarded to Professor Jean Malaurie for a lifelong study of the Arctic and its people. [32], Discovering Britain[33] is a website featuring a series of self-led geographical walks that help explain the stories behind the UK's built and natural landscapes. Under the patronage of King William IV it later became known as The Royal Geographical Society (RGS) and was granted its Royal Charter under Queen Victoria in 1859. Walks also look at people in the landscape, and shaping, preserving and exploiting the landscape. [48], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}51°30′05″N 0°10′31″W / 51.5013°N 0.1754°W / 51.5013; -0.1754, The Society has been a key associate and supporter of many famous, Expeditions, fieldwork and independent travel grants, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, "Albertopolis: Royal Geographical Society", "Ormsby [née Rodwell Jones], Hilda (1877–1973), geographer", "Scott centenary: An enduring scientific legacy", "Royal Geographical Society - Become a member of the Society", "Explore the world beneath your feet – air travel website to reveal landscapes and cultures 10,000m below", "Hidden Journeys crosses the Channel on its new flight path from Farnborough to Cannes", "Geo-Entertainment looks to open passengers' eyes to the magic of flying", "Next generation of in-flight mapping brings the journey alive", "Are we there yet? [9][10], Fellows of the Society must either be proposed and seconded by an existing fellow or an individual may submit evidence of his or her own work and academic publications in the field of geography and closely related subjects such as international development and climate change. The Foyle Reading Room acts as a consultation space for using the Society's collections,[17] and hosts showcases and workshops as well as the Be Inspired series of talks. The society is governed by its board of trustees called the council, which is chaired by its president. The society has five specialist committees that it derives advice from the Education Committee, Research Committee, Expedition and Fieldwork Committee, Information Resources Committee, and the Finance Committee. The award has been given to notable geographers including David Livingstone (1855), Nain Singh Rawat (1876),[14] Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen (1878), Alfred Russel Wallace (1892), and Frederick Courtney Selous (1893) to more recent winners including Percy Harrison Fawcett (1916), Professor William Morris Davis (1919), Sir Halford John Mackinder (1945), Professor L. Dudley Stamp (1949), Professor Richard Chorley (1987) and Professor David Harvey (1995). American Philosophical Society: referencedIn: Sir Roderick Impey Murchison correspondence, 1829-1871, 1829-1871 American Philosophical Society: creatorOf: Laurence, Abbott. In 1994, members were balloted and the merger agreed. DUBAI – Land Rover is partnering with the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) to launch the 2021 Earth Photo competition – inspiring people to get out into the landscape and appreciate their surroundings. [2], Founding members of the Society include Sir John Barrow, Sir John Franklin and Sir Francis Beaufort. Yet here we have a very friendly welcoming … The Society also has competitions for students studying geography. [21], The RGS-IBG houses a collection of 4,500 expedition reports. We are the UK's learned society and professional body for geography, supporting geography and geographers across the world. A different way to spend an evening other than drinking! Each walk explores a particular landscape, finding out about the way in which the forces of nature, people, events and the economy have created and shaped the area. The Royal Geographical Society - Hong Kong runs a Schools Outreach Programme, through which it hosts educational events at schools throughout Hong Kong. [22], The Society holds one of the largest private map collections in the world which is continuously increasing. [42] Many of the Society's other resources are free to use. The award is given for "the encouragement and promotion of geographical science and discovery", and are approved by Queen Elizabeth II. [2], Like many learned societies, it had started as a dining club in London, where select members held informal dinner debates on current scientific issues and ideas. Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences and natural sciences. Mette Bruinsma. (with the Institute of British Geographers),
([London, 1851]) (page images at HathiTrust) Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain): Report of the proceedings of the Society in reference to the improvement of geographical education. [citation needed], The early history of the Society is inter-linked with the history of British Geography, exploration and The Geography Ambassadors scheme[43] recruits, trains and supports volunteer undergraduate, postgraduate and graduate geographers from universities and business. [18], The artefacts collection includes over a thousand items brought to the Society, consisting mainly of cultural objects from around the world, ranging from Inuit boots (from Canadian Arctic) to ceremonial leopard's claws (from the then Belgian Congo), paraphernalia of exploration, for example oxygen sets used in the various attempts on Everest, and personal items belonging to explorers, such as Shackleton's Burberry helmet. The status of can be obtained only by those who have a degree in geography or related subject and at least 6 years' geographical experience, or 15 years' geographical work experience for those without a degree. Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) "List of geographical works and maps recently published" in vol. The extension was formally opened by the Duke of York (later King George VI) at the Centenary Celebrations on 21 October 1930. Dr Catherine Souch, the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) A Collaborative Doctoral Awards partnership to assign three studentships per annum to examine complementary aspects of each institution’s archives of science across all continents and periods. For A-Level students there is also the David W. Smith Memorial Award,[45] an annual essay competition, and the Ron Cooke Award[46] for the best A-Level coursework.