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color: #2c2e2f; padding-top: 30px; Get the App. But looking in my past PayPal transactions, the fees vary according to the amount transferred. display: none; From there, … } font-variant: normal; Learn More .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:focus:focus, } .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-menu a, .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .header-buttons .pypl-btn--outline-white:hover { .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-menu .separator-menu::before, If you want to send money to a bank account, pay international bills, reload phones, etc, you will be redirected to Xoom, a PayPal service for international money transfers. } .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:hover.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-active, 2 Send it to their bank accounts, cash pick-up locations, and more. background-color: #0070ba; padding-bottom: 60px; Is it OK if we also use cookies to show you personalized ads? If your PayPal accepts Touch ID, you can scan your fingerprint to open PayPal instead. Select the amount of money to transfer and the account to transfer it from, and click Add. @media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 751px) { #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .mpp-media-btn__content { .pp-header .header-buttons .pypl-btn--outline-white:hover { background-color: #fff; When using your PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus balance to transfer money in the U.S., you pay no transaction fee. And thanks to our new Xoom service, you can send money directly to international bank accounts, cash pick up locations, and more. #SplitPanels-120731728402858 .row, .pp-header .pypl-logo { Cookies help customize Xoom for you, and some are necessary to make our site work. .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:hover, } *Sender must have an account with PayPal. .pp-header .main-link:focus.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-active, When it comes to sending money to loved ones both near and far, PayPal may not be your best bet due to higher fees and weaker exchange rates. .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, max-width: 770px; @media (min-width: 1024px) { } When you transfer money with PayPal, the recipient can quickly receive and access the money sent. Select the bank account you'd like to withdraw it to. @media (min-width: 1024px) { .pp-header .closer-mobile button.pypl-header__subnav-control::after, Learn More margin: 0 auto; } .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .header-buttons .pypl-btn--outline-white:focus, We’ll use cookies to improve and customize your experience if you continue to browse. All rights reserved. Transfer money online in seconds with PayPal money transfer. .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link:hover:hover { background-color: #eaeced; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: antialiased; border-left: 1px solid transparent; .pp-header .pp-header .closer-mobile button, outline: none; #SplitPanels-120327150345144 .simple-image-panel { } .mobile-flex-column .content-panel { From our website or app, simply enter the amount you want to send, select where you want the money to be paid out and decide if you want to pay with your bank account, debit card, or credit card. #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .video-image .pypl-btn { Easy as that. #DeviceHero-120814722583458 .device-hero__paragraph { 1 An account with PayPal is required to send and receive money. Or paying back old friends for pizza after? color: #2c2e2f; color: #0070ba; .pp-header .main-link:focus, Cash App. PayPal is a fast, secure way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account. .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link:focus.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, You'll need to transfer at least $1 from PayPal to your bank account, and transfers made after 7 PM ET will take longer to hit your bank account. } @media (min-width: 752px) { border: 3px solid #fff; vertical-align: middle; .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-menu .separator-menu::before { /* Commerce Platform Themes */ max-width: 350px; Learn more and manage your cookies. *Sending and receiving funds requires an account with PayPal. Send money abroad with Xoom, a PayPal service. How fast will my money get to India? } .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-menu a:visited { } .pp-header #menu-button:after, background-color: rgba(0, 94, 166, .2); } Use of these trademarks and brand names do not represent endorsement by or association with PayPal. View solution in original post. a.content-panel__cta[target="_blank"]:after { } padding-bottom: 40px; #SplitPanels-1207317284045362 .simple-image-panel { .pp-header .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:hover, With the improved PayPal app, you can easily transfer money from just about anywhere. display: none; color: #0070ba; height: 56px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff, 0 0 0 1px #fff; box-shadow: none; background-color: #003087; color: #fff; We're part of something bigger, something that empowers over 250 million customers around the world to make secure online transactions every day. } font-weight: 400; padding-left: 0; .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .closer-mobile button:focus, h3.content-panel__headline.pypl-heading { } font-family: PPUI-Icons !important; #SplitPanels-120327150345144 .content-panel { padding-top: 30px; } When you send money to another paypal account what details does that recipient see about you? .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-active, } #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .mpp-media-btn .mpp-media-btn__icon { PayPal is a fast, secure way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account. #Statement-120523174748775545 .statement__paragraph { } Still can't send money to a friend. } } } @media (max-width: 576px) { height: 50px; } You are also likely to incur the mark-up price that PayPal adds on top of the currency market exchange rates. .pp-header .closer-mobile button.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, #SplitPanels-1203271525403185 .simple-image-panel { .pp-header #signup-button:hover { } padding-top: 11px; } Me too. margin-top: 30px; .modal-wrapper .modal-content-div { 27 people found this solution to be helpful. } padding: 0; } /* New Shared Theme */ #SplitPanels-1203271525403185 .simple-image-panel { Send money straight to bank accounts globally With our Xoom service, you can use PayPal to send money directly to friends and family in over 130 countries. background-color: rgba(245, 247, 250, .2); border-color: #fff; #Statement-120523174748775545 a:hover { #SplitPanels-120327150345144 .simple-image-panel { background-image: url(; .pp-header .closer-mobile button.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-active, And the best part is, if you have an account with PayPal you can start sending money to Haiti right now with your PayPal payment options right at your fingertips. } /* Send money straight to bank accounts globally */ .pp-header .main-link:focus.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, And with PayPal, it arrives quickly and securely into your account. @media (max-width: 1151px) { .pp-header:before { } .pp-header .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:focus, #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .mpp-media-btn:focus { padding-right: 0; color: #cbd2d6; .split-panels .panels__panel { } #DeviceHero-120814722583458 .device-hero { .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open #signup-button:hover { .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-active, padding-bottom: 11px; } PayPal.Me. max-width: 350px; - This is cash money only, not a transaction that requires an item to be posted. .disclosure p+p { } Etsy, for instance, offers two basic methods for sellers to collect money: Etsy Payments or PayPal—the latter mainly for sellers in countries where Etsy Payments isn't available. text-align: center; } Choose the payment route you want to use. /* Hidden Mobile Hero Image */ Transfer money online securely and easily with Xoom and save on money transfer fees. } .content-panel { #SplitPanels-1207317284045362 .content-panel { max-width: 350px; box-shadow: none; margin-left: 5px; } .pp-header #menu-button:before { color: #2c2e2f; Click 'Sign Up' in the upper-right-hand corner to be directed to the account creation page. Transferring money to your account takes a few clicks, and then the money will be sent on and over to your bank. Scroll down to your “PayPal Balance” and click Add Money. .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link:focus:hover, } .pp-header .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .closer-mobile button, /* Create an online Money Pool */ I don't think there is ever going to be a change to this since it wasn't created to do those things. #SplitPanels-120731728402858 { background-image: none; @media (min-width: 1024px) { } @media (max-width: 575px) { 27 people found this solution to be helpful. Is it OK if we also use cookies to show you personalized ads? @media (max-width: 575px) { There are only a few stipulations. } } .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link.pypl-header__subnav-control::after, } } } .mobile-flex-column .row { } .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .header-buttons .pypl-btn--outline-white { color: #6c7378; But yes for now, you need to have a Venmo account too. font-family: PayPalSansSmall-Regular, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif; flex-direction: column-reverse; Then you could add their Venmo user name or phone number. margin: 0 auto; width: 0; Finally, choose whether your payment is personal or for goods, enter the amount, press "next," and confirm by selecting "send now." #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 { If you want to send money to a friend, select "send money" and enter your contact's email address. } .pp-header .main-link:focus:hover, In addition to the transaction fees, Xoom also makes money when it changes your U.S. dollars into a different currency. .pp-header .main-link:hover:focus, .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .pypl-logo { The PayPal app is the easy way to send money1, however you slice it. Choose cash pickup and your money is typically available in minutes at convenient locations throughout Haiti. } } content: ' \E920'; } .content-panel[target="_blank"]:after { @media (min-width: 1152px) { @media (min-width: 1152px) { padding-top: 20px; } New to Paypal but cannot find the answer to this question. #Disclosure-120522162731370973 { text-transform: none; #DeviceHero-120814722583458 .device-hero__headline.pypl-heading { I'm sure if they haven't already PayPal (the mother company) will include a link to SEND MONEY TO A VENMO USER on their money page or where it says SEND MONEY TO FRIENDS OR FAMILY. font-size: inherit; @media (max-width: 575px) { Question is - where does your friend reside? .pp-header .main-menu .separator-menu::before { .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:focus:hover, margin: 0 auto; @media (min-width: 1024px) { #SplitPanels-120731728402858 .content-panel { } } padding-top: 30px; } Paying a new instructor for tonight’s class? To send money without a PayPal account just go to PayPal's front page and from there click the link Send Money> Send Money Online. .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .closer-mobile button:focus, font-weight: 700; .pp-header .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link, .statement .col-md-10:first-child { width: 100%; } @media (min-width: 1600px) { .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-menu a, border-color: #0070ba; .pp-header .pp-header .main-link:focus, align-self: flex-start; Xoom is a PayPal service. #Statement-1205231747461544 .statement__headline { Transferring money through PayPal is so fast and secure, you won’t have any reason not to pay back friends and family right away. .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:hover.pypl-header__subnav-control::after, text-align: center; .mobile-flex-column .row { Me too. align-self: flex-end; font-family: PPUI-Icons !important; } #SplitPanels-1207317284045362 { App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. padding-top: 12px; #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .mpp-media-btn { } *A PayPal account is required to chip in, but if you would like to create your own page, you'll need to get set up with PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus. } border-top: 10px solid transparent; To send money on PayPal, both people need (free) PayPal accounts. .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-menu a:focus, In order to receive a Payment that has been send through PayPal the receiver of the money need to set up a PayPal account and confirm the email address. border-bottom: 10px solid transparent; But PayPal is a reputable company with enough security and consumer protection in place to keep you relatively safe online. } How to send money through PayPal without an account. border-top: 2px solid #d4d9e2; .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-menu a:focus, padding-bottom: 40px; font-style: normal; } #Statement-1208147225359158 .pypl-heading.statement__headline { border-left: 1px solid transparent; #SplitPanels-120731728402858 .simple-image-panel img { top: 12px; text-transform: none; Sending money with PayPal friends and family only takes a few steps: Login to your PayPal account. } font-size: 1rem; max-width: 100%; max-width: 400px; .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:focus.pypl-header__subnav-control::after, Send money now .content-panel__list-item a, transition: background-color 0.3s; border-bottom: 0; .content-panel__cta { } } height: 280px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; background-color: transparent; } #DeviceHero-120814722583458 .device-hero { #SplitPanels-1203271525403185 .content-panel { .pp-header #menu-button { Keeping your money transfers secure with fraud protection, 24/7 monitoring & secure encryption technology. font-weight: 400; It’s simple to request money from friends – or clients! How fast will my money get to Haiti? It's very easy to send money to Ghana. Sending money with PayPal friends and family only takes a few steps: Login to your PayPal account. } } #Disclosure-120522162731370973 { #SplitPanels-120731728402858 .content-panel { }, Once you have signed up for PayPal, just download our app, search your PayPal address book, enter the amount and tap ‘Send’. #Statement-1205231747461544 { border: 0; Wire money to a bank account in minutes or pick up cash at thousands of locations. Sign up to transfer money to family and friends across the globe quickly, securely and at little cost. #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .video-image { Provide your PayPal email address and password, and click Sign In again. .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link:focus, Create and share your own link with friends and family to collect money, split a bill or … padding-bottom: 0; .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .closer-mobile button:hover, .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .closer-mobile button.pypl-header__subnav-control::after, } @media (min-width: 576px) { /* White Header Styles */ The transaction will appear on your monthly PayPal Credit statement. #DeviceHero-120814722583458 .device-hero__paragraph { Depending on where you’re sending money to, you’ll be able to choose from some of the following payment routes: Send money to another individual’s PayPal wallet; Set up a home delivery of cash @media (min-width: 1024px) { .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-menu a:visited, content: none; position: absolute; } #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .mpp-media-btn:after { #VideoThumbnail-120523173718172363 .video-image { } Send money abroad with Xoom, a PayPal service. .pp-header .main-menu a:visited { } width: 100%; And the best part is, if you have an account with PayPal you can start sending money to India right now with your PayPal payment options right at your fingertips. .pp-header .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link:hover { background-image: url(; #Statement-120523174748775545 { padding-bottom: 40px; } #SplitPanels-1207317284045362 .row { @media (min-width: 950px) { Send money online to anywhere in Egypt with Xoom. } .commerce-platform-hero__headline.pypl-heading { All trademarks and brand names belong to their respective owners. max-width: 350px; Click Send & Request. Learn more about fees for transferring money with PayPal. .global-footer .footer-main a { width: 50px; } .pp-header .main-link:focus:focus, .pp-header .main-link.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, } .theme-background-color-dark { align-self: flex-end; .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .closer-mobile button.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-active, } } /* Last CTA */ .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .header-buttons .pypl-btn--outline-white:active { If you do decide to make an international money transfer with PayPal, you’ll have a few options³. You'll need to transfer at least $1 from PayPal to your bank account, and transfers made after 7 PM ET will take longer to hit your bank account. The improved PayPal mobile app is the secure way to send, receive, and access your money from almost anywhere. padding-bottom: 60px; Confirm your transaction by clicking Add again. color: #005ea6; } border-top: 1px solid transparent; *A PayPal account is required to chip in, but if you would like to create your own page, you'll need to get set up with PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus. .theme-background-color-blue, } .pp-header:before { padding-bottom: 160px; } } @media (min-width: 576px) { font-weight: 400; } border-radius: 10px; } padding: 0; padding-top: 15px; background-size: 1600px; When you use PayPal Credit to send money, a flat fee of 2.9% + $.30 US dollars (USD) per transaction is included in your payment total. #SplitPanels-1207317284045362 .simple-image-panel { padding: 0; All you need is an email address. Wire money to a bank account in minutes or pick up cash at thousands of locations. I've done all of this, confirmed bank, confirmed credit card, have more than enough balance in my paypal account, it is in same currency and still every time for over a week it has said we're sorry, but we can’t send your payment right and … padding-left: 30px; } #SplitPanels-120731728402858 .simple-image-panel { Select the amount of money to transfer and the account to transfer it from, and click Add. } PayPal is one of the best ways to transfer money in a fast, easy and secure way to almost anywhere in the world. margin-left: 0; font-variant: normal; You can even add a message. box-shadow: none; For the most part, PayPal is safe when you use it to send money. text-align: center; padding-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0; .mobile-flex-column .row { border-top: 1px solid transparent; align-self: flex-end; } To send or receive money "anonymously" I first send money from my real account to my fake account (inter-account transfers are free with PayPal), and then send the money to … flex-direction: inherit; If your friend does not live within the U.S., that would make a difference. For this reason, some PayPal users in the Philippines have resorted to “traders” or third-party exchange services that offer to convert GCash funds to PayPal, often at exorbitant fees. } font-family: PayPalSansBig-Light, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif #SplitPanels-1203271525403185 { border-color: #fff; } 2 Fees and Limitations apply. .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link:hover:focus, padding-top: 60px; .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open #signup-button { .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .closer-mobile button.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, From there it will be possible to send a payment to any email address. #SplitPanels-120327150345144 .simple-image-panel img { } #Statement-1208147225359158 .pypl-heading.statement__headline { #SplitPanels-120327150345144 .content-panel { If you will send remittance through a money transfer agency like iRemit, you’ll pay between C$8.00-C$12.00 per transaction regardless of how much you want to remit in the Philippines.. padding-top: 0; } font-weight: 700; } .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-link:hover.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, line-height: 1.4rem; .pp-header .header-buttons .pypl-btn--outline-white { .pp-header .main-link:hover:hover { } .pp-header .pp-header .main-link, .content-panel, .mobile-flex-column .content-panel { .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .main-menu a:hover, } color: #eaeced; } .pp-header .main-link:hover.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-active, .pp-header .main-link:hover.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted, To transfer money to PayPal: Go to and click Log In. Learn more about fees for transferring money with PayPal. text-align: left; font-style: normal; Transferring money to your account takes a few clicks, and then the money will be sent on and over to your bank. #DeviceHero-120814722583458 .device-hero__headline.pypl-heading { .pp-header .pp-header.pp-header--menu-open .main-link, .pp-header.pp-header--submenu-open .closer-mobile button.pypl-header__subnav-control--is-highlighted,
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