ocean's eleven parents guide
Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. In one scene there is a mock racist argument during which characters call one another "cracker" and "colored." Are they helpful for security or do they invade personal privacy? Choose the blue fish label. Ocean's Eleven | 2001 | PG-13 | - 4.4.5. Man comments on dating dead man’s widow. Other visuals: Trump Plaza, Ramlosa water, Budweiser, Michelob, Barnum’s, and Macy’s. Stretching over 56,000km, the Mid-Oceanic Ridge is a mountain chain that runs along the centre of the ocean basins.. 7. Waitress shown in flimsy transparent outfit (with black tape across breasts). The star rating reflects overall quality. See our. Man covers genital area with hand during explosion. Ocean's Eleven. Armed men surround vehicle and fire shots. We display the minimum age for which content is developmentally appropriate. Picture shown of nude woman with hands covering part of her breasts. Ocean’s Eleven Parents' Guide In the original Ocean’s Eleven, women are mere accessories to be worn and cast off by the men. The only problem is that the vault that holds all of their cash is "a security system that rivals that of most nuclear silos." Cool World. Men argue briefly on several occasions. Ocean’s 8” is part of the “Ocean’s Eleven” universe. Close window . While the star-studded cast may pull moviegoers into theaters, the basic movie premise remains the same—common crooks trying to stack the odds in their favor. Less obvious, but equally troubling is the unrepentant attitude of the main character, and the light-fingered habits of his conspirators. Characters steal items from people and buildings on numerous occasions. Although it has a few bad words(which I won't list here), it's not that... Great movie, a lot of swearing and one rude gesture. How does Mr. Benedict indicate her value to him? Gunfire and yelling heard. A few scenes show men drinking in social settings: in a bar, a casino, a hotel room, at a gaming table, at dinner. Dear Parents and students It was wonderful to welcome our students back to the 2021 school year. 11 million. Large assortment of liquor shown at house party. Frontal nudity of female statue shown briefly. A Kid’s Guide to Coronavirus, by Rebecca Crowe MSW, LCSW, and Julia Martin Burch, PhD . Parents: There is some bad language and intense peril, but that still doesn't make the movie entertaining. Ocean Reef Senior High School 21 Venturi Drive, Ocean Reef WA 6027 (08) 6206 2700. oceanreef.shs.enquiries@education.wa.edu.au Commotion takes place at sporting event and in casino. Should parents allow their children to pursue their passion in tech, or focus on his exam grades? And Brad Pitt turns in a performance of effortless charm, subtle and witty, completely in service to the character and the movie and yet completely movie star mesmerizing. Here’s what parents need to know. Name-calling and some racial comments also used. Why? As a parent herself, she believes parents play a powerful role in teaching media literacy in their homes. It's just opinion, folks. In the original Ocean’s Eleven, women are mere accessories to be worn and cast off by the men. Is Tess really anything more than a beautiful trophy? Toggle Search. This alarming number not only threatens decades of progress made towards gender equality, but also puts girls around the world at risk of adolescent pregnancy, early and forced marriage, and violence. While the times may have changed, the common theme of glorified thievery and heavy social drinking has not. Read on or watch the video to figure out where you fall on the personality spectrum. Fresh out of prison, he skips his parole order to stay in New Jersey, and hops across the country soliciting some skillful con artists to help him pilfer an easy 100 million plus. Danny connects with his former partner-in-crime Rusty (Brad Pitt), and they gather a team of men with various criminal talents. Snatch. I've recently read a heist book and it was amazing, just like this movie. How do you feel about the use of cameras in stores, schools, banks etc.? George Clooney stars as a charming thief who orchestrates an audacious robbery with a little help from Brad Pitt as an ace card shark, Matt Damon as a master pickpocket, and Don Cheadle as a demolition genius. Want to help us help them? No one is injured or killed. All rights reserved. Research shows a connection between kids' healthy self-esteem and positive, diverse representations in books, TV shows, and movies. Your privacy is important to us. The animated television series follows the dysfunctional Griffin family (father Peter, mother Lois, daughter Meg, son Chris, baby Stewie and their anthropomorphic dog Brian), who reside in the town of Quahog. The free GameChanger app provides scorekeeping, stat tracking, team management and group messaging tools for Baseball and Softball. Keep it wild, traceable and sustainable. Use these free activities to help kids explore our planet, learn about global challenges, think of solutions, and take action. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and Andy Garcia head the cast of “A” list actors in this remake of the 1960’s film, Ocean’s Eleven. Going for Gold: Winners of the Golden Globe Awards, Movie Reviews Made Especially For Parent and Family Magazines, Aspect ratio: Widescreen anamorphic - 2.35:1. Signup for the Parent Previews Newsletter! When you understand your own personality, you are able to ask for your needs, connect more easily, and optimize your behavior. - Movie Man Fun heist movie for older kids and their families. A stripper in a revealing fishnet nurse's dress performs a lapdance. Character drinks after argument. Character covered in what appears to be raw sewage. Several characters smoke repeatedly. Thelma & Louise. A Stoning in Fulham County. Swearing is occasional, including "f—k," "s—t," "goddamn," "screwing," "hell." Oceans at risk Open sub navigation. The romantic con artists are loyal, brave, smart, funny, and honorable toward one another. Parents need to know that Ocean's Eleven is a slick caper movie that keeps the audience rooting for appealing, clever con artists and thieves throughout. Showing all 9 items Jump to: Certification; Sex & Nudity (1) Violence & Gore (2) Profanity (1) Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking (4) Frightening & Intense Scenes (1) Certification. Like the first film that showcased actors Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Peter Lawford, this remake has netted a slew of big Hollywood names. That’s the number of girls who might not return to school this year due to COVID-19’s unprecedented education disruption. Learn at Home. About 70% of the oxygen we breathe is produced by the oceans.. 8. Character lies about drinking and disobeys parole orders. This time around, the crew is given two weeks to live when the casino owner they robbed in the previous installment comes looking for his money, plus interest. Characters discuss plans for armed robbery. Ocean’s Eleven is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for some language and sexual content. Family Guy ' s seventh season first aired on the Fox network in sixteen episodes from September 28, 2008 to May 17, 2009 before being released as two DVD box sets and syndicated. Character’s hand caught in hole near explosives. Kalifornia . Ruthless casino owner Willy Bank (Al Pacino) never imagined that the odds were against him when he double-crossed Danny Ocean’s friend and mentor Reuben Tishkoff (Elliott Gould). George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and Andy Garcia head the cast of "A" list actors in this remake of the 1960's film, Ocean's Eleven. Family Activities: Use these creative ideas for free activities to move, learn, relax, and connect as a family. Man smashes character’s toy. How do you feel about the use of cameras in stores, schools, banks etc.? Unstuck, 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic by Bonnie Zucker, PsyD. Why is Ocean’s Eleven rated PG-13? Do you have a child attending Kindergarten in 2022? Las Vegas hotels abound: Bellagio, Mirage, MGM Grand, Mandalay Resort. All text and audiovisual content, unless otherwise attributed is © One Voice Communications LTD. All Rights Reserved. If you chose to provide an email address, it will only be used to contact you about your comment. In one scene two men pretend to insult each other with racial slurs: "goddamn cracker," "colored." How does Mr. Benedict indicate her value to him? The fact that their target is a ruthless and violent business tycoon is meant to lessen the immorality and illegality of their adventure. This is child abuse. Character appears to die from heart attack. So, thanks for reading! Commentary by Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and Andy Garcia, HBO Behind-the-scenes “making of” documentary. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. While the times may have changed, the common theme of glorified thievery and heavy social drinking has not. Old-timers Elliott Gould and Carl Reiner are magnificent in small roles, and a couple of young TV stars drop by for a slyly hilarious cameo. Warner Brothers Studios is releasing a box set of the three movies in this franchise: Ocean’s Eleven, Ocean’s Twelve and Ocean’s Thirteen. Is it the fantasy of instant millions? One character makes an obscene gesture. Kindergarten Applications. Are they helpful for security or do … Families can talk about why heist films like Ocean's Eleven are perennially popular. Read More . Legends of the Fall. Suggest a diversity update. Grace Church School, in the well-to-do neighborhood of North of Houston Street, issued a 12-page guide to children and staff explaining how to be more inclusive and stop making assumptions… On Tuesday, 23 March North Albany SHS hosted the start of the Hawaiian Ride For Youth. Parents Guide: Ocean's Eleven (2001) Sex & Nudity (3) Mild; Basher holds his genital area as he activates the EMP. Strippers dance lewdly in background of some scenes. With two weeks to perfect their plan, Ocean and his eleven accomplices swoop down on the unsuspecting desert town and begin rehearsing for their big event. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. In this version, the aim is the highly secured underground vault of casino owner Harry Benedict (Andy Garcia), where the cash from his three profitable betting establishments is carefully tucked away. Fondly known as the Big 5 Personality Traits, or OCEAN, these are incredibly helpful for understanding yourself. Il est la suite dOcean's Eleven (ou L'Inconnu de Las Vegas au Québec). 0. There's lots of suspense, a few action-packed moments with some hard punches thrown, several explosions, a faked death, and two guards gassed into unconsciousness. The longest mountain range in the world is found under water. RN program guide and streaming schedule Download and print the 2021 RN schedule as a PDF here. Part of the pleasure of Ocean's Eleven is that we feel that we're listening in on real conversations, and find ourselves leaning forward as though each of us is in on the deal with them. But Danny figures if he can get a good team together and a bankroll for some equipment, he can make it work, Mission: Impossible-style. Caper movie mixes clichés, brutal violence. What is it that we enjoy so much about seeing a robbery? Characters discuss unlawful exchange of money. Spy Game. The Mexican. So good defeats evil -- but in a nontraditional way. One romantic kiss; several distant shots of strippers, and one short lap dance. This film, a loose remake of the 1960 film of the same name, starring Frank Sinatra and his Rat Pack, spawned the sequels Ocean's Twelve and Ocean's Thirteen. George Clooney played another ex-con in O Brother, Where Art Thou?, and a man hunted by the ocean in The Perfect Storm. Read More . Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Don Cheadle join the cast along with veteran actors Elliot Gould and Carl Reiner. Couple argues briefly in public. You may have heard the Premier announce that from 12:01 Sunday 14 February, the entire State will return to operating under Phase 4 conditions. If you were looking for Ocean’s Twelve to be like Ocean’s Eleven but in Europe, you probably see the movie as a disappointment. Not much violence except for one mild fight scene. No one is hurt or killed. Man references vodka. In the original 1960s Ocean’s Eleven, Frank Sinatra heads a group of former World War II squadron buddies on a New Year’s Eve raid of five Las Vegas casinos. Keeping Kids Motivated for Online Learning, Great family movie with a few questionable elements, AWESOME MOVIE! Man’s hand slammed in van door. Throughout film, characters shown drinking in bars, homes, hotel rooms, and at social gatherings. Which character did you like the most? Sexuality is limited to one kiss as well as a few wide shots of strippers and a lap dance in an upscale nightclub. The fun of seeing how they solve the unsolvable logistical problems? Searching for streaming and purchasing options ... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Scene of building being demolished shown on TV screen. What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Check out new Common Sense Selections for games, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews, 5 Ways Video Games Can Help Kids with Special Needs, Which Side of History? Characters fall several feet onto cement floor. In OCEAN'S ELEVEN, a loose remake of the 1960 film starring Frank Sinatra and his Rat Pack, George Clooney plays Sinatra's part, Danny Ocean, this time just out of prison (in the tux he was wearing when he went in) with an idea about robbing three casinos of $150 million. There are 2 different options: Option 1 – Children allowed to sign in/out Children are free to come and go as they choose for activities. Overall C Thirteen is about to become a very unlucky number for Willy Bank (Al Pacino). Characters steal items from office. ), 5 Tips to Make Family Movie Night a Success. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. The sea is home to the world’s largest living structure – the Great Barrier Reef.Measuring around 2,600km, it can even be seen from the Moon! There are so many stars that we don't get to spend enough time with any of them. How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives. In the background of various shots where Rusty's teaching others how to gamble, we occasionally and briefly see female dancers - in various forms of scanty attire - doing their thing while men watch them. © Common Sense Media. Security cameras are widely used in the casinos and hotels. Eager to win her back, Ocean plays a fine line between rekindling the romance and putting the entire heist (and his fellow felons) in jeopardy. Family movie reviews, movie ratings, fun film party ideas and pop culture news — all with parents in mind. However, the plot becomes more complicated when Ocean’s ex-wife Tess (Julia Roberts) shows up on the arm of the targeted gambling operator. Too Young to Die. If you prefer action that teaches “crime doesn’t pay,” try