meps green deal

National governments, led by the Portuguese presidency, have watered down provisions that MEPs are trying to introduce to raise the bar of the first-ever EU climate law. Then this plan is for you. Ireland’s Green MEPs today gave a cautious welcome to the European Green Deal presented by new European Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament in Brussels. The EU aims to be climate neutral in 2050. Parliament wants the upcoming Climate Law to include higher ambitions for the EU’s 2030 goal of emissions reductions (55% in 2030 compared to 1990, instead of “at least 50% towards 55%”, as proposed by the Commission). The possibility of creating a "carbon budget" of the total greenhouse gasses the EU could emit without undermining its climate goals will also be discussed next week, but national governments have previously rejected this idea. The "European Green Deal" lists legislative proposals, financial instruments and action plans in different sectors, with a timetable. EU lawmakers want to reach an agreement on the climate law before June - when the commission is expected to present a package of climate and energy laws to achieve the new 2030 target. MEPs have voted in favour of introducing a carbon border tax on selected imports from less green nations, aimed at protecting Europe's economy and businesses against carbon-emitting competitors outside the bloc. So far, member states have rejected lawmakers' calls to increase the 2030 emissions-reduction target, backing up the European Commission's initial proposal. The CEO of Italian energy giant Eni was granted access to commissioners and EU officials to push for gas in the bloc's energy transition - while being on trial in an alleged billion-dollar corruption scandal. The 'Choosing Green' debate will address some of the most important and most complex key areas relating to the global green transition. European Parliament budget committee calls on Commission to clarify how it will fund renewables policy. Posted on 17 January 2020. The leader of the Parliamentary Party Markus Pieper told news magazine FOCUS: The Green Deal was a gigantic challenge for an economy in top shape. The deal, presented by new President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament in December, sets out the Commission’s plans for a green transition. your membership gives you access to all of our stories. European Green Deal Gets an Upgrade by MEPs Posted on 17 January 2020 The demand for legally binding targets on a number of policies from the Green Deal package are crucial for achieving the level of ambition that the Green Deal is set out to achieve. You must be … MEPs convened in a plenary session to discuss with Ursula von der Leyen and Frans Timmermans the roadmap to a climate-neutral continent. Student or retired? Enable JavaScript to see Google Maps. Although the agenda is not finalised, the core targets are unlikely to be discussed then. Live on EUobserver from 10:00 (CET). Green deal for Europe: First reactions from MEPs Esther De Lange (EPP, NL) . Social Media ToolKit; Digital Masterclasses; Studies; Publications; Documentation centre; Archives; Access to documents; Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Consultations; European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) Visit us; … EU lawmakers also proposed that each country should be encouraged to establish a climate advisory body, but national governments fear that these committees could "overlap" and "undermine" leading international scientific bodies, such as the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Green New Deal is a four part program for moving America quickly out of crisis into a secure, sustainable future. They also want an interim target for 2040 to ensure the EU is on track to reach climate neutrality in 2050. - Nordic Council of Ministers • 1h. European Green Deal Gets an Upgrade by MEPs. Watch our editor-in-chief Koert Debeuf explain the reasons in this 30-second video. 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Nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of people in 50 countries believe that climate change is an emergency, according to a recent UN survey. MEPs seek numbers for Green Deal sums. Lead rapporteur MEP Jytte Guteland expects that most MEPs will support at least 60-percent target for 2030. Green Deal 'MEPs are the directly elected representatives of European citizens who have marched in the streets for and called for much greater climate action,' warned said Romain Laugier from WWF Europe (Photo: John Blower ) The next round of negotiations is to take place next week (12 March). Policies to tackle the climate crisis are at the heart of the Deal, which commits the EU to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, with a European Climate Law to be presented by March 2020. We highly appreciate your support and value your feedback. Members of the European Parliament have written to the European Commission voicing concern that EU … To prevent carbon leakage due to differences in climate ambition worldwide, Parliament calls for a WTO-compliant carbon border adjustment mechanism. If other parts of the world do not play along these lines too, the EU should reconsider open... Iratxe García (S&D, ES) . It will ensure that our environmental policies plant inclusive seeds for social and economic change, by decreasing social inequalities, reducing imbalances between bigger and smaller Member States, getting rid of geographical disparities as well as disparities between women and men and between generations. "If the climate law is to steer that process, we need to be ready in spring," said Guteland. Last month, negotiators made … The draft compromise proposal, seen by EUobserver, also labels as "not acceptable" the parliament's call to make the net-zero emissions target for 2050 binding for every country. "Nature doesn't bargain, and you cannot make deals with physics", activist Greta Thunberg, and a group of 30 youth environmentalists warned, after dubbing the unprecedented EU climate law 'a surrender' for ignoring a carbon budget. The 'carbon budget' approach is commonly shared by NGOs and scientists as the best way to achieve the climate action required by the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Why Iran desperately wants a new nuclear deal. Parliament adopted on Wednesday its position on the European Green Deal, unveiled by Commission President von der Leyen in a plenary debate in December. [Green Deal] MEPs agree carbon border tax - heavy industries protected. Say NO to EU-Mercosur Trade Deal Let’s rebuild a fairer, greener and more sustainable trade policy Commission refers Poland to ECJ - quotes from Terry Reintke & Dr Sylwia Spurek His appearance also marked a major shift in relations after the previous US administration under Donald Trump. We need to have a compromise," she added. Join the Nordic climate debate on 17 November! Parliament adopted on Wednesday its position on the European Green Deal, unveiled by Commission President von der Leyen in a plenary debate in December . To win MEPs over, she promised a European Green Deal within 100 days of taking office. MEPs approved on Wednesday the proposal presented in December by the European Commission on the Green Deal - with 482 votes in favour, 136 against and 95 abstentions. MEPs propose to have this independent scientific body to control whether EU policy is consistent with climate goals and monitor progress annually. Concluding the two-hour debate, the Commissioner in charge of the Green Deal, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, answered some of the MEPs’ most urgent questions on ways to finance the energy transition in central and eastern member states, and how to ensure that European and non-EU countries’ industries can compete under similar rules. MEPs urge Commission to put Green Deal on ice amid COVID-19 crisis. MEPs urge reviewing EU list of energy projects in light of Green Deal. Domestic capitals agreed in December to cut their net emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030 (from 1990 levels) - which would mean a cut in actual "real" emissions of 50.5 - 52.8 percent. Members of the European Parliament's environment committee on Thursday will vote on a crucial report about the new EU climate law. After the corona […] MEPs welcome the European Green Deal and support an ambitious sustainable investment plan to help close the investment gap. They also call for an adequately funded just transition mechanism. But its role will be limited to "assisting" the European Environment Agency. Nearly 40 MEPs have asked that the European Green Deal, a Commission flagship policy, is dropped for the time being due to the coronavirus crisis. "MEPs are the directly elected representatives of European citizens who have marched in the streets for and called for much greater climate action," he added. It explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition. Meanwhile, environmentalists have warned that only a 65-percent emissions-reduction target that excludes carbon sinks would be in line with science. While the European Commission, Council, and several MEPs are “convinced the trade agreement toes the line laid out by the Green Deal programme” and would “give leverage to the EU” to pursue its climate goals and impose its environmental, labour and human rights standards, other MEPs … The Irish MEPs, along with their Greens/EFA group in the Parliament have been calling for an ambitious Green Deal for Europe that will take the radical action needed to address the climate and biodiversity emergencies and … boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy; restore biodiversity and cut pollution; The plan outlines investments needed and financing tools available. Green Deal Centre-right European People’s Party MEPS remain divided, with some saying that a 55 percent reduction target for 2030 is 'unrealistic' (Photo: DerGuy82) By Elena Sánchez Nicolás If you have any thoughts on this story, we would love to hear it. For European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans, the Common Agricultural Policy has to answer to "higher expectations" on climate action, protection of biodiversity and environmental sustainability, while ensuring a fair income for all farmers. Agriculture, trade and economic governance and other policy areas must now be seen and analysed in the context of the Green Deal”, said Pascal Canfin (RE, FR), Chair of the Environment Committee. Parliament adopted on Wednesday its position on the European Green Deal, unveiled by Commission President von der Leyen in a plenary debate in December. The EU's unprecedented climate law will be unveiled on Wednesday, making its 2050 climate-neutrality goal irreversible, but proposal has been criticised for postponing action on the 'climate emergency'. Although the Covid-19 pandemic has stalled climate negotiations, work has not stopped. Green groups warned that if heavy industry continues to receive free allowances even after a carbon border levy is in place, this would essentially be a double subsidy for those sectors. When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. The last report published by the UN climate change shows "governments are nowhere close to the level of ambition needed to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement," said UN secretary-general António Guterres last week. MEPs on the environment committee warned on Thursday (1 October) that they will again object to any proposal from the European Commission that lowers protection for bees and other pollinators. Green MEPs have welcomed the European Parliament vote in support of the European Commission’s Green Deal for Europe in Strasbourg yesterday (15 January). Trilogues are a set of meetings on legislative proposals between representatives of the parliament, the council and the commission. “Parliament overwhelmingly supported the Commission’s proposal on the Green Deal and welcomes the fact that there will be consistency between all European Union policies and the objectives of the Green Deal. Following Parliament’s recent declaration of a climate emergency, Commission President von der Leyen unveiled the Commission’s plans to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050, on Wednesday in the Brussels Chamber. But highly-sensitive issues remain unsolved in the 'trilogue' negotiations. Green Deal Going Local; Regions getting results; Regional Hubs; Resources. "The 2030 target is really important for every institution, but we cannot be in a situation where we need to eat what some else has cooked. The resolution was adopted with 482 votes for, 136 against and 95 abstentions. Despite the pandemic, there is still widespread recognition of climate change as a global emergency. Negotiations topics include the possibility of having targets to decarbonise certain economic sectors, the timeline to establish the intermediary 2040 target, and the role of the European Climate Change Council (ECCC). The Green Deal aims to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050. The parliament, for its part, wants a 60-percent emission-reduction in the next decade. Concluding the two-hour debate, the Commissioner in charge of the Green Deal, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, answered some of the MEPs’ most urgent questions on ways to finance the energy transition in central and eastern member states, and how to ensure that European and non-EU countries’ industries can compete under similar rules. - Nordic Council of Ministers • 13d. The demand for legally binding targets on a number of policies from the Green Deal package are crucial for achieving the level of ambition that the Green Deal is set out to achieve. Last month, negotiators made progress on some parts of the law that would force Brussels to create an emissions-cutting target for 2040, and require member states to create plans to adapt to climate-related events such as increased heatwaves, floods or droughts. Does new EU-ACP deal really 'decolonise' aid? John Kerry, the US special presidential envoy, was in Brussels to discuss how to tackle climate change with the European Commission. EU capitals say it needs to be a joint effort. Beyond the Brussels power play, politicians were responding to … But EU institutions' positions on the course of action are still far apart, according to a document seen by EUobserver. Direct access to language menu (press "Enter"), Direct access to search menu (press "Enter"), Parliament supports European Green Deal and pushes for even higher ambitions, MEPs welcome the EU plan to become climate neutral by 2050, This requires a higher 2030 emission reductions goal of 55%, Supports ambitious sustainable investment plan to achieve the Green Deal, Investment in renewable energy to achieve climate neutrality should also create new jobs © C, The resolution will be available here (15.01.2020), EP Research briefing on the European Green Deal, Press release: ”Green deal for Europe: First reactions from MEPs” (11.12.2019), Press release: “The European Parliament declares climate emergency” (21.11.2019), Press release: “Climate change should be Parliament’s first priority, according to citizens” (29.11.2019), A European Green Deal (Commission’s proposal). Independent. "The European Commission must correct this," the WWF warned. Opposition to the EU’s Green Deal promoted by EU Commission leader Ursula von der Leyen is growing among Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU MEPs in the European Parliament. MEPs support the European Green Deal, but highlight challenges, including ensuring a just and inclusive transition and the need for high interim targets. Investigative. Our exclusive news stories and investigations. We highly appreciate your support and value your feedback. The EU should adopt these targets well in advance of the UN climate change conference in November, MEPs say. MEPs stress that they will amend any legislative proposals to meet the objectives of the Green Deal. Influential. "There is still a big elephant in the room," MEP Jytte Guteland, the European Parliament's key negotiator on the bill, told EUobserver. Berlin. [Green Deal] EU capitals water down MEPs' ambition in climate law. Commission demands equal treatment of EU presidents, Hundreds of thousands log on for 'spare' Belgian vaccinations, EU Parliament probes Czech MEP on China ties, Italy's mafias - boosted by Covid, now eyeing EU's billions, Report: The prevalence of men who use internet forums characterised by misogyny. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. After 50 years, where do Roma rights stand now? Thu 16 Jan 2020. The European Parliament supported the European Green Deal on Wednesday, however, it also highlighted “challenges, including ensuring a just and inclusive transition and the need for high interim targets”, said the Parliament in a press release. Our European Green Deal will put Europe on the path of long-term, sustainable growth and prosperity. Mar, 07:04. The European Climate Law aims to make the bloc's goal of reaching climate-neutrality by 2050 irreversible and legally-binding. Photo credit: Adobe Stock. But EU institutions' positions on the course of action are still far apart, according to a document seen by EUobserver. Higher targets for energy efficiency and renewable energy, including binding national targets for each member state for the latter, and a revision of other pieces of EU legislation in the field of climate and energy are needed by June 2021, they add. A Green Deal for Europe was unveiled by the European Commission last December as one of the key features of new Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s policy platform. The European Green Deal provides an action plan to. "When it comes to the 2030 climate target, it is essential that the council of the European Union and commission pay heed to the more ambitious position of MEPs," said Romain Laugier from WWF Europe. Speed up reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions. MEPs support the European Green Deal, but highlight challenges, including ensuring a just and inclusive transition and the need for high interim targets. UN Secretary General to meet with Nordic Council on COVID-19, Well-designed Deposit Return Schemes can help reach Single-Use Plastics Directive targets. MEPs support the European Green Deal, but highlight challenges, including ensuring a just and inclusive transition and the need for high interim targets. MEPs back European Green Deal The European Parliament has voted to support the European Commission’s EUR1trn investment plan to leverage private finance. Before voting on the Green Deal, MEPs will first discuss legislative proposals to help EU communities succeed in making the transition to low carbon, on Tuesday. European Green Deal gets an upgrade by MEPs Posted on 15 January 2020 With a large majority and cross-party support, Parliament today backed the European Green Deal proposed by the Commission in December, and demanded higher ambition. After the European Green Deal was first put forward by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in December, MEPs have now agreed to adopt the Deal under the condition that amendments are made. Inspired by the New Deal programs that helped us out of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Green New Deal will provide similar relief and create an economy that makes our communities sustainable, healthy and just. A number of prominent MEPs who had expressed interest in the post did not enter into the competition, and instead, MEPs elevated David Sassoli, an Italian social democrat. Make the Green Deal work: MEPs to discuss funding with the Commission. But at least 13 member states have already national expert advisory bodies in place. , your membership gives you access to all of our stories. One of the new European Commission’s priorities is the Green Deal and Canfin, a climate expert and one of the (few) influential Frenchmen in the Parliament, has already positioned himself as a leading voice pushing for an ambitious package.
meps green deal 2021