mawson hut kosciuszko

Wild dogs attacking sheep were a frequent problem on the lease. The blurb on the back cover promises Kosciuszko to be "a riveting story of one of Australia's forgotten mysteries" but half way through the book, some readers might feel … By the mid-1930s the hut had also become popular as a base for skiers touring to Mt Jagungal or undertaking the Kiandra to Kosciuszko traverse. Bill had first walked Kiandra to Kosciuszko in 1938, become a skier and joined the Kosciusko Alpine Club in 1948. “When we arrived at Mawson's Hut, the stockmen were in the hut . We were heading back down in to the valley, and across to Mawson’s Hut. Mawsons was built by Herb Mawson (the manager of "Bobundra" Station) , plus Lindsay Willis, Con Bolton and Jack Bolton in 1930. He hadn't been in bed very long, he'd be up hammering again!”. Approx distance 10km. For decades, the Exclusive Squirrels Ski Club maintained the hut, and were renowned for keeping a good library. Meetings with other parties were a major social event, sometimes celebrated with a noggin and an extra mug of strong tea. They would stop out overnight at Tin Hut and Daveys Hut whilst on patrol. . The old overgrown bridle track south up onto the Kerries. Anyway when it got too dark, couldn't see to drive a nail . Their walk was entirely unassisted, covered 800km, took 51 days and included many of the highest peaks in Australia including Mount Kosciuszko. The Club adopted Mawsons as their base for short winter tours 1963-67, journals of which are kept in the hut. The upper Geehi and Valentine valleys were first grazed in the mid-19th century. We were heading back down in to the valley, and across to Mawson’s Hut. Con Bolton, who had built Tin Hut four years before, cut the timber posts out of the forest on the south side of Strawberry hill, above the ‘Mailmans Crossing’ of the Geehi — where the old cart track used by the mail rider ran from the Burrungubugge in to the Grey Mare Mine. The hut is large at 7m by 4m, with two rooms with windows and a woodstore. The area was first grazed in the mid-nineteenth century, toward Jagungal being part of the Toom Falls squatting run, the Munyang/Whites River being part of the Murryang run, and the mid-lower Geehi being part of the Agintoothbong run. The hut also has a fearful reputation for internal wildlife, but its size and location makes it a favourite with XC skiers. 10th Mountain Division Hut Association (US). The boundary riders employed on the lease included Lindsay Willis and a young Jack Bolton, working his first summer in the high country. Fred Fletcher worked the lease for seven years, until grazing on the lease was terminated for catchment protection reasons. Ordinary white bread keeps better than any other, for at least a week, If sealed in cellophane. Guthega ist ein Wintersportort im Südosten des australischen Bundesstaates New South Wales.Er liegt im Südteil des Kosciuszko-Nationalparks am Oberlauf des Snowy River und gehört zum Gebiet der Snowy Mountains.Im Dorf gibt es Hotels, Privatquartiere, ein Restaurant mit Bar und verschiedene Einrichtungen für den Skisport und andere Freizeitbetätigungen in freier Natur. If the visibility is good, Jagungal will be seen immediately ahead, and, slightly to the right in the immediate foreground, the prominent peak of the Cup and Saucer Hill . Approx distance between 9 and 6km. It was Sunday morning. For 5 April 2021: Flooding impacts have resulted in widespread closures of … It consists of two large rooms and a hall, all floored and having the walls lined with an insulating material. See it before you die — or die in the attempt.”. A 5 day 75Km hard walking trip from Gungarlin River to Daveys Hut, Kidman Hut, McDonalds Diggings, Mawsons Hut, Cesjacks Hut, Jaanga and Bogong sites, Bulls Peak old Trail in Kosciuszko National Park. Das Skigebiet erwies sich als sehr geeignet für schnelle Abfahrten, aber die Hütte wurde 1956 von einer Lawine zerstört, wobei auch ein Skifahrer zu Tode kam. A group of Sydney Ski Club skiers led by Club Captain Michaelis undertook a 3-day tour from The Chalet to Jagungal and back. This glacial lake is stunning with overnight camping a must to be able to shoot in the best light. Brief History Mawsons was built by Herb Mawson (the manager of "Bobundra" Station) , plus Lindsay Willis, Con Bolton and Jack Bolton in 1930. Bolton, John: interview with Graham Scully 23 August 1991. A few surviving ‘Main Range rats’ remained committed to back-country touring. . There is a stream 50m down from the hut. Moriarty, O: ‘North-west of Kosciusko’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1938, p48-51. That summer (or early the following), they built a crude kitchen shelter near the future site of Mawsons Hut, from iron they salvaged from the Grey Mare Mine. Mawsons Hut itself was full and tents were up all around it, so we camped up on the ridge behind the Hut. Kosciuszko Huts Association . Kosciuszko National Park 13-16 Oct 2019 Gungarlin Kidmans Mawsons Jagungal Area 25/02/2021 This was a 4 days and 44.8Km medium-hard walk from the Gungarlin River camp ground to Kidmans Hut, then up to Mawson Hut through the Snowy Plains in the Gungarlin valley, and through the Burrungubugge Ck gorge and to the Valentine Ck valley and back. As we did not have a crosscut saw we had to leave their damper lying in state on the shelf!”Winter 1937 saw parties engaged in longer tours, such as Oliver Moriarty’s group on a loop from The Chalet – Pounds Ck -Tin – Mawsons – O’Keefes - Round Mt – Dargals – Pretty plain – Grey Mare – Mawsons – The Chalet. It is usually stocked at the end of the summer months with firewood, but all provision for rations would have to be made by a party touring to this hut. (Demandering Hut was severely burnt in the January 2020 bushfires that started when a helicopter ignited the Orroral Valley fires). In January 1940, the Commissioner of the NSW Soil Conservation Service, ES Clayton, and George Petersen undertook a 4 ½ day tour of the main range to assess the environmental impacts of the 1939 bushfires. In 1929 the New Zealand and Australian Land Company took over the lease of Block R (now renamed Block A3). In 1936 Tom Moppett, Oliver Moriarty and Jean Trimble skied a K to K traverse — Trimble the first woman recorded to do so. F Parle & D Wightman, and others on fast tours. Kosciuszko National Park 9-13 Apr 2019 Gungarlin Gungartan Tin Mawsons Jagungal Area. In 1985 a new caretaker group formed the Squirrels Ski Club to honour their forebears. Charlie Carters Hut photo Rhonda Boxall Located on the Tin Mine Fire Trail, about 27 Km south of Dead Horse Gap. Through the winter of 1934 the hut came to be appreciated as a base for winter ski touring by hardy types that would be dubbed ‘The Main Range Rats’. Moppett, TW: ‘Kiandra to Kosciusko 1936’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1937, p94-101. In 1929 the New Zealand and Australian Land Company acquired a 7,000-acre lease between Macalister Saddle and The Kerries as summer grazing relief for its Bobundra station, south of Cooma. by Glenn Burns Nestled high up in Kosciuszko National Park's Jagungal Wilderness Area at about 1850 metres is Bluff Tarn. The chimney has a concrete base and an iron flue. The mountain — for it is a real mountain — a white cone, not just a round rise from a plateau. The main range north from Mt Kosciuszko was first surveyed by Hugh Labatt in 1843. Four Mile is a ‘one man’ hut built by Bob Hughes in 1937, the last active miner in Kosciuszko. In 1948, a summer snowstorm found the hut serving as a refuge for the local stockmen, a passing team of drovers, and a Newcastle bushwalking group led by Selby Alley. by Glenn Burns Long Plain in autumn: headwaters of the Murrumbidgee River. In comparison to the light, almost transient touch of a grazing hut, their footprint is more like that of a Sumo wrestler. Downing, P: Huts and Homesteads of Kosciuszko National Park, Pauline Downing 2010, p166-67. Floods and closures warning. The hut was only saved by Mary’s quick thinking and dexterity, climbing up the outside to pour water down the chimney to douse the flames. In the early planning stages of this walk it was only an endeav A four day hike was to take us across this granite batholith by way… Porridge, stew, consisting or bacon, corned or smoked mutton, dried vegetables, rice, Globex: dried fruit and rice, and dumplings, pea soup, bread, damper, butter and jam, and flapjacks. Telfer,A: ‘1935 Kiandra to Kosciusko Traverse’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1936, p192-194. Nearest Trackhead/Public Road – Guthega Power Station (unstaffed) & Guthega Road ~14km (1.5 hr unmarked route then 3hr walk along gravel road). The northern parts from Kiandra to Happy’s and Brooks Huts have substantial tree cover so the trails provide logical routes. In 1943 the original snow lease was split up, the Mackay family acquiring the northern part (Block B3), whilst the Fletchers and McPhies took over the southern part (Block E3). (And has anyone ever found the ‘post office’?). They helped Herb on the hut, Lindsay recalling “Herb was a fast and hard worker. Pallin, P: ‘Equipment for Ski Touring’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1959, p64. The ceiling and linings were put in, in late 1930 and the chimney in 1933. NSW Dept of Land and Property Information: parish maps c1880s-1970 (Gungartan & Jagungal), snow lease plans 1931-68. This was to be used primarily for the summer grazing of sheep from it’s Bobundra station — situated south of Cooma. Doctors, they talked him into getting a hernia treated, without which he could have died from the riding and work out on the lease. . Participants: Stephen Davies (Leader, Report), Damien Aggio, John Croker (Photos), Paul Marsh Demandering Hut Despite Demanding Hut being scheduled for a full rebuild due to termite damage to the wooden frame, KHA has not yet received assurances that the hut will be rebuilt. See more of Kosciuszko Huts Association on Facebook Moriarty, Lieut O: ‘Skiing on the Grey Mare Range’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1941, p24. The day finished off so brightly that we thought we had done with bad weather tor a time. Kosciuszko National Park, NSW Ngarigo country. In 1970 the group was involved in the formation of the Kosciuszko Huts Association. Macindoe, NN: ‘Gloria Mundi’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1941, p35. . The chocolate egg was duly passed around, photographic evidence being taken of the event. The plateau lies between 600 and 750 metres, reaching its highest point at Freeling Heights at 944 metres. “We had had a tin of food left for us during the summer so we had plenty . 17/08/2012 – 24/08/2012 Guthega Power Station – Tin Hut – Finn River – Mawson Hut – Jagungal – Kerries Ridge – Valentine Hut return Kosciuszko National Park, NSW […] Wer einfach In 2016 kostet dieses 17$. Through the 1930s Davey Williamson, after whom Daveys Hut on Snowy Palin is named, worked as overseer on the lease. We climbed up to Trig Station but only stayed a few minutes; the wind was terrific and very cold. The potatoes and onions found at Bogong Hut were relished. Marie is the first woman skier recorded as skiing Jagungal and this part of the range. Long Plain, in Kosciuszko NP, is one of the many high frost plains between the Brindabellas and Kiandra, all mostly above 1300 metres. Some of the more noteworthy huts include Moscow Villa Hut, Valentine Hut, Seaman's Hut, and Mawsons Hut. This with the corrugated iron and other materials being brought in on Ernie Murphy’s bullock dray. In 2016 kostet dieses 17$. Seaman’s Hut with Etheridge Ridge behind, Kosciuszko Main Range. After a particularly bad year, Jack Bolton began his career of dingo trapping. he'd have his tea and then go down to the creek and strip off and have a wash in the cold water then go to bed. Some old yards sit below the hut and footpads lead to it (in summer!). In the summer of 1930-31, Herb Mawson, the manager of Bobundra and an experienced builder, came up onto the lease to build a permanent shelter hut for the stockmen. Later Tom Mitchell and three others stopped at Mawsons on a tour from Khancoban to The Chalet via Pretty Plain, Grey Mare, Mawsons and Pounds Creek. Lindsay gained a reputation as a bit of a cook through his baking at Mawsons. Our bushwalkers walk single file off into the distance. . It is likely that the early surveyors and hydrologists on horseback stopped at the hut periodically during the early 1950s, and the occasional SMA Landrover found its way in to the hut from the Schlink Road or the fire trail past Cup & Saucer Hill during the 1960s, however there is no record of SMA visits and it is somewhat strange that no formed vehicle track was created/constructed in to the hut considering the importance of the Valentine River catchment in the Scheme. Sawn timber was sourced from Kellys mill at Old Adaminaby. Moppett recalled “The summit of Jagungal was covered In thick flying clouds but below them It was fairly clear. but no provision for heating is provided in the sleeping room. Disappointment Spur Hut Photo Chis Smart 2016 Located above Munyang on a FT on the northern side of the valley, south of Guthega. Wesche, V: ‘Twelve Years of NSW Skiing’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1941, p32. I first heard about Douglas Mawson's amazing escape from the crevasse, when I sheltered overnight at Mawson's Hut, while cross-country skiing in the Kosciuszko National Park. For the second season (1931-32) the hut was lined with caneite. After a reconfiguration of the area into snow leases, William Robertson acquired Block R of 7000 acres between Macalister Saddle and The Kerries in 1917. For 5 April 2021: Flooding impacts have resulted in widespread closures of NSW national parks, campgrounds and some roads. Globex is a wonderful addition to the stew. This entry was posted in Australia, Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Skiing and tagged 2012, Guthega, Kosciuszko National Park, Mount Anton, Ngarigo country, NSW, Pounds Creek, Watsons Crags on September 15, 2012 by Stephen Davies. The picture is taken from near Mawson's Hut. It appears the stockmen camped out on the lease during the summer of 1929-30. Upon the end of the lease in 1951 Fred Fletcher took up another snowlease at the Boobee and Far Bald Mountain, and Mawson’s Hut was left to only the recreational users. Whilst Lindsay was out riding the chimney caught fire. It was then easy to walk south west climbing from the river banks uphill to Mawson Hut some 300m away. Gilder, C: ‘The Main range From Snowy plains’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1936, p181-2. In 1985 the new caretakers of Mawsons Hut created the Squirrels Ski Club in honour of their forebears. Ein Seillift wurde am Mount Northcote gebaut und 1954 eröffnet. figs, cherries and jellettes is excellent as spare food. Mawson Hut Valentines Hut Valentine Fire Trail Schlink Trail Shlink Hilton Shlink Trail Disappointment Spur Trail Guthega Power Station Total Distance: … A lot of jam is required. It can be a devil to find in a white-out and a GPS position is sought! Third day will still be off track up and over Gungarten pass and then Mt Gungarten and down to Schlinks Pass. On the way out they reached WhIte's River Hut for lunch and Mawson's for a late afternoon tea. Sign up for the MSL Newsletter. By 1950 ski clubs were shifting their focus toward alpine skiing — specialty downhill ski gear, ski tows and large comfortable lodges accessible by vehicle. The hut also has a fearful reputation for internal wildlife, but its size and location makes it a favourite with XC skiers. In 1963 he founded the Exclusive Squirrels Club with fellow amateur skiers Maurice Joseph, Tom Blyton, Gus Fay, Tony Furze and Fred Porter. It is a very remote, inaccessible and arid wilderness. The old snow pole line, descending east to the Valentine and a short way up the far side. One regular visitor was Bill Kenyon. We woke at 7:00 am and the day was looking perfect once again! the weather was still very cold and on the verge of snow. They soon had the billy boiling and made us welcome.”. Soil conservation works including stone structures on the north side of Mailbox Hill. The hut quickly became a winter base for ‘The Main Range Rats’ skiing the northern part of the range and hosted a number of early women ski tourers including Marie Gelling — the first to ski up Mt Jagungal (1934), and Jean Trimble — the first to ski the K to K traverse (1936). B. die Kunama Hut, die in der Saison 1953 eröffnet wurde. From Mount Jagungal and Cessjacks Hut to Mawson’s Hut and the Kerries there is generally wide open snow-covered terrain where direct routes are possible although it wouldn’t be much fun in poor weather conditions. 23/02/2021. Millions Ski Club report, Australian Ski Yearbook 1934, p114. 12/08/2013 – 18/08/2013 Guthega Power Station – Disappointment Spur Hut – Valentines Hut – Mawsons Hut – Schlink Hut – Tin Hut – Mount Porcupine. Cleve Cole and Seamans Hut, in New South Wales – a memorial to Laurie Seaman and Evan Hayes who perished near Mt Kosciuszko in 1928 – are the only huts in the Australian Alps with thick, solid rock walls. The Aborigines would not eat the flesh; it is said that the bristle is of no use and the hide cannot be tanned owing to the greasy nature, but this fact and also its toughness allows it to be used as hobbles for horses. We had plenty of chocolate but did not want it. Logbooks record an Easter night in the early 1980s when there were no less than 53 bushwalkers camped in and around Mawsons Hut! Because the lease was enclosed by some seventeen miles of fencing, it could be worked by just two boundary riders, Lindsay and Jack. A couple of times during the season they would travel back to Bobundra for salt and supplies, and to see family. Herb’s father James, had been a builder in Cooma during the 19th century, whilst his brother Arthur Mawson had built Wragges Observatory on the summit of Mt Kosciuszko in 1898. Post was delivered to the men on the lease by a Mrs Bolton. [provided as record of… Sign up for the newsletter to receive the latest updates and specials A large open fireplace . Mar 5, 2019 - Jakob and Sonja recently completed the Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT) through the Australian high country. In 1963 some amateur skiers formed the Exclusive Squirrels Club, adopting Mawsons as their base for short winter tours. In 1943 the lease was split up, the Fletchers and McPhies taking over the southern part including the hut, until grazing of the upper Geehi and Valentine was terminated for catchment protection in 1950. Construction The hut is large at 7m by 4m, with two rooms with windows and a woodstore. I reached Mawson Hut at 6.05PM. As a sideline from the stockwork, which paid £4.6s per week, he guided guests at the Kosciusko Hotel on horseback tours at £1, usually for fishing spots along the Snowy River. Also known as Tin Mine 3, SMA or SMC. One of the Harris boys, Arthur, was there, with two more stockmen. There are bunks for a party of four but no blankets or sleeping bags . Some bush snow poles marked a possible route through a saddle in the Bulls peaks in the 1980s. Ownership appears to have changed frequently; James Spencer, who once held the adjoining Excelsior Run to the south, complained the main range runs were not viable around that time due to snow. Then onto the aqueduct bench from Whites River hut to Horse Camp Hut. Those who are fortunate enough to visit Mawson’s in snow will appreciate these early descriptions: Paddy Pallin 1959: “If you haven't stood on Mawson's Hut and looked at snow-clad Jagungal shining in the morning light you haven't lived as a skier.”, Dr Norman Macindoe 1941: “The hut bas been neglected and leaks, but the snow country would gladden an old skier's heart and the view — never shall I forget the dawn on Jagungal. Didn’t take us long to get there, with a quick water stop, we arrived at the hut in about an hour. In the first year he caught eleven dingoes; over eight years he caught 73. The roof and walls are of iron and the floor of wood. . Stokes, HL: ‘Victoria to Kosciusko’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1936, p62-63. Leave a reply. August 2008: Quelle: Photograph taken by Jerry Nockles: Urheber: Jerry Nockles: Lizenz. We took it pretty easy again this morning, and after coffee and breakfast, we managed to head off at 9:00am. Through the summer of 1934 and 35, Dr Colin Gilder travelled the area between Kiandra and Kosciuszko, recording all the huts available to skiing parties and writing these up in the 1934 and 1935 Australian Ski Yearbooks. Guthega Power Station – Tin Hut – Finn River – Mawson Hut – Jagungal – Kerries Ridge – Valentine Hut Start. Around the summit was a ring of cloud like a halo which rose slowly to heaven under the sun's caress. Outside were 12 pairs of skis, each pair made by its owner from Australian timbers like tulip oak, silver ash, alpine ash and ivory wood.”. Kosciuszko National Park 13-16 Oct 2019 Gungarlin Kidmans Mawsons Jagungal Area 28/10/2019 Updated on 25/02/2021 This was a 4 days and 44.8Km medium-hard walk from the Gungarlin River camp ground to Kidmans Hut, then up to Mawson Hut through the Snowy Plains in the Gungarlin valley, and through the Burrungubugge Ck gorge and to the… Using packhorses or horse-drawn sleds he would come in from Snowy Plain to Alpine Hut, then proceed onto Mawsons or Whites, skiing the supplies in the last part of the way as needed. A walker once commented that there was some mine equipment still stuck at one creek crossing, but this has never been verified. The old track to the Grey Mare mine, running east-west ~~2km north of the hut. This entry was posted in Australia, Bushwalking, Kosciuszko National Park, NSW and tagged 1978, Jagungal, Kosciuszko National Park, Mawson Hut, Ngarigo country, NSW, Round Mountain on March 24, 1978 by Stephen Davies. For decades, the Exclusive Squirrels Ski Club maintained the hut, and were renowned for keeping a good library. Dr Telfer did another K to K traverse. In 1952 Ted, Joe Scarlett and John Hawkins met Don Richardson and eight Rover Scouts at Mawsons hut. latest map showing bushfire extent around Namadgi. English: Morning sun shining on Mt Jagungal in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, Australia. . I first heard about Douglas Mawson's amazing escape from the crevasse, when I sheltered overnight at Mawson's Hut, while cross-country skiing in the Kosciuszko National Park. Floods and closures warning. Following the termination of squatting in the 1890s, most of the area around Mt Jagungal was reportedly leased by AJ Rial. Hueneke, Klaus: Huts of the High Country, ANU Press 1982, p(xvi), p11, p49-57. It is a very remote , inaccessible and arid wilderness. ‘The Bogong’, the blacks [sic] called it. The roof and walls are of iron and the floor of wood. Mawson’s hut remained relatively untouched by the Snowy Mountains Scheme. McDougall Vines: Mawsons Hut Heritage Action Statement, unpublished report for NPWS 2007. Moderate flow, not known to be dry. Many years later I decided to write a narrative poem about his feat to inspire my children and others. On a recent trip to Northern Kosciuszko we camped at the Long Plain Hut and also hiked in to Hainsworth Hut, an old grazing hut, via the Mosquito Creek Trail. Ted Winter recalled for Klaus Hueneke the 1950s as “lovely peaceful years when the Jagungal Wilderness was devoid of ski tracks and huts were rarely occupied. It can be a devil to find in a white-out. Two of his customers are credited with saving the life of Davey Williamson. Hueneke, K: Kiandra to Kosciusko, Tabletop Press 1989, p205, p209. Very high winter pressures through the 1980s made it difficult for caretakers to keep the hut in reasonable condition. The six berth hut is standard dingy but large and comfortable with a huge fireplace and the best hut views in the park. The Sentinel, another hour away to the west can provide another great opportunity with the Geehi Plains far below. There at our feet lay the big bend of the Valentine, huge plains which in summer are peat bogs, but in winter are the ballroom of the gods, flat as a billiard table, sheer white, covered with crystal that reflected all the colours of the spectrum, and from this plain in a splendid upward sweep rose the sharp peaks of Jagungal. The ceiling and linings were put in, in late 1930 and the chimney in 1933. It is a small alpine lake set in an extensive landscape of alpine ridges, swiftly flowing rivers and the vast swamps that make up the area loosely called Australia's High Country.… The hut was built in only 5 days, Herb assisted by Lindsay Willis and Jack Bolton — two boundary riders employed on the lease, Con Bolton and Ernie Murphy — who carted the materials in on his bullock dray through Snowy Plain. . Hueneke, Klaus: People of the High Country, Tabletop Press 1994, Lindsay Willis p59, John Bolton p65-66, Fred Fletcher p75, Ernie Bale p126, p354. It is the first time that I have seen any portion of the wombat used. Reg Gelling, Dr Archie Telfer and George Aalberg stopped at Mawsons on the first winter Kiandra to Kosciusko traverse made for some years. The posts along the verandah were set a metre into the ground to brace the hut against the wind from the west. Mount Kosciuszko (KOZ-ee-OS-koh / ˌ k ɒ z i ˈ ɒ s k oʊ /; Ngarigo: Kunama Namadgi, Tar-gan-gil), previously spelled Mount Kosciusko, is mainland Australia's highest mountain, at 2,228 metres (7,310 ft) above sea level. Gilder, C: ‘Skiing Huts of NSW’ article, Australian Ski Yearbook 1934 p60-62. Suddenly we dropped below the cloud level. Kosciuszko National Park spoils you with snow sports, alpine hiking and mountain biking, camping and caves in the Snowy Mountains, near Jindabyne and Tumut. Mostly off track. May have gone all the way to the (now very feint) 4WD track past Cup and Saucer Hill. The next three days the blizzard raged round Mawson's, and we spent most of our time eating and sleeping. Blue Lake From Charlotte Pass, Blue Lake is 2 hours away on skis to the north west. Koscisuszko National Park. From this time through to completion of the Schlink Pass Road in 1962, access into Mt Jagungal and Mawsons would come primarily from Snowy Plain rather than The Chalet and Kosciusko Hotel. Round Mountain – SMC Hut – O’Keefes Hut – Jagungal – Jackys Lookout – Farm Ridge . Looking to the east I could see Tarn Bluff, Mailbox Hill and the Cup and Saucer which I visited in 2017. Exploring Australia's High Country. After a long climb we disappeared into the clouds where the visibility was reduced to a few yards. The typical seasonal pattern would be to spend November checking and repairing fences, December bringing up the sheep, January to March tending sheep and fences, and taking the sheep back down after 1st April. Their name derived from their hoarding of supplies at Mawsons each summer for use during winter ski tours.
mawson hut kosciuszko 2021