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OSF Myanmar is also accused of illegally withdrawing $1.4 million from its account at SMED a week after the military junta takeover in Myanmar at the beginning of February. US/NATO Versus Russia-China in A Hybrid War To The Finish. He can do all three by commandeering a nation’s government, its institutions, its natural resources, industry, and influence over its population.”, The geopolitical analyst revealed that “Soros’ Open Society Foundation works in Myanmar almost without exception alongside the US State Department’s NED and the vast network of subsidiaries and grantees that it presides over.”. “The Open Society Foundations are deeply concerned by reports that an OSM (Open Society Myanmar) staff member has been detained in Myanmar,” Open Society Foundations said in an emailed statement. We give you all the information you need to choice if trust or not a website, so you can spend your money on the right site. Without evidence, Covert Geopolitics proclaimed this a False Flag operation. from Pixabay. Founded in 2016, Geopolitics Alert is a news website that describes themselves as an “independent and anti-intervention world news” website. This website is trendy as well as it has advertised and marketed their products on tv shopping programs as well. The Military has also seized OSF banks accounts in the private banks of Myanmar, collectively amounting to the tune of $3.81 million. Alternatively, find out what’s trending across all of Reddit on r/popular. That’s the importance of geopolitics and strategic planning. CoinSwitch is both safe and legit and it's one of the leading exchanges in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. In 2015 the US magnate had every reason to declare that his mission was accomplished: during the November elections the US-backed NLD won an absolute majority of seats in both chambers of the national parliament. In a broader sense, geopolitics studies the general relations between countries on a global scale. “In fact, he [Soros] more or less confessed later on that he was involved,” Mahathir highlighted. How can Johnson conceivably justify that arsenal, never mind increasing it? In a recent interview that the sitting US president gave to the ABC channel, Joe Biden confirmed that he considers Russia’s president Vladimir Putin a “soulless killer”, adding a series of threats against Russia to those remarks. Rather, the paradigm of what I call Meta-geopolitics is more appropriate now, accounting for both traditional notions of geostrategy and the volatile and shifting nature of today’s security context. Filter by: Filter by: David Wright 3 reviews. Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. We are alarmed by reports that authorities are seeking to interrogate other staff members,” Open Society Foundations said in an emailed statement to Reuters. … Continued To ‘normalize’ vaccine passports, the idea is increasingly being discussed in the media as we trudge on through the umpteenth version of lockdowns. The website lacks transparency as they do not disclose editors or ownership. So what is it? This will provide impetus to those keen to legally challenge authorities’ handling of the pandemic worldwide. This product is also available on leading Ecommerce websites as well, which embarks more customer demand. The most prominent accusation is a failure to obtain approval from the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM)’s Foreign Exchange Management Department for depositing US$5 million (7.04 billion kyats) with the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank (SMED) in Myanmar in 2018. Geopolitics is the study of the effects of Earth's geography on politics and international relations. Founded in 2015, Covert Geopolitics is a news and opinion website that tends to focus on numerous conspiracies. We call for her immediate release. GB. To manufacture consent for its own constant aggressions the US claims its competitors are guilty of even greater crimes – sheer inventions that never happened. The U.S.-created and supported government of Afghanistan is on the brink of collapse. But the domain is owned by the Internal Revenue Service, which is the tax collection agency of the US. “We call for her immediate release. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. The Union Solidarity and Development Party, a Myanmar political party known for its close ties with the military, have accused the Open Society Foundations of attempting to manipulate Myanmar’s politics through its activities in the country. A Brussels court has decided the government’s Covid measures are illegal, due to a lack of parliamentary scrutiny. The world was used to oil wars since the end of the 19th century. The Myanmar military junta accuses OSF Myanmar of multiple financial improprieties. The Military regime on Monday announced the arrest warrants for 11 staff members of OSF Myanmar through Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV). This website was registered on 13 March 2018, and at present, its domain age is more than two years. As such, FPRI is a key organization that not only teaches America about the world, but also the world about the world. Here’s the proof…. GPF is non-ideological, analyzes the world and forecasts the future using geopolitics: political, economic, military and geographic dimensions at the foundation of a nation. According to reports from Myanmar, the Myanmar military regime has seized the bank accounts of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) in the country. Geopolitics is a method of studying foreign policy in order to understand, explain and predict the behaviour of nations. Blinken, having read out the prepared ‘grievances’ indictment, found that the anti-hero, Yang Jiechi, instead of being chastened, hit back. A political analyst could perceive geopolitics as the exercise and distribution of power within the legislative branch of a government, analyzing the power dynamics—within a congress—of who and which party will support a new foreign policy towards another country (e.g. Why is China Reclaiming The Kalayaan Group of Islands? “Recognizing that democracy and the National League for Democracy [NLD] (led by Aung San Suu Kyi) cannot survive in Burma without the help of the United States and the international community, this report sounds a clarion call for change,” a preamble to the document said. – Is it what we could also call the end-game, or what Aldous Huxley called the “Brave New World” (1932), science-fiction – gradually turning into reality in the form of the UN Agenda 2030 – with the implementing tool of the Bill Gates created Agenda ID2020? The Syrian Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Bassam Tohme, said on Thursday, that the total losses in the direct and indirect oil sector in Syria have exceeded $92 billion (USD). Antony Blinken therefore intends to pursue the line adopted since President Reagan hired Trotskyists to create the NED: to make human rights an imperial weapon, without ever respecting them himself. The Saudi rulers are facing a humiliating defeat as the Yemenis take revenge and Uncle Sam washes his hands of blood. Name Notes Sources 70 News A WordPress-hosted site that published a false news story, stating that Donald Trump had won the popular vote in the 2016 United States presidential election; the fake story rose to the top in searches for "final election results" on Google News. The summit released a white paper, titled: Dreaming the Future of Health for the Next 100 Years, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. For the rest, one will avoid getting angry with the Chinese and will try to exclude Russia from the wider Middle East so that the war can continue without end. In another case, they claim HAARP was used to create a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia as revenge for resisting Khazarian demands. The Open Society Foundations responded to the Myanmar military junta on Tuesday, calling for the immediate release of the OSF staff member currently detained by the junta. making them think ‘correctly’. Biden Has Just Crossed the Red Line. Find more about how we can help each other from our healthcare site. Into the 21 st century: Meta-geopolitics The choice for a paradigm is therefore not between classical geopolitics and a narrative of post-territoriality. What are synonyms for GEOPOLITICS? According to Cartalucci, what’s at the root is the US longstanding plan to contain China’s emergence as an influential global player. What is the “Big Picture” of Covid-19 (the disease), alias SARS-CoV-2 (the virus)? Passionate about something niche? 53 Dead in Gibraltar 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections, The Situation is So Intense, it Involves the Entire US Government | FBI Insider, The Interview The Global Elite Never Want You To Hear, Dr. Charles Lieber’s Connections to The Plague, The Plot, and Psychotronic Warfare, Revealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine Passports, US, Lobbyists and Arm Dealers Scramble to Reposition Amid Impending Saudi Defeat in Yemen. With a Russia-China-Iran triple bitch slap on the hegemon, we now have a brand new geopolitical chessboard…. “In 1997 when Myanmar joined ASEAN, the US — Soros included — had already been deeply involved in coercing, pressuring, and manipulating Southeast Asian states for decades as a continuation of Western colonialism,” Cartalucci responded. Passionate about something niche? In general, this is not a credible source that favors conspiracy theories but appears to lightly favor the left. “It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees”, ascribed to Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, is quoted by many, but few seem willing to live it. In 2003 a US influential think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, published a document entitled “Burma: Time For Change” by Burma Task Force, which comprised George Soros, then US Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs Director Kenneth Wollack and other political and media figures. Covert Geopolitics lacks transparency and does not disclose names or owners. Terms and ConditionsFair Use PolicyFunding, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 4/7/2021, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 4/6/2021, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 4/5/2021, Trump Pardons Blackwater Mercenaries, But Not Julian Assange, U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs in March, as vaccinations spur return to normal, Weekly Summary for Media Bias Fact Check (3/26/21 – 4/1/21), Biden calls on states to keep mask mandates, pause reopenings, FactChecking Biden’s First Press Conference, Dominion Voting sues Fox News for $1.6 billion over false 2020 election claims, Weekly Summary for Media Bias Fact Check (3/19/21 – 3/25/21), US jobless claims fall to 684,000, fewest since pandemic. States are understood to be the only (or main, in the case of neorealism) actor in international politics. At the 2013 Global Health Summit in Beijing, China, 112 key individuals from governments, the private sector, international organizations, and other groups, met to discuss how the next 100 years of global health may look. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. That’s a killing capacity of hundreds of millions. Founded in 2015, Covert Geopolitics is a news and opinion website that tends to focus on numerous conspiracies. Each is about 8 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb which killed over 200,000 people. Vérifiez site est une arnaque ou un site Web sécurisé. Learn the Tricks of the Trade & Set Yourself Free, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) – The Vatican’s Central Bank, The UCC Connection to Our Slavery & How to Access Our Strawman Account, How the Cabal Maintains Their Power & How to Defeat Them, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick, The Protocols of Zion is Derived from the Jewish Talmud, But never Semitic, Israel’s Secretive Nuclear Facility Leaking as Watchdog Finds Israel Has Nearly 100 Nukes, Deep State Nazionists Establishing A Parallel State for Ratline 2.0, Corporate Power and Expansive U.S. Military Policy | Prof. Gaffney, Covert War Between Russia and Khazarian Jewry, Technocracy: An Artificial Intelligence Driven Dictatorship, The True Purpose of U.N. Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. Before you shop at a site you do not know, check for yourself. Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Has Obama Lost Control Of the Philippines? Why We All MUST Reject Vaccine Passports! It has lost all credibility with its people because of its incompetence and unbelievable corruption. This is seen as a move to investigate the finances of organizations like the OSF since the civilian government of the National League for Democracy (NLD), the political party of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, rose to power in early 2016. In Memoriam: George H. Scherff Jr. aka George HW Bush Sr. They administer the Internal Revenue Code which has been enacted by Congress. The website lacks transparency as they do not disclose editors or ownership. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. The U.S. state has, in fact, already a secretive plan in place to shut down the internet and mobile phone systems, or portions thereof. (D. Van Zandt 3/23/2017) Updated (3/17/2021), Left vs. These funds were used for purposes fully within the objectives of OSM.” the Open Society Foundations told Reuters. There’s now an ongoing operation to further tear America apart, i.e., shootings of Asians for “spreading the COVID19 pandemic.” These shooters, paid or not, need their skull examined immediately for not realizing that everyone is a victim in the ongoing World Economic Forum sponsored coup against humanity itself. John Magufuli: Death of a Freedom Fighter, Confronted Big Pharma & Covid Cabal, US/NATO Versus Russia-China in A Hybrid War To The Finish, Crashing Saudi Oil Economy Explains Urgent Yemeni Peace Offer, Blinken’s Pièce de Théâtre Failed; Its Script Was Passé, International Relations according to Antony Blinken, Al-Qaeda in Syria: Western Media’s “Reliable” Source, The Overthrow of Evo Morales and the First Lithium War was UK Engineered, UK Lockdown One Year On: It Doesn’t Work, It Never Worked, Welcome To ‘Shocked & Awed’ 21st Century Geopolitics, CIA Pressured Yemen to Release al-Qaeda Leader From Prison, Russia, China Need to Move Away from Dollar to Reduce Risks of U.S. Sanctions, New Cold War is Built on Humanitarian Interventionist Lies & Dismissal of Actual War Crimes, Senior U.S. Official Acknowledges Washington Has Spent $143 Billion to Destroy Its Own Gov’t in Afghanistan, Intersectional Imperialism: A Wholesome Menace, 2013 Rockefeller Paper Predicted Isolation, the Death of Physical Interaction & Global Health Police, Syrian Oil Minister Reveals US Has ‘Pirated’ $92 Billion in Crude, Boris Johnson Confirms British Citizens are Military & Intelligence 24/7 Cyber Ops Targets, A Budget to Defend the American People, Not the Weapons Makers, UK Breaks Law on Nukes: Boris Johnson Announced a 40% Increase in Britain’s Nuclear Arsenal, Divide and Conquer Black Ops: Asian Edition. is a SCAMMMM!!! For realism, world politics is made up of an anarchic, unregulated space of the international and the ordered space of the sovereign state. Almost half a year before NLD’s triumph, Soros openly told journalists that his effort in Myanmar was “a longer-term investment that paid off.”, “George Soros is just one of many US-based vectors for cash, political, and operational support attempting to create and install a client regime in Myanmar,” Cartalucci said commenting on Soros’ Burmese saga, “Soros — like the interests he works in concert with — seeks to maximize his power, wealth, and influence. Through geopolitics we attempt to analyze and predict the actions and decisions of nations, or other forms of political power, by means of their geographical characteristics and location in the world. Claims that OSM used these funds for illegal purposes are false. What makes a good conspiracy is one that cannot be proven or disproven, but sounds like it could possibly happen. Geopolitics usually refers to nations and the relations between them. The violations that Roobet makes are listed below: I would like to point out that Roobet does not have a license for Europe nor are they allowed to accept players from the European Union. Some legit, and some non-legit.” Another aspect of Trump’s resistance to the neo-cons running the Pentagon and CIA is reflected in the June 11 joint U.S.-Iraq statement after the Strategic Dialogues summit of American and Iraqi delegates which committed to … What is the “Big Picture” of Covid-19 (the disease), alias SARS-CoV-2 (the virus)? It was then that Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and Myanmar’s incumbent State Counselor, emerged nothing short of a “national icon.”. “Claims of financial misconduct, including that OSM acted illegally by withdrawing their own funds in local currency from the SMID bank, are false. Many websites look legit but are in fact fake. The geopolitical researcher explained that “Myanmar’s acceptance into ASEAN gave it options, legitimacy, and leverage that the US was attempting to strip away from it just as it does today with nations like Syria, North Korea, or Iran through political isolation, economic sanctions, media campaigns, and covert subversion.”. The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up. Why CIA Created the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines. Come find out How to use geopolitics … Foreign Office documents obtained by a British historian and journalist show that the UK engineered the overthrow of Bolivian president Evo Morales to steal the country’s lithium reserves. He writes articles exposing propaganda and the numerous aspects of the worldwide conspiracy, in addition to geopolitics, sovereignty, health and higher consciousness. March 29, 2021 Geopolitics101 Leave a comment. Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTERFactual Reporting: MIXEDCountry: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)Media Type: WebsiteTraffic/Popularity: Minimal TrafficMBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY. What makes CoinSwitch so safe is that they're a non-custodial exchange. Frequency 5 posts / day Blog In the Western world, African leaders are invisible, until that is, they draw the ire of the Globalati, the Pandemic Curia, the WHO, and its Virus-obsessed Media. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources. WASHINGTON (Substack // Alex Rubinstein) — Explosive new recordings released by the Houthi government of Yemen pile more earth atop mountains of existing evidence of the U.S. government’s support for the very same terrorists it has claimed to be waging war against for nearly two decades. Geopolitics c... [SUBTITLES AVAILABLE] We understand Geopolitics through its component parts - 'Geo' and 'Politics', as the study of 'world power distribution'. Geopolitics News has goal to make it easier for reader to find in one place important news and analytics of events around the globe. U.S. Gov’t Giving Away $500k for “Innovative & Effective” Facemasks, Belgian Judge Orders Government to Scrap COVID Lockdown. The first to utilise geopolitics was the 400 BC historian Thucydides who documented the Peloponnesian war between Sparta and Athens. Geopolitics does indeed make certain claims: there is an international pecking order, determined by who has power and who does not; power is rooted in the physical nature of the world itself; the power of the modern state has some relation to the territory that it occupies, controls, or influences; resources and strategic potential, the sources of state power, are unequally distributed worldwide; and … – Is it what we could also call the end-game, or what Aldous Huxley called the “Brave New World” (1932), science-fiction – gradually turning into reality in the form of the UN Agenda 2030 – with the implementing tool of the Bill Gates created Agenda ID2020? As the Biden administration insists on double-masking indefinitely and funding a design for new, better face coverings, Americans yearning to breathe free once the coronavirus pandemic is over may need to think again. The Military has also seized OSF banks accounts in the private banks of Myanmar, collectively amounting to the tune of $3.81 million. Albert et al. The military regime of Myanmar has seized bank accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation [OSF] in the country, as it accuses OSF Myanmar of violating multiple financial restrictions on the activities of organizations interfering on domestic affairs. 3,500 Ton Philippine Gold Bars Unlawfully Shipped Out, But for Whose Benefit? These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer, not a vaccine manufacturer for SARS … if we said we’re going to give people prophylactic chemo for the cancer they don’t have, you’d be laughed out of a room, because it’s a stupid idea. What is the meaning of GEOPOLITICS? Keeping all these facts in mind and my experience, I can confidently say that no exchange even comes close to Binance in terms of security, volume, and community initiatives. This 17 th Century poem, espousing the human need for interconnection, could be seen as the basis of geopolitics. – © 2011-2021 Copyright Covert Geopolitics - an online publication of eClinik Learning. OSF is accused of providing financial support to civil disobedience movements against the military rule. Speaking to Fortune’s Neel Chowdhury, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad stated on September 29, 1997 that Kuala Lumpur had “definite information” and “every evidence” that Soros was involved in the financial crisis, adding that the US investor was “not the only one” who fanned its flames. US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather, "Covid19 Crisis" is A Crime Against Humanity | German Corona Investigative Committee. What is the definition of GEOPOLITICS? State media in Myanmar reported that authorities had detained an official from the Open Society Myanmar and were looking for 11 other employees on suspicion the group passed funds to opponents of a Feb. 1 coup. OSF Myanmar is also accused of illegally withdrawing $1.4 million from its account at SMED a week after the military junta takeover in Myanmar at the beginning of February. Geopolitics has been one of the great strengths of the Foreign Policy Research Institute from the outset, and this strength has been strongly developed by Alan Luxenberg. “Efforts to hinder Myanmar’s membership in ASEAN were intended to deny it a much needed lifeline,” he remarked. Gibraltar is a British Colony at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula attached to the country of Spain. FOLLOW US. European Geopolitics. The unipolar moment is six feet under, the hegemon will try to break Eurasian integration and there’s no grownup in the room to counsel restraint…. Conventional geopolitics is based around realist political thought. A despot who purportedly practices widespread torture and is thus responsible for the death of half a million of his fellow citizens. The OSF has also rubbished the Military junta’s allegations of financial impropriety on the part of OSF Myanmar. Why U.S. Mercenaries are in the Philippines? Geopolitics, Multipolar World, WW3. If U.S. military aid and the enormous inputs of international aid were to be withdrawn, the Taliban would be at the gates of Kabul and poised to take over the entire country in a matter of days. Not sure what that URL exactly is. The remainder of this page shows all the data we were able to find which may help you review to determine if … Is Trypowerlegs com legit? Conclusion: Is Binance Legit & Safe? All rights reserved. What Geopolitics Is No country functions in geopolitical isolation; today, all countries enjoy interdependence, no matter how small Image by Elias Sch. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Geopolitics definition is - a study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on the politics and especially the foreign policy of a state. Free website reputation checker tool lets you scan a website with multiple website reputation/blacklist services to check if the website is safe and legit or malicious. This plan, known as SOP 303, enables the shutdown and restoration process for use by commercial and private wireless networks during a … So, is safe? In a recent interview that the sitting US president gave to the ABC channel, Joe Biden confirmed that he considers Russia’s president Vladimir Putin a “soulless killer”, adding a series of threats against Russia to those remarks.
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