ilse delange evgeny

Kinda surprised this only got a 22, and only one 8 as I felt it deserved more 8s. Rrrrrrruuumbaaaaaaaa heute abend für mich und Evgeny! Evgeny bringt derzeit Sängerin Ilse DeLange das Tanzen bei. Loved the lifts, especially the closing lift. And  few moments where it seemed she gassed out in energy in bit which is expected with such a fast complex dance. I'm happy to be able to participate in the Week 2 round! Ooh ok there was a middle section where she did look lost and forgot some steps, which is a shame. He lacked rhythm, had no hip action and seemed very steppy. Sängerin Ilse DeLange (43) tanzt mit Evgeny Vinokurov (30): Ja, sie ist ganz aufgeregt. Sections of this page. Vanessa was a fine first boot. Ja, zwischen Ilse und Evgeny stimmt die Chemie nicht nur auf dem Tanzparkett. This was a sweet dance in the style of it. But there were some good moments and I liked the style/flair of the dance. Simon ave a strong, powerful and intense performance here. My score: 3, Simon & Patricija - Paso Doble: The Paso Doble is a style that should fit Simon well, and i feel it did after seeing this dance. Overall though, a solid and improved party Latin from Ilse. Nicht nur bei Motsi Mabuse und Valentina Pahde kullerten die Tränen, sondern auch bei Profitänzer Evgeny Vinokurov… The beginning was cute. It was a cute dance though not very good. Visit's I Store to shop for I Live Concert Recordings on CDs, DVDs, MP3s and MP4s. The Lusins each have a perfect score now, wonder who will have the most in the end? Kim & Pasha: She’s a little off-balance throughout and made a mistake near the middle. I did love that cool pot stirrer move at the end. And wow the same song to Clara’s amazing Charleston on Strictly, but I liked how this was very ifferent. Pros not returning: Isabel Edvardsson (pregnancy), Erich Klann, Nikita Kuzmin, Regina Luca, Massimo Sinato (wife is pregnant) and Alona Uehlin. But I am nervous for the remaining women if they perform one bad dance. Für die letzte Sendung haben die beiden eine emotionale Rumba zum Song "Time after Time" einstudiert. But the tricks and flips were all good and fun to watch. Lol Ilse and Evgeny played the hot girl and dorky guy (for the short time he did) roles very well respectively. Ooh wait… and I see their partners, Renata & Valentin are a married couple? Evgeny Vinokurov bei Let’s Dance; Staffel (Jahr) Tanzpartner Platzierung 12 (2019) Evelyn Burdecki: 5. Lola & Christian: Good lines, mostly clean footwork and nice change of character from her last two dances. Nach Steh-Erol kommen Ilse DeLange und Elon Musk. and his own thing. Nicolas & Vadim: Great choreography and sharp, staccato tango from Nicolas. She was great arcing on her own and did well with the solo work. How cool that they got the best male and female celeb dancers this season. She really threw herself into the lifts so well. They also kind of remind me of Victoria Swarovski & Erich Klann (Pasha even resembles Erich a bit) but we’ll have to wait and see if Kim will be as versatile as Victoria. Ilse DeLange – Evgeny Vinokurov haben bei Let’s dance am 5.3.2021 wahrscheinlich nur angedeutet, was sie können oder was möglich ist. OK he did try and give a good effort with his solo section, and he was into it as he brought power and intensity there at least. My score: 3/4, Nicolas & Vadim - Slowfox: I wasn’t expecting this for a Slowfox, as I was expecting a softer slower dance from them. Figured the unknown model would be eliminated over the much poorer middle-aged/senior men the minute she dropped down the leaderboard. Let's Dance 2021: Ilse DeLange bringt Profitänzer Evgeny zum Weinen, für Let's Dance 2021: Ilse DeLange bringt Profitänzer Evgeny zum Weinen. But Senna did look very cute. This week Evgeny and I are dancing to this great Cindy Lauper song … So viel Tiefe in diesem Menschen. Really loved how they attacked those moves - like that part where they leaped in the air together and other moves they id together. Ilse DeLange – Evgeny Vinokurov. Great acting from Senna and in hold, chin could be lifted a bit though. It's easy! My score: 8/9, Lola & Christian - Viennese Waltz: Ooh another “Stuckwitu” VW. Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov sind ein Herz und eine Seele. She does seem to tense up and shoulders raise up a little while in hold. Senna & Robert: Dramatic start with Robert swiping the table. This wasn’t very good but definitely a point or two better than Mickie. My score: 6/7, Erol & Marta - Cha-Cha: Oooh lol Erol’s lip synching at the start was quite awkward. Score was 6, 6, 4, her highest score so far. - Nicolas, Lola, Simon and Ilse all seem varyings of good to really good with potential in them, so hoping to see them continue to do well and can make it far. But I loved the drama he brought and he did very well on the side by side flamenco dancing - with the Spanish lines and fast footwork. Mai 1977 als Ilse Annoeska de Lange in Almelo) ist eine niederländische Sängerin. All 10s! I thought Senna did alright/fine here. Ja, zwischen Ilse und Evgeny stimmt die Chemie nicht nur auf dem Tanzparkett. Ja, zwischen Ilse und Evgeny stimmt die Chemie nicht nur auf dem Tanzparkett. Hopefully those two go next, then Erol can go and we can be left with a great Final 7. Ilse DeLanges Worte treffen bei Evgeny Vinokurov ins Schwarze So haben wir “Let’s Dance”-Profitänzer Evgeny Vinokurov (30) noch nie erlebt. Seems like her scores are all over the place so you never know what you can get from her. Wahnsinn”, schwärmte er kürzlich auf Instagram. There were times where he seemed really into it that sone parts came off kinda aggressive (though I know thats what the choreo calls for). There are so many good pros named Pasha . Score was 7, 7, 6, her highest score so far. But the partnering dancing they do is also so powerful and moving. Yeah his “dancing” was not good here. Senna & Robert: She looked so lost for most of the dance. Ilse DeLange: Singer-Songwriter & Former The Voice of Holland Coach, Senna Guemmour: Former Monrose Singer & Comedian, Vanessa Neigert: Contestant at Deutschland sucht den Superstar (Season 6), Auma Obama: Sociologist & Half-Sister of Former US President Barack Obama, Nicolas Puschmann: Prince Charming Personality (he will be in a same-sex partnership), Lola Weippert: Radio Host & Television Presenter. I’ll provide some thoughts! Love this song for a VW too. My score: 7/8, Senna & Robert - Jive: A cute and fun dance but overall, this wasn’t too good. Instagram really likes this partnership so Jan might be there for awhile even if he doesn’t improve. This was a very good intense and passionate Tango. She had good footwork throughout. But sadly his dancing was so robotic and stiff while in hold. Lol Christina doing that long intro to make Jan do even less arcing. M score: 7, Mickie & Malika - Rumba: Oh dear, I was dreading seeing Mickie’s Rumba. I liked that they di a traditional Paso. One of the better dances so far. She had good rhythm and partnering work. New pros: Patricija Belousova, Malika Dzumaev, Alexandru Ionel and Pasha Zvychaynyy. But then I love how Valentina got right into hold with good frame positioning and she was so graceful and elegant in her hold. 3,945 Likes, 94 Comments - Ilse DeLange (@ilsedelangemusic) on Instagram: “Tonight’s the night! Lovely dance as well, she’s definitely a ballroom lady and Evgeny’s choreography was great. - Rurik and Valentina seems like easily and the runaway two best of this season. She kinda distracted me as I wanted to just watch her in this. Her technique was hit-or-miss, her knees were bent throughout and her footwork was a little wild. Die Sängerin ist seit über 20 Jahren mit Bart Vergoossen liiert, der nicht nur ihr Partner, sondern auch ihr Bandkollege ist. - But do we really need all of Jan, Kai and Mickie remaining who are all consistently really bad? And wow she looks absolutely gorgeous in this. In der letzten “Let’s Dance”-Sendung wurde es emotional! I expected worse than this so kind of a ~pleasant surprise. ! Studioalben. Da sind große Gefühle vorprogrammiert! Rúrik did look and dance the part of a leading man, as he partnered and led the dance well. 18 talking about this. “Ich bin so froh, mit so einer tollen Frau wie Ilse zu tanzen. Also, Lets Dance bei RTL! But I do like the cool slick approach they had with this dance. Diszipliniert, höchst professionell und humorvoll – so kennen die “Let’s Dance”-Zuschauer den Tanzprofi. “Ich bin so froh, mit so einer tollen Frau wie Ilse zu tanzen. Score was 5, 5, 3, his highest score so far (how sad). It all felt very Latin dance basic steps 101. Lola did do very well with this dance. Mickie was a very cautious in his movements and did walk the steps rather than glide through them. Für sie und Evgeny Vinokurov steht der erste Charleston, bekannt als Gesellschaftstanz, in … She has great energy and an infectious personality while dancing and performing. Instagram comments like his personality though so maybe he’s a Graziano. My score: 3, Kai & Kathrin - Slowfox: Lol at first i thought hits was another Vegas themed Slowfox ut it was more of a Classic Hollywood type. Everything from how he danced, partnered Marta and even his smile/facial expressions all seemed so placed. Senna seemed mediocre but think she should still be in it over the 3 guys i’m gonna mention below. 00:56 Min So reagieren die Leute mittlerweile auf Nicolas und Vadim. A great moment for Nicolas and he’s showing that he can be a top contender alongside Rúrik & Valentina. Hmm this wsas an interesting dance. My score: 2/3, Rúrik & Renata - Viennese Waltz: Finally a good dance after so many bad dances. Ilse DeLange & Evgeny Vinokurov punkten beim Charleston. Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov sind ein Herz und eine Seele. Vanessa & Alexandru. He had an okay frame, the footwork wasn’t great but I thought he partnered Christina well. Valentina & Valentin: The two Vals are paired together . Ilse DeLange Photos Photos - Ilse DeLange and Evgeny Vinokurov seen on stage during the 5th show of the 14th season of the television competition "Let's Dance" on March 26, 2021 in Cologne, Germany. Some parts did seem a little off balance and shaky in some spots. He needs to calm down and focus on the technique. Kim & Pasha: Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS arms from Kim, the Waltz really suits her. She had good technique and kicks & flicks throughout. Auma & Andrzej: Much improved from last week. This was a very pretty dance. I liked the feel good vibe here. So without properly seeing the dances, I’ll provide some thoughts. Ilse DeLange (2018) Karriere. Ilse was really fun and adorable in how she performed this and nailed the character. He didn’t really seem to do much especially on the parts where they weren’t dancing in hold. My score: 7, Nicolas & Vadim - Tango: Ooh this had quite an Argentine Tango flair to it. She did move well in hold being led by Robert. Stiff as a board, airplane arms, unsteady footing. I still tried with Week 1 but still no luck so I gave up on those dances for now but maybe I’ll try again whenever I have time to do so (and Week 3 too). Little rough around the edges as expected for a first dance but already great chemistry with Vadim, they looked like they’ve been dancing together for years. Wahnsinn”, schwärmte er kürzlich auf Instagram. But he entertained, so there’s that. Theres still some awkwardness in his dancing and some of his dancing could have been smoother. Ilse & Evgeny: Nice movement mostly, little unsteady and her walk at the end didn’t fit the dance. Oh he had this pouty lip look which looked weird to me. Lol parts of it were kinda cringey and embarrassing. *fingers crossed*. Erol & Marta: Heavy-footed, stiff and missed a couple steps. 18 talking about this. Auch wenn es sich so anhört. But yikes, this was really bad. He did sell and perform it well on the out of hold solo/side by side parts. While she had 2 low scoring dances, her Waltz was well received with great scores so it looks like she had some potential in ballroom. Marta was gorgeous in this. I just really loved the party atmosphere they brought to the dance. This was fun to watch. Simon & Patricija Cha-Cha: This was a fun and flirty opening dance. She was also really gorgeous and hot in this too. There’s times when she really commits and performs but other times she’s a bit hesitant. And Renata was super hot in this too! I actually was expecting and hoping for some more lifts in this which there wasn’t but thats okay because this dane didn’t need those. Can’t wait for more from Rúrik, he’s so versatile. Von „Sing meinen Song“ bis Freund – alle Infos zur Sängerin im Überblick. - Are the German voting public allergic or sexist in supporting women? Glad to see Valentin with another contender, he’s a great pro. 27 talking about this. A little blocky and skippy in his movement. Felt she was a bit better than Lola and deserved a point or two more but maybe Lola’s performance put her over the top. My score: 6/7, Erol & Marta - Rumba: Well I thought Erol gave a decent attempt at the Rumba and was certainly better than the  other older men who attempted this. Same neck problems as Lola and her arms and hands lacked fluidity. Und als Ilse DeLange genau über dieses Thema spricht, trifft sie bei Evgeny mitten ins Herz. I would have liked for them to take their time and slowed it down little bit, as it did seem kinda fast. As for the dancing, at the beginning she had some good lines but as the dance went on, her energy dropped a bit. This year, just like Emma, she gets a partner with zero potential after a contender. Kai & Kathrin: Oh god, David Hasselhoff flashback with this song. Clompy, stompy and slow, the complete opposites of a Quickstep. Finally got to watch all the Week 3 dances and have my thoughts on them! I thought Simon partnered Patricija well and he really did well with all of the lifts showcasing lots of strength and impressive lifts throughout the dance, especially that one part where he lifted her above his head. Thanks, Ariel! So haben wir „Let’s Dance“-Profitänzer Evgeny Vinokurov noch nie erlebt. My score: 6, Kai & Kathrin - Paso Doble: Lol such a dramatic entrance with him kicking down the gate door. Scared how long Mickie could last. The story they sold and shared was full of meaning and heart. Neurox Media A shame she wasn’t forgiven for this dance to redeem herself. Last season's pros returning: Marta Arndt, Robert Beitsch, Andrzej Cibis, Renata Lusin, Valentin Lusin, Kathrin Menzinger and Christian Polanc. Ilse DeLange & Evgeny Vinokurov Cha-Cha-Cha Baccara – Yes Sir, I Can Boogie (von 1977) Mickie Krause & Malika Dzumaev Rumba Elton John – Your Song (von 1970) Rúrik Gíslason & Renata Lusin Jive The Baseballs – Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Cover – Original von 1988) I do love reading all of your updates here, Ariel. But at least he had fun and really got into the dance and had a blast with it. Mickie & Malika: Poor Malika, she was the standout of the new pros last week and she’s saddled with the worst contestant so far. And yeah his in hold dancing isn’t goo as h moves in a shaky lacking confident way in hold and he has moments of being hunched in hold. I will give him credit that he did seem to connect with the dance and showcase Malika well. He was also quite skippy in the footwork. Three women have gone already. Also loved the portrait theme with Marta. A few off parts. But she looked to have some decent footwork in there and moved well. But regardless this was a really beautiful and stunning routine. Her best result happened by accident when she replaced an injured Christina a few years ago and not only made the semifinals with her new partner, Giovanni, but also received her first ever perfect score with him for their first dance together. Nicolas has a lot of promise as a dancer, great musicality and hand-placement is solid. Poor Kathrin, she had a real shot of winning last year with Tijan but they got the James Van Der Beek fate and were a shock elimination in the semifinals. So the intent was there. Simon’s posture needs work, in and out of hold he was hunched a bit and his butt was sticking out. Auma & Andrzej Slowfox: She has good moments and iffy moments. He messed up quite a bit and didn’t even do the non-Cha-Cha, hip-hop moves well. Hmmm I thought this dance was alright but not as bad as the 10 indicates. Lots of energy throughout, at times her movements were a bit ungainly and sloppy, especially in the cartwheel, but overall a good dance from her. Für Ilse war das Thema extrem emotional. I could put Erol in that group of guys but at least he seems to have 2 decent scoring dances in him so he can outlast those 3. Great musicality, technique and chemistry with Renata, the whole package. I think he maybe hit the dance with a little too much attack that it lacked some refinement in spots (mostly at the beginning). Ooh the footwork and technique was really not there. I know she’s a model but she certainly looks it, haha. Auch wenn es sich so anhört. Dass man einen solchen Gefühlsausbruch von Evgeny noch nicht kannte, hat einen bestimmten Grund. “Ich bin so froh, mit so einer tollen Frau wie Ilse zu tanzen. 01:23 Min Deshalb liebt Jan Hofer "Let's Dance" so sehr. Nicolas & Vadim: They’re alternating who leads and who follows in this dance, I think they’re going to do that in all their dances. Soo it was a really bad dancing but he is charming an gave it his best try. showed her off well, but he was very stiff and lacking any Latin feel or rhythm. That was barely a Quickstep, the two or three times they were in hold his form was ghastly and looked like he just learned to WALK. Erol seemed very properly placed and stiff throughout the dance. He did have some decent footwork and elegance in how he moved. Musikerin Ilse DeLange (43) und Evgeny Vinokurov (30) tanzen einen Charleston zu „Baby Face“ von Julie Andrews. By I’m not quite sure if I’d give a perfect 30 this soon, but I’m not mad - I’d go with a mx of 9s and 10s. Senna isn’t going to last much longer with two consecutive bottom three appearances. Footwork looked pretty clean and she has musicality. I am also very amused by a Jive to “Dot Worry, Be Happy” as I never would have imagined that in my life but it works with this arrangement. Very good and powerful, certainly his best yet. 00:34 Min She did showcase some lovely shapes, lines and fluidity in her movements. Auma did well in this for the most part. This wasn’t good but I id think Jan gave a nice kinda charming performance. Pagina met Video's van optredens en songs van deze Nederlandse zangeres die zowel de gevoelige snaar als het winde onderbuik gevoel kan beroeren. I'm so glad I was able to finally watch. Auma & Andrzej: A little awkward overall but nice emotion. Both looked disappointed for different reasons in the reaction clip on Instagram, Mickie likely for the low score and Malika for having to dance with him. In der diesjährigen Staffel tanzt er mit der holländischen Sängerin Ilse DeLange (43) um die Krone des „Dancing Star”. Posture and balance were a little off at times but he’s definitely a contender and one of the most natural dancers this year. She had good le acti and hip action. Profi-Special 2019 Marta Arndt Evgenij Voznyuk – Profi-Special 2020 Nina Bezzubova – 14 (2021) Ilse … Kai & Kathrin Paso Doble: Okay, not as bad as his past dances which I guess is an improvement. Ilse DeLange brachte ihren Tanzpartner Evgeny Vinokurov zum Weinen. My score: 7/8, Mickie & Malika - Quickstep: As I expected this was also really bad. Alexandru is giving me Gleb/Graziano vibes not only with his looks but with his over-dancing around her. He and Patricija have great chemistry though. He did better and seemed to let loose and have fun on the out of hold parts. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass ihr Tanzpartner ihr ein bisschen Ruhe gibt. She had such amazing and rhythmic hip action and moved and danced with lots of rhythm and energy. I should be starting Week 2 in the Best Let’s Dance Routine Game tomorrow if you want to participate. Couple of times he seemed unsure and unsteady but mostly good. Surprised Jan was in the bottom two since there’s a lot of positive commentary about his partnership with Christina, guess him being at the bottom of the leaderboard was enough to drop him down there. Die Zuschauer waren vor allem von dem Wiener Walzer von Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov begeistert. With the same sex partnership, I like how they tak advantage of switching who leads and holds, and I thought Nicolas did well in following and then leading Vadim. Too bad for Alexandru, first year and first out, even poor ballroom pro Nikita survived last year’s first elimination. I’m also not a fan of happy-themed Tangos and feel like Jan has been lucky with getting dances and music that suit his cute partnership with Christina. Well done to Kai getting this far, but it ws time for him to go even though I think I slightly like him more than Jan & Mickie but i won’t complain. 20 PUNKTE: Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov (Cha Cha Cha, "Yes Sir, I Can Boogie", Baccara) 19 PUNKTE: Simon Zachenhuber und Patricija Belousova (Contemporary, "I Don't Want To … Ilse DeLanges Worte treffen bei Evgeny Vinokurov ins Schwarze. My score: 7, Jan & Christina - Tango: Ooh with the song/style of this dance, it didn’t real feel like a Tango to me. Ilse DeLange tanzt in der ersten Show von "Let's Dance" 2021 mit Evgeny Vinokurov den Wiener Walzer zu "One And Only" von Adele. Let’s dance 2021 wird es zum Glück geben! A few awkward moments where she was trying not to get tangled in the footwork and lifts but overall some good potential from her. While Senna wasn’t a robbery, I still would have liked seeing her improve. My score: 9/10. I liked how this dance had a lot of Paso and Argentine Tango content/moves in it, and maybe it felt like those styles more than the stander Tang. Ilse DeLange ist Kandidatin bei der RTL-Show „Let’s Dance“ 2021. This was a really cute and fun Quickstep. I don’t know anything of their popularity but I see Jan and Kai have landed in the Bottom group a few times already. Jump to. He was very light and fast in his footwork. But yeah, not good. It felt like a father/daughter dance. Valentina & Valentin: Very impressive for a Week 2 Quickstep! Evgeny Vinokurov bei Let’s Dance; Staffel (Jahr) Tanzpartner Platzierung 12 (2019) Evelyn Burdecki: 5. My score: 2, Rúrik & Renata - Tango: I definitely expected Rúrik to deliver a strong Tango, an d he certainly did so! Don’t have much hope for Kai to last long. Well his piano playing at the start was nice. She messed up the start of the footwork and a bit in the middle but overall pretty strong compared to last week. Pagina met Video's van optredens en songs van deze Nederlandse zangeres die zowel de gevoelige snaar als het winde onderbuik gevoel kan beroeren. My score: 10. So hopefully they can go soon. Mickie & Malika Rumba: Malika is gorgeous, I want her hair. Deutlich besser aus Sicht der Jury waren neben dem Herrenpaar Schauspielerin Valentina Pahde (26) und Valentin Lusin mit der Salsa (27 Punkte), Fußballer Rúrik Gíslason (33) und Renata Lusin mit einem Tango (26 Punkte) sowie Sängerin Ilse DeLange (43) und Evgeny Vinokurov mit einem Charleston (26 Punkte). “Natürlich ist das Gefühl von Verzweiflung manchmal sehr groß bei mir. “Da kannst du deinen Schmerz und deine Verzweiflung vertanzen”, erklärte Evgeny beim Training. Well his technique and footwork was very club ky, rough and all over the place. Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov sind ein Herz und eine Seele Ja, zwischen Ilse und Evgeny stimmt die Chemie nicht nur auf dem Tanzparkett. Kim’s elimination is sad. Jetzt das Video 'Ilse DeLange & Evgeny Vinokurov punkten beim Charleston' anschauen Die „Let’s Dance“-Jury ist aus dem Häuschen ⭐ Star-News ihre Ausformulierung durch Ilse. Simon & Patricija: Well that was a production! But she had the Disco flair and attitude and she looked like she was having the time of her life here. But I thought she had fun abad was kinda letting loose here. Auch wenn es sich so anhört. I also felt the dance was a bit too heavy on partnering work/lifts and not as much side by side stuff. Rúrik did a great job with this overall. Valentino Rossi: Verlobte Francesca Sofia Novello spricht über Sexismus-Erfahrung als Grid-Gril. Ilse DeLange & Michael Schulte - Ein Bisschen Frieden (Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light) - Duration: 3:11. Mickie’s there too. Her neck disappeared throughout the dance. Score was 5, 5, 2, a two point improvement from his previous three dances. Ilse & Evgeny Cha-Cha-Cha: Fun and great energy throughout, lots of Cha-Cha-Cha content with a bit of disco but not so much that it took away from the Cha-Cha-Cha. Simon & Patricija Contemporary: He’s usually pretty good at the performance part but I felt a disconnection between him and this style, there was one moving lift where he was just walking to the next spot while lifting Patricija. I did see one little moment where she froze up at the end or something but still great. Haha they included the judges’ comments in the clip and while it wasn’t understandable being in German, there was a moment when the camera went to Valentina covering Valentin’s (Renata’s husband) ears . My score: 9, Auma & Andrzej - Slowfox: Now this is the style I was expecting more from a Slowfox. Regarding the results, FINALLY the trio of bad dancing men in Jan/Kai/Mickie all landed in the Bottom 3 together. The switches they do with the lead and following in hold is really cool and they made it so seamless. Very accomplished and intricate Tango for Week 1 but Valentina executed it well. Pretty good gliding and frame from Nicolas, a little hop at one point but overall another great dance from him. So yeah, she’s long overdue a contender, not sure of Erol’s staying power but he has some potential so hopefully they make some progress. Senna & Robert were in the bottom three and Kai & Kathrin were in the bottom two. Not sure if her stiffness is his fault though, she wasn’t very good in the launch show either. Still i thought she was better than the bad dancing men. Staffel von "Let's Dance" – … I loved the energy he had and really channeled and brought in that 50s Elvis style so well here. He did well on the side by side solo parts but he did have some synch issues, seem to lack some proper technique and had a few balance/off issues in there. Let's Dance in Germany is having their season 14 launch show today! Nicolas & Vadim really dance so well as one and were so perfectly in sync on the side by side partnering dancing. This did feel a little slow motion at times but it was great seeing how much fun Auma was having performing and letting loose. Along with multiple mistakes, just overall very weak technique and little connection with Robert. Jan…. I told you the judges throw out 10s like candy, Bottom three: Jan & Christina, Kim & Pasha, Senna & Robert. So I pretty much only follow this season through wii and Instagram updates. It was fun seeing her really let loose and show off a different side of her. :aha: Oh right…. So viel Tiefe in diesem Menschen. But this was the most fun she had, which I appreciate. Vanessa & Alexandru: Wow is she stiff, she looked uncomfortable from the very first step. Warum es zwischen Ilse und Evgeny einfach passt und was sie zu seinen Tränen sagt, zeigen wir hier unten im Video. Erol & Marta Viennese Waltz: Another weird song choice. Score was 5, 5, 3 which is the exact same score as last week. He is “dancing” was definitely  like it was walking and there was no hip action. Im Training mit Ilse DeLange (43) schießen ihm plötzlich Tränen in die Augen, er muss sich sammeln. Ilse DeLange (* 13.Mai 1977 als Ilse Annoeska de Lange in Almelo) ist eine niederländische Sängerin. There was some improved footwork and hip action but his arms still lack musicality although I did appreciate him trying to do Rumba hands. But i liked how they had a mix of subtle quiet ports, alongside the intense and powerful moves. Malika was a highlight and very hot in her catsuit here. Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov haben eine schöne, vom Charakter her intime Rumba getanzt, der aber viele typische Rumba-Bewegungen fehlten bzw. This was such an intense, powerful and passionate dance and he brought all of those elements to this dance. Many on Instagram are more disappointed about him being eliminated than Vanessa. Ilse DeLange and Evgeny Vinokurov perform on stage during the 3rd show of the 14th season of the television competition "Let's Dance" on March 19,... Ilse DeLange poses for a portrait on February 20th 2003 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Nicolas & Vadim Slowfox: Slowfox is another word for Foxtrot over there. Loved all of the partnering they did, which was so seamless and effortless. He had great precisions in how he executed his kicks & flicks. He looked very right and upright in his frame and shoulder area, footwork wasn’t good/stompy and the partnering not good. It took a little long for her to recapture it. Ihren Durchbruch hatte sie ... Staffel der RTL-Tanzshow Let’s Dance teil, ihr Tanzpartner ist Evgeny Vinokurov. The Lusins are giving me Esha vibes with their support of each other . Not too fussed about Senna going since she wasn’t improving very much but hopefully the weak men being in the bottom is a sign they will be eliminated soon (although Erol is better than Jan, Kai and Mickie who has yet to hit the bottom). She kinda reminded me of someone like a Heather Graham (in a 70s movie)/Farrah Fawcett. Ariel1989, February 26 in Dancing With The Stars.
ilse delange evgeny 2021