harvard middle eastern studies
Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard. Library Specialist in Vernacular Languages. 233–236). 1414 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th floor Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: 617-495-1525 Fax: 617-496-5838 fasfin@fas.harvard.edu ... 5 Harvard Yard Cambridge, MA 02138. najmabad@fas.harvard.edu. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies is the coordinating body and primary source of additional support for the various academic programs that cover the Middle East. The Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department 6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA P: 617.495.5757 F: 617.496.8904 nelc@fas.harvard.edu The NELC office will be closed due to the current situation surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak. Harvard University Press. Center for Middle Eastern Studies Room 210 38 Kirkland Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Description. Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541. The Middle East Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs offers one-year fellowships for research related to Middle Eastern governance and public policy. The CMES Tunisia Office is the first overseas branch of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University.Established in Tunis in January 2017, the office offers an in-situ base for Harvard students and scholars conducting research on the Maghreb and the Middle East. MES Collection Development. This study investigates the role of the French in popularizing the “new Iranian cinema” of the 1990s and looks critically at the nature of the post-colonial relationship between Iran and France. HARVARD MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES (1986).The Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia: The Formative Years, 1902-1918 (pp. Office funded by a new $2 million commitment from Hazem Ben-Gacem ’92. To this end, CMES engages with faculty from across Harvard University whose teaching and research focus on the Middle East, with departments, professional schools, and other regional studies centers, and with Harvard libraries and museums holding exceptional and unparalleled collections related to Middle Eastern and Islamic studies. The Tunisia Office of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University invites Tunisian scholars to submit applications for a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University. Ordering multiple books? Habib Ladjevardi has been director of the Iranian Oral History Project at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies since 1981 and chair of the editorial board of the Harvard Middle Eastern Monograph Series since 1990. Born in Tehran, he grew up in Scarsdale, New York, and received his B.S. Iranian Oral History Series. The History and Middle Eastern Studies Department at Harvard University on Academia.edu The cosponsored WCFIA/CMES Middle East Seminar, as it has developed since its inception in 1975, has focused on the political, economic, and social conditions in the Middle East. Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 6 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 Office: 617-495-3379 Fax: 617-800-0996 islamicstudies@harvard.edu ... the Center for Middle Eastern Studies has produced generations of scholars with a profound understanding of and active engagement in the region. Check the box next to each item or use the “Select All” button, then click “Add to Cart.” HUP eBooks are available from a variety of vendors. Harvard University / Committee on Middle Eastern Studies is located in Cambridge, MA, in an urban setting. The First Turkish Republic. Nada Hussein, Middle Eastern Librarian – Arabic 1963. The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, April 30th. Announcements; Calls for Submissions The Middle Eastern Studies Department at Harvard GSAS on Academia.edu The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University today opened its first overseas office, in Tunisia, home to a tradition of learning and research that extends from Antiquity to the present.The office and the year-round programs run from the location are made possible by the support of Harvard College alumnus Hazem Ben-Gacem ’92. Ahmed Ragab. Harvard Worldwide Center for Middle Eastern Studies Established in 1954 to support research and teaching on the Middle East, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies has produced generations of scholars with a profound understanding of and active engagement in the region. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University offers a scholarship in the amount of $2,500 for a Harvard undergraduate or graduate student who will enroll in a full time intensive Arabic language summer program in an Arabic speaking country. p: 617-496-7460 . It seems to be a really tight knit academic community so I'm looking forward to getting involved. When Harvard's Center for Middle Eastern Studies was created in 1954, it came at a time when interest in other areas, particularly Soviet and East Asian studies, were at a high. Citation Information. Studies • Harvard Divinity School • Global Health/Social Medicine at HMS • Humanities Center • Film Study Center • Professor Ellen McLarney is Associate Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University. Michael Hopper, Head, Middle Eastern Librarian mhopper@fas.harvard.edu. A Case Study in National Development. Because of the region's rich history and its cultural and social impact throughout the world, events in the Middle East have enormous ripple effects globally. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University today opened its first overseas office, in Tunisia, home to a tradition of learning and research that extends from Antiquity to the present.The office and the year-round programs run from the location are made possible by the support of Harvard College alumnus Hazem Ben-Gacem (AB ’92). Hello all, I've recently been accepted to the AM in Middle Eastern Studies program and was wondering if anyone had any experience with the CMES, advice to offer, or was willing to chat about the program. Emily Coolidge Toker, Liaison Middle East Studies emily_coolidgetoker@harvard.edu. Harvard Middle Eastern Studies Search Results: 1 found (sorted by date) Click on a column heading to sort search results by title, author, etc. Cambridge, MA – Harvard’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) announced today that it will continue to provide a wide range of research opportunities and programming through its Tunisia Office for a further six years, supported by a $2 million gift from Harvard alumnus Hazem Ben-Gacem ’92. Ali Boutaqmanti, Middle Eastern Librarian boutaqm@fas.harvard.edu. Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge. • African and African American Studies • Asia Center • Center for Middle Eastern Studies • David Rockefeller Center for Latin Am. Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History Professor of Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. ISBN (Online): 9780674420465 The call for applications is open to scholars in the Humanities or Social Sciences who have received their PhD within the past seven years. Modern Middle Eastern Studies Such study involves a combination of courses in a variety of fields drawn especially from the humanities and interpretive social sciences. Middle Eastern studies (sometimes referred to as Near Eastern studies) is a name given to a number of academic programs associated with the study of the history, culture, politics, economies, and geography of the Middle East, an area that is generally interpreted to cover a range of nations including Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen. The Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge invites submissions for conference on rethinking literatures and arts of the Middle East on December 15-16th, 2021. In the fall of 1995, the Steering Committee of Harvard's Center for Middle Eastern Studies approved a plan to publish a number of memoirs in order to make them more readily available to the academic community and to publicize the existence of the collection among specialists. Middle Eastern Studies Afsaneh Najmabadi. from Yale University, M.B.A. from Harvard University, and Ph.D. from the University of Oxford. Pages: 368–376. She is the current Co-Editor of the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies (JMEWS).