british journal of political science
By analyzing environmental issue emphasis in party manifestos, the authors find direct transnational dependencies and indirect spillover effects among the parties' saliency strategies. The findings have important implications for local integration policies as well as refugee placement policies, as many countries consider local context when resettling refugees. Threat of harm has the largest positive effect on perceptions of violence and support for repression. Research has highlighted the role of the state in sustaining authoritarian regimes. The authors assemble a pooled time-series data set for monthly support for ruling parties from fifteen European countries and treat austerity packages as intervention variables to the underlying popularity series. Political scientists often distinguish between two types of issues: moral versus non-moral issues or social-cultural versus economic issues. This article focuses on China's resource-related development projects, which have been considered controversial due to the relative lack of conditionality. Scholars have long sought to understand when and why the Middle East fell behind Europe in its economic development. Description: The British Journal of Political Science is a broadly based journal aiming to cover developments across a wide range of countries and specialisms. About this journal. It further demonstrates that this occurs even when the counter-explanation comes from a partisan source with low credibility. 4 Magleby (1984), p. 198, quoted in Matsusaka 2005. Scholars agree that understanding the morality of voters’ political attitudes has implications for their political behaviour, such as their willingness to compromise and openness to deliberation. By distinguishing between vertical and horizontal dimensions of political accountability, the study finds that China's resource-related projects are particularly detrimental to the accountability of recipient countries' horizontal (legislative and judicial) institutions. Parties succeed when they have authoritarian legacies that easily translate to democratic competition, such as broad programmatic experience, strong organization and policy success. The findings indicate that only lethal cyber terrorism triggers strong support for retaliation. The article illustrates the measurement method by examining changes in study participants' views on US fiscal policy resulting from the composition of the small discussion groups to which they were randomly assigned. Such policies can be justified, and challenged, on many different grounds; public debate is not conducted in terms adequate to the task. This article offers an explanation for the failures of US military assistance programs in some countries. It exploits a refugee placement program in place in Sweden during the late 1980s and early 1990s that restricted refugees' opportunities to freely choose their place of residence. To send this article to your account, please select one or more formats and confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. Where government co-ethnics are in the majority, public goods benefit all locals regardless of their ethnic identity. To send this article to your account, please select one or more formats and confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. Latest issue of British Journal of Political Science. The success of protests depends on whether they favorably affect public opinion: nonviolent resistance can win public support for a movement, but regimes counter by framing protest as violent and instigated by outsiders. British Journal of Political Science / FirstView Article / December 2014, pp 1 - 15 DOI: 10.1017/S0007123414000374, Published online: 15 October 2014 If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your account. Linking voter and candidate data from the 2015 British general election, this study examines whether disabled citizens are better represented by disabled elites. Political leaders across Africa frequently accuse the media of promoting homosexuality, while activists often use the media to promote pro-LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) narratives. In the context of a difference-in-differences design that exploits over-time variation in the gender of cabinet ministers, the article demonstrates that female ministers substantially increase the participation of other female MPs in relevant debates, compared to when the minister is male. Political Science, 1 (2006), 201–26; Jeffrey M. Stonecash, Class and Party in American Politics (Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 2000). The findings, based on survey experiments on over 9,000 individuals in Germany, Sweden and the UK, show that negative framing of immigration has a strong and pervasive effect on support for welfare. Finally, the author creates a new dataset on the significance of constitutional amendments and estimates the appropriate (heteroskedastic) model, which corroborates the theoretical expectations and demonstrates that more significant amendments lead to a better fit. An interested and engaged electorate is widely believed to be an indicator of democratic health. The article develops a novel theory of how regime characteristics condition responses to external military support, and identifies a distinct mechanism through which military aid increases domestic political violence. British Journal of Political Science | Citations: 1,407 | British Journal of Political Science is a broadly based journal aiming to cover developments across a wide range of countries and specialisms. Yet, this scholarship has largely ignored the 1 in 5 people who are disabled and experience economic, social and political marginalization. To promote good governance, citizens can inform governments directly and routinely about the implementation of policies and the delivery of public services. 1971 - 2021 From Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK. The effect of positive framing is considerably weaker and does not strengthen welfare support in any of the three countries. Email your librarian or administrator to recommend adding this journal to your organisation's collection. We randomly assigned reporters to be recruited by community nomination and to be recognized by community leaders in an attempt to select for and motivate information sharing. These findings suggest a political logic behind these reforms based on the preferences and power of political parties and politicians. Description: The British Journal of Political Science is a broadly based journal aiming to cover developments across a wide range of countries and specialisms. The article distinguishes between three dimensions: (1) threat of harm, (2) bearing of arms and (3) identity of protesters. The main empirical contributions are twofold. You are leaving Cambridge Core and will be taken to this journal's article submission site. The results have important implications, especially given the growing politicization of same-sex relations and changing media consumption habits across Africa. The findings show that citizens of consolidated democracies continue to endorse self-governance. You can save your searches here and later view and run them again in "My saved searches". We then illustrate the promise of our recommendations with three theoretically informed experiments inspired by historical debates about religious conversion. The authors apply this theoretical expectation across four disadvantaged groups – women, migrants, low social class and the young – and thereby offer a broad perspective on descriptive representation. However, it is not known whether this distinction is as clear-cut from a citizen's perspective. Our results suggest a marked ‘convert effect’ across not only contemporary religious but also secular political divides, with the same difference in terms of content viewed as less tolerable when resulting from conversion than when given or ascribed. The study operationalizes the outcome as textual similarity of party manifestos in nineteen Western democracies from 1960 to 2016, applying a text-as-data approach and machine translation. Genre/Form: Zeitschrift Elektronische Publikation: Additional Physical Format: Druckausg. The study exploits the fact that two-voter households moving in together right before an election are comparable to those moving in together right after the election. Using the Veto Players approach to measure constitutional rigidity, this article proposes a new index covering ninety-four democratic countries. Potentially driving these partisan differences, Republican leaders are especially likely to believe that extremists can win general elections and overestimate the electorate's conservatism by double digits. British Journal of Political Science Volume 42 Editors: Shaun Bowler, Robert E. Goodin, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch and Hugh Ward Editorial Board James Alt Anthony King Anthony Bertelli Charles King Sarah Birch Desmond King Archie Brown Stein Kuhnle Pr., 1971- Democracies without democrats are not sustainable. Although past studies have provided evidence of transnational emulation of parties' position-taking strategies, these findings do not directly apply to saliency strategies. High-capacity rulers can rely on local agents and institutions to subtly manipulate elections, for instance by controlling the media or inhibiting the work of domestic election monitors throughout the territory while staying clear of costly manipulation such as election violence. The results, which are robust to prior referendum vote, immigration attitudes and cultural sentiment, extend across income groups and national identity strength. Specifically, they show that portfolios are changed frequently (on average about once a year) and that such shifts are more likely after changes in the prime ministership or the party composition of the government. How Local Ethnic Demography Shapes Political Favoritism in Africa, URL: /core/journals/british-journal-of-political-science. Instead, Members of Parliament (MPs) strategically choose when to engage with the policy topic of their corresponding groups. This article argues that economic concerns matter, but that they are realized through the relative gains and losses of social groups. An additional problem arises because Japanese electoral politics is heavily person- or candidate-centred (cf. This study contributes to discussions about citizen support of democracy by (1) analyzing new cross-national survey data in 18 European countries that facilitate assessments of the temporal and geographical generalizability of previous findings, (2) disentangling age, cohort and period effects, thereby aligning the analytical methods with the theoretical arguments and (3) transparently reporting all evidence derived from pre-registered analyses to avoid cherry-picked findings. A key finding in the literature on authoritarian regimes is that leaders frequently rely on ruling parties to stay in power, but the field lacks systematic ways to measure autocratic party strength. Using mathematical simulations, this article shows that centrist parties have limited strategic opportunities to regain their support. Find out more about sending to your Kindle. It distinguishes between pragmatic (or consequentialist) arguments and principled (or value-based) arguments. In localities to which school inspectors could travel by rail, a larger share of children attended permanent public schools and took classes in nation-building subjects such as geography and history. Call this the problem of ‘preference architecture’. Note you can select to send to either the or variations. It then explains why the lack of constitutional rigidity is a necessary but not sufficient condition for significant constitutional amendments in democratic countries. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Yet citizens lack incentives to provide information when they do not expect governments to be responsive, and citizen disengagement in turn often prevents governments from providing public goods effectively. Empirical studies show that many governments gear the provision of goods and services towards their ethnic peers. At the same time, state control is negatively associated with election violence. Legislators who share descriptive features with disadvantaged groups do not necessarily represent their group interests. This study examined if and for whom prosecution of politicians for hate speech undermines support for the legal system and democracy. Three competing explanations have emerged in studies of the US Congress, focusing on efficiency, partisan forces and non-partisan (or: ideology-based) accounts. virtually no journals, articles, books or courses devoted to the subject. Hans Baerwald,Party Politics in Japan (Winchester, The authors argue that public perceptions of whether a protest is violent shift based on the framing of the types of action and the identities of participants in those actions. All issues of British Journal of Political Science - Cristina Bodea, Paul Bou-Habib, Shaun Bowler, Tobias Böhmelt, Robert Johns, Lucas Leemann, René Lindstädt, Petra Schleiter.