add_filter( 'woocommerce_sale_flash', 'lw_replace_sale_text' ); function lw_replace_sale_text( $html ) { return str_replace( __( 'Sale! WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce plugin in the WordPress ecosystem, and for most small and medium sized storefronts, it’s the perfect solution. Let us change the Sale badge text from the default “Sale” to “Offer Discount”. You can edit them or create your own language file with poedit. WooCommerce. Originally published at on March 5, 2018. Edit default columns count per row; Apply CSS Style to the shop page; Edit the loop files of the WooCommerce shop page. Usually, the default text displayed on the sale tag is ‘Sale’. You can also change the sales badge text. Do you want to create custom functionality in your Divi site, but don’t know how? A client asked me to add a “Free Shipping” notice under each WooCommerce product on the Shop Page. Position ↑ Back to top. Repeat this step as many times as you like, adding sale prices to discounted products. You can click on the Translation Jobs tab to check that your translations have been completed. If you are not using shop or name it something like back to home or store. How to change “Select options” text . If you’re looking for more ways to change the WooCommerce sale badge, follow this Divi tutorial to change the text to a percentage value. If you do not already have a child theme set up, you can download one for free using the Divi Space Child Theme Generator. Now, when you view the front end of your site, you’ll see that the text has changed from ‘Sale!’ to ‘Custom!’. How to Change Woocommerce Continue Shopping Button Text. Here you can use some coding to work your magic with your shop page. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. If you want to give your online store some pizazz, you can tweak WooCommerce to change the sale badge text. Read more about these various methods you can use to add custom CSS to your Divi theme, as well as better understand the pros and cons of each method. The filter to use is aptly named – woocommerce_return_to_shop_redirect – add in your themes functions.php. To do this, add the below code snippet in the functions.php file of your activated website theme. Show How Many Products are Displayed per Page. The WooCommerce sale badge is effective in alerting customers about a discount, but as this is the WooCommerce core default setting, it looks a bit overdone and commonplace. Storefront’s appearance can be adjusted with a few clicks using the WordPress Customizer. If you haven’t already, add a Divi Shop module to a page or post using the Divi Builder. Copy below code and paste into theme function.php file. Below is the screenshot of how the text displays in the front end on the product – You can change this “Out Of Stock” text with the following filter. Replace the default “sale” text for an animated gif; Remove sorting options and pagination; Before you start To add sale prices, select the products that are on sale, visit the back end of the product listing and scroll down to the Product Data section. This website is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Elegant Themes. Code. February 23, 2021. There isn’t a setting to change the text by default in WooCommerce but you can add the code below to your functions.php file in your active theme folder. The translated pages are also already live on your site, too. Steps to Change In Stock Text in WooCommerce to Custom Text Suppose you want to change the text to the custom message – ‘ Product Available on Request’ the following are the steps that you should take: Log in to your WordPress site to access the dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Menu > Theme Editor. One thing that the web development team at WooCommerce might consider is the ability to easily change the default text of the payment button on the Checkout page. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce platform on WordPress, and one of the most used e-commerce platforms overall. First off, you have options to change the cart button text on the four types of products. Here are a couple of PHP and CSS snippets so that you can implement this helpful edit. You can make the sale badge display any custom text you like, simply change the word Custom! This snippet will let you change the text to “Donate Now”, “Add Product”, “Buy”, or whatever you like. Change “Return to Shop” Button text in Woocommerce a WordPress plugin this is quit easy to change it using function hook. Go to WooCommerce > Settings and click on the Products tab to ensure the correct Shop page is linked in the Product Archive/Shop drop-down If you still see the text in breadcrumbs or widgets, you will need to change it using a translation plugin, or custom function: WooCommerce adds sale badge to the products that are on sale. This WordPress plugin allows you to easily customize WooCommerce button text without having to write any code or change any templates. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. With just a little bit of PHP, you can change the WooCommerce sale badge text to anything you like! With that line, you can’t translate strings generated by your theme or other plugins. You can change the WooCommerce shop URL with a filter that WooCommerce provides, this can be helpful especially if you have a one product based shop and you want your users to return to that product and not the default shop page URL. Divi is a registered trademark of Elegant Themes, Inc. With just a little line of PHP, you’ve successfully changed the WooCommerce sale badge text. You're signed out. It would be great to change this ‘Sale!’ text to something unique, text that encouraged a bit more urgency to it, such as: While there is no easy way to change this ‘Sale!’ text in the WooCommerce plugin on the back end, there’s a quick code fix for this. Copy and paste the following code before the closing PHP ?> bracket: Add PHP code to the functions.php file in your child theme. License: This snippet contains code from the Divi Theme, copyright, and Woocommerce Plugin by Automatic modified by Divi Space, October 29, 2020. Customize WooCommerce: Change the Sale Badge to Custom Text Step 1: Add a Divi Shop Module If you haven’t already, add a Divi Shop module to a page or post using the Divi Builder. Click on the General tab and you’ll see an option to enter a Sale Price. add_filter( 'gettext', 'woocommerce_rename_coupon_field_on_cart', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'gettext', 'woocommerce… You can now visit your WooCommerce store to see the translated pages. Text. Allows you to create a badge with your own text and set various styling options. When editing or creating these files, you need to put them in the folder wp-content/languages/plugins/woocommerce/. Change “Return to Shop” Button text in Woocommerce. When complete, return to the front end of your store and you’ll see a Sale! Copy and paste the code below to edit the WooCommerce button text on the WooCommerce shop and category list pages, and add it to your child theme or Site Customization plugin. In place of ‘My sale text!’, add the text you wish to see in place of ‘Sale’. All you have to do is enter a sale price in the Product Data section, and instantly, a ‘Sale!’ badge will appear on the product listing. Feel free to remove it, but be careful because We’ve uploaded a different image for our campaign: It’s easy to change the text, buttons, and more. By default, WooCommerce’s sales badge can look a tad boring. Are you looking for a way to change the default “add to cart” button text in WooCommerce? Keep in mind that whatever you write in the text editor of the archive-product.php will appear on the shop page, and your customers will see it. This can increase your click-through rate and hence your sales conversion rate. This tutorial will show you how to change Select options text in WooCommerce templates. Well, that’s easy. Jump ahead to the code library and add the PHP snippet to your functions.php file. Shopping. In this Divi tutorial, we’ll give you a quick code PHP snippet that’ll let you change the default ‘Sale!’ text to something custom. add_filter( 'woocommerce_return_to_shop… The ‘Sale!’ badge can be a bit underwhelming, so changing the display text to something different can give it more of a stand-out feel. By default, the WooCommerce sale badge displays the text ‘Sale!’ when a product has been discounted. Setup and Configuration Settings for Storefront are in the WordPress Customizer, which can be accessed from two locations: On the frontend, in the Admin bar, go to: Customize On the backend Dashboard, go to: Appearance > Customize The Customizer displays: Storefront Settings Below is a […] By default, the WooCommerce sale badge displays simply as ‘Sale!’. So below are the filter based on the position to change the Quick View text – We hope you enjoyed this snippet! is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Helpful when you use other shortcodes, like [add_to_cart], and would like the users to get some feedback on their actions. Please let us know in the comments if everything worked as expected. If a product have lower price than the actual price, Woocommerce will add sale badge. New language must have the language "slug" at its end, i.e: (po files remains woocommerce.po). So today, we are demonstrating how to change sale badge text to something you like. You can even include the coupon straight away like we have, by deleting the email newsletter signup field. © 2015 - 2021 Divi Space (An Aspen Grove Studios Company), Change the “Sale!” Text of the WooCommerce Sale Badge. While this is effective in letting your customer know some products are discounted, it does look a bit commonplace. Stay up to date with the latest Divi Space news, updates, special offers and more! Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. return str_replace ( __ ( 'Sale! Offset ↑ Back to top. PHP Snippet: How to Translate or Rename a Single String of Text (WooCommerce Plugin) Please note that the ‘woocommerce’ === $domain part in the below snippet gives you exclusive access to WooCommerce plugin strings. If you think this code saved you time, we will be happy to receive a comment! Some People do not like the badge Text and want to change it to something like 50% off Etc. Instructions: Add this code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a site-specific plugin. Looking to skip the step-by-step Divi tutorial? Submit your snippet request by commenting below and our team of expert developers will get to work! Watch later. This process is automatic. Step 2: Add Product Sale Prices To add sale prices, select the products that … Navigate to the Appearance > Theme Editor console and locate the functions.php file in your child theme. ', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Offer Discount', 'woocommerce' ), $html ); } Child themes are incredibly important for the overall look, feel, and navigation of your website, so we encourage you to take the time to get to know the content. That’s why we’ve made it super easy to build a child theme for Divi or Extra in seconds! Sales and promotions strategies are great for encouraging your customers to purchase your products. Share. Some people don’t like the default sale badge text and need to change it to something like 50% off etc. Log into the host control panel (cPanel), go to File Manager: Locate the root directory of wordpress site. How to Change the Cart Button Text on Your WooCommerce Shop Page. In a previous tutorial, we showed you how you can change the WooCommerce sale badge text to display as something custom, like ‘Flash Sale!’, ‘Act Fast!’ or similar. How to Use a Custom Sales Badge Icon in WooCommerce Change the Sale badge text in WooCommerce. In this article, we will be seeing how to change the Quick View text using a filter. Just replace the ‘New Sale Text Here’ text with your new ‘sale’ text, and then upload the file to your server – it will automatically apply the change throughout your website. It looks like a simple button-looking badge with the word ‘Sale!’ on display. To anything you like. The position options allow you to place the badge at the top left, top right, bottom left or bottom right of your product images. The options really are endless when you start working with code! But changing simple things like the Add To Cart button text can be frustrating if you don’t know how to do it.. Changing the verbiage on your Add To Cart button is one of the less painful changes to administer. Let’s get started by giving you example: 1. Change the WooCommerce Sale Badge to Display a Percentage Discount, Customize the WooCommerce Empty Shopping Cart Page, Add An “Add To Cart” Button To A WooCommerce Shop Module, Change The “Read More” Text of the WooCommerce Button, Display WooCommerce Products in Single Column on Mobile Devices, Create Call to Action Button in the Divi Menu, Add a line of PHP code to the functions.php file in your child theme. Troubleshooting Shortcodes ↑ Back to top. We receive a number of requests from customers who want to replace the text. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Paste the following code in the function.php file of your activated website theme. Receive notifications about our new blog posts. Ipshita Biswas. Licensed under the GNU General Public License, no warranty; click here for details. However, if … Required fields are marked *. Display WooCommerce notifications on pages that are not WooCommerce ↑ Back to top [shop_messages] allows you to show WooCommerce notifications (like, ‘The product has been added to cart’) on non-WooCommerce pages. We added extra text blocks to our popup to give the coupon code: When finished, click Update File to save your changes. Your email address will not be published. Customize WooCommerce shop page in functions.php; Edit the layout of products loop and apply CSS stylesheet. In the event that products have a lower cost than the real value, WooCommerce will include sale badge. Here, you can change any aspect of your template by clicking on it. In this Divi tutorial, you’ll get a short PHP snippet of just a few lines that’ll change the sale badge text for WooCommerce. This particular setting is available through the WooCommerce option in the customizer, so you can use it here or use that. There are four ways you can add JavaScript or jQuery to a Divi website: use the code module, the Divi Theme Options console, enqueue scripts using the functions.php file, or using a plugin. But part of staying on top is continually improving little things. Once you’ve added a sale price, click Update on the product listing. This will help your web design and development processes tremendously. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. Astra adds a text “Out Of Stock” for the WooCommerece products that have ‘Stock status’ as out of stock. Use the PHP snippet to add any custom text to the WooCommerce sale badge. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. WooCommerce adds sale badge to the items that are on sale. Sr. Marketing Exec. Info. WooCommerce: Display a Custom Product Text Badge @ Shop Page Allows you to insert your own code for a badge, this option requires coding knowledge. In our WooCommerce Addon, as you can see we have the option to display the Quick View text based on the position which you have selected from the Astra settings.. Whether you’re running a holiday promotion or want to move excess stock, listing select products for sale is easy with WooCommerce. To edit any of the automatic translations, use the WooCommerce » WooCommerce Multilingual page. See bottom of the post for a link to the plugin that allows users to change it to whatever their preference is. Here is the Select Options text that you can find on the Shop page or products archive page: We will replace this text with some other text. Divi users can choose between five different methods to add custom CSS to their websites. In this example, I’ve used the text ‘Save Now!’ to alert customers that there are guaranteed savings on the set products. ', 'woocommerce' ), __ ( 'New Sale Text Here', 'woocommerce' ), $html ); 4. } Ideally, you may want to change the name sale to some custom name, possibly a translated version for the sales badge. Today, i would like to share how you actually can change default “In Stock” or “Out of Stock” text at WooCommerce product page. Today, we’ll be showing you how to remove the ‘Sale!’ … badge has been added to the discounted products. As a shop owner, you might want to change the Quick View text. Copy link. Categories: WordPress Hints & Tips. If you’re not fully clued up on what child themes are or how to use them, read our comprehensive guide to child themes. You would like to change “Out of Stock” to “Sold Out” Editing the WooCommerce product text is pretty simple, it just requires a check of the product type, and then according to the product type, you then return the different text you want on each button. You can also change the text of the WooCommerce on sale badge using a filter that I will share in the code below. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Step 3: Create content for your shop page. We have tested this code with the Version: 4.7.1 of the Divi Theme. Tap to unmute. The WooCommerce Customizer plugin also allows you to perform other customizations to your shop that you may be interested in. You would like to change “In Stock” to “Available” 2. While this text is self-explanatory and to the point, it can be dull, and it’d be great to show improved sale badges for WooCommerce. Open up the functions.php file of you theme and add the following filter: add_filter('woocommerce_sale_flash', 'woocommerce_custom_sale_text', 10, 3); function woocommerce_custom_sale_text($text, $post, $_product) { return '
ADD YOUR TEXT HERE'; } This will change your text. If you leave them in the main woocommerce languages folder they will be delete and replace by new one … add_filter( 'gettext', 'change_woocommerce_return_to_shop_text', 20, 3 ); function change_woocommerce_return_to_shop_text( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) { switch ( $translated_text ) { case 'Return to shop' : $translated_text = __( 'Return to Store', 'woocommerce' ); break; } return $translated_text; } Your email address will not be published. Paste the following filter into child theme’s … Change WooCommerce Out of Stock text Read More »
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