This documentation summarizes the default use. As mentioned in the Order Status section, any order not in completed, or processing if other conditions are met, status will be considered inactive. This is the preferred method for variable product variations. If you are a beginner and do need commercial support, consider buying directly from the developer. Keep your old License Key plugin activated, and setup the WooCommerce API Manager products as shown in this document. Anything that is out-of-date, and needs to be updated, can throw an error that can prevent things from working in the background even though you are not seeing the error, and out-of-date software is security risk. EYEWP.COM has the world’s largest collection of GPL plugins, themes & templates so just think about what you need for your site & we assure you that you can find here. This is useful when troubleshooting, investigating issues, and confirming template overrides are working as expected from the user’s view. Review the WooCommerce Self-Service Guide. Mean time per request of 38.211 ms (milliseconds), which is 0.038211 seconds. WP Version Tested Up To: Highest version of WordPress software was tested on. Custom User Registration Fields for WooCommerce 1.6.6, All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions 3.1.26, WooCommerce Additional Variation Images 1.9.0. When this translation of the old Software Title breaks, the software updates also break. The file download URL is wrapped in a secure URL that expires after the expire time you set. Subscription product types are created using the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension. For example: Non WordPress Software: Use something with a similar format. The API Manager verifies the API Key activation should still exists, and deletes it if it should not, due to an expired time limit or inactive subscription, before returning a response. The Product ID can be found by customers under the My Account > API Keys > Product ID column, and it is sent with all completed order emails. In the Actions pull-down menu, select only GetObject, then paste arn:aws:s3:::your-bukcket-name/* into the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) field. We Purchase And Download From Original Authors, EXACT same Extension being distributed by the files do not pass through the "third hands", so we can guarantee that you get the original product! Setting a reasonable limit will prevent downtime. Great for customers who want to use a single API Key for everything. The response data from the APIs can be appended and modified using filters to expand the use case possibilities. The file used for software updates can be hosted on the local server, Amazon S3, or from any remote URL. The first step, once this link is followed, is to choose Drop-ins app. The screenshots below will walk through the steps to setup a new restricted user. When an activation is used, there is one less activation available for other software or computers to use as in a floating license model, and if an activation is deactivated, then that activation can be used by other software or computers. Under the Variations tab a Default Form Value will need to be set as shown below. Orders that have a “processing” status before “Grant access to downloadable products after payment” is selected will not have API Resources available until the order status has changed to “completed,” or the order is new and has a “processing” status, or has been changed to “processing” status. You’ll get an instant download link. The key and value would be replaced with something like &product_id=19. API License Key Activations. The use case for this implementation might be a remote server(s) hosting a membership service that requires an API Key to access services. Directions are as follows: The product can be a WooCommerce Subscription, which is fully supported. Note: Keys/Apps was found at WooCommerce > Settings > API > Key/Apps prior to WooCommerce 3.4. Copyright WooCommerce 2021. December 16, 2020. (Deprecated – Do Not Use) Software Title: This field was used prior to API Manager version 2.0. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and This field should be empty if the product was created after version 2.0, or for first-time installations of version 2.0. Why are activations deleted? We are happy to help. If this is a variable product variation, each version of the software will require a separate file with the correctly hard coded product_id matching the customer’s product purchase. The Access Key ID and Secret Access Key created, and entered into the API Manager settings or wp-config.php file, are encrypted and sent in the URL wrapper to download the file, so Amazon S3 know the limits of access for the request, and authenticates the request based on this information. The format to define the constant is an array as shown below. The API Manager can be used to prevent software, or a service, from being used until after the API Key has been activated. How you create an instance ID is up to you. The forward slash is the delimiter, and the asterisk means anything below the bucket level, including all files. Our websites and dashboards use cookies—by continuing, you agree to their use. Note: Keys/Apps was found at WooCommerce > Settings > API > Key/Apps prior to WooCommerce 3.4. An HTTPS connection to your store is highly recommended. A floating license is an API Key that can be used to unlock a computer or software if there is a free license available. (slug is optional, but preferred. Client software, such as the API Manager PHP Library, must authenticate using a Master API Key, or a Product Order API Key, and the Product ID unique to every product in the WooCommerce store. This URL has details required by Amazon S3 to authenticate the download request using the IAM user account information created to limit access to read-only Amazon S3, the file being requested, and an expiration time. A Major version would be 1.0.0 to 2.0.0. The constant WC_AM_TRUSTED_SOURCES is used to restrict access to the APIs by specific IP addresses. These keys are linked to WordPress users on your website. The old API Keys, pre 2.0, are considered custom API Keys since they vary from the current API Key format. PHP 7.0 or greater. Easy updates is a powerful marketing tool that only a handful of companies have been able to offer, until now. The Product Order API Key can limit those activations for a specific product on a specific order. : The Principal is the User ARN, and the Resource is the bucket name prefixed with arn:aws:s3::: and postfixed with /*. WooCommerce Products will be automatically populated with tabs, and content for those tabs, when the product is an API Manager Product. Do not leave this field blank. The first step is to make sure all plugins, themes, and theme template overrides are up-to-date. These items are developed by third-party developers and are distributed by EYEWP.COM. Always test your current PHP Library in your client software to make sure it works with the new version of the API Manager, especially if a major version is released. In the Apache config file set the ProxyTimeout to 1800, or whatever works for you, but the timeout must be greater than ( > ) the php max_execution_time in the php.ini file. If the value is left empty, the time limit is indefinite. The API Resource Activations for the switched Variable Subscription product variation will be deleted because the Product ID will have changed. Select Add Key. The User Switching plugin is a very useful tool that allows the store owner/manager to virtually login as a user. Just like the Product Order API Key, except you are in control of which products and orders it is associated with. All products are available by direct links You download the product directly from our website without any waiting and advertising! wc_am_action=plugininformation (Deprecated: for legacy use only), wc_am_action=pluginupdatecheck (Deprecated: for legacy use only). Not required for non WordPress software. If you are NOT using the PHP Library for WordPress plugins and themes, then refer to the API documentation to make sure your queries contain all the required keys and values. It automates the process of generating License Key and mailing it to the customer. The WooCommerce API Manager turns WooCommerce Products into an API Resource that can be accessed with an API Key, aka License Key. If this is for a subscription, then the subscription is still active. Purpose: To activate an API Key that will then allow access to one or more API resources depending on the API Key type. An API Resource (Product) can be sold as a simple/simple subscription product, or a variable/variable subscription product with variations. Creating variations allows different numbers of API Key activations to be sold per product, such as 1, 5, and 25 API Key activations using 3 variations each with 1, 5, and 25 set for the Activation Limit value respectively. In fact, the WooCommerce API Manager performed better as the request load increased, and at a rate of between 43,884 to 88,308 requests per hour, or 12.19 to 24.53 requests per second. Our products don’t include premium support. Product Order API Key and Associated API Key are granted limited privileges by the Master API Key. 100% clean original files without implemented advertising, viruses or malicious code. If the error message “No file defined” appears for a local server download, check that the product has a Downloadable files URL, and it is the first file listed. A product can be of type Simple, Simple Subscription, Variable, Variable Subscription, and Grouped. It automates the process of generating License Key and mailing it to the customer. If you are into software selling business, then API Manager is the best companion for you. Now that an IAM user has been created with limited Amazon S3 access it is time to go to Amazon S3 and create a bucket to hold the files that will be downloaded. That means we can offer up to 95% discounts on must-have commercial WordPress plugins. Changelog for WooCommerce API Manager. The docs that are displayed can be enabled/disabled on the settings screen. To make it easier for new customers it is recommended to check the checkbox for “Allow customers to create an account during checkout” under the Account creation section. The Associated API Key could be as an example, Windows OEM license keys customers can use to activate their product. Stay focused, and follow number 1 and 2. A node-locked license is an API key for use on one computer, and is tied only to that computer. There is a link to create the Dropbox app key following the Save to Dropbox App Key setting on the API Manager settings screen. Default data returned for product_id includes total activations purchased, total activations, activations remaining, and if the API Key is activated. Be careful with firewalls, since they can break API requests. Go to WooCommerce > Status > Logs > wc_am_db_updates … will display the current status of the API Manager data update process. For example, if a WordPress plugin or theme were being sold, each plugin/theme would create a unique instance ID for each API Key activation. Subscription product types are created using the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension. If a new order for the API Resource is generated, a new Product Order API Key is generated to manage that API Resource, which means the customer will need to deactivate their software and reactivate using the new Product Order API Key. If the order is placed back into completed status, or processing status if other conditions are met, the API Resources will be recreated, but the API Key activations will not, which also applies to a subscription that returns to Active status. Note: If the Activation Limit is increased after the product has been purchased, all API resources for this product will have the Activation Limit raised to the new value. If a product is duplicated, make sure the API information is unique to the newly created product. These IP addresses can be either IPv4 or IPv6. 500 requests with 10 requests concurrency. wc_api_manager_deactivated – woocommerce-api-manager.php. The WooCommerce API Manager comes with an example plugin, an example theme, and pre-built PHP classes to speed development. WooCommerce API Manager Version 2.3.3. was released on August 18, 2020 and is … If the number is set above 100,000, the set the product for Unlimited Activations. There are different ways to setup restricted users, and Amazon has a lot of documentation in this regard, but the overall objective is better security by limiting access to specific resources. It is not easy to track down and fix these issues, so it is highly recommended to host your own server, or virtual server through Amazon, Google, Microsoft, or Digital Ocean. WooCommerce Subscriptions has its own subscription statuses, but it shares one with WooCommerce, and that is the on-hold status, which is considered an inactive subscription. It is safe to say the WooCommerce API Manager can scale to meet the needs of the smallest to the largest WooCommerce store, but would perform even better with caching enabled. The forward slash at the end of the URL should be taken into account when building the query string so that there is not a double forward slash (//) between the root URL and the query string. The API Access Expires option sets a time limit for an API Resource, which is the product purchased. Note: WordPress plugins and themes require the ‘plugin_name’ and ‘slug’ keys and values depending on the API request, however non WordPress software can send fake data formatted as if it were WordPress software. Problems get solved quicker when everyone works together. On the activation screen, if the product_id was not hard coded then the customer needs to enter both the API Key and the product_id. WooCommerce has recommendations on how to go about preparing for a Major, or even a Minor, update to make sure your site doesn’t break, or have unexpected behavior. More would need to be added to the query string to provide all the required information to activate the API Key. All the customer should have to do once they have brought their account back into good standing is to reactivate their software. Mean requests per second 26.17, which is 1,570.2 per  minute, or 94,212 per hour. The ampersand (&) cancontenates the next key=value to the query string. Save to Dropbox App Key: This creates a Save to Dropbox link in the My Account > My API Downloads section where customers can save their download directly to their Dropbox account. WordPress requirements (same as the version of WooCommerce installed). The api-keys and api-downloads are the slug portion of the URL leading to those pages under the My Account dashboard. If all else fails check the PHP, and web server (Apache, Nginx, etc. All the customer should have to do once they have brought their account back into good standing is to reactivate their software. An API product is referred to as a an API resource, or more simply resource. Not complete. Here’s a summary of how this will all work: The API Manager will create a secure URL that acts as a wrapper around the Amazon S3 link. Latest Version: Version 2.3.9, Released on December 23, 2020. NEVER cache the home page URL, since that is where the APIs listen for requests. If the software is not a WordPress plugin and theme, then any values can be paired withplugin_name and slug, since the desired response from the API in this case is a download URL (package), and new version available as part of the data needed to determine if a software update is available. When a Downloadable file is added to a product, that first file URL is used for software updates and My Account API Downloads. For even more advanced API Resource time management, the WooCommerce API Manager works seamlessly with WooCommerce Subscriptions. The PHP Library was written to make it quick and easy to connect a WordPress plugin or theme to the API Manager, but you can write your own using the API … 500 API request with 100 request concurrency. For additional troubleshooting of areas of code not covered by the default options, the test_log() method in the /includes/wc-am-log.php file can be used. You have the opportunity to purchase a premium product at an affordable price! Note: if the object value is defined as a URL, remote the http:// or https://, since some server security will mangle the entire query string, and break it as a result. This error happens when the database cannot handle more connections, because there are too many requests for it to handle. Go to WooCommerce > Status > Logs > and check for any fatal-errors … logs. For WordPress themes, this is the View Version x.x.x Details page. Not required for non WordPress software. The WooCommerce REST API works on a key system to control access. Updating software will prevent fatal errors, and increasing RAM, or modifying WordPress settings to increase memory, will fix memory issues, but only  if there is enough RAM to start with. Below is a list of Action and Filter hooks for WooCommerce API Manager >= 2.0. This allows the API Manager to distinctly identify which activation has access to API resources that the API Key activated allows access to. How this is implemented is completely up to the software author. 2020 Marked 5 years of EYEWP.COM that makes it the oldest Gpl club/site. Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for your WooCommerce products. Click on Overview and select the file that was uploaded. A Minor version would be 1.1.0 to 1.2.0. The WooCommerce API Manager PHP Library for Plugins and Themes is a PHP Library that can be dropped into a plugin and theme for API Key authentication and software updates with the WooCommerce API Manager. For non WooCommerce API Manager subscribers, the WooCommerce API Manager PHP Library for Plugins and Themes can be purchased on the product page here for $200. Information that appears on the plugin update information screen, such as the changelog, uses a page, so it is very easy to create, update, add images, video, or whatever you can do with the page editor in WordPress. The approach taken most often is to allow the customer to continue using the software after the API Key has expired, just like a desktop version of the software would, but to deny software updates, which the API Manager will do if the API Key time limit for that API Resource has expired. All WooCommerce Subscriptions have the API Resources and API Resource Activations displayed on the WooCommerce Subscriptions Parent order screen. DO NOT DELETE PRODUCTS if the API checkbox has been selected. The value cannot be updated from API tab form. In the table below, each of the same product is grouped together, even if they were purchased on different orders, and their API Key activations available are totalled together. Product ID: This unique ID cannot be changed, or the client will no longer have access to the product data. The frontend product page will then display the different activation limit and pricing for each variation of the variable product as shown below. Secure automatic software updates through the WordPress dashboard. After the plugin is activated, the number of activations remaining is displayed.
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