[40][96] The blocks sometimes vibrated the ropes because of their weight, but only once did a block fall. [207][208], The New York and Brooklyn Bridge Railway, a cable car service, began operating on September 25, 1883; it ran on the inner lanes of the bridge, between terminals at the Manhattan and Brooklyn ends. Sie war die erste Verbindung zwischen Brooklyn … [108][109] The anchorages could not be fully completed until the main cables were spun, at which point another 6 feet (1.8 m) would be added to the height of each 80-foot (24 m) anchorage. Nur Personenfahrzeuge sowie der Fußgänger- … Im Februar 1877 begann man mit dem Spinnen der Tragkabel. Schon als Teenager träumte Joseph Strauss vom Brückenbau. Es scheint dafür jedoch keine gesicherten Quellen zu geben. [102] The work was dangerous: by 1876, three workers had died having fallen from the towers, while nine other workers were killed in other accidents. Als die Brücke 1883 nach 14 Jahren Bauzeit eröffnet wurde, galt sie als achtes Weltwunder und hielt den Rekord als längste Hängebrücke der Welt. [70][71] When the younger Roebling was hired, Tammany Hall leader William M. Tweed also became involved in the bridge's construction because, as a major landowner in New York City, he had an interest in the project's completion. [6][49] Most of the timber used in the bridge's construction, including in the caissons, came from mills at Gascoigne Bluff on St. Simons Island, Georgia. It is not the work of any one man or of any one age. When its massive stone towers began rising in the early 1870s, photographers and illustrators began documenting what was considered the most daring and astounding engineering feat of the era. [263] In early 2020, City Council speaker Corey Johnson and the nonprofit Van Alen Institute hosted an international contest to solicit plans for the redesign of the bridge's walkway. The Manhattan Bridge appears to run parallel to the Brooklyn Bridge, and indeed, from the Brooklyn side, the two bridges entrance ways are just a few blocks apart. [53] It was launched from Webb & Bell's shipyard on May 11, 1871,[84][40] and maneuvered into place that September. As one sixteen-year-old from Ireland, Frank Harris, described the fearful experience:[76], The six of us were working naked to the waist in the small iron chamber with the temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit: In five minutes the sweat was pouring from us, and all the while we were standing in icy water that was only kept from rising by the terrific pressure. Dabei wurden zuletzt auch die Straßenbahngleise entfernt und die Brücke auf sechs Fahrstreifen für den Kfz-Verkehr umgestellt. 1867 wurde die New York Bridge Company gegründet. [8], Zwischen 1944 und 1955 wurden umfangreiche Renovierungs- und Verstärkungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt. „Selling the Brooklyn Bridge“ wurde bis heute zum geflügelten Wort in der englischen Sprache für jede Art von Missbrauch der Gutgläubigkeit anderer. [228] The ramp from the FDR Drive to the Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1968,[229] followed by the ramp from the bridge to the FDR Drive the next year. Since opening, the Brooklyn Bridge has undergone several reconfigurations, having carried horse-drawn vehicles and elevated railway lines until 1950. Am 30. [290][291] Pedestrians also walked across the bridge as an alternative to suspended subway services following the 1965,[292] 1977,[293] and 2003 blackouts,[294] and after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Sie führt von den Brooklyner Stadtteilen Brooklyn Heights und Dumbo zum Civic Center- und Financial District in Lower Manhattan. In Manhattan, cars can enter from both the northbound and southbound FDR Drive, as well as Park Row to the west, Chambers/Centre Streets to the north, and Pearl Street to the south. New York Transit Museum. The Brooklyn Bridge was completed in 1883. Damit alle New Yorker die Brooklyn Bridge nutzen konnten, wurde sie sowohl mit Fahrbahnen, als auch mit Wegen für Fußgänger und Radfahrer, die sich oberhalb der Fahrbahnen befinden, gebaut. Um ihre herausragende architektonische Stellung zu unterstreichen, wird die Brücke seit den 1980er Jahren nachts beleuchtet. Entstanden ist die Brooklyn Bridge einst im Jahre 1883, als man eine sinnvolle Verbindung zwischen Manhattan und Brooklyn suchte. [139][140] At this point, it was too late to replace the cables that had already been constructed. [277], The BRT did not run any elevated train through services from 1899 to 1901. Was die Freiheitsstatue für New York, ist seit 80 Jahren die Golden Gate Bridge für San Francisco. [220] This required the demolition of the old Kings County courthouse. [88][89] Between January 25 and May 31, 1872, Smith treated 110 cases of decompression sickness, while three workers died from the disease. Both caissons contain interior spaces that were used by construction workers. [175][176] Since Washington Roebling believed that steam locomotives would put excessive loads upon the structure of the Brooklyn Bridge, the cable car line was designed as a steam/cable-hauled hybrid. [129][130] By May 1878, the main cables were more than two-thirds complete. [34], The Brooklyn Bridge is supported by four main cables, which descend from the tops of the suspension towers and help support the deck. Jahrhunderts und ein Besuchs- bzw. [270][289], While the bridge has always permitted the passage of pedestrians, the promenade facilitates movement when other means of crossing the East River have become unavailable. Während der Bauarbeiten auf der Brücke erlitt er einen Unfall und starb noch vor ihrer Fertigstellung an den Folgen des Unfalls. Named after Samuel Osgood, a Massachusetts politician and lawyer, it was built in 1770 and served as the first U.S. presidential mansion. Die neu eröffnete Brooklyn Bridge war ein Wunder ihrer Zeit, und Illustrationen davon waren in der Öffentlichkeit beliebt. [195][196] The city government passed a bill to officially name the structure the "Brooklyn Bridge" in January 1915. [296] The higher-than-usual pedestrian load caused this swaying, which was amplified by the tendency of pedestrians to synchronize their footfalls with a sway. [233] In 1974, heavy vehicles such as vans and buses were banned from the bridge to prevent further erosion of the concrete roadway. Note: Visitor numbers are estimates only. [41] The Manhattan vault was called the "Blue Grotto" because of a shrine to the Virgin Mary next to an opening at the entrance. Die Brooklyn Bridge hat zwischen ihren beiden Pfeilern aus Granit, die circa 82 Meter aus dem Wasser in die Höhe ragen, eine Spannweite von 486 Metern.Die vier Kabelstränge aus galvanisiertem Draht, welche die Brücke tragen, haben jeweils einen Durchmesser von beachtlichen 40 cm. [148] Brooklyn mayor Seth Low, who became part of the board of trustees in 1882, became the chairman of a committee tasked to investigate Edgemoor's failure to fulfill the contract. [322], On July 22, 2014, the two American flags on the flagpoles atop each tower were found to have been replaced by bleached-white American flags. [19][120] Until a permanent contract was awarded, the builders ordered 30 short tons (27 long tons) of wire in the interim, 10 tons each from three companies, including Washington Roebling's own steel mill in Brooklyn. [212][209], While the rebuilding of the span was ongoing, a fallout shelter was constructed beneath the Manhattan approach in anticipation of the Cold War. For example, references to "selling the Brooklyn Bridge" abound in American culture, sometimes as examples of rural gullibility but more often in connection with an idea that strains credulity. On March 5, 1950, the streetcars also stopped running, and the bridge was redesigned exclusively for automobile traffic. There are two entrances to the bridge's pedestrian promenade on either side. [221] The towers were cleaned in 1958[222] and the Brooklyn anchorage was repaired the next year. [182][183] Concerns about the Brooklyn Bridge's safety were raised during the turn of the century. [314] In 2003, truck driver Iyman Faris was sentenced to about 20 years in prison for providing material support to Al-Qaeda, after an earlier plot to destroy the bridge by cutting through its support wires with blowtorches was thwarted. Thereafter, the only vehicles allowed on the Brooklyn Bridge were horse-drawn. [6] The approaches are supported by Renaissance-style arches made of masonry; the arch openings themselves were filled with brick walls, with small windows within. [65], To allay concerns about the design of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, Roebling set up a "Bridge Party" in March 1869, where he invited engineers and members of U.S. Congress to see his other spans. [119] In January 1877, a contract for crucible steel was awarded to J. Lloyd Haigh,[19][122][123] who was associated with bridge trustee Abram Hewitt, whom Roebling distrusted. The Fifth Avenue and Fulton Street services across the Brooklyn Bridge were discontinued in 1940 and 1941 respectively, and the elevated tracks were abandoned permanently with the withdrawal of Myrtle Avenue services in 1944. "[44][42] Leaks found within the vault's spaces necessitated repairs during the late 1980s and early 1990s. [131] However, the following month, one of the wires slipped, killing two people and injuring three others. [32] The park uses the approach's support pillars as obstacles. Jahrhundert diskutiert, scheiterte aber immer am East River, der kein Fluss, sondern ein Meeresarm mit starken gezeitenabhängigen Strömungen und dichtem Schiffsverkehr ist. Täglich passieren rund 120.000 Fahrzeuge, 4000 Fußgänger und 3100 Radfahrer die Brücke. The Cities Celebrate the Work That Makes Them One", "The First Travel Across the Brooklyn Bridge", "Yesterday's Calamity on the Brooklyn Bridge", "City Pays Off Brooklyn Bridge of 1883; Interest Was Double Cost of Erecting It", "Finishing the Bridge; the Railroad, the Sands-Street Entrances, and the Warehouses", "Dead on the New Bridge; Fatal Crush at the Western Approach", "Work on the Bridge; Precautions to Be Taken to Prevent Future Accidents", "Managing the Bridge; the Trustees Adopt a Plan for Protection Against Fire", "The Grip Begins Its Work; by Cable Over the Brooklyn Bridge. Im Januar 1964 erhielt die Brücke den Status eines National Historic Landmarks. Als die Brücke gebaut wurde, hieß sie East River Bridge und der heutige Name Brooklyn Bridge war ursprünglich auch nicht der vollständige Name der Brücke: sie hieß New York and Brooklyn Bridge. [36], The anchorages both have four anchor plates, one for each of the main cables, which are located near ground level and parallel to the ground. [101] The saddle plates atop both towers were also raised in July 1876. [167][175][176] On May 17, 1884, one of the circus master P. T. Barnum's most famous attractions, Jumbo the elephant, led a parade of 21 elephants over the Brooklyn Bridge. [110] The following month, initial contracts were awarded for the suspender wires, which would hang down from the main cables and support the deck. [110], The first temporary wire was stretched between the towers on August 15, 1876,[102][111][112] using chrome steel provided by the Chrome Steel Company of Brooklyn. The span was originally called the New York and Brooklyn Bridge or the East River Bridge but was officially renamed the Brooklyn Bridge in 1915. [218][219] Subsequently, Boerum Place from Fulton Street south to Atlantic Avenue was also widened. [249], After the 2007 collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, public attention focused on the condition of bridges across the U.S. [161] Less than a week after the Brooklyn Bridge opened, ferry crews reported a sharp drop in patronage, while the bridge's toll operators were processing over a hundred people a minute. [161][36] The bonds to fund the construction would not be paid off until 1956. [7] Each main cable measures 15.75 inches (40.0 cm) in diameter and contains 5,282 parallel, galvanized steel wires wrapped closely together in a cylindrical shape. The anchorages are trapezoidal limestone structures located slightly inland of the shore, measuring 129 by 119 feet (39 by 36 m) at the base and 117 by 104 feet (36 by 32 m) at the top. [306][307], On March 1, 1994, Lebanese-born Rashid Baz opened fire on a van carrying members of the Chabad-Lubavitch Orthodox Jewish Movement, striking 16-year-old student Ari Halberstam and three others traveling on the bridge. [79][80] The "Great Blowout", as the fire was called, delayed construction for several months, since the holes in the caisson had to be repaired. [18] Die Nutzung ist beschränkt auf Fahrzeuge bis zu 3,4 m Höhe und 2,7 t Gesamtgewicht. This is a common mistake that newbies to the city make. [56] The current Brooklyn Bridge was conceived by German immigrant John Augustus Roebling in 1852. [132][133][134] In 1877, Hewitt wrote a letter urging against the use of Bessemer steel in the bridge's construction. Auch Washington Roebling erkrankte 1872 bei Arbeiten in einem der Senkkästen (Caisson) für die Errichtung der Pfeilerfundamente an der Dekompressionskrankheit (Taucherkrankheit) oder Caissonkrankheit. [26] The promenade is usually located 4 feet (1.2 m) below the height of the girders, except at the approach ramps leading to each tower's balcony. Only passenger vehicles and pedestrian and bicycle traffic are permitted. [8][177][178][179], Patronage across the Brooklyn Bridge increased in the years after it opened; a million people paid to cross in the six first months. The BRT started running through-services of elevated trains, which ran from Park Row Terminal in Manhattan to points in Brooklyn via the Sands Street station on the Brooklyn side. Am Tag ihrer Eröffnung, dem 24. In 2000, these were swapped, with cyclists taking the northern side and pedestrians taking the southern side. [298][299] He struck the water at an angle and died shortly afterwards from internal injuries. Das Foto von den Menschenmassen, die sich über die Brooklyn Bridge wälzen ist an einem Samstag im Juni 2016 entstanden. [74], At the time of opening, the Brooklyn Bridge was not yet complete; the proposed public transit across the bridge was still being tested, while the Brooklyn approach was being completed. [300] Steve Brodie supposedly dropped from underneath the bridge in July 1886 and was briefly arrested for it, though there is some doubt about whether he actually jumped. Da die … [214], Simultaneous with the rebuilding of the Brooklyn Bridge, a double-decked viaduct for the BQE was being built through an existing steel overpass of the bridge's Brooklyn approach ramp. [86][87] This condition was unknown at the time and was first called "caisson disease" by the project physician, Andrew Smith. [360][361], The Brooklyn Bridge has also been lauded for its architecture. [10] 1954 wurde auch der Straßenbahnverkehr über die Brooklyn Bridge eingestellt. Proposals for a bridge connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn were first made in the early 19th century, which eventually led to the construction of the current span, designed by John A. Roebling. [40][48] The tops of the towers are located 159 feet (48 m) above the floor of each arch opening, while the floors of the openings are 119.25 feet (36.35 m) above mean water level, giving the towers a total height of 278.25 feet (84.81 m) above mean high water. [5][6] At the time of construction, engineers had not yet discovered the aerodynamics of bridge construction, and bridge designs were not tested in wind tunnels. Teilweise heißt es, alle seien begeistert gewesen und hätten zu Hunderttausenden am Eröffnungstag die Brücke beschritten. [37][92] His debilitating condition left him unable to supervise the construction in person, so he designed the caissons and other equipment from his apartment, directing "the completion of the bridge through a telescope from his bedroom. [262] Work started in late 2019 and was scheduled to be completed in 2023. [117][114] The temporary footbridge, located some 60 feet (18 m) above the elevation of the future deck, was completed in February 1877. [29][258], A center line was painted to separate cyclists from pedestrians in 1971, creating one of the city's first dedicated bike lanes. [180] Additionally, about 4.5 million pedestrians a year were crossing the bridge for free by 1892. 11 Die Brooklyn Bridge war die erste Brücke der Welt, die elektrisch beleuchtet wurde. [227] At the same time, plans were announced for direct ramps to the FDR Drive elevated highway to alleviate congestion at the approach. Clapper bridge at Wycoller, Pendle, East Lancashire. [305] In 1993, bridge jumper Thierry Devaux illegally performed eight acrobatic bungee jumps above the East River close to the Brooklyn tower. 9 Millionen Fahrgäste befördert, 1885 verkehrten die Züge während der Hauptverkehrszeit bereits im 90-Sekunden-Intervall. Als eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt New York ist die Brooklyn Bridge Handlungsort in zahlreichen Romanen, Fernsehsendungen, Filmen (z. [247], Vehicular access to the bridge is provided by a complex series of ramps on both sides of the bridge. Die New Yorker U-Bahn hat in Brooklyn ihr eigenes Museum. [15] Its stone towers are neo-Gothic, with characteristic pointed arches. In the piece, Schuyler wrote: "It so happens that the work which is likely to be our most durable monument, and to convey some knowledge of us to the most remote posterity, is a work of bare utility; not a shrine, not a fortress, not a palace, but a bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge is very close to and is visible from the neighborhood called Brooklyn Heights, but that neighborhood doesn't touch the bridge. Insgesamt wurden 24.000 km Draht für die Seile verwendet. Ein Zwischenraum in der Mitte ist nicht als Fahrstreifen ausgebildet, da er von den mittleren Pylonen zwischen den großen Portalen in Anspruch genommen wird. [41] Starting in 1876,[42] in order to fund the bridge's maintenance, the New York City government made the large vaults under the bridge's Manhattan anchorage available for rent, and they were in constant use during the early 20th century. Die Gleise wurden auf der jeweils linken Spur der beiden Fahrbahnen neben jenen der Kabelbahn angelegt.[9]. [248] They were turned back on later that year after several private entities made donations to fund the lights. Sie verbindet Brooklyn und Manhattan . Die Brücke hat heute sechs Fahrstreifen sowie in der Ebene darüber einen breiten Fuß- und Radweg. Die Brooklyn Bridge ist die südlichste von vier gebührenfreien Fahrzeugbrücken, die Manhattan Island und Long Island mit den Brücken Manhattan, Williamsburg und Queensboro im Norden verbinden. [32] The skateboarding community has attempted to save the banks on multiple occasions; after the city destroyed the smaller banks in the 2000s, the city government agreed to keep the larger banks for skateboarding. Dieser Titel wurde den Australiern jedoch von dem Brückenbauer Othmar Hermann Ammann streitig gemacht, der nur wenige Wochen vorher die Bayonne Bridge fertiggestellt hatte. Decides '94 Attack On Hasidim Was Lone Act", "In Signs Leading to Brooklyn Bridge, a Tribute to Ari Halberstam", "Stick of Dynamite Is Discovered Under a Brooklyn Bridge Ramp", "Manhattan Artist Seized In Case ofBridge 'Bomb, "Trucker Sentenced to 20 Years in Plot Against Brooklyn Bridge", "Art Corporation of America Incorporated BRIDGING 1977", "Manhattan Artist Seized In Case of Bridge 'Bomb, "700 Arrested After Protest On Brooklyn Bridge", "Occupy Wall Street – the story of the Brooklyn Bridge 'trap, "What Happened to Those 732 Occupiers Arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge? Gut, schuld daran hat im seltensten Fall die Stadt selber – aber viel mehr sind es die Menschen und wie sie sich verhalten – und alles das, ist in diesem einen Foto vereint.
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