Von der Leyen added that the EU's 750-billion-euro Recovery Fund to help States get over the economic earthquake caused by the pandemic will … # Weltwirtschaftsforums (WEF) in Davos eine Sonderansprache. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen | Olivier Hoslet/EPA-EFE, Campaigning, lobbying and political influence in the EU. Foto: European Parliament / Wikimedia / CC BY 2.0 Veröffentlicht: 02.02.2021 - 13:45 Uhr of the 54th Munich Security Conference . Campaigning, lobbying and political influence in the U.K. What’s driving the day in Paris, en français, The weekly digest of the best stories in U.K. politics. Latest news, analysis and comment on security in Europe and beyond. They are like social beehives", claims German Minister for Family. Their commitment and success got around quite a bit. Die betriebliche Kinderbetreuung ist ein wichtiger Baustein zu einem familienfreundlichen Unternehmen und, Corporate child care is an important factor in creating a family friendly company and. He became the EPP’s lead candidate; the EPP became the largest group in the Parliament; yet he was not chosen as Commission president. Mrs von der Leyen said the two sides were still "far apart", while Downing Street said "very large gaps remain". the "Berlin Declaration" was signed on. Tim King writes POLITICO‘s Brussels Sketch. # Transall C-160 - medium light transport aircraft of german army. My back-of-the-envelope calculation is that the number of MEPs whose mother tongue is English is now probably below 20: there are 13 MEPs from Ireland, but for some of them English will be a second language behind Irish; English is widely spoken in Malta and Cyprus, but those countries boast only six MEPs each. She had served as Minister of Defence of Germany from 2013 to 2019. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "von der Leyen" – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen. (1) # Blowdry - Ursula von der Leyen is proud of her blond waving frontal hair. Landschaft hervorsticht, verkörpert vor allem, mit 47 Jahren, ein Modell, das in einem Land, welches mit seiner Fruchtbarkeitsrate von 1,35 Kindern pro Frau (trotz starker Einwanderung besonders aus der Türkei), eine der niedrigsten in Europa, im Verschwinden begriffen ist. places the compatibility of career and family works so well. But the glossy presentation could not obscure the woolly thinking — the tendency to resort to the passive mood, the reluctance to say who was responsible for action or inaction. of the company for successfully taking part in the "job and family audit". Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! Vielfalt der Gesellschaft und betonte, dass Chancengleichheit vor. What is the Conference on the Future of Europe. Instead the European Council opted for a different German Christian Democrat: von der Leyen. BRUSSELS, March 16 (Xinhua) -- European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday called for a "Paris-style agreement for biodiversity," noting that the European Union (EU) is ready to broker its ambition at a United Nations biodiversity conference in China. European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen arrives to address her first state of the union speech | Pool photo by Olivier Hoslet/ AFP via Getty Images, And there is another reason why the hegemony of English is to be regretted: Globish isn’t conducive to intellectual rigor. The deliberate aping of the American president’s State of the Union address was hubristic, but the event took root in the EU’s annual calendar nonetheless and the Parliament benefited. Von der Leyen said Europe needs a Marshall Plan to recover from the effects of COVID-19. Before taking up her current role, von der Leyen was the former German defence minister. Februar, This award honors the outstanding quality and attractiveness as an employer and, on February 24, 2010, the award was presented by the. Von der Leyen-Gymnasium Schlossbergstraße 42 66440 Blieskastel Telefon: 06842 / 9232-0 Telefax: 06842 / 9232-32 info@vdleyen.de Log in to access content and manage your profile. all in the last few months, to a fierce public debate about the policy of the CDU/CSU for families. Explore the live extension of our journalism, The wonk's survival guide to the EU Green Deal, April 19 — Rewriting the Transatlantic Tech Playbook, April 20 — The coming shakeup of the EU Emissions Trading System, May 18 — POLITICO Virtual Interview: In Conversation With Nick Thomas-Symonds MP, Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech: As it happened, Von der Leyen challenges EU capitals to step up, Lockdown turns Brussels’ EU district into a real ghost town, EU Confidential #191: German election journey — EESC in spotlight, The EU has a presidential problem (and a navel-gazing one). Ten years on, however, the Parliament is in danger of being reduced to a theatrical backdrop and MEPs are being cut out of the action. "There is only one instrument we have that is trusted by all Member States, which is … She is a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Latest news, analysis and comment on elections in Europe and beyond. Its facade with its detailed artistic design is especially compelling. and of Michael Glos, Federal Minister of Economics and Technology. Latest news, analysis and comment on migration in Europe and beyond. Serving from 2005 to 2019, she was Angela Merkel’s longest standing cabinet member. it was introduced in 1967. Monaten zu einer heftigen öffentlichen Debatte über die Familienpolitik der CDU/CSU geführt hat. Explaining the decision, a representative of EuPD said: “The company demonstrates exemplary commitment to the health and performance capabilities of its employees and sets nationwide standards in Germany.â, mit seinen 170 Plätzen und extrem flexiblen Öffnungszeiten. weiblichen Führungskräften über das Thema "Spitzenleistung in Familie und Beruf". Seit 1998 wird der Preis „Sprachpanscher des Jahres“ verliehen. Ursula von der Leyen und ihre sechs Geschwister besuchten in Brüssel die Europaschule, wo sie perfekt Französisch und Englisch lernte. As the State of the Union debate showed, the victory of the English language over French is almost complete. Ihr Einsatz und ihr Erfolg haben sich herumgesprochen: in gerade Jena die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie so gut funktioniert. In 2020, the State of the European Union speech is a social media production: The Commission president’s speech is to be parceled up and redistributed digitally in byte-sized portions. Die Qualität und das Engagement unserer Berufsausbildung, die hohe Anzahl der Auszubildenden sowie die überwiegend sehr guten Prüfungsergebnisse werden z.B. Ursula von der Leyen, Belgian-born German politician who was the first woman to serve as Germany’s minister of defense (2013–19). The plurality of languages is one of the things that makes the European Parliament distinctively different from the Commission and the Council of the EU. Von der Leyen used three languages in her speech: in order of appearance, French, English and German. and thus a curious exception in the German political landscape, embodies above all, aged 47, a model which is disappearing in a Germany of demographic peril with its fertility rate of 1.35 children per woman, one of the lowest in Europe (in spite of strong immigration especially from Turkey), one of the lowest in Europe. What amplified von der Leyen’s slavish attachment to English still further was that the first MEP to respond to her also used English. The plurality of languages is one of the things that makes the European Parliament distinctively different from the Commission and the Council of the EU — which conduct the bulk of their internal business using a much more restricted palette of languages. Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICO’s editors and guest writers in Europe. bank initiative with a certificate of gratitude. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. Weber is from Bavaria’s conservative Christian Social Union and yet he too opted to read stilted English. (One anomaly is that Luxembourg, a founder member of the EU, never opted to make Luxembourgish an official language of the EU. But Mamer said von der Leyen decided against making “an issue out of it,” and she didn’t mention the diplomatic gaffe in the post-meeting press conference. Commerce, Ludwig Georg Braun, on 1 April 2008. extremely flexible opening times also boasted an individual motivation and childcare concept focusing on internationality, early musical education, health awareness and exercise. on the occasion of the opening . Die Auszeichnung steht für eine besondere Qualität und Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber und wurde am 24. Technologie nach erfolgreicher Teilnahme am "audit berufundfamilie" ein Zertifikat. Despite her alleged failures as defence minister, Ms Von der Leyen was a supporter of an EU Army and a United States of Europe. Jargon’s second victory — over English — is only a matter of time. Von der Leyen wird als "Sprachpanscherin" bezeichnet - weil sie auf einer internationalen Konferenz Englisch sprach. Check against delivery . Von der Leyen was born in 1958 in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium, where she lived until she was 13 years old. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. Online Beratung für von Zwangsheirat bedrohte Mädchen und Jungen. The switching between languages that was once a traditional feature of such speeches in the Parliament doesn’t work on social media. This is the man who two years ago was campaigning to become the president of the European Commission. It was four years ago that I stood here for the first time in front of this conference. She was initially seen as a possible successor to German chancellor Angela Merkel. “The UK is a tiny, tiny vaccine producer and will always be that. (Bild: François Lenoir / Reuters) Latest news, analysis and comment on defense in Europe and beyond. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. The likes of Nigel Farage and Daniel Hannan are gone. Even the media port, which is a lot more expensive, can't offer a lot: A hotel for children (developed by the THOMSEN GROUP a long time before this discussion. on 16 February 2018 . # Granate- can be an artillery or mortar shell, or a hand grenade. Never mind Brexit, the State of the Union speech highlights the triumph of English. Beneath the surface, however, the retreat from plurilingualism is potentially damaging for the European Parliament, albeit that Weber cannot see the danger. jeder Kindergarten schenkt - und vor allem: ein gutes Gewissen für die so im Job noch motivierteren Eltern. But there was also an element of obeisance to the Parliament: in yet another form the Commission president was presenting the work of the Commission to MEPs for approval. Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Mr Vladimír Špidla, have emphasized the importance of the elderly generation for Europe on the occasion of the congress opening: "By using their professional experience, their outside work commitment and not least their purchasing power, elderly people may significantly contribute to growth and economic development. It was content, back in 1957, with the initial choice between German, French, Dutch and Italian. Politicians on federal and on state level have taken stronger. In July 2019 she became the first woman … mit gemischter Alters-, Sozial- und Nutzungsstruktur zu Drehscheiben für Austausch und Dienstleistungen werden können, unter Weitergabe von Kulturwissen und unentgeltlicher Hilfe. In-depth reporting, data and actionable intelligence for policy professionals – all in one place. But the tide turned against French with the 1995 enlargement of the EU and accelerated in 2004. sei Jugendarbeit, Schaffung beruflicher Perspektiven und der Aufbau einer starken Kultur des Zivilengagements. Or so it might seem. pretty outdated. Put another way: She spoke in French for 80 seconds at the beginning of her speech and for two and a half minutes at the end; she spoke in German for nine and a half minutes in the middle; and she spoke in English for 63 minutes — two chunks of half an hour on either side of the German section. Die Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Ur. Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICO’s editors and guest writers on the continent. Listening to him speaking English, it is hard not to detect the undertone of thwarted ambition. Michael Glos, Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Technologie. On 30 June 2008, Hans-Jürgen Farrenkopf, Personnel Director at MVV Energie AG, received a certificate from Ursula von der Leyen. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech was an unabashed declaration that English now reigns supreme among the 24 languages of the European Union. Das Weltwirtschaftsforum beginnt am Dienstag, dem 21. Selbst der Medienhafen, der deutlich teurer ist, kann vieles nicht bieten: Ein Kinderhotel (entwickelt von der THOMSEN GROUP lange bevor eine. AG ist eine sehr kluge Investition", lobte sie. If MEPs were only alive to the signs, they would kick against the straight-to-YouTube choreography. Upon taking up her new role, she selected a team of 27 EU commissioners, including 12 women at the top table. info); née Albrecht, 8 October 1958) is a German politician. 3 City Museum - Haus von der Leyen The building was constructed in 1589 / 90 as a city palace of the nobleman Georg von der Leyen . But the language of diplomacy has its own empty phrases: “If we are all ready to make compromises — without compromising on our principles — we can find that solution.”. In diesem Jahr hat Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen die zweifelhafte Ehre: … Ursula von der Leyen stammt aus der Familie Albrecht und wuchs bis 1971 in Brüssel, anschließend im südöstlich von Hannover gelegenen Ilten auf. She is the President of the European Commission. The generous language regime is costly, but it is part of the identity of the Parliament. for the online counselling of girls and boys who are threatened by forced marriages. Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICO’s editors and guest writers on French politics. In the family, she has been known since childhood as Röschen, a diminutive of Rose. Sie zählt zu den Erstunterzeichnern der "Grundsatzerklärung Erfolgsfaktor Familie", die ein, The company was one of the first signatories of the "Families as a Key. mit dem Betreuungsgeld lieber die Haushaltskasse aufbessern. If you do not have a login you can register here. The British have departed, but their language grows ever more dominant in European Union circles. Englisch am Von der Leyen-Gymnasium Any man who does not make himself proficient in at least two languages other than his own is a fool. So far, so normal: Those three are the traditional internal working languages of the European Commission. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen. in Ditzingen with Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller and other female. On the video, von der Leyen can be heard saying “Hmm” or “Ehm,” and was offered a seat on a couch to the side of other two leaders. With regard to Europe, it is extremely unfortunate that the German contribution to the European Year of Equality was, als Übersetzung von "von der Leyen" vorschlagen. Dr Ursula von der Leyen . Von der Leyen, he suggests, may have been guilty of letting Boris Johnson get under her skin. Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech was an unabashed declaration that English now reigns supreme among the 24 languages of the European Union. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'heiko von der leyen' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. executives to discuss the topic "Achieving at Home and on the Job. At Update: Ursula von der Leyen hat bei der Abstimmung am Abend in Straßburg eine absolute Mehrheit erreicht. allem eine Frage der Verhaltensweisen und der Mentalität ist. 2 . When the State of the European Union address was introduced in 2010, it was to a large extent an act of aggrandizement by the European Commission and its then-president José Manuel Barroso. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delivers her first State of the Union speech of 2020 on 16 September in Brussels, Belgium. durch die Auszeichnung des bundesweit besten Prüflings im Ausbildungsberuf "Verfahrensmechaniker in der Hütten- und Halbzeugindustrie, Fachrichtung Nichteisenmetallurgie", The quality and dedication of our vocational training, the large number of our apprentices and their generally very good examination results are evidenced for example by the accolade of "Best examinee in the training profession of 'process mechanic in the metallurgical and semi-finished products industry, non-ferrous, Hinsichtlich einer Forderung des Zentralrats der Juden, Rechtsextremismus müsse mit aller Härte begegnet werden, daher. fit for the future, with mixed age, social, and usage structure can become hubs for social exchange and services, providing cultural knowledge and free help. Only in the countries of Latin/Romance languages can French hope to compete with English as a second language. in Munich . Diese gemeinsame Erklärung ist ein weiterer Meilenstein auf unserem Weg, German federal minister for family affairs, Ursula von der Leyen, emphasised, "this joint, Mit Blick auf Europa ist es sehr bedauerlich, dass der deutsche. Dabei wechselt von der Leyen immer wieder zwischen englisch, deutsch und französisch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … right-wing extremists, it would be also necessary to pay attention to youth work, the creation of employment prospects and the set-up of a strong culture of civil involvement. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. Ireland, which joined the European Economic Community in 1973, was similarly content not to make Irish an EU language, but went back on that decision in 2004.). What this year’s State of the Union address shows is that the flight to English has been transformed by Brexit into a value-free, pragmatic choice. By this measure, taking into account the time lost to applause, English actually took up even more of her speech — approaching 85 percent — because she reads German (her mother tongue) more fluently than English. Für ihre familienbewusste Personalpolitik erhielt die Aareon AG am, On 30 June 2008, Aareon AG was awarded the, Der Personalvorstand der MVV Energie AG, Hans-Jürgen Farrenkopf, erhielt für unser Unternehmen am 30. Chancengleichheit, Vladimír Špidla, betonen heute anlässlich der Eröffnung die Bedeutung der älteren Generation für Europa: "Ältere Menschen können mit ihren Erfahrungen, ihrem Engagement und nicht zuletzt mit ihrer Wirtschaftskraft einen wichtigen Beitrag zu Wachstum und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung leisten. By logging in, you confirm acceptance of our POLITICO Privacy Policy. Politiker auf Bundes und Landesebene haben, Armin Laschet (CDU) finanziell Projekte zur. In the European Parliament, nobody needs to speak anything other than their mother tongue, since the principle underlying the language regime is that voters need not subject would-be MEPs to a language test before electing them. Diplomats and bureaucrats developed a jargon-filled langue de bois with a distinctly European identity. für die Tafelbewegung mit einer Dankesurkunde. To give that some context: There are 96 MEPs from Germany, plus 19 from Austria and one from Belgium’s German-speaking community. Von der Leyen hält Sonderansprache in Davos (Sprache: Englisch) Die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der # Leyen, hält am zweiten Tag des 50. She was right to do so. In der EU-Bürokratie wird die Kritik an der Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen zunehmend lauter. Federal president Horst Köhler. Post-Brexit, speaking English can be excused as expediency. Measuring von der Leyen’s speech by its wordcount, 81 percent was in English, 12 percent in German and just 7 percent in French. So, for plenary sessions, MEPs should have interpretation available into and out of the 24 languages. Manfred Weber spoke first because he is the leader of the biggest contingent of MEPs, the center-right European People’s Party. Her presidential predecessor Jean-Claude Juncker also used those three languages in his annual State of the European Union speeches. Her father Ernst Albrecht worked as one of the first European civil servants from the establishment of the European Commission in 1958, first as chef de cabinet to the European commissioner for competition Hans von der Groeben in the Hallstein Commission, and then as director-general of the Directorate-General for Competi… Was es noch über die zierliche CDU-Politikerin zu wissen gibt, über ihr Vermögen, ihre Ausbildung und Familie, erfahren Sie in diesem Artikel. Hence the dominance of English: It’s the language of robots. Gemeinsam mit der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen haben Unternehmen des ddn ein Maßnahmenpaket geschnürt, das zugleich als allgemeines Regelwerk für eine positive Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels verstanden werden kann: Die "Berliner Erklärung" wurde am, working with the German Association of Senior Citizens' organisations, companies in the network have put together a set of measures that, taken together, can be regarded as a general body of rules for positively shaping demographic change. So the triumph of English in the European Parliament is very much what successive French governments have fought against: the triumph of English as a second language, as widely used by the Nordic countries, the Baltic states and the once-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. What’s flattering and inclusive in the confines of a parliamentary chamber — where the audience is linguistically diverse but everyone has simultaneous interpretation — is just irritating on Facebook or Twitter. What was striking about the 2020 version was that any pretense of balance between the languages was abandoned. durch ein individuelles Förder- und Betreuungskonzept mit den Schwerpunkten Internationalität, musikalische Früherziehung, Gesundheitsbewusstsein und Bewegung auszeichnet, kannte die ministerielle Begeisterung keine Grenzen mehr. Ursula von der Leyen ist eine bekannte Frau – dem einen ist sie als „Flinten-Uschi“ im Gedächtnis geblieben, dem anderen als erfolgreiche Karrierefrau, die sieben Kinder großgezogen hat. Unter der Schirmherrschaft der Bundesministerin, wurden gestern Abend im Berliner Umweltforum durch Handelsblatt, TÃœV SÃœD Life Service und EuPD Research die gesÃ?ndesten deutschen Unternehmen ausgezeichnet: Die ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG gehört dazu und erhielt den begehrten Preis in der Kategorie „Schwerindustrie und Maschinenbau“. Traditionally, the French language was celebrated as the language of diplomacy and for the first 40 years of the European Union’s existence, French was indeed the dominant language. Sie ist die Tochter des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Niedersachsen Ernst Albrecht (1930–2014) und dessen Ehefrau … Ursula von der Leyen announces vaccination rollout across EU. Juni 2008, von der Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen, Jochen Homann aus dem Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und. in society and emphasised that equal opportunities is above all. taking than any kindergarden - and most of all: a quiet conscience for the parents who can stay concentrated in their jobs. It took Iratxe García, a Spanish MEP who leads the center-left Socialists and Democrats group, to put a stop to the speeches in English. “I will ensure that [NextGenerationEU] takes green financing to the next level” and “We flexibilized our European funds and state aid rules” are easy to mock as business-school jargon. Von der Leyen said that in view of the demand of the Central Council of Jews that right-wing extremism needed to be encountered with utmost severity, this. rather would improve their financial situation with the childcare supplement. Von der Leyen’s speech came with lots of graphics and film clips, which did their best to distract from the words. Von der Leyen used three languages in her speech: in order of appearance, French, English and German. Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICO’s editors and guest writers on German politics. Tradition dieser Politik, was gerade in den letzten. Ursula von der Leyen zeigt sich als polyglotte Europäerin, die fliessend Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch spricht. If Weber were not attempting to re-visit that contest, he might see that an English-speaking monoculture is not in the best interests of the European Parliament. mit Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller und weiteren. Januar, in # Davos. In der Laudatio des EuPD hieß es zur BegrÃ?ndung: „Das Unternehmen engagiert sich in besonders vorbildhafter Weise fÃ?r die Gesundheit und LeistungsfÃ?higkeit der Mitarbeiter und setzt damit deutschlandweit Standards.“, Quality of Work Initiative (INQA), Germanyâ€?s, healthiest companies were honored yesterday evening at the Berlin Umweltforum (Environmental Forum) by Handelsblatt, TÃœV SÃœD Life Service and EuPD Research: ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG won the coveted award in the “Heavy industry and engineering†category.
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