[15] Cherry-picking those numbers doesn’t tell the whole story, though. Body Horror. The book After by Anna Todd, later adapted into a film of the same name was originally a real person fanfiction about One Direction member Harry Styles. Overall, I like AO3 better, but fanfiction.net is a bit simpler to navigate (at the cost of more advanced features). The letter also alluded to possible legal action that could be taken against fanzines that did not comply. Overall, huge international audience on Wattpad and a young audience so for certain fandoms that focus on these younger audiences, Wattpad is the main place to post. Deathfic. "Spellbound: An Analysis of Adult-Oriented, infringe on the original author's copyright, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, "Fanfiction: A Legal Battle of Creativity", "Fan Fiction—TV Viewers Have It Their Way", "William Shakespeare - Shakespeare's sources", "The Icelandic Dracula: Bram Stoker's vampire takes a second bite", "The early adventures of the apocryphal Sherlock Holmes", "In long-lost play, the author of 'Peter Pan' spoofs 'Sherlock Holmes' and the mystery genre", "The book that changed Jane Eyre forever", "Holy crow! AU: Means a lternate u niverse. It wouldn’t be a … Fanfiction can be a lot of romance, sex, and “ships” (ships are when the author puts two characters into a romantic relationship), but doesn’t have to be. All types of Fan Fiction. If you have a beta reader (basically somebody who test reads your story before you release it), this is also a great place to get the beta reader involved. Adult: usually graphic and sexual. I’ve had 100k+ people read my fics at this point and have won the Commaful weekly top story honors several times. Crossover fanfiction refers to a genre of fanfic that combines characters from different fictional universes together. Fan fiction is often the place where Epileptic Trees are planted and cultivated. You have canonverse, with missing scene fics, pre-canon, post-canon, etc. Fan fiction is defined by being related to its subject's canonical fictional universe, either staying within those boundaries but not being of the canon itself, or else branching outside of it into an alternative universe. The community on here feels nicer than AO3. Originates from Stargate SG-1 fanfiction and similar to Muldertorture in X-Files fandom. Imagine that you just watched the film and you love the character. A similar trend in Japan also began appearing around the 1960s and 1970s, where independently published manga and novels, known as dōjinshi, are frequently published by dōjin circles; many of these dōjinshi are based on existing manga, anime, and video game franchises. A subcategory of shipping; describes romantic couples in mundane domestic situations such as picking out curtains. A handful of key terms are applied cross-fandom and related to fan fiction norms. [8] Also created has been The Space Machine based on The War of the Worlds and Morlock Night based on The Time Machine by H. G. Wells; A New Alice in the Old Wonderland based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll; and Wide Sargasso Sea based on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Awards may even be given at the end of a gift/fic exchange to recognize particularly well-written or enjoyable contributions to the exchange. I use this for all my long form fanfiction reading. More specifically, while there are a number of "fake" Harry Potter books in China, most of these books are treated as addressing concepts and issues found in Chinese culture. Verdict: Quotev seems like a nice place to roleplay for inspiration. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It may infringe on the original author's copyright, depending on the jurisdiction and on legal questions such as whether or not it qualifies as "fair use" (see Legal issues with fan fiction). DeviantArt is known for its amazing fan art and illustration community. An abbreviation of the term "one true pairing", where the author or reader ships (wishes for a romantic relationship between) certain characters from a fandom. Make quizzes, send them viral. I eventually migrated most of my works off it when I found that the other sites were bigger. If this piece inspired you to write your fanfiction, please post links to them in the comments below! [34], A form of flash fiction writing also popular outside of fan fiction, a drabble is typically a piece of writing that is only 100 words.[35]. "What if..." fanfiction featuring characters set in a universe other than their canonical one. usually just fun and happy, H/C (Hurt/Comfort): Some pain (like angst) followed by comforting and resolution, M/F: involves romance between and male and female, M/M: involves romance between male and male. The online archives were initially non-commercial hand-tended and fandom, or topic, specific. Dark Fic: A fan fiction that is much darker than the work it is based on. Reading your story out loud to yourself is the best way to edit. It is written by a fan.We put disclaimers to the header of every one of our stories. Look up any show, movie, or actor and you’ll probably find something! [48], While the HP Lexicon case is an example of Western culture treatment of fan fiction and copyright law, in China, Harry Potter fan fiction is less addressed in legal conflicts but is used as a cultural and educational tool between Western and Chinese cultures. [51] Similarly, Stephenie Meyer has put links on her website to fan fiction sites about her characters from the Twilight series. Let's take a moment to dissect the term "fan fiction": It is a piece of fiction based on another piece of fiction. Follow. Barrie. Top Fanfiction Websites. You can add your own characters to the Hogwarts universe. You can re-write scenes of movies that you don’t like. Trigger warnings are usually inserted when the subject matter of a piece of work deals with things issues like drug abuse, mental illness, abuse, or extreme violence. This page gives an overview of the different types of fiction, plus advice to help you decide which one to write. The piece featured characters named after Stephenie Meyer's characters in Twilight, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. [citation needed], It is difficult to determine the age of fan fiction readers as age is seldom disclosed in accounts or bios. Real person fanfiction is fanfiction that stars real (usually living) people. Due to the inexperience of many fanfic writers, fan fiction has gained a reputation for being a source of horrible, horrible writing.However there are fanfics out there that are INCREDIBLY good - sometimes being just as good as, if not better than, the original work.. A single fic can be one of these or even a combination. The author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from the original creator(s) as a basis for their writing. What kind of idiot would I be to want that to disappear? I get to enjoy what I wrote as well as fix up any diction or grammar errors. Fan fiction or fanfiction (also abbreviated to fan fic, fanfic, fic or ff) is fictional writing written by fans, based on an existing work of fiction. Popularized by Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. [51] George R.R. [50] Rowling said she was "flattered" that people wanted to write their own stories based on her fictional characters. [17] Anna Todd's 2013 fan fiction After about the English boy band One Direction secured a book and movie deal with renamed characters in 2014. Use the search functionality to locate the types of works you’re interested in. Writers of fan fiction often use the genre to explore homosexual pairings for popular characters who are heterosexual in the canon work.[27]. Like chemistry, the possibilities become virtually endless when you decide to mix two different things together. Follow. Super short Star Wars fanfic’s first chapter in commaful’s special fic format: These stories are on the shorter side and don’t feature anything graphic. It’s also amazing for shorter works and one shots. Types of Fiction by Length A work of fiction under 7,500 words is generally considered a short story, although some people place the maximum length of a short story much higher -- … Victorian AU Setting-Specific AUs Fusions 1. In order to not infringe on copyright issues, James changed the character names to Ana and Christian for the purposes of her novels,[16] which is a practice known as 'pulling-to-publish'. This may sound rude and elitist, but honestly, it's not easy for us to get it right sometimes, and we've been living with these characters...for a very long time. Verdict: I recommend AO3 for writers and readers with some experience with fanfiction already. Reviews can be given by both anonymous and registered users of most sites, and sites are often programmed to notify the author of new feedback, making them a common way for readers and authors online to communicate directly. Fanon may refer to a whole interpretation of the original work, or specific details within it. Ah, the mystery of fanfiction! A story in which a character is put through a traumatizing experience in order to be comforted. I’ve found search to be a bit hard to use. 3. Furthermore, the term fangirling/fanboying refers to a moment where a person gets excited about a fandom. Works blending two settings, and sometimes their casts, into a cohesive whole. The Web of Community Trust - Amateur Fiction Online: A Case Study in Community-Focused Design for the Semantic Web. A genre of fan fiction in which a version of the author is transported to, or discovers they are inside, the world that the fan fiction is based on. Verdict: I’d recommend checking both AO3 and fanfiction.net for the fandoms you’re interested in to see which archive is more active in your fandom. The comments can criticize just about anything, no matter how trivial and shallow. I use this for all my long form fanfiction reading. Fan fiction is tagged using various TWs so that readers may prepare for or avoid certain content. Tumblr is a great place to get conversations going about the works. It was founded on October 15, 1998 by Los Angeles computer programmer Xing Li, who also runs the site. An abbreviation of self-insert, usually referring to either a story in the eponymous genre or to the author's avatar within one. Additionally, OTPs are also subsetted as OT3s, which reference the reader's one true bonding with three people; this number can be changed to refer to a larger bonding of people. Just write it. Fanon (portmanteau of fan and canon) is an "unofficial canon" idea that is widely believed to be true among fans, but is neither unconfirmed nor officially endorsed by the original author or source creator, preventing it from being labeled as canon. Hunger Games AU 5. May also have sequel works related to it, while still being a one shot.[37]. Some fan fiction websites, such as FanFiction.Net, have barred authors from posting songfics with lyrics outside the public domain. The most common (and in my opinion, the best advice) is to, just do it. After the movie, you have all of these “what if” scenarios running through your head. “You aren’t creating anything. Not all stories tagged as "dark" count as darkfic. By 2014, there were already almost 750,000 Harry Potter fan stories on the web, ranging from short stories to novel-length tomes. The search allows me to pinpoint ... 2. Again, make sure to look out for these tags and notes before reading a story so that you know what to expect and don’t end up reading something you’re uncomfortable with. Curtain Fic: A fan-fiction that has a domestic chore as the plot. 71. List of AUs for fanfic writers. I won’t lie. D&D Beyond How Fifty Shades Is Dominating the Literary Scene, FanFiction.Net adult content purge felt across fandom two weeks on, Palimpsests: Literature in the Second Degree, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fan_fiction&oldid=1016564454, Articles with dead external links from December 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2009, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Articles needing additional references from July 2020, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. It was found that 57% of accounts originated from the United States, followed by 9.2% created in the United Kingdom, 5.6% in Canada and 4% in Australia. After that, I publish it publicly and share the stories on social media to my followers! It may represent a teasing out of subtext present in the canon, but it cannot directly contradict canon. The term came into use in the 20th century as copyright laws began to delineate between stories using established characters that were authorized by the copyright holder and those that were not.[1]. This culminated in 1975 with the Comiket in Tokyo. As a result, the author of the story can either disable or enable anonymous reviews, depending on their preference. If you don’t know who he is, here’s what you need to know. Comments and reviews always make my day (hint: if you find a good fanfiction piece, comment and review)! 97. Worry about that in editing, because that’s what it is for. You get the point. It could be taking characters and putting them in other universes. Game of Thrones AU 5. 1. Unless you live under a rock, you probably know what Star Wars is and that the man’s name is Kylo Ren. Amnesia. Regency AU 4. This changed in the coming decades with dōjin groups forming as school clubs and the like. 3 Books About Asexuality to Close Out the Summer, Book Review: Upon this Rock, by David Marusek, The Social Media Upheaval (Glenn Harlan Reynolds). I usually recommend beginners write their first story about something they’re comfortable with. Verdict: I recommend Commaful to people who are getting into fanfiction or people who find themselves with busy schedules and still want to read and write. uQuiz.com is a free online quiz making tool. Fan fiction ranges from a couple of sentences to an entire novel, and fans can both keep the creator's characters and settings and/or add their own. A variant of romance focused on exploring a relationship between two or more characters from the original fandom(s). There are the fics using “celebrities” as characters, and as polemical as it may be seen, they show just how original and creative ficwriters can be. lots of tools on the site to style your posts, add images, etc. [6] The works of Jane Austen remain one of the most popular works to make unauthorised depictions of,[7] with one notable Jane Austen fan fiction being Old Friends and New Fancies. [14] The ability to self-publish fan fiction at an easily accessible common archive that did not require insider knowledge to join, and the ability to review the stories directly on the site, became popular quite quickly. [52] The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction originally titled Master of the Universe and published episodically on fan-fiction websites under the pen name "Snowqueen's Icedragon". I’ve tried every site from newer fanfiction sites like Commaful to niche fanfiction archives to the tried and true archives like Fanfiction.net and AO3.
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