An all-new Sleep experience in the Health app helps you meet your sleep goals. iOS 14 updates the core experience of iPhone with redesigned widgets on the Home Screen, a new way to automatically organize apps with the App Library, and a compact design for phone calls and Siri. Choose from different sizes and arrange however you like. News, Tipps, Tools, Treiber, Anleitungen und mehr, Klick, um über Twitter zu teilen (Wird in neuem Fenster geöffnet), Klick, um auf Facebook zu teilen (Wird in neuem Fenster geöffnet), Klicken, um auf WhatsApp zu teilen (Wird in neuem Fenster geöffnet), Klicken, um auf Telegram zu teilen (Wird in neuem Fenster geöffnet), Klick, um auf Reddit zu teilen (Wird in neuem Fenster geöffnet), Tagesschau App ist jetzt für iOS 14 und iPadOS 14 optimiert, iOS 14 Handbuch landet im Apple Books Store, tvOS 14 Handbuch landet im Apple Books Store, iPadOS 14 Handbuch landet im Apple Books Store, watchOS 7 Handbuch landet im Apple Books Store, Apple veröffentlicht watchOS 7 für die Apple Watch, Apple veröffentlicht iOS 14.1 für iPhone mit neuen Features, Apple veröffentlicht iPadOS 14.1 für iPad mit neuen Features, iOS 14 › Was ist neu in iOS 14 für iPhone und iPod touch, watchOS 7 › Was ist neu in watchOS 7 für die Apple Watch, iPadOS 14 › Was ist neu in iPadOS 14 für iPad und iPad mini, Apple veröffentlicht tvOS 14 für Apple TV mit neuen Features, Apple veröffentlicht Version 14.1 der Software für den HomePod, Geräte die mit iOS 14, iPadOS 14 und watchOS 7 kompatibel sind, Samsung Galaxy S20 erhält Sicherheitsupdate für April 2021, Samsung Galaxy S10 erhält Sicherheitsupdate für April 2021, Galaxy Note 20 erhält Sicherheitsupdate für April 2021, FRITZ!OS 7.24-87448 Labor für die FRITZ!Box 7490 verfügbar, Microsoft veröffentlicht Office Updates für April 2021, iPhone, iPad oder iPod touch aktualisieren › Hier kannst du die neuesten Softwareupdates laden, Adobe Reader Offline Installer herunterladen, Neues E-Mail-Konto auf dem iPhone einrichten, Microsoft veröffentlicht Kalender 2021 Vorlagen, Windows 10 Oktober 2020 Update ist jetzt verfügbar, Tipps, Tools und Anleitungen zu Microsoft Office, Gmail E-Mail-Konto in Outlook 2019 hinzufügen, iCloud E-Mail-Konto in Outlook 2019 hinzufügen, E-Mail-Konto in Outlook hinzufügen, Hotmail E-Mail-Konto in Outlook 2019 hinzufügen, Firmware- und Software-Updates für die FRITZ!Box, So lässt sich Gmail mit dem iPhone synchronisieren, So lässt sich Hotmail mit dem iPhone synchronisieren, Apple veröffentlicht Benutzerhandbuch für iPhone 12, Apple veröffentlicht Benutzerhandbuch für iPhone 11, Neues E-Mail-Konto in Microsoft Outlook einrichten, Outlook Backup › Daten sichern und wiederherstellen, So lassen sich Office oder Windows Probleme beheben. Maps is the best way to navigate and explore the world, all while protecting your privacy. Then decide if you’ll give permission. Siri has a completely new look that lets you quickly get information or get things done while still focusing on what you’re doing. Available for the U.S., Europe, Japan, Canada and Australia. You can revoke and share keys temporarily, too. Translate uses advanced on-device machine learning and the powerful Apple Neural Engine to enable natural‑sounding conversations. Seamlessly move between devices without manually switching your AirPods.9 If you finish a phone call on your iPhone and pick up your iPad to watch a movie, AirPods automatically switch over. When you add a new HomeKit accessory, the Home app suggests useful automations so you can put it right to work. An all‑new Enhance Recording feature lets you improve the sound quality of your recordings with a single tap. Die Nachrichten der ARD ... No Broadcasts. Widgets have been totally redesigned to give you more information at a glance — and now you can add them to your Home Screen. If you're tired of scrolling through page after page of apps in your iPhone, iOS 14 has a new trick for you — hiding apps. Mit diesem Update wurde die App also für iOS 14 und iPadOS 14 optimiert. Requires an iCloud account, and iPhone or iPod with the latest version of iOS; iPad with the latest version of iPadOS; or Mac with the latest version of macOS. Electric vehicle routing requires iPhone with iOS 14 and a compatible vehicle. Liebe Nutzer*innen, in diesem Release haben wir primär Ihr Feedback zu iOS14 bearbeitet. Now there’s an even faster way to take advantage of them with App Clips. Messages introduces pinned conversations and brings improvements to … Now you can reply directly to a specific message in a group conversation. You’re able to do more with your iPhone than ever before. iOS 14 brings a fresh look to the things you do most often, making them easier than ever. New hearing features help you understand how loud you’re listening to media through headphones and how that could impact your hearing over time. Usage of Tagesschau’s App is free of charge. You’re able to do more with your iPhone than ever before. Enlarge translated text in landscape view, making it easier to read and more effective at getting someone’s attention. Unter Meine Regionen kannst du dich zudem über regionale Nachrichten aus deinem Bundesland informieren. 3. You can view replies in the full conversation or as their own thread for a more focused view. Then, press the minus icon (-) and tap Delete App to uninstall it from your iPhone. Safari tested on production iPhone 11 Pro Max with iOS 13.6.1 and prerelease iOS 14, with WPA2 Wi-Fi network connection. @tagesschau. Widgets on the Home Screen Widgets have been totally redesigned to give you more information at a glance — … Give your group conversation a visual identity by adding a photo or Memoji, or choose an emoji. Coronavirus: Lagebericht des Robert Koch-Instituts, 14.4.2020. tagesschau. Tap the Add button in the upper-left corner. The new iOS 14 update finally lets you customize apps to your liking. Pin up to nine of your most important conversations to the top of your conversation list, so you can easily get to them. CarPlay has transformed the relationship between your iPhone and your car. Choose from a set of wallpapers that look great. Now you can keep watching videos or continue your FaceTime call while you use another app. Dazu kommen wie immer verschiedene Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen, um die App zuverlässiger zu machen. CarPlay also supports new app types — parking, electric vehicle charging and quick food ordering. Apple Inc. All rights reserved. And easily take your games across iPhone, iPad, Mac or Apple TV with the Continue Playing feature. Safari translation (beta) supports English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese. Conversations across languages should feel natural and easy, and should have the ability to remain private. Copyright © Performance varies based on specific configuration, content, battery health, usage, software versions, lighting, environmental conditions and other factors. The latter may also drain your mobile data flat rates. Das Update mit der Versions-Nummer 3.0.5 erfordert ein Gerät mit iOS 11.0 und neuer und kann ab sofort im iTunes App Store geladen werden. New possibilities. This is an almost sure shot solution to address this issue successfully. Available in English (U.S., UK, Canada, India and Australia). Im Bereich „Alle Nachrichten“ bietet die App Ihnen so viele News wie nie zuvor - auf Wunsch auch personalisiert. All testing conducted by Apple in August 2020 using iPhone 11 Pro Max supporting normal peak performance with iOS 13.6.1 and prerelease iOS 14 using the built‑in Camera app with Live Photo enabled. Privacy is a fundamental human right and at the core of everything we do. Appcake iOS 13.7 - iOS 13 Privacy information on the App Store will be coming in an iOS 14 update later this year. Just tap and read. New features help you get what you need in the moment. iOS 14 has opened up a world of customization options that many thought might never come to the iPhone. There are multiple ways to fix apps that keep freezing, closing unexpectedly on iOS 14, which you will learn from this article. To update individual apps, tap the Update button next to the desired app. Feels like home. Now you can tap the Privacy Report button to better understand how websites treat your privacy. So with iOS 14, Safari is more responsive and capable than ever, while giving you new ways to help protect your privacy. App Library Folders. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. And in Control Center, you can see if an app has used them recently. WHAT’S NEW? Meet iOS 14, the next generation of iOS and iPadOS with tons of new features including Widgets, Siri Offline, AR Maps and New Call Screen UI. Keeping in touch has never been more essential. iOS 14 Looks brand new. AirPods deliver a magical listening experience. Hide iPhone Apps Using Folders. Außerdem können Sie nun wieder Audio-Apps nutzen, während Sie in der App lesen. Starting in early 2021, receive a prompt when an app wants to track you across apps or websites owned by other companies for advertising, or wants to share your information with data brokers. Headphone Accommodations amplifies soft sounds and can tune for your individual hearing, to help music, phone calls and more sound crisp and clear.10, Connect two sets of AirPods to your Apple TV 4K so you can enjoy movies and shows with someone else without disturbing others.11. Außerdem werden regelmäßig die Ausgaben der tagesschau … Works for up to five hours even after your iPhone battery runs out. And now it’s even easier to take advantage of the broad selection of HomeKit accessories. Restart your iPhone. Alternatively, you can long-press over the app icon and then tap on Remove App > Delete App. And thanks to a new compact design, you can take advantage of everything Siri can do without losing your context. Loads in seconds. Now, in iOS 14, tap on the waiting app’s minus icon (if you see it) and then Delete App → Delete. Camera support for scanning an App Clip code will be made available in an iOS 14 software update later this year. On-device intelligence helps you do everything from finding your notes faster to capturing sharper document scans. Members of a shared list can now assign reminders to each other so splitting up tasks is easier than ever. Save translations in the Favorites tab for easy access later. Disclose data usage in the App Store Apps are sorted by category and your most used apps are always just one tap away. App Clips are small in file size, so they’re lightning fast to get. A small part of an app, an App Clip is discoverable the moment you need it and is focused on a specific task. 1. Upgrading to iOS 14 offers many beneficial features, but it also can stop new apps from appearing on your home screen.Sure, they're always in the App Library, but that shouldn't prevent you from accessing your favorite apps the old-fashioned way.The good news is that you can make iOS set things back to … Video cameras and doorbells can now identify people you’ve tagged in the Photos app.4 Easily tag people, and choose to be notified based on the person. How to Manually Update Apps on iPhone and iPad. When you are mentioned, your name is highlighted. Step 05 - After a few seconds, Cydia will appear on iOS 14.5++ app. Siri can now help you find answers to a broader set of questions by using information from across the web.3. Tap the plus icon in the top right corner. Same app key. With iOS 14, you can set a third‑party app as the default email or browser app systemwide. Safari can now translate websites in seven different languages.5 When you come to a website that Safari can translate, an icon appears. Außerdem kannst du jetzt Audio-Apps wieder nutzen, während du in der App liest. With Translate, conversations are easy by design. Step 02 - Swipe to the third page. Tap on the ZeonJB icon. Apple Maps editors have worked with trusted brands and partners to offer Guides for great places around the world to eat, shop and explore.2 You can save Guides, and they automatically update when new places are added, so you always have the latest recommendations. Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.3.0 introduces the same app key to help you deliver more relevant and personalized ads by using data collected from the app the user is using. The new App Library automatically organizes all of your apps into one simple, easy‑to‑navigate view. Tagesschau Probleme unter iOS 14. Die Tagesschau App ist für Geräte mit Android 4.1 sowie iOS 11.0 und höher verfügbar. Sharing keys with friends or family is easy. So iOS 14 reimagines the most iconic parts of the experience to be even more helpful and personal. iOS apps: iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 8 or later. Im neuen Story-Modus kannst du für einen schnellen News-Überblick ganz intuitiv durch die aktuellsten Top-Schlagzeilen von heute swipen – aus Deutschland und der Welt. And the apps you use all the time become even more intelligent, more personal and more private. TestFlight is not available for Mac apps… It’s secure and private, with all video analysis done on the Apple devices in your home — not in the cloud. You can even customize an active group so you only receive notifications when you are mentioned. Launcher’s creator, Greg Gardner, says he’s seen a surge of interest in his app due to the iOS 14 release, even before its update, out today, which delivers the iOS 14 widget support. With a blazing‑fast JavaScript engine, Safari delivers up to 2x faster JavaScript performance than Chrome on Android.6. From Today View, touch and hold a widget until the quick actions menu opens, then tap Edit Home Screen. See. Works with AirPods Pro, AirPods (1st generation) or later, Powerbeats, Powerbeats Pro, Beats Solo Pro, Powerbeats3 Wireless, Beats Solo3 Wireless, Beats Studio3 Wireless and BeatsX. Double-click the Home button to show your most recently used apps. Requires iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone X. You’ll keep the account you already use, but have one less password to keep track of. In der Regel stellt dieser aber zeitnah ein Update für Tagesschau im App Store zum Download bereit. Watch Amazing Stories on the Apple TV app, Adjust your AirPods audio to account for hearing differences. Solltest Du bei der Verwendung von Tagesschau seit iOS 14 Probleme haben, können die folgenden Maßnahmen in den meisten Fällen hilfreich sein die Probleme und Fehler zu beheben. Unc0ver Jailbreak tool support installs Cydia for iOS 14 to iOS 14.3, running every Devices. The places where you can launch App Clips are immediately recognizable thanks to Apple‑designed App Clip codes. Quickly access achievements, leaderboards and your Game Center profile right from the App Store and within your Game Center–enabled games. Keep a digital car key in your Wallet app so you can leave your physical car keys at home. With Maps in iOS 14, it’s easier than ever to discover new places to go and environmentally friendly ways to get there. Die Startseitenvideos sollten jetzt wieder auf allen Geräten fehlerfrei durchlaufen, ohne dass die App sich aufhängt. Improved app product pages mean important app details are more glanceable. Starting in early 2021, see which apps you’ve given permission to in Settings. Here’s how. Get the App. Die tagesschau App für iOS und Android bietet dir das Beste aus dem weltweiten Korrespondentennetz der ARD! ARD-aktuell has successfully put efforts and engineered a sophisticated software. In a pinned group conversation, you’ll see the recent participants animate around the pin when they send a message, so you know who is chatting and what they’re saying.
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