Danielle "Dani" Moonstar, a young Cheyenne Native American, is hidden in a tree by her father as her entire reservation is devasted by a tornado, leaving her the only survivor. Club, and The Boston Globe, refused to review the film, citing Disney's lack of socially distanced press screenings or digital streaming links and noting that it was not safe to attend a traditional public screening due to the COVID-19 pandemic. … X-Men Forever(Earth-161)Days of Future Past(Earth-811)First Soldiers(Earth-1037)Home to Morph(Reality Jumper)(Earth-1081)Academy of TomorrowUltimate Universe(Earth-1610)New Mutants remained slaves of Karma/Farouk(Earth-8510)Legacy Virus merged with Warlock(Earth-8545)Kulan Gath's Warp(Earth-8591)Alternate Days of Future Past(Earth-8720)Mutie Wanna-BesHome to Cookies & Milk(Earth … Mentre le due fanno amicizia, Danielle porta alla scuola anche Kevin Ford un ragazzo con il potere di distruggere qualsiasi materiale organico e che senza volerlo ha ucciso il proprio padre. [69] On May 4, the film was automatically listed for home media pre-order on Amazon based on the film's previous April 2020 release date. The New Mutants enjoyed their status as mutants and their youth. ", "Who Are The New Mutants In X-Men: Days Of Future Past", "Exclusive: An Animatic from the New Mutants Movie! The pair pitched a potential film trilogy to X-Men producer Simon Kinberg, and in May 2015 were officially signed on to the project. [ 6 ] La película tuvo múltiples retrasos desde su planeada fecha de lanzamiento en 2018 debido a regrabaciones, la adquisición de Disney del entonces estudio 20th Century Fox y la pandemia de Covid-19 . Il sagit du treizième et dernier film de la franchise X-Men, mettant en scène un groupe de mutants alliés des X-Men, les Nouveaux Mutants. Zaga, while Brazilian in real life, portrays a character who in the comics is of Afro-Brazilian descent. The New Mutants went to New York City to see Cats (Shan was not with them). 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 3 The New Mutants (film) 4 Gallery 5 Navigation The Demon Bear was originally an entity who haunted the dreams of Danielle Moonstar, threatening that he would eventually come and kill her. [28] Fox scheduled New Mutants for an April 13, 2018 release. The New Mutants is a 2020 US superheroes horror film directed by Josh Boone and written by Josh Boone and Knate Lee. Con lei, Josh e compagni trovano Noriko Ashida, la vagabonda colpevole di aver ferito e rapinato la cameriera del bar vicino alla scuola. In March 2019, The Hollywood Reporter indicated that the film may not be released per its previous schedule, and could instead be released on Disney+ following the acquisition of Fox by Disney. [105][106], The New Mutants comics co-creator, Bob McLeod, expressed his disappointment with the film for inaccurately depicting the characters, including whitewashing Roberto, who is dark-skinned with Afro Brazilian heritage in the comics. The film was directed by Josh Boone from a screenplay he wrote with Knate Lee, and stars Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga, Blu Hunt, and Henry Zaga. [24] By that August, the titular team's roster had expanded to include the character Warlock, while Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber—who worked with Boone writing The Fault in Our Stars—were working on a new draft of the script while Boone and Lee were busy on another project. Nel 2004 la testata fu rinominata New X-Men: Academy X e focalizzata sulla divisione degli studenti in squadre di cui la principale, i Nuovi Mutanti, dovette spesso scontrarsi con la rivale composta dai Satiri guidati da Emma Frost. Nach zahlreichen Verschiebungen erschien der Film am 28. I restanti vengono riuniti ed addestrati per diventare la nuova generazione di difensori del genere mutante: i New X-Men. They find her and she reveals that she was training them to be killers for Essex, but … Adolescenti mutanti addestrati nell'uso consapevole dei propri poteri, questi ragazzi rappresentarono la nuova generazione di X-Men che si distingueva dalla precedente per la giovane età, i poteri e le diverse nazionalità. When strange occurrences begin to take place, both their new mutant abilities and their friendships will be tested as they battle to try and make it out alive. The film stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Maisie Williams, Charlie Heaton, Henry Zaga, Blu Hunt, and Alice Braga. [20] Explaining his plans for the sequels, Boone said that he wanted each film in the trilogy to be a different kind of horror movie. [18][19] While working on the first draft of the script, Boone sent it and his ideas for the film to Sienkiewicz, who thought Boone "had it figured out" and was not just copying the comics. Nella scuola Sofia fa amicizia con Julian Keller e diventa compagna di stanza di Laurie Collins una ragazza che emana feromoni capaci di alterare gli stati d'animo della gente, ma a cui Sofia è immune. [46] It also allowed time for the reshoots required to make the film more frightening. They are created by Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod. "[101] Peter Debruge of Variety said, "Despite all the meddling and interference the film reportedly went through, The New Mutants feels pretty coherent in the end. Dopo la decimazione dell'M-Day nel tardo 2005, i rimanenti studenti furono accorpati nell'unico junior team di mutanti, i New X-Men. "Nine titles end in October as Marvel NOW! [42] The film's principal photography was described as "stressful" for Boone, who felt "a bit neutered" during the process due to having to tone down the film from his original "full horror" ideas. A Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile, il fuoriclasse Roberto Da Costa ha appena segnato un goal quando s'infuria e scatena una rissa con un avversario per i falli che ha commesso e che non gli sono stati fischiati. [62] However, the film as released does make reference to the previous entries, with the inclusion of the Essex Corporation connecting the film to the post-credits scene of Apocalypse and Logan. Club, also felt that Boone had delivered on his promise of a "straight-up horror film", and said, "Congrats to this creative team for trying something different with the superhero genre. [93][94] The film made $3.1 million on its first day, including $750,000 from Thursday night previews. [10] He also felt it did not make sense to add the post-credit scenes of Banderas since it was unlikely that they would be able to make a sequel now that Disney owned the X-Men rights and was integrating the property into the MCU. He stated that the first two, titled "Awaken" and "Escape", followed the tone and style of the previous trailers, while the third one, "Attitude", presented the film more like a traditional superhero film, focusing on action, quips, and superpowers. Josh Foley, il ragazzo di cui sono alla ricerca, si trova fra i loro nemici ma durante lo scontro scopre di avere capacità mutanti e respinto da amici e famiglia viene adottato da Danielle che lo porta con sé alla scuola. [52] Boone had wanted Sacha Baron Cohen to portray Warlock through motion capture, and had discussed the role with Cohen during production on the first film. [15], In 2009, X-Men film series producer Lauren Shuler Donner revealed to /Film her interest in a film adaptation of the New Mutants comics but that it had yet to be pitched to 20th Century Fox. Last, but not least is Emmy Award winning music editor Chris McGeary. The film received mixed reviews, with critics considering the film competent but generic, and grossed $46 million against its production budget of $67–80 million. La ragazza che non riesce a controllare i propri poteri, viene portata alla scuola dove Bestia la fornisce di un paio di guanti che la aiuteranno a controllarli. The five regroup in Reyes office and realize that Reyes was training them to be assassins for Essex, and in order to escape, they must kill Reyes to deprive the force fields of their power source. [5][6], Originally tracking to debut to around $20 million in the United States before the COVID-19 pandemic, The New Mutants was projected to gross $5–10 million from 2,412 theaters in its opening weekend. [64] Aja Romano of Vox also compared the horror elements of this trailer to Stranger Things, and felt the film looked like "highly entertaining, if predictable, fun". Cypher, Magma, Danielle Moonstar, Sunspot, Warlock. [20], A new trailer, incorporating the changes made to the film following Disney's acquisition of Fox, was released on January 6, 2020. [88], The New Mutants was released in the United States on August 28, 2020. [36] The majority of the film was shot on location at Medfield State Hospital, where Boone said every crew member had "weird things happen to them". Der Film wird von Josh Boone inszeniert und zusammen mit Knate Gwaltney geschrieben. Per reclutare il successivo mutante, Danielle si fa accompagnare oltre che da Shan anche da Sofia, Laurie, David e Kevin ritrovandosi coinvolti in uno scontro con il fanatico anti-mutanti Donald Pierce. Boone added that Emmanuel da Costa's connections to the Hellfire Club would have been explored in the first sequel, and said the overall tone of that film would still have been inspired by Claremont and Sienkiewicz's run. But when duty called, maturity set in, and the New Mutants went into action- though sometimes not without consequence. '"[40] Boone was also influenced by A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987). [31] However, Fox decided against doing this following the failure of Apocalypse and so the reshoots would include a new post-credits scene introducing Antonio Banderas as Sunspot's father Emmanuel da Costa. [91], The New Mutants was released on DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on November 17, 2020. I do all my boards with the great @ashleyrguillory #newmutants #storyboard #storyboards #xmen", "The New Mutants Director Josh Boone Is Confident It's a Comic Book Film Like No Other", "The New Mutants Movie Begins Production Today! Amazon took the listing down hours later after it had been widely reported on. Breed your mutants together to create hundreds of possible combinations. In Mutants: Genetic Gladiators, you will unlock 6 different mutant genes: Cyber, Necro, Saber, Zoomorph, Galactic and Mythic. Dani is visited by her father's spirit, who encourages her to face her fear; she awakens and confronts Demon Bear, calming and thus dissipating it. Reyes restricts them all with force fields and tries to again kill Dani, which unleashes the Demon Bear – Dani's own fears manifested through her power, and the true cause of her reservation's destruction – on her; Reyes is devoured and Dani rendered unconscious. Reshoots for the film could have been scheduled at that point, but Boone found that the cast had aged too much since principal photography had taken place. "[99] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 43 out of 100, based on 20 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". [38] Alex McLevy, writing for The A.V. "[27][17], The film entered pre-production in Boston, Massachusetts, in April 2017, in preparation for filming to begin in that city. McMillan felt this was an abrupt shift in marketing given "Attitude" was released just one week after the other two spots and questioned whether the change in tone was to align the marketing to the film or just an attempt to boost interest in the film by reminding audiences of other popular superhero films. Mentre la licantropa-mutaforma Rahne Sinclair fugge alcuni razzisti sugli altipiani della Scozia, cade e perde conoscenza tornando alla sua forma umana. [17] In May 2015, Fox finalized a deal to have Boone direct The New Mutants, from a script by himself and Lee, with Kinberg and Lauren Shuler Donner producing. Raggiunta da Sunspot, Karma e Moonstar i quattro attaccano i membri del Club infernale liberando Xavier e Tessa. At Cine… Boone and Lee first began work on the film after Boone completed The Fault in Our Stars (2014). Dani is introduced to four other teenagers; Samuel "Sam" Guthrie, Illyana Rasputin, Roberto "Bobby" da Costa and Rahne Sinclair. I Nuovi Mutanti (New Mutants), oltre che il titolo di diverse serie a fumetti, è anche il nome di altrettanti gruppi supereroistici mutanti pubblicati dalla Marvel Comics. Dopo la missione Kevin abbandona la scuola perché turbato dal fatto di aver quasi ucciso Pierce. [69][89][90] Boone and the film's cast acknowledged this curse during the 2020 Comic-Con@Home convention, which included a "cheeky teaser trailer" that recounted the film's release dates and ended with a "Fingers Crossed" note beside the August 28 date. In the episode "The Knights of Tomorrow!," the Mutants are seen robbing a bank in a future where Bruce Wayne's son Damian is the new Batman with Damian's son as the new Robin. [9] Illyana's brother Colossus, another character seen in previous X-Men films, also does not appear despite being included in early versions of the script, with Boone choosing to save him for future films. Eventually, Sam and Roberto join the fight, as well as Rahne, all to no avail. Gli uomini di Pierce attaccano i quattro mutanti e a causa della loro inesperienza Cannonball, Xavier e miss Tessa vengono catturati; ma Rhane riesce a seguire l'odore di Xavier e giunge così su un tetto dal cui lucernario vede Xavier e Tessa. Successivamente, con l'aiuto dell'amica Shan, Danielle salva il giovane David Alleyene dal gruppo razzista Purity e lo conduce al sicuro fra le mura della scuola. [31], Boone and his regular editors Matthew Rundell and Robb Sullivan delivered a cut of the film to Fox that they were happy with,[43][44] and it tested as well as initial screenings of Deadpool did. The New Mutants were later joined by Magik (Illyana Rasputin, a Russian time-space teleporter trained to use magic by Belasco), Magma (Amara Aquila, from Nova Roma, able to control lava-like plasma), Warlock (a member of the alien techno-organic Technarcy), and Cypher (Doug Ramsey, an American boy able to translate any language). The New Mutants ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction - Actionfilm von Josh Boone, der auf den X-Men -Comics des Marvel - Verlages basiert. Attaccata, la ragazza viene soccorsa da Karma e Wolfsbane e ore dopo le tre soccorrono Sunspot, mentre Sam Guthrie si unisce al Club credendo che uno dei suoi esponenti, Donald Pierce, sia animato da buone intenzioni, ignorando invece che si tratti di uno dei nemici di Xavier. Psst! Poco prima della chiusura con il n. 50 (ottobre 2012)[1], la serie s'intreccia nel crossover Exiled con Journey Into Mistery venendo sceneggiata anche da Kieron Gillen che riprende in mano i personaggi da lui utilizzati anni addietro nel tie-in di Assedio. New X-Men: Academy X was also launched focusing on the lives of the new young mutants at the institute. Soon after the claim was noticed, all mentions of the film were removed from the website. [112][113] The Marvel-based films that Fox had been developing were placed "on hold". Nel frattempo fra quelle mura, Moira e Charles si occupano di analizzare i poteri di Xi'An Coy Mahn, mutante vietnamita e potente telepate tenuta sedata. New Mutants est un film en projet avec Josh Boone qui co-écrira le scripte avec Knate Gwaltney.2 Le film est prévu pour sortir le 2 août 2019 3. 1 Character History 1.1 Background 1.2 New Mutants: Last Class 2 Timeskip and the Last Stand 3 Powers and Abilities 4 Theme Barry Rubino was born and raised in Bologna, Italy. Visti i pericoli che coloro che erano stati depotenziati potrebbero correre, Emma Frost decide di rimandarli a casa. By the time the acquisition was completed, Boone had moved on and was about to begin work on a new television series, The Stand, based on the Stephen King novel. ", "The New Mutants details revealed: X-Men franchise goes horror", "One X-Men Star Won't Be Part Of The New Mutants Movie After All", "Inside the Drama Surrounding Fox's "New Mutants," Including a Top Secret New Cast Member (Exclusive)", "The New Mutants director reveals Deadpool and X-Men references were cut", "From storyboard to screen. Esta miniserie, nos hablo de una historia imaginaria que muestra un encuentro entre los Nuevos Mutantes y Fuerza-X. [83], Weeks before the film's then-set April 2020 release date, Graeme McMillan of The Hollywood Reporter discussed several television spots released for the film. begins", https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nuovi_Mutanti&oldid=119558310, Gruppi e organizzazioni mutanti Marvel Comics, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Cypher, Magma, Danielle Moonstar, Sunspot, Warlock. But it was never about the color of their skin for me." The New Mutants is a group of fictional teenaged mutant superheroes -in-training appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Boone and Lee took the comic to Simon Kinberg, one of the producers of the X-Men film series, who "really liked it". Taylor-Joy and Williams were rumored to be cast in March 2016, and were confirmed over a year later when the rest of the cast filled out. Nach zahlreichen Verschiebungen erschien der Film am 28. He stated that the horror elements of the film were still present in the trailer, but that it now also appeared to have been influenced by the style of Disney's Marvel Studios who he said had appeared to give the latest version of the film "the blessings of Marvel". La storia si apre con la giovane Sofia Mantega che sviluppa i propri poteri di manipolazione del vento. A Native American mutant who can create illusions based on the fears and desires of other people. [38] He explained that Warlock had been deemed too expensive to portray on the film's budget, but could appear in a sequel,[31][38] and clarified that the Demon Bear would not be the main antagonist of the film, but would appear since the film was "very much inspired" by the comics in which that character is the main villain. [35], Principal photography began on July 10, 2017, in Boston, under the working title Growing Pains. Josh rischia la vita, ma David riesce ad fargli usare i propri poteri di guarigione su sé stesso con l'effetto collaterale di far diventare la sua pelle d'oro. Dopo che il padre viene a conoscenza di ciò e preoccupato per i propri affari se si dovesse venire a sapere decide di nasconderla, ma Danielle Moonstar raggiungere la giovane proponendo all'uomo di farla entrare allo Xavier Institute. Rahne tries to reach through to Dani, while Illyana uses her powers to travel to "limbo" where she retrieves a glowing sword, armor and a tiny, physical manifestation of Lockheed to battle Demon Bear. [54] Following the acquisition of Fox by Disney in March 2019, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that the planned reshoots had still not taken place and there were "none planned so far". Though Barry recalls a happy childhood, it wasn't always as easy as he remembers. They have been the main characters of three successive comic book series, which were spin-offs of the X-Men franchise. Kaos, Polaris, Bala de Cañón, Cypher, Northstar, Sunspot y Shinobi Shaw, conforman … [31] Sara Vilkomerson of Entertainment Weekly felt that trailer delivered on Boone's promise of a different type of X-Men film, and was "creepy". Dani uses her powers to learn of Reyes's true intentions before Rahne arrives in half-wolf form and mauls Reyes, forcing her to flee. However, the film was delayed to February 22, 2019, before being postponed again to August 2, 2019, to accommodate for extensive reshoots to make the film more frightening. The New Mutants are a team of Marvel Comic superheroes who are teenage mutants and superheroes-in-training taught at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. "[78] Writing for /Film, Hoai-Tran Bui said the film looked like a bottle episode for the X-Men franchise, and noted that telling a standalone story led to success for Deadpool. Qualche giorno dopo, Xavier avverte che Danielle Moonstar è in pericolo, minacciata dai membri del Club infernale. [60], In August 2019, Disney was said to be unimpressed with The New Mutants, believing it had "limited box office potential". [53], Reshoots for the film were expected to begin by the end of September 2018, with Kinberg confirming that they were mostly focused on making the film more frightening after the positive response to the horror-inspired trailer. [57] A month later at CinemaCon 2019, Disney confirmed that the film was still planned but indicated that its release date could be adjusted to better fit within Disney's existing schedule. They were also the first X-Force formed by Cable. The report indicated that further movement on the film appeared to be dependent on Boone,[55][56] and that there was a chance the film may not be released per its Fox release schedule and could instead be released on Disney+ or Hulu, both streaming services owned by Disney.
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