März 1930 zum "Salzmarsch“ ans Arabische Meer auf. Der Salzmarsch war die spektakulärste Kampagne, die Gandhi während seines Kampfes um Unabhängigkeit initiierte. Each night they slept in the open. Even though it succeeded in raising millions of Indians in protest against the British-created Rowlatt Act, violence broke out at Chauri Chaura, where a mob killed 22 unarmed policemen. It was the first act of organized opposition to British rule after en:Purna Swaraj, the declaration of independence by the Indian National Congress. ", "National Salt Satyagraha Memorial | List of names", "The Great Dandi March — eighty years after", "Parliament Museum, New Delhi, India – Official website – Dandi March VR Video", "Dandi march: date, history facts. "[33] Correspondents from dozens of Indian, European, and American newspapers, along with film companies, responded to the drama and began covering the event. [4] Although over 60,000 Indians were jailed as a result of the Salt Satyagraha,[5] the British did not make immediate major concessions.[6]. Only after threatening to expose British censorship was his story allowed to pass. In reaction, the British government arrested over sixty thousand people by the end of the month. You will be beaten, but you must not resist: you must not even raise a hand to ward off blows." Porträt von Mahatma Gandhi picture-alliance / Reportdienste picture alliance / Bifab. 14.000-Kilometer-Marsch für Mahatma Gandhi startet. Schon vor 2000 Jahren, so hielt ein Mann in Lausanne Mahatma Gandhi vor, habe Jesus die Gewaltfreiheit gepredigt. [26] The Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928 was much more successful. Gandhis 23-tägiger Salzmarsch, der der Unabhängigkeitserklärung des indischen Nationalkongresses am 26. Der Salzmarsch war die spektakulärste Kampagne, die Gandhi während seines Kampfes um Unabhängigkeit initiierte. [8] The satyagraha teachings of Gandhi and the March to Dandi had a significant influence on American activists Martin Luther King Jr., James Bevel, and others during the Civil Rights Movement for civil rights for African Americans and other minority groups in the 1960s. [citation needed], The participants halted at Dandi on the night of 5 April, with the commemoration ending on 7 April. Han var en förgrundsfigur i Indiens självständighetssträvanden från Brittiska imperiet. 13 18 2. Author B C Roy 1 Affiliation 1 Prime Minister, W. Bengal. Gandhi kämpfte auch mit Sitz- … Mahatma Gandhi menjadi tokoh terkemuka dalam perjuangan India melawan Inggris. 1930 rief Gandhi zu einer erneuten Kampagne des zivilen Ungehorsams auf. Gandhi chose the 1882 British Salt Act as the first target of satyagraha. These measures did not appear to have any effect on the movement...", "Indian, British, and world opinion increasingly recognized the legitimate claims of Gandhi and Congress for Indian independence. Durch diesen bewussten Verstoß gegen das von der Kolonialmacht Großbritannien in Anspruch genommene Salzmonopol eröffnet Gandhi eine neue Kampagne des gewaltlosen Widerstands. "Just a grain of salt? Gandhi startete mit 78 Begleitern. Es war ein einfallsreicher Protest gegen das Salzmonopol der britischen Kolonialmacht. Höhepunkt des zivilen Ungehorsams ist der "Salzmarsch" am 12. 33 16 4. His efforts earned him the title Mahatma. Für Unabhängigkeit und gegen das englische Salzmonopol: Mahatma Gandhi bricht mit seinen Anhängern zum spektakulären Salzmarsch auf. The Dandi March and the ensuing Dharasana Satyagraha drew worldwide attention to the Indian independence movement through extensive newspaper and newsreel coverage. Why some Indians want to build a statue of Mahatma Gandhi’s killer. [84] Congress leaders decided to end satyagraha as official policy in 1934, and Nehru and other Congress members drifted further apart from Gandhi, who withdrew from Congress to concentrate on his Constructive Programme, which included his efforts to end untouchability in the Harijan movement. [61] British cloth and goods were boycotted. [54][55], The following morning, after a prayer, Gandhi raised a lump of salty mud and declared, "With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire. A crowd of Khudai Khidmatgar gathered in Peshawar's Qissa Kahani (Storytellers) Bazaar. When Gandhi broke the British Raj salt laws at 6:30 am on 6 April 1930, it sparked large scale acts of civil disobedience against the salt laws by millions of Indians. The Salt Satyagraha campaign was based upon Gandhi's principles of non-violent protest called satyagraha, which he loosely translated as "truth-force". However, Gandhi was arrested on the midnight of 4–5 May 1930, just days before the planned action at Dharasana. Geschichtsträchtige Protestaktion: Gandhis Salzmarsch. Download » Seven Months with Mahatma Gandhi - by Krishnadas, Abridged and Edited by Richard Gregg. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. [68] The Pashtun satyagrahis acted in accord with their training in nonviolence, willingly facing bullets as the troops fired on them. Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollte und letztlich zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens von Großbritannien führte. : Symbolic construction during the Indian nationalist movement,", Masselos, Jim. I was particularly moved by his Salt March to the Sea and his numerous fasts. At the finale in Dandi, the prime minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, greeted the marchers and promised to build an appropriate monument at Dandi to commemorate the marchers and the historical event. Mahatma Gandhi: An environmentalist by nature . Besonders berühmt wurde der "Salzmarsch". [49], Thousands of satyagrahis and leaders like Sarojini Naidu joined him. [17], Gandhi felt that this protest would dramatise Purna Swaraj in a way that was meaningful to every Indian. The entire platoon was arrested and many received heavy penalties, including life imprisonment. Am Ende begleiteten ihn Tausende. Mahatma Gandhi Statue. Die Briten belegten das Salz mit viel zu hohen Steuern und machten es für die indischen Bürger illegal selber Salz zu gewinnen oder zu verkaufen. As I delved deeper into the philosophy of Gandhi, my skepticism concerning the power of love gradually diminished, and I came to see for the first time its potency in the area of social reform. Dabei zog Gandhi mit 78 seiner Anhänger ab dem 12. Mahatma Gandhi. Diese Aktion sollte den zivilen Ungehorsam beflügeln und ein Zeichen gegen die Abhängigkeit von zu hohen Steuern durch Großbritannien setzen. Expectations were heightened by his repeated statements anticipating arrest, and his increasingly dramatic language as the hour approached: "We are entering upon a life and death struggle, a holy war; we are performing an all-embracing sacrifice in which we wish to offer ourselves as oblation. [71] Usha Mehta, an early Gandhian activist, remarked that "Even our old aunts and great-aunts and grandmothers used to bring pitchers of salt water to their houses and manufacture illegal salt. [17], The civil disobedience in 1930 marked the first time women became mass participants in the struggle for freedom. Mahatma Gandhi – fredsapostel på blodbestänkt väg. [73], Gandhi himself avoided further active involvement after the march, though he stayed in close contact with the developments throughout India. Mahatma Gandhi Portrait. 12 10 6. Dagegen wollte Gandhi protestieren. As president of the Indian National Congress and the first woman governor of free India, she was a fervent advocate for India, avidly mobilizing support for the Indian independence movement. Another reason for this march was that the Civil Disobedience Movement needed a strong inauguration that would inspire more people to follow Gandhi's example. The beatings at Dharasana, the shootings at Peshawar, the floggings and hangings at Solapur, the mass arrests, and much else were all presided over by a Labour prime minister, Ramsay MacDonald and his secretary of state, William Wedgwood Benn. Salzmarsch - demonstration . Mit dieser Aktion protestierte Gandhi im Jahr 1930 gegen ein Gesetz, das den Indern verbot, Salz zu gewinnen. [citation needed], Initially, Gandhi's choice of the salt tax was met with incredulity by the Working Committee of the Congress,[15] Jawaharlal Nehru and Dibyalochan Sahoo were ambivalent; Sardar Patel suggested a land revenue boycott instead. Gandhi brachte die Inder dazu, sich gegen die Ausbeutung durch die Briten zu wehren. She was also the first woman to be arrested in the salt march. Mahatma Gandhi mit seinen Anhängern Quelle: dpa. In a public meeting at Tuticorin, he said: Suppose, a people rise in revolt. Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollte und letztlich zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens von Großbritannien führte. Hänet tunnetaan väkivallattoman vastarinnan satyagrahan kehittäjänä. Gandhi gave speeches attacking the salt tax as inhuman, and the salt satyagraha as a "poor man's struggle". Am Ende begleiteten ihn Tausende. The waiting crowd of watchers groaned and sucked in their breaths in sympathetic pain at every blow. None of those measures slowed the civil disobedience movement. Gandhi [gaʹndi], Mohandas Karamchand, född 2 oktober 1869, död 30 januari 1948, indisk politiker och andlig ledare, ofta kallad ”mahatma” (stor ande). Mäerz 1930 op de sougenannte „Salzmarsch“ opzebriechen. Als Mahatma Gandhi gekleidete Männer beteiligen sich eine Nachstellung der Salz März in Durban 17. For that reason, he recruited the marchers not from Congress Party members, but from the residents of his own ashram, who were trained in Gandhi's strict standards of discipline. From there, he urged women followers in Bombay (now spelled Mumbai) to picket liquor shops and foreign cloth. He implored his thousands of followers to likewise begin making salt along the seashore, "wherever it is convenient" and to instruct villagers in making illegal, but necessary, salt. [12], The Congress Working Committee gave Gandhi the responsibility for organising the first act of civil disobedience, with Congress itself ready to take charge after Gandhi's expected arrest. Mahatma Gandhi has come to be known as the Father of India and a beacon of light in … März 1930, startete Gandhi den Marsch, um sich gegen die "Salzsteuer" der Engländer zu wehren. That evening, as Gandhi’s time-piece, which hung from one of the folds of his dhoti [loin-cloth], was to reveal to him, he was uncharacteristically late to his prayers, and he fretted about his inability to be punctual. Mahatma Gandhi was a very empowering and Visionary leader. An American academic writing for The Nation reported that "60,000 persons gathered on the bank of the river to hear Gandhi's call to arms. Der Himalaya, das höchste Gebirge der Welt, bildet die Grenze zum Norden. In early 1930 the Indian National Congress chose satyagraha as their main tactic for winning Indian sovereignty and self-rule from British rule and appointed Gandhi to organise the campaign. Der indische Pazifist Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi gilt als einer der größten Freiheitskämpfer der Geschichte. "Nehru, who had been skeptical about salt as the primary focus of the campaign, realized how wrong he was ...", "Gandhi's ideas about satyagraha and swaraj, moreover, galvanised the thinking of Congress cadres, most of whom by 1930 were committed to pursuing sovereignty and self-rule by nonviolent means. Der Salzmarsch war die spektakulärste Kampagne, die Gandhi während seines Kampfes um Unabhängigkeit initiierte. [20] Millions saw the newsreels showing the march. I regard this tax to be the most iniquitous of all from the poor man's standpoint. Unlike his suspension of satyagraha after violence broke out during the Non-co-operation movement, this time Gandhi was "unmoved". März 1930 hatte sich Mahatma Gandhi mit einer Schar von Mitstreitern aus seinem Ashram auf den rund 200 Meilen langen Weg zum Meer gemacht. [27] Gandhi later claimed that success at Bardoli confirmed his belief in satyagraha and Swaraj: "It is only gradually that we shall come to know the importance of the victory gained at Bardoli ... Bardoli has shown the way and cleared it. Great patches of blood widened on their white clothes. He decided that Indians were not yet ready for successful nonviolent resistance. Thousands of women, from large cities to small villages, became active participants in satyagraha. He was assassinated in 1948, shortly after achieving his life goal of Indian independence. Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent activism allowed thousands of Indians from all walks of life to participate in the fight for independence. We believe also that if any government deprives a people of these rights and oppresses them the people have a further right to alter it or abolish it. Der Salzmarsch war die spektakulärste Kampagne, die Gandhi während seines Kampfes um Unabhängigkeit initiierte. He employed non-violent principles and peaceful disobedience as a means to achieve his goal. KOMPAS.com - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi dikenal sebagai Mahatma Gandhi.Mahatma berarti memiliki jiwa besar. Der „Salzmarsch“ Eine weitere Aktion, durch welche Gandhi noch berühmter wurde, ist der Salzmarsch. Insgesamt doch wohl eher erfolglos, angesichts des Urteils der Geschichte. Gandhi suspended the protest, against the opposition of other Congress members. Those struck down fell sprawling, unconscious or writhing in pain with fractured skulls or broken shoulders.
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