45w 20 likes Reply. @allthingsanne 44w 1 like Reply. https://www.popbuzz.com/.../2-john-ambrose-jordan-fisher-burtchett-recast I feel like this whole movie painted Peter in a terrible light so I didn't root for them anymore. Everyone who has read the novel has John Ambrose in their mind and everyone who hasn't but saw the first movie has a different John Ambrose in their mind. krismendoza10. Fans have been bummed, too, to be losing Lind, who’s grown up before our eyes over the last decades and done a beautiful job of portraying her character’s teen angst. Some fans were upset when John was recast, but it doesn’t seem to have had any effect on people’s excitement for the sequel. I wanted you to be john I liked a couple parts. Related: Why John Ambrose Was Recast For To All The Boys 2. (even though I'm also mad she led JA on), He knew Gen creepily took a video of them making out and then lied to Lara Jean about him knowing about it, He went to go see Gen the day of the game without telling LJ. Netflix. 335 People Used More … John Ambrose McClaren was recast with Jordan Fisher in the role. He went to see Lara Jean to school in a fancy vintage car, you totally see why Lara Jean was so appealed by him. 15 February 2020 by Hedy Phillips. Hopefully number three is better. I also liked the conversation between Lara and Gen in the treehouse as I think being honest about insecurities and also bringing up jeong with past friendships and relationships. I Still Love You. The half-baked attempt at a "love triangle" - I feel bad for the guy playing John Ambrose sort of cause he gets nothing to do. "It was a lot of pressure," To All the Boys producer Matt Kaplan told ET of the casting process to find the perfect John Ambrose. 20 December 2018, 19:09 | Updated: 20 December 2018, 19:15. @ginetvelasco. As well as always wanting to be a "good girlfriend" and being too fixated on having a boyfriend rather than just dating? More visibility to Lara Jean’s Korean heritage. Share on Reddit; Email to a friend; This competition is now closed. While actor Jordan Burtchett played John Ambrose in the TATBILB cameo—in a scene that didn’t happen in the novel—rumors are swirling that the character will be recast for the sequel. Cherished husband of the late Sally Gabryluk Cauley. By Ellie Harrison. It comes off as in-genuine and like she is too much in her head. You were waiting for another girl then made out with someone else... it just seems super indecisive on his end too HOWEVER unlike Lara he did it before they were officially dating and not while they were dating. 44w Reply. Fans think John Ambrose has been recast in the 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' sequel. Ambrose was the eldest of their seven children. Maybe they’ll go back and reshoot that scene with Jordan Fisher. A A A. CAULEY, John Ambrose August 9, 1935 - January 16, 2021 First child of Marie Salmon Cauley and Justin Cauley, big brother to Kathryn, Lawrence and Rita. This isn't like re-casting Crispin Glover in Back to the Future 2. And looking at how things panned … I didn't think him and Lara Jean had any chemistry whatsoever and we were sort of supposed to care about it, just because. The writing is weaker though, the first film ended just fine so the conflicts and character decisions in this one just feel contrived for drama, the worst kind of conflict is one feuded by just poor communication, which is basically this whole film. In the book, In case you didn't know, John Ambrose McClaren is a major character in P.S.I Still Love You, the second book in … I Still Love You, you know that John Ambrose is solidly back in the picture and apparently has a thing for Lara Jean. They then become pen pals, and Lara … In this one you are rooting for Peter because he is the least worse. LJ didn't mention to him that she and Peter were dating, so Ambrose decided to pursue. His mother was Mary Ann Bazley. While actor Jordan Burtchett played John Ambrose in the TATBILB cameo—in a scene that didn’t happen in the novel—rumors are swirling that the character will be recast for the sequel. Creed came out in 2015... does this movie take place in the future? The second book has some great story lines and the love triangle is explored so much more than the movie goes into it! Handsome guy though - probably will draw a different viewership. www.justjaredjr.com/...fans-arent...as-john-ambrose-over-jordan-burtchett Are they recasting John Ambrose? Article continues below advertisement. The rumors are true. His father, James Fleming was a minister in the Congregational Church. Text size. She was being super insecure all the time, wasn't being honest with both Peter and Ambrose, lead Ambrose on and was just being super selfish and indecisive in my opinion. @miri.mendozaa. Rare is the film adaptation that is superior to the book. That’s because the character of John Ambrose was recast for the sequel. To All the Boys I've Loved Before View replies (1) gaby_mt5. Peter remembering stuff Lara Jeans tells him. The relationship issues between LJ and Peter were more fleshed out. But did anyone notice how Lara Jeans black friend at the party said his first crush was Michael B Jordan in Creed when he was in 5th grade? Even though they did a whole "Lara Jean has to learn to love herself and see past her insecurities" thing to excuse some of her pettiness (along with the "typical high school behaviour" reasoning that others will have), it just didn't work for me at all. Have they recast John Ambrose?! John Ambrose Seward was arrested by Nanaimo RCMP on Thursday evening for allegedly being in a public park, breaching one of his release conditions. John Ambrose casting remains as one of the most wtf moments of life. He didn't do much to make LJ feel more comfortable in his social circle. I wonder if I would've enjoyed the movie had I not read the books. There's a lot to be said about the Team Peter vs. Jordan Fisher wanted more for John Ambrose McClaren. Here John Ambrose is not posh, he was only dressed up like my grandpa, he was super boring, the only part that I liked with him was when he was playing the piano, because you could see how talented Jordan Fisher is. In the books you are really in doubt whether you will choose John Ambrose or Peter K. John Ambrose was posh af, he was in a private school, had this kind of classic beauty, he was described like a young Robert Redford. There was a lot going on in the background like Chris and Trevor and Dr. I felt like it was also super rushed with the love triangle and just overall. The soundtrack is great though. Fisher’s casting is a surprise for fans who had expected Burtchett to reprise his role as John Ambrose, a potential rival for Peter. This video pretty much sums up my thoughts on the movie! Have they recast John Ambrose?! Both storylines felt unnecessary. I think it's great for representation and whatnot but it just missed the mark for me when compared to the first. Didn't want to finish it but I had to see if it redeemed itself. A sequel to the Netflix teen movie To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before is officially happening – and it looks like there’s set to be a surprise recasting. Fisher’s casting is a surprise for fans who had expected Burtchett to reprise his role as John Ambrose, a potential rival for Peter. View replies (6) jairahms. 3. Jordan Burtchett was replaced by another actor, Jordan Fisher (yep, another Jordan!). John Ambrose was posh af, he was in a private school, had this kind of classic beauty, he was described like a young Robert Redford. It wasn’t only bittersweet for the Emmy winner who plays Sharon, either. Overall okay movie. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I know it's important to have one of every race in every movie nowadays but this is a bit much. Just one more point because I felt bad about leaving it at 6 lol. Though the name John Ambrose McClaren might ring a bell for those who watched To All the Boys I Loved Before, the actor playing him is new to the franchise.The producers of the film never explicitly said why the character was re-cast from Jordan Burtchett, who did appear in … Article continues below advertisement. But you’ll also notice that Jordan Burtchett isn’t in the movie. absolutely gorgeous. ). Yes i was expecting a whole conversation lol like more than the trailer... but instead he said completely nothing.... ummm....... Oh gosh where to begin, I gave it a 7/10 because of the following reasons: The color palette and production design was on point, everything seemed so pretty, unrealistic but still pretty. screenplay by Sofia Alvarez, J. The main character in this movie is very unlikable and I’m surprised no one mentions here that she hooks up with her boyfriend without telling him she just was tongue deep with another guy 2 minutes prior. Specifically, it may recast the role of John Ambrose McClaren, who will play a big part in this sequel. the plot could be better. There was no other conversation other than "I have boy problems." No offense to Jordan Fisher he is really talented, but his character was so lame, stuck in the sixth grade, he felt like Lara Jean’s pet all the time, he was more in love with the thought of sixth grade Lara Jean than the actual Lara Jean. To All the Boys is a series of American teenage romance films, based on the trilogy of novels of the same name written by Jenny Han. While the love triangle is already completely resolved by the end of To All The Boys 2, the discourse about whether Lara Jean made the right decision or not continues online. They’re 16-17 in the movie, so it kind of works out. There's a lot to be said about the Team Peter vs. We’re all still going to watch it, right? While the love triangle is already completely resolved by the end of To All The Boys 2, the discourse about whether Lara Jean made the right decision or not continues online. Jordan Burtchett played John Ambrose in To All the Boys I've Loved Before, and Jordan Fisher played the character in P.S. Not a movie I’d normally watch (27m). What different viewership? I'm made LJ took him back. I Still Love You. I was originally skeptical about Jordan Fisher as John Ambrose because he doesn't fit the book's description and the character had been introduced in the ending credits of the first with a different actor (wasn't thrilled about the switcheroo). The role of John Ambrose McClaren was recast, with Jordan Burtchett being replaced by Jordan Fisher. Like.. ♥️♥️♥️ 44w Reply. They've cast a guy that looks nothing like the character in the novel and nothing like the character in the first movie. They did it all wrong, there were to many unnecessary moments and lack of development and cute moments like the last one one had. Thursday, 20th December 2018 at 10:48 am . I really wanted to love this movie and John Ambrose, but ugh this was so bad. ; Fans had … It was like the “what could have been?”. No offense with the new guy but it didn't fit him at all, not even at 10%. -The official announcement of the To All The Boys sequel has everything I want: amazing eyeshadow, shipper teasing, Noah Centineo saying “whoa whoa whoa whoa” and a hint that they’ve recast John Ambrose.-It takes a lot for me to get excited about an ad, but Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone parody for Google is all kinds of perfect. I didn't know about the first one until my wife was 20 minutes into this and I missed the first part of this one but I'm convinced Kavinksky was a god damn mastermind and orchestrated this whole thing so Laura Jean would sleep with him. I Still Love You? This guy is neither. Also, in the books when he gives Lara Jean the heart locket it is so much thoughtful. However, I fell like it was no where as good as the first movie. To All the Boys' Jordan Fisher on John Ambrose's Ending . To All The Boys 2 Why John Ambrose Was Recast For P.S . After months of waiting for the movie and now we just finished watching it, P.S. _wendyzoe_. 44w Reply. Also Ambrose leaned in for the kiss because LJ said that she broke up with Peter, again, not his fault. By Ellie Harrison. I think it's important for young people and just everyone overall to understand that people can still care for exes but not love them and that some people can just be friends with them and not for people to be overly jealous about it too. it will still be better if John Ambrose was you! LIke I get when you first date it's cool to be dating and finally have a boyfriend and be a girlfriend... but to fixate on it and not be natural while dating is weird imo. Click here to see rankings for 2020 films, Click here to see rankings for every poll done. , New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ToAllTheBoys community. Jordan Burtchett played John Ambrose in To All the Boys I've Loved Before, and Jordan Fisher played the character in P.S. When Fisher was cast in the role, there was a dustup among certain corners of the fandom. Beloved grandfather and buddy to Cameron and Joshua. The plot worked well in novel form but it failed to translate in film. He and Lara Jean had no development, they only liked they younger selfs of each other. Netflix has confirmed that the To All the Boys I've Loved Before sequel has John Ambrose is a very popular (and important) character in the series, particularly in the second book, which focuses on the love triangle between Lara Jean, John Ambrose and Peter Kavinsky. I was pretty upset about the info with Peter actually waiting for Gen in the hot tub. "We couldn't be more excited to have Jordan Fisher join the To All the Boys family as John Ambrose McClaren," the sequel's producer Matt Kaplan told Entertainment Weekly . A sequel to the … This is weird. Surprising details you missed in the 'To All the Boys . My boy John Ambrose was but a part of the plan all along. John Ambrose deserved way better." Disappointed but not surprised. He was known by his middle name, Ambrose. especially the scene w lj baking those pastries for peter, OK BUT IS THERE ANYTHING IN THE LOCKET I WAS SO UPSET SHE DIDN'T OPEN IT. https://www.insider.com/to-all-the-boys-2-details-you-didnt-notice-2020-2 She then goes on to talk about real love, which feels about the same as an 3 year olds understanding of economics. At the end of the first movie, a new boy shows up to the Covey household holding flowers and one of Lara Jean’s famous letters. No reason was given for the recast, although Burtchett’s initial response suggests that the change wasn’t his choice, leaving it open to public scrutiny. She got mad at Peter for even being in the vicinity of his ex, and needed to kiss someone else to realize she loved him all along? He and Peter were even childhood best friends in the book version, and had joint nicknames of "Butch Cassidy" and "Sundance Kid." When it was announced that Jordan Fisher would be stepping in as a recast John Ambrose McClaren we were equally stoked (I mean, it’s Jordan Fisher!!) maidimifio. I'm pretty sure the first movie already brought in all the girls who love hot guys demographic. I liked that they showcased some korean heritage with the korean new year, wearing hanboks and the concept of jeong/jung was awesome. John Ambrose is Back! If you haven't seen the film but would like to see the result of the poll click here. Perhaps, if you believe Twitter, with a more famous actor. Because I will be pissed. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jordan Fisher. Still, why … Acting and plot were awful. I didn't think this was completely awful, but for a split second I questioned how much I remember liking the first one before I realized that all of the issues I was having with this movie wouldn't have existed in the first one because everything just felt SO manufactured. @zarita_zrh ️!. however the way the movie portraits peter makes him look like one of those cool and annoying bully at school. Share on Reddit; Email to a friend; This competition is now closed. I actually didn't like Lara that much in this movie. It was shitty for her to hide her relationship with Peter from Ambrose and she was obviously super infatuated when she first got the letter from Ambrose.. that part was super cringy and annoying for me and she didn't realize that it was wrong until after when she was like "should I tell Peter?" 43w Reply. The To All the Boys I've Loved Before sequel officially recast its John Ambrose from Jordan Burtchett to Jordan Fisher. I liked the movie but loved the books which makes the movie a bit of a let down. Lara Jean is insufferable in this movie. i like the movie talking about the importance of family and culture. Her deepening relationship with John Ambrose was better explained. Sorry I don’t know names because I was only watching it with my gf for Valentine’s Day. That’s because the character of John Ambrose was recast for the sequel. Poor John Ambrose, he deserves much better than LJ. I guess her telling him would go against the general theme of her doing everything she wants without any consequences. Crime Apr 3, 2015 The perfect John Ambrose that I’ll always remember. and nervous for what was in store for Lara Jean and Peter. Team John Ambrose debate - both have their respective pros and cons. Just watched this with my girlfriend and searched for this discussion. The second movie is going to do gangbusters. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lara Jean and Gen’s scene was good, the jung part was a highlight in my opinion. Covey and Mrs. Rothschild. Although, he had a few seconds of an appearance at the end of the first film. foreveryoungadult.com/2019/03/28/john-ambrose-mcclaren-has-been-recast However, soon after the announcement of a sequel to To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, Netflix announced that they had recast the role of John Ambrose to be played by Jordan Fisher. Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their relationship from pretend to officially official when another recipient of one of her old love letters enters the picture. That movie felt so forced and painful. At least it has a sweet ending, Matt from Until Dawn stole the show, but there wasn't any real reason for her to switch from Peter. Related: Why John Ambrose Was Recast For To All The Boys 2. In case you didn't know, John Ambrose McClaren is a major character in P.S.I Still Love You, the second book in … The director change definitely had a big effect, it lost some of the charm from the original but I enjoyed it enough with its likeable cast. At the end of the first movie, a new boy shows up to the Covey household holding flowers and one of Lara Jean’s famous letters. Putting that to the side, there really was not anything to the plot or characters and I found less enjoyment in this than even some of the lower quality Netflix teen romcoms.. 4/10.
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