X: IRIB 1 53° E Express AM6 (Экспресс АМ6) 12582 V 24000 2/3. Radio Telavat. IRINN (Islamic Republic of Iran News Network) Public news television channel of IRIB. Iran Persisch. IRIB 12437 H duplication. Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird, IntelSat 902 and UtelSat Satellites 00:20-01:20 03:50-04:50 Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird, IntelSat 902 and UtelSat Satellites 03:20-04:20. Tehran, Iran,. The following list is updated on 2020, Hotbird satellite current channel frequency list It includes all channels including encrypted and unencrypted access within the satellite. Radio . Türksat 3A-4A. 1851 AAC. 19th February 2019. CN. 03:20-04:20. The following list is updated on 2019, Hotbird satellite current channel frequency list It includes all channels including encrypted and unencrypted access within the satellite. 12437 H . IRIB World Service Radio 2. Badr 4-5-6-7 . IRIB JAMEJAM Hot Bird 13C DVB-S2 8PSK 10775 H 29900 3/5. Der Radio Sender RADIO MONASEBATI wurde im IRIB Paket auf Hotbird 13.0° Ost aufgeschaltet. Hier finden Sie alle Sender, die auf Hotbird 13.0° Ost mit der Frequenz 12322 MHz senden. Andisheh TV. Da war auch von EU-Sanktionen die Rede und davon, dass der IRIB-Chef auf der Schwarzen Liste der EU steht. The Irib Nasim Television Station Frequency has last time Updated on February 15, 2017 The Channel is Can be Viewed in Europe, North Africa, Asia with that antenna dish and area parameters: Hotbird … 29900 3/4. Astra 1 KR-L-M-N. Nilesat 201 / Eutelsat 7 West A. Eutelsat 16A. IRIB ENGLISH RADIO BROADCASTING SCHEDULE (B2015) ... Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird, IntelSat 902 and UtelSat Satellites 21:20-22:20. The frequency of Iranian TV Channel: Irib Nasim channel via Hotbird is easy to get on your STB, watch the free tv on your dish via Hot Bird 13B satellite, which is on Position 13.0E. IRIB JAMEJAM Hot Bird 13C DVB-S2 8PSK 10775 H 29900 3/5. Deutsch Hotbird 13°E Hotbird 13°E, Frei Astra 19,2°E Astra 19,2°E, Frei Kategorie: Sport, Frei Kategorie: Nachrichten, Frei Kategorie: Kino, Frei....More searches . Badr 4-5-6-7 26.0° E IRIB Frequenz:11881 Polarisation:H Symbol Rate:27500 Fec:3/4 Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest ... Hotbird 13B-13C-13E. Neue Frequenz seit 17.02.2019. Aber wenn die das jetzt auf Sahar 1 beschränken, kann ja auch Sahar 2 wieder drauf. IRIB World Service Radio 1. SR, FEC and modulation change from 27500 5/6 DVB-S to 29900 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK. New frequency since 17/02/2019. 12437. FTA Channels Satellite List. IRIB World Service Radio 3. 1.11 AAC. Meist gesuchte Bilder. 12437. 12437. IRIB World Service Radio 5. Chaînes TV en Ultra Haute Définition Chaînes TV Haute Définition Transmissions en 3D TV visibles par Internet Le Cimetière des Chaînes. Radio Namayesh FM 107.5 Tehran. 12437 H . Meist gesuchte Bilder. 10796 V 27500 3/4 on Express 80 210330: Jockey Club de São Paulo on Star One C3 Meist gesuchte Bilder. Badr 4-5-6-7. IRIB Nasim — شبکه نسیم. Feedoverzicht Feedjagers Algemeen FTA satelietforum. Trace TV Kino Polska Cinemax Central Europe HD Nat Geo Wild Europe HD TVP HD TVP 3 Warszawa (TVP Regionalna) Canal + 4K UHD Strefa Abonenta NC + info TVP Info HD. voici une liste complète des fréquences télé pour hotbird 13E: 13.0°E Andisheh TV far 12322 H; 13.0°E Rai K ita 12303 V; 13.0°E Nickelodeon +1 Italia ita 12673 V; 13.0°E Agatha Christie ita 12245 H; 13.0°E RTL 1025 ita 11541 V; 13.0°E Sky Cinema Alien HD Italia ita 11785 H; 13.0°E Sky Cinema Alien Italia ita 12054 H; 13.0°E Sky Uno in Love ita 11958 V IRINN (Islamic Republic of Iran News Network) Iran: Neue Frequenz seit 17.02.2019. 03:50-04:50 . Hotbird 13B/13C/13E | Hotbird 13B | Hotbird 13C | Hotbird 13E This satellite is below horizon in Redmond, United States The EIRP values are for Olympia, Washington, United States 29900 3/4. IRIB NASIM. H. 29900. Ultra High Definition TV Channels HDTV channels Channels broadcasting in 3D Net Video Streams The Channel Cemetery. Hotbird AT 13 East. FunBox 4K TravelXP 4K. H. 29900. 7981. 29900 3/4. Die beiden Sender „IRIB 1 (Jaam-e-Jam TV 1) und „IRIB 2“ (Jaam-e-Jam TV 2) wurden auf der Frequenz 12.015 H (SR 27500, FEC 3/4) aufgeschaltet. DishUrdu. Astra 1 KR-L-M-N. Nilesat 201 / Eutelsat 7 West A. Eutelsat 16A. FA. H. 29900. … IRIB World Service Radio 4. شبکه سه شبکه جوان ، سایت، www.tv3.ir ، رایانامه sima3@irib.ir ، تلفن 27863000 ، صندوق پستی 3334-13935 ،پیامک 300003 اخبار شبانگاهی زمان آغاز: 22:00:00 Eutelsat is one of the world's leading and most experienced operators of communications satellites. The Irib Nasim Television Station Frequency has last time Updated on February 15, 2017 The Channel is Can be Viewed in Europe, North Africa, Asia with that antenna dish and area parameters: Hotbird … 3/4. Irib Radio Goftegoo 103.5 FM Tehran. Sahar Balkan. Asiasat 5 Satellite 100.5°E Channels List Strong Frequecy TP for Dish Antenna setting C Band and KU Band Free to Air Channels list with full details guide The company provides capacity to clients that include broadcasters and broadcasting associations, pay-TV operators, video, data and internet service providers, enterprises and government agencies. Tehran, Iran, Religious.رادیو اندیشه ها . Atlantic. Ultra High Definition TV Channels HDTV channels Channels broadcasting in 3D Net Video Streams Historische Kanäle. Modulation and FEC change from DVB-S2 QPSK 3/4 to DVB-S2 8PSK 3/5. IRIB to change broadcast frequency on Hotbird on March 3 by. Frequenz + Infos zum Sender BBC Persian HD auf Hotbird 13 . IRINN (Islamic Republic of Iran News Network) Public news television channel of IRIB. 3/4. Most Wanted Pictures. Radio . IRIB: Clair: 1533: 1330: 1331 eng 1332 far : 133 : 1330 : 2021-01-26 + RADIO IRAN: IRIB: Clair: 1551 : 1511 far : 151 : 1511 : 2020-11-24: RADIO PAYAM: IRIB: Clair: 1552 : 1521 far : 152 : 1521 : 2020-11-24: RADIO JAVAN: IRIB: Clair: 1553 : 1531 far : 153 : 1531 : 2020-11-24: RADIO MAAREF: IRIB: Clair: 1554 : 1541 far : 154 : 1541 : 2021-03-11: RADIO QURAN: IRIB: Clair: 1555 : 1551 far : 155 : 1551 : 2020-11-24: RADIO FARHANG: IRIB… Irib Quran — شبکهٔ قرآن . The free channel IRIB 3 TV that broadcast Sports events and matches game as; UEFA, Champions League, La Liga, Spain League, Real Madrid,F c barcelona Matches, Serie A Italy and many Football Champions for free. 3/4. Badr 4-5-6-7 26.0° E IRIB Noor Frequenz:12265 Polarisation:H Symbol Rate:30000 Fec:2/3. Watch Iran Radio and TV Channels Online. KO. Eutelsat is one of the world's leading and most experienced operators of communications satellites. This satellite is below horizon in Redmond, United States. Das Signal ist unverschlüsselt. Türksat 3A-4A. Der britische Sender Star TV hat seine Frequenz auf Hotbird, 13° Ost, gewechselt. 10775 H. . The EIRP values are for Olympia, Washington, United States. JAMEJAM3. Srpski Hotbird 13°E Hotbird 13°E, Slobodan Astra 19,2°E Astra 19,2°E, Slobodan Kategorija: Sport, Slobodan Kategorija: Vesti, Slobodan Kategorija: Filmovi, Slobodan....More searches . Ultra High Definition TV Channels HDTV channels Channels broadcasting in 3D Net Video Streams Kanalenkerkhof. Eutelsat Hotbird 6/7A/8/13B / 13C / 13° Doğu ( East ) hotbird Şifreli ve şifresiz Frekans Listesi SKY Italia, Al Jazeera Sports, Cyfrowy Polsat, Orange France, NC+, Nova, Telespazio, GlobeCast, beIN Sports ve daha bir çok platformun yayınları bu uyduların üzerinden yapılmaktadır. Hotbird 13B/13C/13E | Hotbird 13B | Hotbird 13C | Hotbird 13E. Feed Frequenzen Die letzten Feeds Satellitenforum. . IRIB 3 tv live HD; IRIB Varzesh live; پخش زنده فوتبال و کریکت; Live Radios Deutsch Hotbird 13°E Hotbird 13°E, Frei Astra 19,2°E Astra 19,2°E, Frei Kategorie: Sport, Frei Kategorie: Nachrichten, Frei Kategorie: Kino, Frei....More searches. Der Sender glaubt, dass die Schuldigen dafür im Iran sitzen. Ultra High Definition TV Channels HDTV kanali Channels broadcasting in 3D Net Video kanali Groblje za kanale. DE. Jame-Jam TV Network 97° O Galaxy 19 12028 H 21991 3/4. The IRIB TV 1 TV Channel is available via satellite from Iran Country. IRIB World Service Radio 6. Ultra High Definition TV Channels HDTV channels Channels broadcasting in 3D Net Video Streams Kanalenkerkhof. IRIB World Service Radio 4. Die Frequenzen ändern sich häufig, oft bereits nach einigen Monaten. frequency : 11881 H 27500. MPEG-4. Hotbird 13B-13C-13E 13.0° E IRIB World Service Radio 1 Frequenz:12437 Polarisation:H Symbol Rate:29900 Fec:3/4 Jame Jam 1 (IRIB 1) — جام جم ۱. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Tumblr */ ?> BELIEBTEN SATELLITEN. Erhaltene Likes 5.463 Beiträge 8.051 Erhaltene Likes 5.463. 7982. Here … Arabsat 20°E . DVB-S2. Deutsch Hotbird 13°E Hotbird 13°E, Frei Astra 19,2°E Astra 19,2°E, Frei Kategorie: Sport, Frei Kategorie: Nachrichten, Frei Kategorie: Kino, Frei....More searches. 16.0°E
10.0°E. 210208: IRIB 3 on Intelsat 39: 11555 V is now encrypted 201207: IRIB 3 left Badr 5: 12303 H Latest World additions: 210330: TV Centr on Express 80 210330: Rede Brasil on Star One C3 210330: Match! AR. SAHAR BALKAN. X: Left 25/12/2012. Radio . Iran Persisch. Iran: New frequency since 17/02/2019. IRIB … IRIB QURAN comes from the country Iran und can be received via Hotbird 13.0° East on the frequency 10775 mhz H. IRIB QURAN is freely available. FREQUENCY. Hotbird satellite can be comfortably monitored in Europe, North Africa, Middle East and West Asia. 12437 H . 7984. GEM ME (Music and Entertainment)– 2.6 mbps / 192 kbps / 720x576. H. 29900. Hotbird 13E: Wide 0: 10775 H: DVB-S2 8PSK: 29900 3/5: Errshm 210108: 3.1°E: Eutelsat 3B: Europe 0: 11679 H: DVB-S2 8PSK: 5000 5/6: N Schlammer 201102: IRIB © LyngSat, last updated 2021-04-03 - https://www.lyngsat.com/provider/ir/IRIB.html 00:50-01:50. Daten: Frequenz 10775 MHz, Polarisation H, Symbolrate 29900, FEC 3/5, Mod. Irib Quran — شبکهٔ قرآن. Intelsat 62°E . The IRIB TV 1 Television Station Frequency has last time Updated on February 15, 2017 The Channel is Can be Viewed in Europe, North Africa, Asia with that antenna dish and area parameters: Hotbird coverage map. Bosnien und Herzegowina Serbokroatisch. Türksat 3A-4A. RTL stellt Ausstrahlung über Eutelsat Hotbird 13,0 Grad Ost. MPEG-4. Iran 2 simultaneous audio tracks: 1 Persian 2 English. Irib Nasim: Iran: Various: IRIB: Clear: 1520: 1200: 1201 far : 120 : 1200 : 2020-11-24 + IRIB TV 1: Iran: General: IRIB: Clear: 1521: 1210: 1211 far 1212 far : 121 : 1210 : 2021-01-26 + Jaam-e-Jaam TV 2: Iran: General: IRIB: Clear: 1522: 1220: 1221 far 301 aac : 122 : 1220 : 2021-01-26 + IRIB TV 3: Iran: General: IRIB: Clear: 1523: 1230: 1231 far : 123 : 1230 : 2021-01-26 + Sahar TV Francophone: Iran: General: IRIB: …
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