The lifts were nicely done, and  I especially liked the last lift they did that closed the dance. Mickie & Malika: I can’t, he’s so bad. 20 Jahre mit ihrem Schatz zusammen: Im Interview mit GALA verrät Ilse DeLange, wer sie privat so glücklich macht und spricht über ihr Liebesgeheimnis. Senna & Robert were in the bottom three and Kai & Kathrin were in the bottom two. Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov sind ein Herz und eine Seele. My score: 9, Auma & Andrzej - Slowfox: Now this is the style I was expecting more from a Slowfox. He looked uncomfortable in those parts. I think he maybe hit the dance with a little too much attack that it lacked some refinement in spots (mostly at the beginning). Overall though, a solid and improved party Latin from Ilse. I'll try to update the numbers if I find the rest of them. And wow the same song to Clara’s amazing Charleston on Strictly, but I liked how this was very ifferent. Ilse & Evgeny: First of all, best costume so far, she looks like Grace Kelly. Ilse DeLange (43) und Evgeny Vinokurov (30) werden einen Cha Cha Cha zu „Yes Sir, I Can Boogie“ von Baccara tanzen. My score: 2, Rúrik & Renata - Tango: I definitely expected Rúrik to deliver a strong Tango, an d he certainly did so! Senna & Robert Slowfox: Another dance with an unconventional song assignment but I actually really like this soft, feminine version of “I Was Made For Lovin’ You”. Malika was a highlight and very hot in her catsuit here. Can’t wait for more from Rúrik, he’s so versatile. Glad to see Valentin with another contender, he’s a great pro. He and Patricija have great chemistry though. Yeah his “dancing” was not good here. Simon & Pareicija had great fun chemistry here too. There were a few shaky moments here and there but thought this was pretty good overall. But yeah, not good. He had a good firm frame and good footwork. showed her off well, but he was very stiff and lacking any Latin feel or rhythm. But she had the Disco flair and attitude and she looked like she was having the time of her life here. Something does feel a little off and awkward with her frame and dancing to me. Lola did do very well with this dance. Studioalben. 18 talking about this. Props to her for working so well with a duffer after last season with contender and now-boyfriend Luca. Felt she was a bit better than Lola and deserved a point or two more but maybe Lola’s performance put her over the top. Valentina & Valentin: Very impressive for a Week 2 Quickstep! So the intent was there. Man zeigt, dass man immer stark ist.” Das wurde ihm schon in jungen Jahren beigebracht. Also, Lets Dance bei RTL! But I thought she had fun abad was kinda letting loose here. Ilse DeLange & Evgeny Vinokurov Cha-Cha-Cha Baccara – Yes Sir, I Can Boogie (von 1977) Mickie Krause & Malika Dzumaev Rumba Elton John – Your Song (von 1970) Rúrik Gíslason & Renata Lusin Jive The Baseballs – Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Cover – Original von 1988) Great legs and use of them and great frame as well. She just wasn’t a dancer and probably wouldn’t improve very much in the future so not disappointed to see her go. Für sie und Evgeny Vinokurov steht der erste Charleston, bekannt als Gesellschaftstanz, in … I still tried with Week 1 but still no luck so I gave up on those dances for now but maybe I’ll try again whenever I have time to do so (and Week 3 too). She seemed to start off fine but then had some stiff and shaky moments. Some of Simon’s dancing was a bit stiff and kinda heavy footed but he’s a great natural performer and I like the fun he had here. They also kind of remind me of Victoria Swarovski & Erich Klann (Pasha even resembles Erich a bit) but we’ll have to wait and see if Kim will be as versatile as Victoria. But I do like the cool slick approach they had with this dance. Instagram really likes this partnership so Jan might be there for awhile even if he doesn’t improve. She had good le acti and hip action. Lovely dance as well, she’s definitely a ballroom lady and Evgeny’s choreography was great. Ja, zwischen Ilse und Evgeny stimmt die Chemie nicht nur auf dem Tanzparkett. Lola & Christian: Good potential, she’s even improved from last week. Loved the part where Nicolas lifted Vadim up so effortlessly too. @letsdance @rtlde…” Ilse DeLanges Worte treffen bei Evgeny Vinokurov ins Schwarze So haben wir “Let’s Dance”-Profitänzer Evgeny Vinokurov (30) noch nie erlebt. There were times where he seemed really into it that sone parts came off kinda aggressive (though I know thats what the choreo calls for). He still has a stiffness to his dancing but it worked better in a Waltz. Äh, nee sorry: Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov. One of the better dances so far. The story they sold and shared was full of meaning and heart. My score: 7, Erol & Marta - Viennese Waltz: Definitely a much better dance from Erol. Ilse DeLange & Evgeny Vinokurov: Alle Tänze und Punkte bei Let’s dance 2021 Das Tanzpaar Ilse DeLange – Evgeny Vinokurov hat die Tänze getanzt, bekam dafür insgesamt 81 Punkte : Simon & Patricija Contemporary: He’s usually pretty good at the performance part but I felt a disconnection between him and this style, there was one moving lift where he was just walking to the next spot while lifting Patricija. He did have some decent footwork and elegance in how he moved. Ilse was also very cute and fun with how she reformed this dance. Fanpage Ilse DeLange and The Common Linnets I also felt the dance was a bit too heavy on partnering work/lifts and not as much side by side stuff. She looked amazing though, her dress gave me Lupita Nyong’o at the Oscars vibes. @letsdance @rtlde…” Couple of times he seemed unsure and unsteady but mostly good. He did well on the side by side solo parts but he did have some synch issues, seem to lack some proper technique and had a few balance/off issues in there. I'm so glad I was able to finally watch. Pagina met Video's van optredens en songs van deze Nederlandse zangeres die zowel de gevoelige snaar als het winde onderbuik gevoel kan beroeren. Staffel von "Let's Dance" – und zwar jeden Freitag um 20:15 Uhr. It took a little long for her to recapture it. Footwork looked pretty clean and she has musicality. Rúrik & Renata: Christian may have won the privilege of choosing his partner, but Mr. and Mrs. (or to be more accurate, Herr und Frau) Lusin won the partner lottery this year with Valentina and Rúrik. Both looked disappointed for different reasons in the reaction clip on Instagram, Mickie likely for the low score and Malika for having to dance with him. Hopefully those two go next, then Erol can go and we can be left with a great Final 7. So viel Tiefe in diesem Menschen. Mickie & Malika Rumba: Malika is gorgeous, I want her hair. Auma & Andrzej - Cha-Cha: This was a really fun Disco inspire Cha-Cha  from Auma. He was doing his own movements…. Ilse DeLange: Singer-Songwriter & Former The Voice of Holland Coach, Senna Guemmour: Former Monrose Singer & Comedian, Vanessa Neigert: Contestant at Deutschland sucht den Superstar (Season 6), Auma Obama: Sociologist & Half-Sister of Former US President Barack Obama, Nicolas Puschmann: Prince Charming Personality (he will be in a same-sex partnership), Lola Weippert: Radio Host & Television Presenter. Auma & Andrzej: A little awkward overall but nice emotion. Same neck problems as Lola and her arms and hands lacked fluidity. Simon is surprisingly graceful and smooth in his movements, which yu wouldn’t normally see from male boxers on these shows. Nach Steh-Erol kommen Ilse DeLange und Elon Musk. ! Im Training mit Ilse DeLange (43) schießen ihm plötzlich Tränen in die Augen, er muss sich sammeln. He just made everything look so effortless and at ease. This wasn’t very good but definitely a point or two better than Mickie. Diszipliniert, höchst professionell und humorvoll – so kennen die “Let’s Dance”-Zuschauer den Tanzprofi. Ilse DeLange (* 13. Warum es zwischen Ilse und Evgeny einfach passt und was sie zu seinen Tränen sagt, zeigen wir hier unten im Video. So haben wir „Let’s Dance“-Profitänzer Evgeny Vinokurov noch nie erlebt. Overall though, best dance so far and for Week 1 really impressive. Score was 5, 5, 2, a two point improvement from his previous three dances. But this was the most fun she had, which I appreciate. Ilse DeLange & Evgeny Vinokurov Cha-Cha-Cha Baccara – Yes Sir, I Can Boogie (von 1977) Mickie Krause & Malika Dzumaev Rumba Elton John – Your Song (von 1970) Rúrik Gíslason & Renata Lusin Jive The Baseballs – Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Cover – Original von 1988) 4. Well gosh, I attempted to try to play Week 2 videos and good news, the links work for me! He didn’t move so well and danced uncomfortably. Lola & Christian: Good lines, mostly clean footwork and nice change of character from her last two dances. Fingers crossed they keep up that high standard and and can get to the final. Ja, zwischen Ilse und Evgeny stimmt die Chemie nicht nur auf dem Tanzparkett. Daniel Hartwich and Victoria Swarovski are returning as hosts. :aha: Oh right…. But Senna did look very cute. She also had a bit of trouble getting back into hold after a break. But  okay, this was a very strong and impressive Jive from Rúrik. Score was 10, 10, 10, their first perfect score! Very dramatic moments but also some great moments in hold; he’s a very strong leading man who looked in control dancing with a powerhouse like Renata. Ilse DeLanges Freund ist nicht nur im Privatleben an ihrer Seite. Also, Evgeny Vinokurov (last competed in season 12) and Vadim Garbuzov (last competed in season 11) are returning. Senna isn’t going to last much longer with two consecutive bottom three appearances. Great frame and footwork as well and graceful throughout. Stiff as a board, airplane arms, unsteady footing. Press alt + / to open this menu. Die Seite, die wir bislang nicht von ihm kannten, zeigen wir im Video. Ilse DeLange (* 13.Mai 1977 als Ilse Annoeska de Lange in Almelo) ist eine niederländische Sängerin. My score: 6/7, Erol & Marta - Cha-Cha: Oooh lol Erol’s lip synching at the start was quite awkward. Auch wenn es sich so anhört. Erol & Marta Viennese Waltz: Another weird song choice. She chat about this in our new episode You'll also get exclusive insights into the training of Ilse DeLange and Evgeny Vinokurov, we'll take a closer look at the new professional dancers Malika and Pasha and Katia Convents reveals how the first costumes for a new Let's Dance season are created. 3,945 Likes, 94 Comments - Ilse DeLange (@ilsedelangemusic) on Instagram: “Tonight’s the night! Great to hear your thoughts Wally, glad you were able to finally watch some of the dances! 01:23 Min Deshalb liebt Jan Hofer "Let's Dance" so sehr. Let's Dance in Germany is having their season 14 launch show today! With the same sex partnership, I like how they tak advantage of switching who leads and holds, and I thought Nicolas did well in following and then leading Vadim. Vanessa & Alexandru: Wow is she stiff, she looked uncomfortable from the very first step. Jan & Christina: Definitely not a dancer, he missed a lot of steps and his technique was very poor. Sometimes her feet weren’t closed or pointed and she could’ve extended her legs a bit more but a solid dance from Valentina. Really loved how they attacked those moves - like that part where they leaped in the air together and other moves they id together. My score: 4, Valentina & Valentin - Quickstep: Lol I love this partnerships names and how they got paired together. 888 likes. Still i thought she was better than the bad dancing men. That was barely a Quickstep, the two or three times they were in hold his form was ghastly and looked like he just learned to WALK. My score: 7, Jan & Christina - Tango: Ooh with the song/style of this dance, it didn’t real feel like a Tango to me. Love this song for a VW too. OK he did try and give a good effort with his solo section, and he was into it as he brought power and intensity there at least. Good chemistry with Patricija though, she’s a very elegant and refined dancer. Jan is a sweet older gentleman but this was just not good. Da sind große Gefühle vorprogrammiert! Great musicality, technique and chemistry with Renata, the whole package. Erol seemed very properly placed and stiff throughout the dance. Ilse DeLanges Worte treffen bei Evgeny Vinokurov ins Schwarze. Diszipliniert, höchst professionell und humorvoll – so kennen die “Let’s Dance”-Zuschauer den Tanzprofi. She performed and got into the passionate character well, had some good slick footwork and a good frame (even though it seemed a bt shaky). She has good lines but a little too careful and hesitant with her placements. There was some improved footwork and hip action but his arms still lack musicality although I did appreciate him trying to do Rumba hands. But ooo this was a very steamy and sexy kind of dance here. Nicolas & Vadim Slowfox: Slowfox is another word for Foxtrot over there. But I am nervous for the remaining women if they perform one bad dance. Little rough around the edges as expected for a first dance but already great chemistry with Vadim, they looked like they’ve been dancing together for years. How cool that they got the best male and female celeb dancers this season. Score was 5, 5, 3, his highest score so far (how sad). - Also it’s so cool Barack Obamas sister, Auma is in this cast. But i liked how they had a mix of subtle quiet ports, alongside the intense and powerful moves. I'm happy to be able to participate in the Week 2 round! She did have some beautiful shapes and lines. I did like all of the tricks and lifts they did, as they were so strong and powerful. Surprised Jan was in the bottom two since there’s a lot of positive commentary about his partnership with Christina, guess him being at the bottom of the leaderboard was enough to drop him down there. A few awkward moments where she was trying not to get tangled in the footwork and lifts but overall some good potential from her. “Ich bin so froh, mit so einer tollen Frau wie Ilse zu tanzen. Well, at least Kai wasn’t as cringey and Kathrin gave him more to do than Kym with David but still pretty bad technique. Mickie’s there too. This was a very pretty dance. He lacked rhythm, had no hip action and seemed very steppy. Nicolas & Vadim: They’re alternating who leads and who follows in this dance, I think they’re going to do that in all their dances. I don’t feel like wasting time on him. My score: 8, Jan & Christina - Samba: So many songs used from SCD18 here. As for the dancing, at the beginning she had some good lines but as the dance went on, her energy dropped a bit. Some parts she seemed to be lacking grace needed for the style but the intent and effort was there. He also reminds me of Mick Jagger. Good performer in both dances but they suited her bubbly personality, we’ll have to see how she does with the more serious dances. Diszipliniert, höchst … Ilse DeLange (43) und Evgeny Vinokurov (30) werden einen Cha Cha Cha zu „Yes Sir, I Can Boogie“ von Baccara tanzen. Let’s dance 2021 wird es zum Glück geben! And wow Malika was fall stunning and hot in this dance! GZSZ: Lauras Plan geht auf: Felix will für das Baby da sein! Don’t have much hope for Kai to last long. I thought Valentina was great throughout the dance. And Renata was super hot in this too! Very good and powerful, certainly his best yet. Simon & Patricija: Well that was a production! She had good technique and kicks & flicks throughout. My score: 3, Rúrik & Renata - Jive: I was definitely anticipating and looking forward to Rúrik’s Jive as I know it scored a perfect 30. Der 30-Jährige weiß aber genau, dass man seine Gefühle nicht immer verbergen kann und auch nicht soll – Dafür steht auch “Let’s Dance”! But she looked to have some decent footwork in there and moved well. Profi-Special 2019 Marta Arndt Evgenij Voznyuk – Profi-Special 2020 Nina Bezzubova – 14 (2021) Ilse … He did sell and perform it well on the out of hold solo/side by side parts. Ooh they did seem to have much more standard Tango towards the end, which was great - as the whole dance was. Sign up for a new account in our community. Evgeny bringt derzeit Sängerin Ilse DeLange das Tanzen bei. Many on Instagram are more disappointed about him being eliminated than Vanessa. Wahnsinn”, schwärmte er kürzlich auf Instagram. He didn’t really seem to do much especially on the parts where they weren’t dancing in hold. Auma did well in this for the most part. This wasn’t good but I id think Jan gave a nice kinda charming performance. Very accomplished and intricate Tango for Week 1 but Valentina executed it well. Auma & Andrzej: Much improved from last week. My score: 9/10. My score: 5, Ilse & Evgeny - Charleston: It’s fun watching Ilse journey as I feel she’s getting better and better each week. I thought he and Renata had very hot and passionate chemistry. "Ich bin … Posture and balance were a little off at times but he’s definitely a contender and one of the most natural dancers this year. Lovely dance as well, she’s definitely a ballroom lady and Evgeny’s choreography was great. Ilse DeLange und Evgeny Vinokurov sind bei „Let's Dance“ 2021 Tanzpartner (© getty images) Ilse DeLange reiht sich damit in eine Riege von vergebenen Prominenten bei „Let's Dance“ ein. *fingers crossed*. I enjoyed all of their side by side dancing. “Natürlich ist das Gefühl von Verzweiflung manchmal sehr groß bei mir. This did feel a little slow motion at times but it was great seeing how much fun Auma was having performing and letting loose.
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