All the circus sideshow "freaks" in the film are real people. Olga Baclanova turned into a human chicken. The story centres on the machinations of a femme fatale, the “normal” trapeze artist Cleopatra (played by Olga (She threw the contents of the drinking cup at them and ordered them out) You! Which, of course, is even less believable than the freaks turning Cleopatra into a "human chicken." In the cut ending, lightning strikes a tree, pinning her legs down, which is how the freaks get to her and transform her into the duck lady. Freaks was banned in many countries (for 30 years in Britain) as too graphic a display of humans with the severest of physical disabilities. Eventually all the ‘freaks’ came to know of Cleopatra’s plan and taught her a lesson. Cleopatra: You dirty, slimy freaks! Freaks, freaks! While Browning treats the freaks as sympathetic right up until the end, he makes a mistake in then turning Freaks into a horror film. The final two scenes occur some years later. After the wedding Cleopatra attempted to poison Hans twice, but was unsuccessful. Theatrical poster for Freaks 1932 . In having the freaks take sadistic revenge, the sympathy Browning had engendered for their normality swings back to the reprehensible Cleopatra and Hercules. Freaks (with Cleopatra and Hans at the wedding banquet) 1932 Still photograph . When the freaks find out that Cleopatra has been poisoning Hans in order to obtain his inheritance, they attack her and Hercules with various knives. It is announced this was caused either by a jealous lover, the code of the freaks, or the storm. In the final scene Hans in his wealthy home has seen no one in years; but Phroso and Venus bring in Frieda, who consoles him and tells him she loves him. Freaks, American horror film, released in 1932, a grotesque revenge melodrama in which director Tod Browning explored the world of carnival sideshows and the “freaks” that starred in them. In the final revenge Cleopatra is shown deformed and clucking like a chicken. You need to rent the DVD and check it out. Get out of here! Auf der Hochzeit zeigt Cleopatra ihr wahres Gesicht und macht sich betrunken über die vielen Freaks … Als Cleopatra erfährt, dass Hans durch eine Erbschaft vermögend geworden ist, schmiedet sie mit ihrem Geliebten, dem Muskelmann Hercules, einen perfiden Plan: Cleopatra heiratet Hans. We know that doesn't happen when an adult man is castrated! "Freaks" is my favorite horror film of the 1930's, and in my opinion is superior to both "Dracula" and James Whales "Frankenstein" films. Out! telegonus wrote:I've seen different versions of Freaks, have yet to hear Hercules sing soprano. ... (off-screen) into a legless, tarred-and-feathered chicken with a scarred and bruised face, drooping mouth, and a squawking mouth. The freaks decide that they no longer need Hercules in their carnival and have a new career for Cleopatra all lined up, and make sure she doesn’t ‘chicken’ out.” (courtesy IMDB) REVIEW: Unusual for a Hollywood film, Tod Browning‘s Freaks (1932) was banned outright for many years. Tod Browning (director) Freaks (Olga Baclanova as Cleopatra after her transformation into chicken woman) 1932 Still photograph . The movie ends with Cleopatra in the freak show with the body of a chicken, and her original face talking like a chicken.
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