FSS satellites in C/Ku bands have been general purpose and flexible to accommodate changing markets. The Commission will support the development of a definition of stricter age and audience thresholds and more consistent nutritional benchmarks across companies. The Commission comprises Directorates-General (departments) and Services which are mainly located in Brussels and Luxembourg. They allow seamless wifi roaming. The wifi infrastructures federation mechanism used in public administration and derived from eduroam from the research and education area. There are Teleshopping Spots, Teleshopping windows and there are channels devoted to teleshopping, i.e. It capitalises on advances in ICT and integrates hardware for computing, data and networks, observatories and experimental facilities, and an interoperable suite of software and middleware services and tools. EPGs can influence viewer choice. As of 2014, the programme will be continued as part of the Connecting Europe Facility. More precisely, QKD provides the sender and the recipient with an intrinsically secure random key that an attacker cannot access without being detected. It is an ETSI standard, ES 202 184. They can also be placed by third parties (such as advertising networks) in end users´ devices and be used to track users when surfing across different websites associated to that third party. A standard that has been adopted by one of the three recognized European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs): CEN, CENELEC or ETSI. It is growingly applied in many different areas, from market and business intelligence to science and engineering (bioinformatics, genomics, medicine, education). In case of a serious accident, the system will call the 112 emergency number and transmit the accurate location throughout the EU of the incident to the emergency response centres (Public Safety Answering Point PSAP). It sets annual maximum amounts (ceilings) for EU expenditure as a whole and for the main categories of expenditures (headings). BEREC is composed of the 28 NRAs. file synchronisation, workflow, document), real-time collaboration and communication (e.g. Electronic equivalent of a seal or stamp which is applied on a document to guarantee its origin and integrity. M. Monitoring of the negotiations. Its mission is to promote high risk research offset by potential breakthrough with high technological or societal impact. The EPA Cultural Protocol represents a tool for the EU to implement the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity. ICT for ageing well means maintaining a high quality, independent life for elderly people, where the specific application areas for age-friendly ICT based products and services encompass: active ageing in the work situation, living in the community, and independent living at home. A-SMGCS. The minimum set of services, defined in the Universal Service Directive, of specified quality which is available to all users regardless of their geographical location and, in the light of specific national conditions, at an affordable price; for instance a connection to the public telephone network and access to publicly available telephone services at a fixed location enabling voice and data communications services (including also broadband if so determined at the national level like done so far in BE, FI, MT, RO, ES and in preparation in SI), comprehensive directory and directory enquiry service, availability of public payphones. Article 11 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on freedom of expression and information guarantees those same rights, as well as the freedom and pluralism of the media. Recent compression system, providing high quality video at much lower bandwidths. The Platform is co-chaired by DGs ENTR and CONNECT. Means:(a) any government or other public administration, including public advisory bodies, at national, regional or local level;(b) any natural or legal person performing public administrative functions under national law, including specific duties, ac This initial cost is eligible for European public funding (e.g. More specifically, in-silico medicine means modelling, simulation, and visualisation of biological and medical processes in computers with the goal of simulating real biological processes in a virtual environment. ISO's Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts' Group defined MHEG-5 as a programming language together with the Digital Audio Video Council (DAVIC) in 1995. "Innovative" financial instruments are loans (including project bond) and guarantee facilities, or equity funds. However, other forms of on-demand services, such as "subscription video on demand" (SVOD), that requires users to pay a monthly fee to access the catalogue are becoming very popular. This technology evolved to provide interoperability in support of coherent distributed architectures, which are used most often to handle complex, distributed applications. are integrated Smart Systems, engineered and enabled at the micro or nano scale, contain or interact with biochemical processes, bio materials or living organisms. Type of action: Innovation actions (70%). The Collective Awareness Platforms are expected to support environmentally aware, grassroots processes and practices to share knowledge, to achieve changes in lifestyle, production and consumption patterns, and to set up more participatory democratic processes. Personal data which is processed in relation to the work of the data subject remains personal/individual in the sense that it continues to be protected by the relevant data protection legislation, which strives to protect the privacy and integrity of natural persons. Such systems, including robots, smart spaces and sensor networks, are robust, intuitive to use and capable of adapting to users and changing situations. The EU privacy legal framework requires users' consent to store cookies in their terminal devices (computers, lap tops, smartphones) or gain access to information collected through cookies. An independent group, established in October 2011 and chaired by the former President of Latvia, Professor Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, with the aim to draw up a report for the Commission with recommendations for the respect, protection, support and promotion of pluralism and freedom of the media in Europe. The middle part of a broadband network, connecting the local access to the core internet network. CEF Digital refers to the part of the Connecting Europe Facility that suppports the deployment of digital infrastructure, i.e. A service provided by an incumbent operator whereby a new entrant rents a high speed access path to the customer. RFID belongs to the broad category of automatic identification technologies. The programme is an investment in future jobs and growth and addresses people’s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and the environment, strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology. The IA supports but does not replace decision-making (adoption of a proposal is a College political decision). Uses include particularly the reproduction, distribution or communication to the public. Purely prospective evaluations (ex-ante and impact assessments) must be carried out in accordance with DG Budget’s guide for ex-ante evaluation or the Commission's Impact Assessment Guidelines to ensure adequate quality. ECSEL will replace the two existing Joint Undertakings on embedded computing systems (ARTEMIS) and nanoelectronics (ENIAC). Meaningful consent and explicit opt-in mechanisms are central for the sharing and reuse of personal data, in addition to users' access, control and the possibility for corrections, including withdrawal of consent. The European Commission's RFID Recommendation (C(2009 3200 final of 12 May 2009) foresees that RFID Operators should take steps to inform individuals of the presence of readers on the basis of a common European sign, developed by European Standardisation Organisations with the support of concerned stakeholders. An evaluation conducted by a European Medicines Agency committee following referral from the Commission or Member State. CEPT's activities include co-operation on commercial, operational, regulatory and technical standardisation issues. industrial deployment) perspectives. For the European Commission, it refers to a use of different modes on their own and in combination in the aim to obtain an optimal and sustainable use of resources. The signal to the phone company that you generate when you press an ordinary telephone's touch keys. A collection of public services serving as ‘building blocks’, which can be offered in an open and interoperable way and reused and combined by public administrations and third parties as part of other services. The European Commission (Commission of the European Communities) is the institution of the European Community which ensures the application of the provisions of the Treaty. Aggregators gather material from individual organisations, standardise the file formats and metadata, and channel the latter into Europeana according to the Europeana guidelines and procedures. The IAR, together with an IA executive summary of maximum 10 pages and minutes of the final IA Steering Group meeting, must be submitted officially to the Impact Assessment Board 4 weeks prior to its meeting. Building or civil engineering works at the end user's location encompassing structural modifications of the entire in-building physical infrastructure or a significant part thereof, and requiring a building permit. It is typically used as a catch-all term to refer to any software designed to cause damage to a single computer, server, or computer network, whether it's a virus, spyware, etc. The main objective is to foster better mutual understanding and exchange of views on audio-visual policy, including co-operation in the fight against racism and xenophobia. The material must be available for consultation for academic or research purposes, subject to international or national rules on copyright. Strategy for improving the quality of content, opportunity and experience of the Internet for children, taking into account the increasingly young age at which they go online and ensuring that all young adults acquire progressively the appropriate skills to be digitally competent citizens. informal discussion and exchange of views between regulatory authorities in the broadcasting field. The Commission committed to ensure that EU legislation is fully effective and efficient in achieving its public policy objectives. 1) In the field of transfer systems, it refers to the inclusion of a transfer order for funds or securities in a system’s operations for further processing, potentially following various checks (e.g. The overall objective should be a “single market ready for the digital age”, where the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is enhanced by digital technologies. Advises the Commission and, following the entry into force of the new regulatory framework, may provide reports and opinions to Parliament and Council on strategic issues concerning radio spectrum policy. This can be seen as an endpoint of current technological trends where transistors etc are becoming ever smaller down to the atomic scale. According to the e-commerce Action Plan from January 2012, the growth rate of e-commerce at national level is high but this new vector remains marginal at only 3.4% of European retail trade. The science and technology based on and concerned with the controlled flow of photons, or light particles. A VO must establish resource-usage agreements with grid resource providers. EU-level infrastructure to deliver networked services electronically, typically over the internet, providing trans-European interoperable services for citizens, businesses and/or public authorities. In 2007 the revision of the convention was put on hold after the Commission reminded Member States that the EU enjoys exclusive competence in this area and has no interest in joining the Convention which covers similar areas as the AVMSD. Users receive a dish and modem and can either install these themselves, or alternatively call on the expertise of a vasst network of trained engineers. European Space Policy is addressing all dimensions of space activities, compiled and adopted after extensive consultations with member countries of the EU and ESA, as well as industry and other key stakeholders, and endorsed by those member countries. Fibre-to-the-home network, which connects the end customer's premises with fibre, i.e. Those services associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so and include, inter alia, number translation or systems offering equivalent functionality, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as other services such as identity, location and presence service. that can be used to reproduce the results and create new work based on research. If the result is deemed unsatisfactory by the traget Member State, it may impose binding measures against the broadcaster circumventing its national rules, subject to ex-ante control by the Commission. A commonly used abbreviation for malicious software. The provisions of the Directive are complemented by Recommendations on the protection of minors and human dignity, and by the Communication "European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children". It is embedded as part of a complete device often including other physical parts (e.g. The strategy identifies five headline targets the European Union should take to boost growth and employment: A Partial Enlarged Agreement of the Council of Europe. The allies decided to transmit over several frequencies, instead of one, making it difficult for the Germans to pick up the complete signal. It executes the EU's budget and manages funding programmes. W3C drafts the World Wide Web standards and is author of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. It covers start-up founders who build innovative and often disruptive businesses on top of the Internet, mobile and various cloud-based technologies, programming interfaces and platforms. The terms included reflect the focus of the four Work Packages: • Work Package 1: Career management skills However, for the EU it is important to be in the front-line of the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity and the strengthening of international cooperation in the cultural area. A Member State can also restrict the retransmission of on-demand audiovisual media services under certain conditions (Article 3(4) AVMSD). CDMA is a military technology first used during World War II by the English allies to foil German attempts at jamming transmissions. … The purpose of digital terrestrial television, similar to digital versus analogue in other platforms such as cable, satellite, telecoms, is characterized reduced use of spectrum and more capacity than analogue, better-quality picture, and lower operating costs for broadcast and transmission after the initial upgrade costs. Users obtain access to additional or premium content in return for a specific fee e.g. They can work with various degrees of autonomy, in isolation or in cooperation with people. European Commission. Compulsory deposit of all audiovisual material produced or co-produced and made available to the public in each signatory state (Deposit of audio-visual works) is the key measure foreseen by the convention. It has been deployed as a simple, low cost API for interactive television. Rights to install facilities on, over or under public or private property granted to an undertaking authorised to provide electronic communications networks to the public and right to install facilities on, over or under public property only granted to an undertaking authorised to provide electronic communications networks other than to the public. In relation to interconnection and/or access, an obligation of non-discrimination ensures that an operator applies equivalent conditions in equivalent circumstances to other undertakings providing equivalent services, and provides services and information to others under the same conditions and of the same quality as it provides for its own services, or those of its subsidiaries or partners. The trench dimensions are widths ranging from about 30 mm to 130 mm, and a maximum depth of about 500 mm. A string of decimal digits, up to a maximum of 15 digits, which identifies a unique mobile terminal or mobile terminal or mobile subscriber internationally. European Commission decision. The activities of the ARTEMIS Technology Platform is continued by ARTEMIS-IA, the ARTEMIS Industry Association. The primary task of a Digital Champion is to work with citizens, communities and businesses to exploit the growth potential of the digital economy. Expert group created by the Commission in 2010. Broadcasting, either public service or commercial, of programmes which are accessible to the public without paying any specific fees (except licence fees and/or the basic tier subscription fees to a cable network). In 2012, the DAE went through a review which identified areas where more focused action is needed to create growth and jobs in Europe - it added 31 actions. The Treaty of Lisbon introduced for the first time a specific space competence for the European Union, enshrining space policy as an EU policy in its own right. Regulation on roaming charges in the European Union is a part of policy of the EU promoting competition, safeguarding consumer interests and enhancing digital single market. High performance communication system for cellular mobile phones. The SME instrument addresses all types of innovative SMEs so as to be able to promote growth champions in all sectors. Glossary of summaries. The user does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly configuration settings for the application-hosting environment. The radio spectrum freed up as a result of the migration of terrestrial TV broadcast from analogue to digital technology, which uses the spectrum more efficiently. Its aim is to facilitate and promote the CSR activities of ICT enterprises and ICT as a means to help CSR actions. The specification of MHP has been developed by the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB). The physical point at which a subscriber is provided with access to a public communications network; in the case of networks involving switching or routing, the NTP is identified by means of a specific network address, which may be linked to a subscriber number or name. Such arrangements are usually between a private enterprise and government but other combinations are possible, with a public corporation as either party or a private non-profit institution as the second party (Article 15.41 of Regulation (EU) No 549/2013). ADSL(G.lite - (ITU-T G.992.2) - G.lite can reach 5.4 km but its maximum download speed is limited to 1.5 Mbit/s while upload speeds are limited to 512 kbit/s. Promotes the use and protection of works of the human spirit. Collective management organisations are historically established on a national basis and, in particular as regards off-line uses, they license rights for their own territory (although there are important exceptions to this principle). A set of measurements and statistics describing the performance or monitoring the evolution of outputs, results and impacts. Established in 1957, the European Commission now comprises 28 Commissioners including its President. According to the means of communication used, the data needed to convey the communication will vary, but may typically include contact details, time and location data. Following the request from the European Commission, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) launched the Cloud Standards Coordination (CSC) initiative in a fully open and transparent way, open for all stakeholders. A project initiated by the Connect D4 Stakeholders unit to use modern IT tools (CRM) for supporting stakeholder interactions. The principles for the application of State aid rules to public service broadcasting are laid down in the Communication of 2001 and in the revised Communication of 2009. More on convergence. The field of embedding advanced electronic components onto textile fibers. Like the European Parliament and the Council, EU citizens may also call on the Commission to propose laws by means of the European Citizens' Initiative. The e-textile area will advance further, in H2020, the existing SFIT cluster (smart fabrics and interactive textile) by integrating flexible and stretchable electronics to enable new solutions for major industrial sectors like healthcare & lifestyle, automotive, home & decoration and consumer electronics. a Member State initiative called Cloud-for-Europe (C4E). The Commission encourages that enterprises "should have in place a process to integrate social, environmental, ethical human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and core strategy in close collaboration with their stakeholders". According to Article 2 (a) of EC/95/46 Directive, personal data means: "Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, referred to as "data subject". Glossary; Home » Glossary » DEF » European Commission. Although such traffic data are to be distinguished from content data, both are quite sensitive as they give insight in confidential communications. 'Free to air' television may cover transmission by cable, satellite or terrestrial technologies but excludes services to which access is limited by conditional access systems such as Pay-TV Services. The 3rd edition of the DAA took place on 19 and 20 June in Dublin 2013 and was co-organised with the Irish Presidency with a focus on growth and jobs. Therefore, listening into, taping and storage of communications by persons other than users without the consent of the users concerned is prohibited. "EUR-Lex / CELEX provides direct free access to European Union law. The European Commission subsequently awarded a grant to the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) at the European University Institute for the implementation of the Pilot Project. It will cover three main interrelated areas: The new JTI will support capital-intensive actions such as pilot lines or large scale demonstrators at higher Technology Readiness Level up to level 8. As a result the Commission committed itself to review Payment Services Directive (2007/64/EC) and propose a legislative action on multilateral interchange fees (transaction fees for card payments). It shares a single twisted copper pair with voice, allowing users to use the telephone and surf the Internet simultaneously on the same line. Autonomous systems have potentially huge positive social effects - e.g., 95% of all accidents are caused by human error, and it is assumed that autonomous cars could reduce this to almost 0%. eParticipation refers to all ICT-supported democratic processes except e-voting. The Digital Agenda is the European Union's strategy which ensures that digital technologies, including the internet, are used to stimulate Europe's economy and help Europe's citizens and businesses to get the most out of these technologies. Digital science work in CONNECT aims to have a holistic perspective that covers considerations of all these aspects, and reflects the need for policy efforts in order to harness the potential of Digital science for European society and its economy. VDSL is a digital subscriber line (DSL) technology providing faster data transmission over a single flat untwisted or twisted pair of copper wires (up to 52 Mbit/s downstream and 16 Mbit/s upstream),[2] and on coaxial cable (up to 85 Mbit/s down- and upstream. A physical point, located inside or outside the building, accessible to undertakings providing or authorised to provide public communications networks, where connection to the high-speed-ready in-building physical infrastructure is made available. The concept of the "right to silence of the chips", which has been referred to under different names by different authors, was formally introduced for the first time in the European Commission's Communication on the Internet of Things (COM(2009) 278 final of 18 June 2009). More on the digital dividend. The ability to make use, develop and apply Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Fourth Generation. Member Academies operate as learned societies across all fields of natural and social sciences and the humanities. VREs help to advance community-building and collaborative research, both within and across disciplines. Several projects were selected in 2014 and 2015 and a new call for a preparatory action on a "European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)" was published in 2015. Since 2014 ARTEMIS is one of the three industrial associations, together with EPoSS and AENEAS, constituting the ECSEL Joint Undertaking. It has two components: The Steering Board was operational as of November 2012 and has now been disbanded. The study was articulated in three tasks. Commercial agreements according to which the SMP operator is obliged to provide access to wholesale services with a specified level of quality. The Commission is obliged to periodically review the scope of universal service in light of social, economic and technological developments. For more information, see the Communication on The open internet and Net Neutrality in Europe. In eHealth, the ability of two or more eHealth systems to use and exchange both computer interpretable data and human understandable data and knowledge. search engines, social media, e-commerce platforms, app stores, price comparison websites) are playing an ever more central role in social and economic life: they enable consumers to find online information and businesses to exploit the advantages of e-commerce. Its principal objectives include access to broadband at speeds of at least 30Mbps by 2020 for all EU citizens as well as the identification by 2015 of at least 1200 MHz of suitable spectrum for wireless data traffic. Mobile and to a certain extent, broadcast satellites have always been bespoke. Fiber connection made of glass or plastic allowing the fast transmission of information over light over long distances with very high data rates. Any entity engaged in an economic activity, that is, an activity consisting in offering goods or services on a given market, regardless of its legal status and the way in which it is financed, is considered an undertaking. APIs can be grouped into two types, those which are more intensively computational, based on an execution engine and those which are declarative, based on presentation engines. to the semantic and regulatory levels. ETSI has been successful in standardizing GSM cell phone system, TETRA professional mobile radio system, and Short Range Device requirements including LPD radio. European films rely heavily on public funding. A living arrangement that maximizes independence and self-determination, especially of disabled persons and persons with functional limitations living in a community instead in a medical facility. Under the reformed Telecom Rules, national telecoms regulatory authorities will in particular be required to promote "the ability of end users to access and distribute information or run applications of their choice". The making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services, including when they are used for the delivery of information society services or broadcast content services.
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