Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights: these are the core values of the EU. Die EU-Kommission gibt sich nach dem vorläufigen Stopp des Corona-Aufbaufonds weiter demonstrativ gelassen. Every year, it selects and funds the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based in Europe. The Council asked its preparatory bodies to start working on these proposals. On 15 March, the Commission introduced export authorisation requirements for exports of personal protective equipment outside of the European Union. ERC PRESIDENT AND SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL > As the ERC’s governing body, the Scientific Council defines the organisation’s funding strategy and methodologies. Welcome to the official European Commission Youtube Channel! POLITICO Europe covers the politics, policy and personalities of the European Union. Our coverage includes breaking news, opinion pieces, and features. EU-Kommission führt zwei Grundsätze für Impfstoff-Exporte ein Freigeschaltet am 27.03.2021 um 18:58 durch Sanjo Babić Deshalb solle der EuGH schnell vorläufige Maßnahmen gegen die Justizreform verhängen, fordert sie. PRESSE 95 PR CO 14 PRESS RELEASE 3228th Council meeting Justice and Home Affairs ... the EU's external borders, enhance EU security and contribute to better monitoring of border-crossings. The aim of the European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) is to put the spotlight on the creativity and diverse wealth of Europe’s contemporary literature in the field of fiction, to promote the circulation of literature within Europe and to encourage greater interest in non-national literary works. Cambodia is the second-largest beneficiary of EBA trade preferences, accounting for over 18% of all imports coming into the EU market under the EBA scheme in 2018. Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs 2 PE 596.835 indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction by any means and in any form, in whole or in Die EU-Kommission hat offenbar die führenden Hersteller von Corona-Impfstoffen zu geheimen Krisengesprächen in der kommenden Woche eingeladen. Das könnte sich als fataler Irrtum erweisen. EU imports from Cambodia totalled €5.3 billion in 2018, 95% of which entered the EU … This is a measure of temporary nature and not an export ban and is in line with all of the EU’s international obligations. The European Research Council, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the first European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. Die EU-Kommission fürchtet seit langem um die Unabhängigkeit der polnischen Richter. It runs three core grant schemes: Starting, Consolidator and Advanced. Einleitung. Den Kreislauf schließen – Ein Aktionsplan der EU für die Kreislaufwirtschaft. Das berichtet das …
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