Countries in Europe saw that. These EU issues include above all initiatives in the multilateral field, such as initiatives to protect civilians in armed conflicts, strengthening human rights and the rights of minorities, disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. close. That means: we can travel from Germany to France without showing our passports. than fighting against each other. The EU makes the rules. If a state wants to join the EU it has to fulfil many requirements. The European Union made the ‘Schengen Area’. EU sanctions are also applicable to all EU citizens operating anywhere in the world. The EU also assists farmers with a lot of money. Europa Universalis IV(EU4) is a grand strategy game that will take you on an epic adventure through an alternate history of Earth. For example, if you wanted to make a car in France and ship it to Britain, you would have to p… The Euro is the currency of 19 EU states. In the EU everyone may travel freely. The Schengen Area was made in 1985.Today 22 out of the 27 countries of the European Unionare part of the Schengen Area. A year, for example. treaty that led most of the European countries towards abolishment of their national borders If you have questions about the European Union,you can fill this online form here. A lack of knowledge of the rules can easily cause serious problems for any organisation that deals with tachograph liability. Most countries that are part of the European Union use the same coin.This coin is called ‘Euro’.Using the same coin helps countriesin the European Union to do business together.For example, people from Spaincan buy things they want from Belgiumeasily and without extra costs.Using the same coinmakes it easier for people to travel,buy things online from other countriesand have more options. This composer is called Ludwig van Beethoven. In an age of information, more data is available than ever before. The deals describe what the EU is responsible for. The European Union (abbreviation: EU) is a confederation of 27 member countries in Europe established by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992-1993. It’s a game-changing data privacy law set out by the EU, and it’s going to be enforceable from May 25th, 2018. The European Union has its own legislature and executive, as well as an independent judiciary and a central bank. Whoever travels through these countries does not need to change their money. Also, 4 countries outside the European Unionare part of the Schengen Area: That means that people can travel freely and easilyfrom one of these countries to another.This way it is easier for people to visit any of these countriesfor tourism or for work. Many rules are not made in a single country like Germany anymore. The EU budget is based on the idea that in some areas a euro spent by the EU is worth more for the common European good than a euro spent nationally. The Parliament is elected by the people. 9 EU states do not use the Euro. In every country of the European Unionpeople speak their own language.The European Union protects the right of peopleto communicate in their own language. (picture-alliance / dpa / Thomas Warnack). Overview of the EU treaties and legislation that regulate the working of the EU budget. Countries often make rules about things coming into their countries. The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The EU makes rules to ensure that we get our money back if a train or aircraft is very delayed. Thanks to the Schengen Area, it is now easier for peopleto travel for work or tourism. The melody shows how important it isthat all people are free, live in peaceand stand by each other.The European Union believes in these valuesand that is why it has chosen this melodyto be its anthem. … Many rules and laws are not made in Germany, France or Poland anymore. Contributions of 120 billion euros a year from member states fund the EU. The German parliament gets a certain amount of time to make the law. It sells many things and services to other countries. Things stay as they are are. How the European Union works. So after WWII, many countries felt it was important to integrate European countries — starting with the coal and steel industries and then expanding to a broader set of trade issues. ! Three bodies run the EU. EU countries can achieve much more together than on their own. It’s understandable. Things, services and money can also move freelyfrom one country of the European Union to another. As an aside, the education system barely explains British politics, let alone how the EU works, which would help. after two big wars happened in Europe. Europa Universalis IV is a game in which you explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate. LOL remember general studies A-level!! For example the EU decides on most things related to agriculture. Today, 27 countries are part of the European Union.These countries are: In June 2016 the United Kingdom decidedto stop being part of the European Union.So from 31 January 2020, the United Kingdomis no longer part of the European Union. It has created a common economic area with Europe-wide laws allowing the citizens of EU countries to move and trade in other EU countries almost the same as they do in … Share page. The most important thing to realize is that the player is an omnipresent, immortal leader of a country in which the rulers and armies within it will follow your every command. If they decide that a law must happen in Europe, check if the European Union works in the right, stand for the rights of all people in Europe. It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The agreement does at least partially smooth the flow of goods across British borders, but it leaves financial firms without the biggest benefit of E.U. Finally, the third phase of the EES began with the five year review in 2003 where the EES was repoliticised, due to the growing dominance of right wing governments in the EU. It’s a game-changing data privacy law set out by the EU, and it’s going to be enforceable from May 25th, 2018. One can also use the Euro in Portugal and Austria. Every citizen of an EU country may work or study in another EU country. If you want to listen to the anthem of the European Union, click here. The flag of the European Union is blueand has a circle of gold stars on it.It is a symbol that shows that the countries of the European Unionare united and stand by each other. Einfach erklärt., 9. It is a cornerstone of the UK constitutional system and also applies in … The EU treaties The European Union is based on the rule of law. The start date of 1444-11-11 (11th of November 1444) is set up to be as historical as possible. The European Union is a confederation of 27 member countries in Europe established by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992-1993. Freedom to work and live between the UK and the EU also comes to an end, and in 2021, UK nationals will need a visa if they want to stay in the EU more than 90 days in a 180-day period. However, as soon as the … Twenty years after Austria's accession to the European Union, numerous studies provide impressive proof that the Austrian economy profits significantly from its involvement in the growing internal market which is also reflected in the creation of jobs. The idea to make the European Union cameafter two big wars happened in Europe.Countries in Europe saw thatit is better to work togetherthan fighting against each other. At the moment, the EU is easily used as a “dog ate my homework” style excuse by British politicians for anything unpopular. This means that every action taken by the EU is founded on treaties that have been approved voluntarily and democratically by all EU countries. The European Union made it easier for peopleto move freely from one country to another.They can live, study or workin any country of the European Union they want.For example, a person from France can chooseto move to Italy and work there.Or a student from Belgium can go study in a university in Greece. These 9 EU states have their own currencies. The EU was formed in 1993 and nine years later the ‘Euro’ was established as the common currency among the EU member nations. An advert by the Home Office that tells EU citizens what they need to do to stay in the UK after Brexit has been banned by the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) for being misleading It's designed to … How the European Union started. But what has Greece to do with all of that? In the beginning, only 6 countries in Europe started working together: Soon, more and more countries in Europe joined themand the European Union was made. Mai 2019. In Germany, for example, the German parliament takes the new EU law and makes it law in Germany. The EU is a political and economic union of 28 countries that trade with each other and allow citizens to move easily between the countries to live … The European Commission is the EU staff. One can also use the Euro in Portugal and Austria. At the moment, the EU is easily used as a “dog ate my homework” style excuse by British politicians for anything unpopular. Share. Der Wochen-Rückblick in einfacher Sprache. The EU grew out of the European Economic Community which was established by the Treaties of Rome in 1957. For example, in World War II countries within Europe fought against one another, and it greatly hurt the continent. Give feedback about this website or report a problem, Institutions, bodies & agencies – contact & visit details, Public contracts in the EU – rules and guidelines,, Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), The European Data Protection Board (EDPB), things are fair for all people and nobody is left out. Fossil fuels (gas, solid fuels and oil) accounted for 73.8% of the total gross inland energy consumption in 2013 (83% in 1990), while renewables accounted for just 11.8%. That is why the European Unionmakes all important information and documentsin all the languages that people speak in its countries: This way all people in the European Unioncan get important information in their own languageand understand it. © European Easy-to-Read Logo: Inclusion Europe. Parliamentary sovereignty means that parliament is superior to the executive and judicial branches of government, and can therefore enact or repeal any law it chooses. Some countries are now working to become part of the European Union.These countries are: To become part of the European Union,these countries must workto make all laws and values of the European Unionhappen in them. The European Union uses the phrase ‘united in diversity’to show what its values are. As mentioned above, its principles were generalized and christened “Open Method of Coordination” at the Lisbon Summit (2000). Some professors say that over 70% of the laws of the EU countries are based on decisions of the EU. Other states are not allowed to be part of the EU. Parliamentary Sovereignty. There are many borders between EU countries where there are no check points or customs offices. As an aside, the education system barely explains British politics, let alone how the EU works, which would help. Germany. The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is a European Union initiative to which the European Payments Council actively contributes. There are some things that many EU states cooperate on. The Euro is the currency of 19 EU states. Big projects such as Galileo (the EU satnav system) could not … The European General Data Protection Regulation or simply “GDPR” is a new regulation replacing the Data Protection Directive. All individuals and entities within the European Union must observe EU sanctions and comply with the sanctions list. Every country has a melodythat better shows its values and culture as a country.This melody is called ‘anthem’. Nowadays the EES is a political compromise aimed to exclude both pure neo-liberal and social democratic … One example is the Euro. The EU-28 is still heavily dependent on fossil fuels, but it is decarbonising. The states made many new deals for this to happen. Your company being based in the US or elsewhere won’t save it from the (rather hefty) penalties that the EU has promised to impose should a brand fall short of GDPR compliance when dealing with EU citizen data. Click here to find more informationabout the European Union in your own language. What is GDPR? To get EU citizenship, you'll first need to establish residency in one of the 28 countries of the EU. On customs, both sides agreed to a remarkable balancing act: Northern Ireland will officially be part of the U.K.'s customs territory, meaning that it applies U.K. tariffs and can participate in future British trade deals, but at the same time the EU-U.K. customs border is placed in the Irish Sea, meaning that de facto Northern Ireland follows the EU's customs rules. The treaties are negotiated and agreed by all the EU Member States and then ratified by … How the EU budget works. The last EU-wide copyright law was put in place in 2001, when the internet was a dramatically different place to how it is today. The European Union's Stability and Growth Pact requires members not to run a budget deficit above 3% of GDP or take on debts greater than 60% of GDP. Information on the approval process, implementation, and control of the annual and long-term EU budget. The European Union plays an important role in the world in many ways.For example: To become part of the European Union,a country must: This may take a very long time to happen. They are made by the European Union. These 3 bodies are very important for the European Union.They work closely together to make things better in Europe: Other bodies that are important for the European Union are: There are also other bodies of the European Unionthat are doing important work.For example, there are bodies that: All these bodies work together to make sure that the European Union worksin the right way for the good of its people. Another example is the check-points at the international borders. (picture alliance / dpa / epa belga EC) Some states do not want to be part of the EU. Related Topics. One can pay for things with the Euro in Germany and in France. 9 EU states do not use the Euro. The Europea Union decides many things. Schengen: Controversial EU free movement deal explained. Easy to read is a wayto make information easy for everyoneto read and understand. Translation and interpreting in all EU institutions account for less than 1% of the EU's annual budget – equivalent to around €2 per person per year. One example is the Euro. Many translated example sentences containing "easily be explained" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. But don’t be fooled by the law emanating from the European Union. Businesses from an EU state may sell their products in every other EU … Austria held the EU Presidency in the second half of 1998 and the first six months of 2006. More information at Whoever travels through these countries does not need to change their money. Also, the EU protects consumers. The rules apply to all EU states. Published 24 April 2016. About sharing . The European Union is a group of 27 countries in Europe.These countries came togetherto make things better, easier and safer for people.They agreed to work together and help each other. EU summits and meetings of the EU Council can be interpreted into and out of all official EU languages; every MEP has the right to use their own language when speaking in the European Parliament. That is why the states formed a union together. The EU Council implements UN Security Council sanctions, along with its own autonomous sanctions, in the EU Consolidated Sanctions List. For instance: The European Union decides almost everything in the agricultural sector. A map of the European Union, made of bricks, with a EU-flag. They make sure all members act consistently in regional, agricultural, and social policies. it is better to work together. Copy link. Today, 19 out of 27 European Union countries use the euro. The Schengen Area is an area without borders.In this area, people can travel from country to country freely and easily.They do not have to go through checks and controlswhen they pass from one country to another. The EU states want to live in freedom with one another. After the European Union was created,there were no more wars between the countriesthat are part of the European Union.Thanks to the European Union,all countries in Europe work together in peace. Austria held the EU Presidency in the second half of 1998 and the first six months of 2006. It protects European Union … Continued Today the states of the European Union decide on many issues together. A glossary with the explanation of the most frequently used terms and some facts to dispel some widespread myths about the EU … We can travel from Austria to Italy without showing our passports. You may have heard about some measures taken by the Euro-countries to stabilize the economy and the Euro. That means: they  make the rules for farmers. The U.K. keeps paying into the budget but retains its rebate and keeps its opt-outs from the euro and the Schengen common travel area. The idea to make the European Union came. Overview of the EU treaties and legislation that regulate the working of the EU budget. The EU evolved such that member nations became like a ‘single market’ where trade/goods and services, and people were freely (without tariffs) able to move from one country to another as if all nations were a single country. Boris Johnson is grappling with MPs after he secured a final Brexit deal with the EU. For example, the state has to be a democracy. Free movement continues, as does membership of the customs union and single market. However, there are other borders where there are still check-points. Check the requirements in that country for gaining citizenship, but expect that you may need to live there for 5 or more years before you will be eligible. One can pay for things with the Euro in Germany and in France. The EU Council represents national governments. The EU has its own parliament, laws and currency (the euro – although the UK doesn’t use this as we stuck to our own pounds and pence). Die Europäische Union. But don’t be fooled by the law emanating from the European Union. All countries that are part of the European Union work togetherto make sure that: The countries of the European Unionshare some important values.For example, they work to make sure that all people are equaland their rights are respected. They want to reduce poverty in EU countries. European tachograph regulations. The European Union (or shorter: EU) has a big impact on the lives of people living both inside and outside the EU. In order to help protect customers from having theirs used improperly, new sanctions and regulations are being put into place. A glossary with the explanation of the most frequently used terms and some facts to dispel some widespread myths about the EU budget. Information on the approval process, implementation, and control of the annual and long-term EU budget. Under this fudge, U.K. customs authorities will check goods at British ports befor… These 9 EU states have their own currencies. These are supported and complemented by a set of institutions and bodies, the powers conferred on which derive from the founding Treaties. Brexit deal explained simply: What Boris Johnson agreed with EU in full . This article intends to be a brief guide that will be useful for drivers, planners and fleet operators who have to deal with tachographs, tachograph files and compliance. The European Union has its own anthem too.In 1985, people who make decisionsin the European Unionchose a melody of a very important composerto be the anthem of the European Union. In the beginning, only 6 countries in Europe started working together: Belgium. Read about its goals, benefits, and political, legal, and regulatory framework. In 2012, the European Union won a big awardwhich is called ‘the Nobel Peace Prize’.This award was given to the European Unionfor its good work keeping peace in Europe. Europe is a collection of countries that used to fight a lot. For instance, the EU makes rules so that electronic devices like refrigerators are safe to use. How the European Union works: become easily an EU expert. But they do not cooperate on everything. The EU grew out of the European Economic Community (EEC) which was established by the Treaties of Rome in 1957. When a new law is decided on, every individual state in the EU must adapt their own laws accordingly.
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