ǟtp�*�H�#�ܛI�� Such issues could hold implications for congressional authorization, appropriation, oversight, and treaty-making. In addition, a new vein of scholarship is examining how advances in artificial intelligence have the potential to shape the future of warfare. The Key Emerging Technologies. To address current and future threats and deter conflict, the Department of Defense must more aggressively test new operational concepts against emerging technologies. The second trend I want to highlight is how technology is opening new potential domains for the conduct of hostilities. June [edit | edit source] Voter Registration: Recent Developments and Issues for Congress (June 10, 2020). Ronald O’Rourke, “Navy Ford (CVN-78) Class Aircraft Carrier Program: Background and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service Report for Members and Committees of Congress… 30 0 obj Network Centric Operations (NCO) relies on computer equipment and networked communications China had already overtaken the US in the development of lethal autonomous weapons, according to the report, titled “Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress… Macroethical and Social issues in Emerging Technologies and the Military. Filed under Current Events ← Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance design for great power competition. 1809 0 obj How these technologies may be used in, and transform, the military and security realms is not yet fully understood and needs further scrutiny. <>stream Click. We discovered, as we studied the use of robotics, nano-science, bioscience, and cyber technologies, that very little attention has been given to issues of ethics and governance as these innovations move from the idea phase through application and use on the modern battlefield. The capabilities they could provide may directly or indirectly affect the preconditions for peace, the nature of conflicts and how insecurity is perceived and managed, by people and states. As former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel observed, this development has threatened to erode the United States traditional sources of military advantage. Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress; Aug. 4, 2020 Contributed by Sam LaGrone (USNI News) Members of Congress and Pentagon officials are increasingly focused on developing emerging military technologies to enhance U.S. national security and keep pace with U.S. competitors. Network-Centric Warfare Allows Technology to Dictate Military Strategy, Armed Forces Journal, Feb. 5, 2005, p.20-22. NATO Defense Innovation: Transatlantic Perspectives and Issues for Congress Congressional Research Service 2 Congress may consider what role it can play in supporting NATO’s adaptation to the changing technology environment. These are the technologies that can help ensure that the United States military will be able to fight and win the wars of the future. In recent years, however, technology has both rapidly evolved and rapidly … 2 U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Armed Services, “Testimony of Michael Griffin,” Hearing on New Technologies to Meet Emerging Threats, April 18, 2018, https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/18-40_04-18-18.pdf. These large UVs are called Large Unmanned Surface Vehicles (LUSVs), Medium Unmanned Surface Vehicles (MUSVs), and Extra-Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (XLUUVs). Military operations using emerging technologies and in new domains can involve actions that are not easily classifiable or fall below traditional thresholds for … cf�2��x%���Q��6g$m���pM}�3�G.���u}��%�H��\�ʱ�FI/~k~O�O��� ��ʼ�]�K�ڻ�e.7g̩�s�� ��'�v��L�~�!VJE�qi�o�c���N�L�a��1�m��Ǻ0�Z��Z��ͣ �s���bOOt���'>���* ����`��⩝^a�M�&U*�as:�)�`M����Fo����NG-�K�
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������Ntp�����M�� Members of Congress and Pentagon officials are increasingly focused on developing emerging military technologies to enhance U.S. national security and keep pace with U.S. competitors. Report#: R46458. China and Russia are assumed to be spending equivalent sums, indicating the initiation of a vigorous arms race in emerging technologies… Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress (July 17, 2020). x��V[o�0~G�?�G����oLR�]'U��H{����4���.a���w�6i�]�.`|���96@|�^|>�2���^YXl|��q�� The U.S. military has long relied upon technological superiority to ensure its dominance in conflict and to underwrite U.S. national security. Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress; Aug. 4, 2020 The Department of Defense DOD has undertaken a number of initiatives to arrest this trend. 4 0 obj Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress Kelley M. Sayler, Analyst in Advanced Technology and Global Security. This piece, an overview of the issues, is the first in a series for Arms Control Today (ACT) that will assess some of the most disruptive emerging technologies and their war-fighting and arms control implications. endobj Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress (R46458) Title: Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress. Emerging military technologies applied to urban warfare ICRC, Programme on the Regulation of Emerging Military Technologies, Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law, 21–22 March 2018* IHL symposium report Executive summary The roundtable on “Emerging Military Technologies Applied to Urban Warfare” brought together governmental, military and academic experts from various … >>/Reason()/Reference[<>/Type/SigRef>>]/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached/Type/Sig>> Background and Issues, by Amy F. Woolf. It also discusses relevant initiatives within international institutions to monitor or regulate these technologies, considers the potential implications of emerging military technologies, and outlines associated issues for Congress. Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress, updated November 10, 2020; Military Appellate Court: Presidential Comments Can Amount to Unlawful Command Influence, CRS Legal Sidebar, November 2, 2020; National Emergencies Act: Expedited Procedures in the House and Senate, October 14, 2020 Location Notes Your Loan Policy; Description Status Barcode Your Loan Policy; Login to view request options . endstream In honor of Memorial Day, we're talking a look at 10 of the coolest technologies currently being developed by the US military today. The U.S. military has long relied upon technological superiority to ensure its dominance in conflict and to underwrite U.S. national security. Emerging technologies are those technical innovations that represent progressive innovations within a field for competitive advantage. 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218 1-800-CAL-DTIC (1-800-225-3842), DID YOU KNOW? Vehicles: Background and Issues for Congress The Navy in FY2021 and beyond wants to develop and procure three types of large unmanned vehicles (UVs). Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress Congressional Research Service 1 Introduction Members of Congress and Pentagon officials are increasingly focused on developing emerging military technologies to enhance U.S. national security and keep pace with U.S. competitors. %���� Network Centric Operations: Background and Oversight Issues for Congress Introduction This report provides background information and discusses possible oversight Beyond the technological dimension of military innovation, the PLA is starting to progress from speculation to experimentation and even, in some cases, initial implementation as it attempts to advance military innovation Footnote 95 .The PLA has started to explore and evaluate the potential implications of emerging technologies for future military competition. This fact has significant consequences for warfare. 1^xѩ�"X�%�C�kbm �u�ܳ����2з[E������AJL'��Zdы���D
D�(�EC����Cx�Y�k���J�a ��an#D;��!�6 ���Ô`E,�CG|��j�� The figure below contains examples of the 26 threats in 4 categories—as identified by DOD, … We live in a digital world. The report, titled "Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress," examines six different weapons-technology categories, with … The U.S. military has long relied upon technological superiority to ensure its dominance in conflict and to underwrite U.S. national security. Programs to Collect Data on Law Enforcement Activities: Overview and Issues (July 6, 2020). range emerging threats that officials identified: Adversaries’ Political and Military Advancements, Dual-Use Technologies, Weapons, and Events and Demographic Changes. Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress Members of Congress and Pentagon officials are increasingly focused on developing emerging military technologies to enhance U.S. national security Technology and Global and keep pace with U.S. competitors. From the Report's SUMMARY: "Members of Congress and Pentagon officials are increasingly focused on developing emerging military technologies to enhance U.S. national security and keep pace with U.S. competitors. 7 The term grand strategy generally refers to a country’s overall strategy for … Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress … In recent years, however, technology has both rapidly evolved and rapidly proliferatedlargely as a result of advances in the commercial sector. 2009. The following is the March 18, 2020 Congressional Research Service report U.S.-China Strategic Competition in South and East China Seas: Background and Issues for Congress. DTIC has over 3.5 million final reports on DoD funded research, development, test, and evaluation activities available to our registered users. The report – “Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress” by the US Congressional Research Service – said the US was the … x��=]o�����Q*�'���"`�q�w�ŽM�}(��(�����N����or�I��[4�4
��9��כ��ؽ�������������_�K�����{�l��ݟ�_��#&�z�#�w�_�����W��_��$���çׯ�� u�c��w�����u�O�ew����O���O�_������>����w�y�|��{��E��������K} CRS Products CRS Report R46458, Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress, by Kelley M. Sayler Two technologies in particular, cyber and drones, feature in military and intelligence operations and in scholarship. Network Centric Operations: Background and Oversight Issues for Congress Summary Network Centric Operations (also known as Network Centric Warfare) is a key component of DOD planning for transformation of the military. In support of this strategy, DOD established a number of organizations focused on defense innovation, including the Defense Innovation Unit and the Defense Wargaming Alignment Group. View 842611.pdf from APPLIED PH 205 at NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi. The U.S. military has long relied upon technological superiority to ensure its dominance in conflict and to underwrite U.S. national security. Congressional Research Service 1 Introduction Issue for Congress This report provides background information and issues for Congress on three new ship-based weapons being developed by the Navy—solid state lasers (SSLs), the electromagnetic railgun (EMRG),1 and the gun-launched guided projectile (GLGP), also known as the hypervelocity For decades, Congress has helped steer U.S. … IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, 2009.ISSST ’09. Author (s): Kelley M. Sayler. V. The Pentagon’s emerging operational concepts have the potential to provide the U.S. military a decisive advantage, but they are not yet fully viable. The Navy requested $579.9 million in FY2021 research and development … ��OAvC�X2 �:,zW� ���L}�s.�Ǜ�ʯzk�zX�ս�w��=��j��>�τyQ��{�Ե�>��>��x4�½W�w�p��Э�������7���V}=�+ c�X�y1�lPc� ���I�EGX����~Էl@�#�����K�y�l)tk ���N�y���1_�_\�L����fGi��C�O�6U�A�@ �@�����ĸ��w�����O��������s:�z)R��s��� �s�J�3�~-5i1h�e�-B�Bb���1��a�-Ro��s�^�or*��X��3�#Q���P��Qi,E2��;����oj��qX���[�\��c�TfcGPA� I{!�hQ����W�h���{\ӕb��ۻ[���Ay���}�)D����S�7�J1���ۂ���LJ��~P������Q�`��\�+ ��秧�;5�� �����ة������tt30 ����d It is argued that technological and economic change means that this is an increasingly important issue. The U.S. military has long relied upon technological superiority to DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress, updated November 10, 2020; Military Appellate Court: Presidential Comments Can Amount to Unlawful Command Influence, CRS Legal Sidebar, November 2, 2020; National Emergencies Act: Expedited Procedures in the House and Senate, October 14, 2020 Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities—Background and Issues for Congress, by Ronald O'Rourke; and CRS Report R44196, The Chinese Military: Overview and Issues for Congress , by Ian E. Rinehart. The Department of Defense is spending billions of dollars on AI, robotics, and other cutting-edge technologies, contending that the United States must maintain leadership in the development and utilization of those technologies lest its rivals use them to secure a future military advantage. Engineering Ethics Related to Emerging Technologies with Military Applications General Allenby, Brad and Carolyn Mattick.
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