Elijah, he threatens Stefan that if anything happens to Katherine he will descend upon Elena. However, Freya revealed that Lucien had drank the serum and killing him had only helped him take the final step into his transformation into something even more powerful than an Original. And Elijah tells him if Freya betrays them he will torture her. Cami activated the Serratura and Tristan couldn't escape the crate. He doesn't believe her. They first meet when Rose kidnaps Elena in order to gain their freedom by handing her over to Elijah for the intention of using her as a sacrifice. Elijah's soul was fractured but still preserved in the pendant, nearly impossible to make contact with. Furthermore, he is identified as human. Back a the compound, Hayley confronted Elijah about if he had really considered murdering a child if it meant saving his family. He then says "Celeste. In We Have Not Long To Love, Elijah struggled with his returned memories and the guilt he felt over his part in Hayley's death. He was the son of Mikael and Esther Mikaelson, nephew of Dahlia and uncle to Mathias and Freya's Unborn Son, Nik and Hope Mikaelson. The premise is pretty much the same: high school student Elena Gilbert gets entangled with her new classmate, Stefan Salvatore and his brother, Damon, eventually discovering that both of … They tracked her down and took her hostage before Elijah called Tristan to threaten harm on Aurora and a meeting place to make an exchange: Aurora for the Serratura and Hayley, knowing Tristan wouldn't let his sister get hurt. In Alone with Everybody, after learning of Finn's return from Kol and knowing that the last remaining white oak bullet was out there somewhere, Elijah put the compound under lockdown, putting under Strix protection, referring to his family having a "stay-cation". They tried to reason with Marcel but he revealed his plans to finally bring down their family for all of the death and destruction they had brought. He thinks she's Klaus and wants to kill him. They reveal that Elijah and Niklaus both loved her equally and that it was her blood which was used to create The Original Vampires. First Met When Elijah demanded the truth, he learned compulsion, which forced her to tell him what she knew. A while after that the five Mikaelsons settled in Tuscany, Italy. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Elijah complains of the music Klaus makes Davina's friend played and Klaus agreed. Then she goes upstairs to explain it to Damon but Damon, convinced the elixir wouldn't work, forces her to drink his blood. Elijah woke up in a cell and heard the ritual taking place. Klaus assumed Elijah helped her because of their discussion the night Elijah requested a private audience with Dominic but Dominic brought two of his allies with him. Klaus shows up and attacks Elijah. In The Casket Girls, Elijah is first seen with Hayley before Casket Girls Festival as she tries on the dress. He then accompanies Klaus while he is talking to Francesca and they agree to make an allegiance since Marcel is being very vindictive. The two then realized they were being followed. Monique responds by casting a spell that places names all over his body. Finn asked Elijah not to destroy the bullet as it was their last chance of ever being free from their immortality, their last chance of escape. Antoinette staked Klaus and she and Elijah tried to run. His penchant for strategies and forming contingencies way ahead of time easily rivals Klaus', despite this, he has been outsmarted by Klaus on more than one occasion. Elijah eventually managed to convince Klaus to trust him and asked Antoinette to gather the Nightwalkers. Elijah later watched while Tristan offered Marcel a challenge to see if he was worthy to join The Strix. When he found Kol, his younger brother was furious over the idea that Finn would get a happy ending even after murdering him. Elijah says "Allow me." He then banished the Mikaelsons from New Orleans. This upsets Hayley. 1. But he said it was a meeting between kings and claimed he was also a king. Elijah visited him and explained why he killed Marcel five years ago, comparing it to Klaus sparing him now. Elijah explains to Stefan that his brother gave his word that he would reunite him with his family. Only 8 left in stock - order soon. With a portion of the Hollow in each of them, the siblings were forced to stay away from each other, since the dark magic inside them would grow in strength the closer they were. In Red Door, with Elijah still as her captive, Esther used her magic to make Elijah relive memories from his past that he had long since buried. After attacking Esther for going after his daughter Hope, Klaus rescued Elijah and brought him back to the compound where he was incapacitated in an almost coma-like state, suffering from Esther's torture. Status Hayley and Caroline (enemies) Rebekah and Hayley (allies/friends) Hayley and Sophie (allies) Appearances. Finn's magic began to weaken with the reveal, made worse when Klaus forgave Elijah, showing that he wasn't the vicious wolf Finn represented him as. Marcel then asked Elijah if he would mentor the first vampire of his new community, Gia, hoping that Elijah would do better with her than he had with him as a boy. Eventually finding it, he used the herb and got inside of his brother's head, helping him through the ordeal. It is possible that Elijah was a witch before becoming an Original Vampire and just never tapped into his power, as Esther was a witch. He also speculates that Katherine would have been released from the tomb when he died and Elena says she may be dead, however Elijah says that Klaus would rather make her suffer than kill her. When Marcel bit Kol with his fatal bite, Elijah jumped into the battle but was beaten down and also bitten by Marcel. Elijah went to Davina and gave her the first of the pages she was to receive from his mother's book and promised her if she could complete the spell, she would receive another page of her choosing. While Rebekah distracted Marcel, Elijah led the rest of the family to try and save Klaus. Vincent seemed to be successful in curing her, telling the Mikaelsons the best way to thank him was to leave New Orleans. Elijah isn't surprised, telling her its one of Klaus's favorite tricks. Tracking Will into the woods, Elijah and Vincent met up with Klaus, Hayley, and a reluctant Marcel. They see more explosives and they vamp speed out with Jackson before it explodes. Once Elijah had changed clothes and on his way out, Rebekah wanted to talk to him about leaving New Orleans with her, but come to realize that Elijah will never leave Klaus or the city, they both then say goodbye to each other. Freya tells Elijah and Rebekah that Dahlia plans on attacking them on that night. Elijah, stunned, asks him to elaborate. Elijah removing a moonlight ring from a dead wolf. Elena reads the letter Elijah wrote to her. He was forced to see that he had actually killed her due to his bloodlust as a newly turned vampire. They went looking for Aurora but got separated. Elijah tells her if they use Hope's magic to lure Dahlia. After Elena makes an excuse to Jeremy, Elijah and she go to her room. He screams loudly and Hayley seems worried. Elijah assured his brothers that the stag wasn't a correct totem for him since he wasn't as noble as he appeared. Elijah shows up at the lake house and tells Elena that their deal is off, and demands that Elena come with him. When Vincent resisted the idea due to Elijah's role in Davina's death, Elijah told him that he would do anything under the sun if it meant rescuing his niece and that Vincent was better off having at least one of the two evils he was up against by his side. In I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, after seeing another part of the prophecy from Alexis, Elijah discovered that Marcel had been abducted by The Strix, the ancient vampire society Elijah had started centuries ago. She tells him they wont be safe until Hope comes back. According to Elijah's Journal, he had begun noticing Rebekah and Klaus losing their humanity. He tells them he needs to speak with Hayley. Intimacy Levels Elijah promised to make all of the chaos around them right, and Hayley asked him to start by giving the knife to Marcel as a show of peace. Sometime later, he's visited by a woman, unknown to him as Rebekah. He tells her that he knows she has turned her emotions off and asks why. Ever since she could remember, the strange lettering has been engraved down into her wrist, pale enough for no one to notice, but rough enough in … Elijah broke down in front of his siblings. In the year 1492 Elijah met Katerina Petrova, who was the Doppelgänger of Tatia and moments later, showed her to his younger brother Niklaus. She tells him she went through the whole thing and it's just a regular Bible with an entry in a family tree, that may or may not be hers, but she's been busy worrying about Elijah. Elijah takes Celeste and the cure from Hayley. The dark magic brewing in her made her collapsed and Elijah rushed her to Klaus. Klaus is clearly hurt but angry at the accusation, especially because Elijah chose to believe her over him. Klaus then tells him how New Orleans will soon be consumed by fire and tells him he won't let the town burn down a third time. Klaus then kidnaps Davina's friend he stays at his side, playing until Davina arrives. In his attempt, the witch Agnes takes Sophie hostage and uses the link between her and Hayley to put a curse on Hayley. They found him in a tavern where he drank and feasted on humans carelessly. Elijah Mikaelson :) March 2021. He reminded Aya that if she killed him she would die too, to which she acknowledged was true, at least for the time being. Elena says she will kill herself if he refuses to protect her loved ones even if they harm him, knowing he needs her alive. Elijah reminds her she's taken take backs many times during the centuries and even when their father found them in New Orleans a hundred years ago and chased them from the city. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Elijah told Freya that he daggered Rebekah, much to her shock and confusion. She tells them about the new wolves that has came into town. When Rebekah is free he breaks Thierry's neck and confronts her and blames her for conspiring against her own blood. She reaffirmed her previous devotion to him and the pain she had felt that he left her despite her loyalty to him. Sophie further tries to blackmail Elijah and reveals that if Sophie dies, so do Hayley and her child. Elijah grew angry with Finn's claims and told him that as a vampire, he was as self-loathing as their father but rather than be wrathful, he was simply tedious. When she confronts Klaus, she flashes back to 1820, New Orleans, when her family was happy, even Elijah who was seen kissing a woman named Celeste. While waiting to meet with Rebekah at a quiet diner, a waitress accidentally spilled some coffee on Elijah's suit. Elijah now understands Freya wants to use Hope as bait. That night, once the party had begun, Elijah addressed the attendants, telling them that the party was to celebrate an alliance between the Mikaelsons and Marcel; despite having Marcel captive. Supernatural information Once he does, he thinks Elena is Katherine, calling her "Katerina". FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Hayley scoffs at his request and asks him if he really thinks the baby will be safe there. Then, their mother took her leave, knowing that they'd see things her way eventually. When he arrived back at the Mikaelson mansion, he discovered Hayley was gone and called Rebekah if Hayley was with her, Klaus then came and told him that Marcel had been here. He boxed up his old belongings, including his ring, and put them at his feet. But he says he would like if she could help. Klaus daggered Elijah once they arrived at Alaric's apartment, but eventually Elijah was un-daggered by Damon Salvatore. In Don't It Just Break Your Heart, Elijah told Antoinette how much he enjoyed the feeling of sundown without a daylight ring, and how liberating it was. Later, after Elena talked with his mother, she lied to Elijah by telling him his mother only wanted to apologize for trying to have her killed. Rebekah and Elijah are still in the bayou, looking for wolves. Elijah promises Klaus that Hope will not be harmed.
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