my subjects shall appear before me: I have spoken! Definition of digga in the dictionary. Man sagt dude auch in England? Ugga Dugga’s can be counted infinitely, but it is commonly understood that 5 Ugga Dugga’s is the maximum for torque, while 3 Ugga Dugga’s is sufficient to hold most projects according to Urban Dictionary. So, you want to learn German slang? (e.g. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. You can search the forum without needing to register. Who would have believed that Juliana and Gustavo would end up together? gold digger synonyms, gold digger pronunciation, gold digger translation, English dictionary definition of gold digger. "Digga" = Dicker - das wäre möglich. This begs the question; for what ungodly reason would we ever require more than 5 … Después de decir la homilía, el sacerdote reparte la comunión. Ach du liebe Zeit, ja, Ihr werdet recht haben. Ich glaube, mein Freund sagt es: That's rad, dude. ; what does your family say about the wedding? Erst mal auf Hochdeutsch übersetzen, und dann können wir anfangen, über Englisch nachzudenken. 33 33. It's just a manner of speaking. Sorry, I think you might have to explain the German meaning of derbe Digga before I can think of an English translation! Genau. his name is Francisco, but he's known as Paco; en México se le dice "recámara" al dormitorio, in Mexico they say "recámara" instead of "dormitorio". World leader in Auger, Ground Anchor & Foundation Drives and Augers. ALso ich wollte mal wissen, ob es das für das "derbe Digga" in diesem Zusammenhang gibt. Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. el hombre guapo, el sol amarillo). Sign up for free today. although he isn't the manager, he's the person in charge, so to speak, of the company; pues si esto te parece mucha gente, no te digo, if you think this is a lot of people, you should see it in summer. Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited, Para otras expresiones con el participio, ver. Ahnma: Was bedeutet das? I bought a book.). "De tal palo, tal astilla" es un decir popular. General (1 matching dictionary) Digga: Wordnik [home, info] Slang (1 matching dictionary) digga: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Ich glaube, es soll Freund sein. Te ves cansado.). ¿Quién hubiera dicho que Juliana y Gustavo acabarían juntos? jeffery: hey man did yo see that nigga-digga get his ass whooped by tha kkk last wednsday? he's a dealer, for want of a better word; ¿así que tenías hambre? Don Laureano Díaz, buenas noches, usted dirá.Buenas noches, pues.. Good evening Mr LD, what is it you'd like to say? Type Chinese Pinyin syllables to get a list of corresponding Chinese characters. Can I ask a favor of you? Ich glaube, es ist ein neues weird. ", they say it's going to be a very dry summer. Translate Diga. A pronominal verb always uses a reflexive pronoun. Sehr gut! Er sagt rad für alles. Aber immerhin ganz schön amerikanisch... hier mal ein Beispiel zur universellen verwendung von. Ursprünglich vielleicht, SteffB, aber heute heißt es mehr so was wie Kumpel, Alter und dergleichen. dicker literally means fatty but in german is used as 'dude' or 'bro' dicker -> digga = same thing NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WORD NIGGA/NIGGER IN ENGLISH! Für Gillespie. Trifft's nicht ganz, aber vielleicht doch. Me dije que no volvería a empezar a fumar. also ich hab "rad" grad vor 2 Tagen gehört :P war aber glaub ich auch nur ein einzelfall. Im Lied "Ahnma" der Beginner werden folgende Zeilen gesungen: "Was los, Digga, ahnma - Wie wir gucken, wie wir labern - Jeder sagt Digga heutzutage - Wir packen Hamburg wieder auf die Karte". More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). quisiera invitarte a cenar fuera, ¿qué dices? Learn more with unlimited dictionary access. Das habe ich in einem anderen Faden schon 'mal geschrieben. Telehandlers, tractors and Backhoes including Augers, Auger Drives, Trenchers, Brooms, buckets, aluminium ramps, post hole borers and much more mis súbditos se presentarán ante mí ¡he dicho! diggah, "DIGGA" is ein hamburger wort der von jugendlichen (einschließlich mir)benutzt wird.
Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Also, wenn ich Euer Gepräch #28-30 mal detektivisch-logisch weiterdenke: Gillespie hat sich als Hamburger geoutet, das in Kombination mit "Hills" - kann doch eigentlich nur zu den Harburger Bergen führen, oder? Gillespies Vorschläge für "Digga" scheinen eher für den amerikanischen Sprachraum passend zu sein ("Holmes" ist mir ganz unbekannt!). Es heißt Dicker. Doing business with prisoners from Alcatraz. Synonym wäre "krass", "ueber" (im Neu-Englisch :)) oder "heftig". We put a lot of love and effort into our project. German slang, similar to 'dude' in english.. comes from the word dicker originally. les ha costado más cara que mi casa, y eso ya es decir, it cost them more than my house did, and that's saying something. Digga D is a drill artist who is the only guy his age in West London with a sniper. zum Link aus 42: Unbedingt den Leserbrief beachten!! ja, schon seit so 5 Jahren sagen die echt korrekten Leute Diggi. i mean he was on my property pickin my cotton... he shoulda had that goin for him a LONG time ago Fred: yea man that nigga-digga was tha shiznit. i want to go bust some caps in dat fool
Um fortfahren zu können, müssen Sie eine Cookie-Auswahl treffen. See more. Please note: Contributions to LEO GmbH are not tax deductible. Gold digger definition, a person who seeks or digs for gold in a gold field. Nicht zuletzt durch den damaligen Hiphop-Hype in der Hansestadt. Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu, um sie der neuen Größe anzupassen. ¿Le puedo pedir un favor? You need to be logged in to use the vocabulary trainer. (Bild: Im nächsten Praxistipp zeigen wir Ihnen, was die … Someone who only likes people because of how much money they have, or because of the items they own. We also offer a range of augers and drilling accrssories. Jetzt heißt es alles. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ich weiß es. I told myself that I wouldn't start smoking again. Und zum Digga gehört auch Alda. Riggers. Miguel se lava.). All of them also invariably greet our dog with "Na Dicker.". La Biblia dice que uno debe amar al prójimo. See more words with the same meaning: unintelligent person, idiot . Registration and use of the trainer are free of charge. einfach nur ein relativ universal einsetzbarer Kraftausdruck. En Puerto Rico a la basura se le dice "zafacón". - ¡Claro! Ich meinte genau diese inhaltlich nicht näher definierten und universell einsetzbaren Begriffe, wie sie in #12-14 aufgelistet worden sind: voll geil, cool, heftig, krass etc. "Like father, like son" is a popular saying. Live with the gun, die through the gun, BBM that is Ganglife Digga* (check Urban Dictionary) Supply the neighborhood with Hashish plates. Your contribution supports us in maintaining and developing our services. Registration and participation are free! ", una situación que tan mal dice de nuestro gobierno, a situation which shows our government in such a bad light, al verlo me dije: —han pasado muchos años, hablar portugués, lo que se dice hablar, no sé. One who has nothing to offer society but their hole digging capabilities. "Derbe" ist doch kein Kraftausdruck, liebe Anna! I keep thinking to myself, what would have happened had I taken that job? In Puerto Rico, the trash is called "zafacón. - Of course! „Digga“ (auch Digger, Digga, Dicker) wurde vor allem in den 90er Jahren in Hamburg geprägt. Have you tried it yet? Based in Dyersville Iowa we service the piling, screw anchor and foundation construction industries in North America, USA. See Nigger Digger. man, dog, house). Könnte "Digga" zärtlich für "Dicker" sein? aunque no es el director es, como quien dice, el que manda en la empresa. auf der Liste... @the kat: Ja, eben. The Bible says we should love our neighbor. Crack and heroin dealer, which gang has more credibility? I can't really speak Portuguese properly; pongamos, es un decir, que Picasso naciera en Madrid, let's suppose, just for the sake of argument, that Picasso had been born in Madrid, "¡Qué tiempo más malo!" Google hat es, und es kommt auch in Liedern vor, von das Bo. Also derbe is hier schon so gemeint, dass es ne "krasse" Aktion war, also heftig, im SInne von cool. Oh, da waren zwei schneller... #2 und 3 hatte ich noch nicht gesehen, als ich meinen Beitrag schrieb. Das heißt sowas wie: Das ist voll geil/cool, Alter/Dicker. Listen to Digga D's debut mixtape Double Tap Diaries here: Also visit Digga D's official website here: Define gold digger. "Digga" = Dicker - das wäre möglich. After the priest says the homily, he hands out Communion. 1. my friend says (that) you're very pretty; la miré y me dijo que sí/no con la cabeza, I looked at her and she nodded/shook her head, se lo dije bien claro, pero no me hizo caso. Digga comes from Dicker, which is a very popular piece of slang originating from Hamburg. Dicker as a word for Kumpel, Freund etc. One of the best ways to build new vocabulary, and sound more like a native, is to learn the German slang words people use every day. Dan Stagnitta is on Facebook. rah digga: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Words similar to rah digga Usage examples for rah digga Words that often appear near rah digga Rhymes of rah digga Invented words related to rah digga: Search for rah digga on Google or Wikipedia. pues haberlo dicho, hombre, le dejó dicho lo que tenía que hacer antes de irse, antes de morir dejó dicho que la casa era para su hijo, a ver cuando me pagas lo que me debes, dicho sea de paso, but she didn't want to because of what people might say, she's always worried about what people will say. Ich habe eine Frage für dich. a female dat only hangs out, dates, or sleeps wit a guy fo his money (Inkl. He will quick scope anyone that tries to mess with him. do you mean a million rather than a billion? Go ahead, how can I help you? mis súbditos se presentarán ante mi ¡he dicho! See 20 authoritative translations of Diga in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. —¿te gustaría cambiar de coche? — "you bet I would! I said to myself, this doesn't feel right. "Holmes" ist mir auch neu, dafür fehlte "homey" (sp?) A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. YOU won’t know when or where he is when he is looking for you. what do you want me to say?, what can I say? we could go to Portugal, what do you say? Liebe(r) sbdy, dann habe ich mich vielleicht nur missverständlich ausgedrückt. What do you say about the new law on transportation? Meaning of digga. Thank you! ¿Qué dices de la nueva ley de transporte? A masculine noun is used with masculine articles and adjectives (e.g. It's very informal and mostly used by teenagers.|In addition to what was already said: I've mostly heard it used by boys. Ich habe es mir jetzt selbst gefunden, ich will es hier vollständig machen. Information and translations of digga in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … My 40+ husband's circle of friends refer to each other sometimes as "Dicker" as in "Na Dicker, wie geiht dir dat denn?" I give pumpgun shots like motherfucks. The man sneezed.). Now I will recite a poem I wrote about lost love. Come on, don't get annoyed! Oi Digga, U wanna cruise down the bottly 'n hook us up a couply riggers o 4 X (an Aussie Beer). Es hieß awesome. Join Facebook to connect with Dan Stagnitta and others you may know. I told her quite clearly, but she didn't take any notice of me; dile que venga a cenar mañana con nosotros, ask him to come and have supper with us tomorrow, me ha dicho que le traiga un vaso de agua. the one all the ladies want. ganz klar Hamburg. Also mit einem entsprechend universal einsetzbarem englischen Pendant zu … English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. El que no lo interese planear la boda me dice que Jorge no está listo para casarse. Es ist nur interessant für mich. Ich dachte, in England sagt man es vielleicht nicht. Me sigo diciendo, ¿qué hubiera pasado si hubiera aceptado ese trabajo? It's an inside joke among friends they've used since their early teens. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. Als ob sich Männer "zärtliche" Spitznamen geben würden... :). has been around for at least 30 years in Hamburg. Search completed in 0.024 seconds. We found 2 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word digga: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "digga" is defined. Und ein bisschen Kontext könnte auch nicht schaden. A reflexive verb is a verb that indicates that the subject performs an action on itself (e.g. Digga Australia specialise in earthmoving Machinery Attachments for Skid Steer Loaders, Excavators. Die Fenstergröße wurde verändert. You need to be logged in to start a new thread. —no es nada complicado —bueno, si tú lo dices ... you ought to look for a job, that's what I say; if you ask me, you ought to look for a job; dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres, my cousin, that is (to say) Ana's daughter, eso es todo lo que opino al respecto y no hay más que decir, canceló la rueda de prensa pues pensaba que no había nada más que decir, es, por así decirlo, la causa de todos mis males. Teile dieser Seite funktionieren nur mit aktiviertem JavaScript. Und "derbe" ist m.W. What does digga mean? "would you like a new car?" The fact that he's not interested in planning the wedding tells me Jorge's not ready to get married. Eso fue lo único que me dijo, Me dijo que tenía una entrevista de trabajo, "Lo he perdido todo", dijo entre sollozos, Dijo con voz ronca algo sobre necesitar un médico, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011. hole digger: [noun] an idiot. Dime, ¿en qué lo puedo ayudar? Thank you for supporting LEO by making a donation. KB. —¡hombre, ya me dirás! You use it to call another person. Man sagt dude auch in England. Ahora voy a decir un poema nuevo que escribí sobre el amor perdido. Definition of Digga It's a slang word and means something like "homie" or "bro", I guess.
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