According to the Commission, digital markets display typical characteristics that can result in outcomes that are not competitive but that are beyond the reach of the current competition rules. The European Commission is currently consulting on a proposal for a new power (the NCT) that would allow them to impose behavioural and structural remedies in markets where they have identified certain competition issues. Commission, Parliament and Council), National Competition Authorities, as well as industry representatives to discuss the pros and cons of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) proposal. Any new registrations, contact the office! Action 10 (shared by DG AGRI and DG COMP). If used properly, AliExpress data can be your best product research tool. Competition policy is about applying rules to make sure companies compete fairly with each other. Don't worry, the survey is completely anonymous. In particular, the EU executive body would be able to impose remedies in markets characterised by structural competition problems without the need to identify a specific competition law infringement. What is even more striking is the proximity between the objectives the DMA seeks to achieve - aiming to ensure the contestability and fairness of digital markets - and those of competition laws - to ensure that markets continue to function … We don’t have enough data to display all the information typically shown here. Place Madou 1 / Madouplein 1 • 1210 • (postal office Box: 1049) • Bruxelles / Brussel • Belgium According to the Commission, options 1 and 2 would be more challenging to apply effectively as they would necessarily involve an investigation and the application of the legal test for a finding of dominance. Sign up for a free trial find marketing opportunities using our tools for: Content and topic analysis (New) Competitive … Inspired by the powers of the UK Competition & Market Authority (CMA) in the context of market investigations, the NCT would grant to the European Commission new enforcement powers. Introducing PRO ComplianceThe essential resource for in-house professionals. A core aim of the NCT is to strengthen competition enforcement in all sectors and making sure that competition policy and rules are fit for the modern economy. The 2016 Milk package (at the Council’s initiative) and the 2017 Omnibus Regulation (at the EP’s initiative) already enhanced the collective negotiation powers of farmers. He is in charge of competition enforcement through Antitrust, Merger and State aid control in IT, media and telecom markets. The Commission is looking towards the future and is acutely aware that more traditional sectors of the economy are inevitably going to adopt more digitally enabled outlets to connect with customers. The DG Comp’s own 2007 Single Market Review first identified economically important sectors, then examined indicators of market performance, such as the degree of competition and the sector’s openness to investment and innovation. The European University Institute (EUI) invites you to the online conference “The Digital Markets Act: EU Competition Policy at a Crossroads.” Within the EUI, the event is organised under the umbrella framework of the Technological Change and Society research group cluster, as a first-time joint venture between the Florence Competition Programme (FCP) and the EU Competition Law and Policy Workshop. Subscribe now b. the characteristics that such a NCT should have in order to address structural competition problems in a timely and effective manner. The Digital Services Act consultation - new … DG Comp reduced fines against the three companies involved in the cartel – Dole, Del Monte/Weichert and Chiquita – by at least 60 per cent, chiefly because the industry was governed by a regulatory regime based on quotas and import tariffs. Particular market characteristics that the Commission highlights as being problematic relate to what they term as “structural risks for competition” and a “structural lack of competition”. 26 Competition law experts usually agree that political meddling is extremely rare in the intermediate stages of an investigation, as EU officials fear the possibility of an appeal before the European Court of Justice. This encourages enterprise and efficiency, creates a wider choice for consumers and helps reduce prices … The Commission makes plain that the magnitude of the shift in the status quo caused by the rise of digital markets and the characteristics typical of these markets has heavily influenced its approach to the new initiative. Sweet Sixteen Season, Take Two! August 24, 2018 11:27 am. The Commission’s view is that the NCT is required to ensure competition policy and rules that are fit for the modern economy, with a particular focus on digital markets. On the other hand, the NCT opens important questions in terms of legal certainty for the undertakings, and it blurs the traditional difference between ex-ante regulation and ex-post competition enforcement. Posted on15th October 202024th November 2020. During the online conference, the authors of the reports will present their studies and engage in a debate with practitioners. Netherlands. Become your target audience’s go-to resource for today’s hottest topics. This sector screen showed that the Food and Beverages market was performing poorly. "I enjoy your publication and read it religiously. Protocol 4 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement covers the powers of ESA in the field of competition. Options 1 and 3 would be applicable across all markets, similar to how Articles 101 and 102 TFEU are currently applied. In terms of social impacts, not surprisingly, the Commission identifies option 3 – the least restrictive and most wide-ranging option – as likely to have the biggest impact in terms of safeguarding consumer welfare in the long term. RELATED MATERIALS . The Commission, however, is looking towards the future and is acutely aware that more traditional sectors of the economy are inevitably going to adopt more digitally enabled outlets to connect with customers. Such scenarios cannot be addressed under the current competition rules but could be tackled through a new market investigation tool … The European Commission, together with the national competition authorities, directly enforces EU competition rules, Articles 101-109of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU), to make EU markets work better, by ensuring that all companies compete equally and fairly on their merits. We explore insights from the similar tool in the UK, show how it has already operated in some markets to impose interoper-ability and data portability remedies on platforms, accelerat-ing innovation, technological development and competition, and make recommendations for how market investigations With this poll, we want to find out how the competition community feels about DG COMP's enforcement and policy priorities for the next EU Commission mandate. When we ran our meme contest, Isabelle de Silva (President of the French Competition Authority) suggested that we should again use the best memes … In parallel to the NCT public consultation, the European Commission has also launched a consultation concerning a Digital Services Act (DSA). The Commission can currently enforce competition law in a number of ways, including: investigations where it suspects a breach competition law (e.g. While the precise content of the proposal is still unknown, the latter has already received some attention by academics. Amongst other things, this event is intended to generate input that can be used at the traditional yearly session of EU Competition Law and Policy Workshop in the Spring/Summer 2021. Finally, Mr Chapman emphasised the call for reassurance on the length and cost of investigations, as well as the applicable checks and … per se allowed) by dominant online platforms, leaving to competition law enforcement the task of assessing the ‘grey’ conducts that do not fall under any specific category. Two competition … Businesses operating on (traditionally) non-digital markets may be surprised to learn that the reach of whatever NCT is adopted will have (at least) the potential to disrupt their industry. CategoriesNews, Online ConferenceTagsdigital services act, new competition tool, Technological Change and Society research group cluster. While the Commission accepts that these characteristics have most recently been identified in digital or digitally-enabled markets, it does not rule out the application of the NCT (under options 2 and 4) in other sectors (highlighting that the entire economy is increasingly digitised). Ex Ante-Ante Intervention (or, the “New Competition Tool (‘NCT’)”) The third pillar of the new antitrust revolution is a new market investigation tool to address “certain structural risks for competition” with a particular emphasis on markets with network, scale, and data effects (e.g. In particular, the EU executive body would be able to impose … The Commission would not be required to establish any actual competition law infringement has occurred and would not be required to establish the dominance of any single competitor. If DG COMP plays by the bloc's HR rules, several bosses will have to pack their bags and leave the department's Madou Tower headquarters next year. Dollar General makes shopping for everyday needs simpler and hassle-free by offering an assortment of the most popular brands at low everyday prices in convenient locations and online. Kaggle is the world’s largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals. Understand your clients’ strategies and the most pressing issues they are facing. DG COMP cases can all be summarized as being a four-stage process: the opening, the investigation, the right to defence, the close. Competition. Inspired by the powers of the UK Competition & Market Authority (CMA) in the context of market investigations, the NCT would grant to the European Commission new enforcement powers. The European Commission ("EC") just announced two new studies in the mobile payments sector. The event is timely since the Commission is expected to publish the DMA proposal by the end of 2020. This benefits consumers, businesses and the European economy as a whole. The overarching goal of the NCT is to give the Commission a new power that would allow them to impose behavioural and structural remedies in markets where they have identified certain competition issues. However, the Commission also makes clear its view that these characteristics can also exist in non-digital markets, and that the increasing digitalisation of the economy will inevitably result in the differences between digital and non-digital markets becoming increasingly blurred. While DG COMP has to examine all notified mergers (see paragraph 16), it enjoys discretion in deciding whether to investigate alleged infringements of antitrust rules. Use An Amazon Niche Product Finder Tool Like Jungle Scout. However, given that the new competition tool allows the imposition of remedies without a finding of illegality, the Commission might, in fact, resort to the new competition tool rather frequently, and perhaps to the detriment of existing, more tightly constrained powers. DG COMP . The Commission envisages clarifying the scope of competition rules in the TFEU for collective initiatives that promote sustainability in food supply chain. DANCERS INC. Competitions & Conventions For a new Generation by a new Generation. The latter legislation would also introduce an ex-ante regulation vis-à-vis digital gatekeepers: the DSA, in fact, would include both a list of ‘black’ behaviours (i.e. The conference aims to gather academics, practitioners, officials from the EU institutions (i.e. ... add New Notebook add New Dataset. The two Inception Impact Assessments the DMA Proposal is based on attribute the lead role to DG CNECT and DG GROW, with regard to the ex-ante regulatory instrument, and to DG COMP, regarding the market investigation mechanism (formerly presented as the ‘New Competition Tool’). The next generation search tool for finding the right lawyer for you. 19 avenue Jean Aicard 75011 Paris, France 106 West 32nd Street, Suite 144 New York, NY, 10001, USA 563 Chiswick High Road W4 3AY London, UK It is striking to see that the DMA borrows very largely from competition laws, and from the tools and investigation means available to competition authorities. However, the market is still not achieving competitive outcomes due to, for example, high concentration, high entry barriers, consumer lock-in, lack of access to data or data accumulation. We have often claimed that the competition community is special, and that the people in it are special too (mostly in a good way ;-)). Email: The Commission notes that part of the rationale of the impact assessment for a possible New Competition Tool, which it launched on 2 June 2020, 46 is to address structural risks for competition that may require early intervention to prevent the creation of powerful market players with an entrenched market and/or gatekeeper position. The combination of data with technologically advanced tools such as pricing algorithms and machine learning is increasingly changing the competitive landscape in the digital markets. Options 3 and 4 would cover all identified structural competition problems, including scenarios involving dominant companies, but also structural competition problems that are not necessarily related to dominance (e.g. It's our party and we'll dance if we want to. Following the outcome of the consultation (in addition to other evidence and data collection exercises), the Commission has signalled its intention to publish a legislative proposal regarding the NCT in Q4 of 2020. 344-5 Route 9, #321. ", © Copyright 2006 - 2021 Law Business Research. The proposal will later be debated within the Council and the European Parliament in the course of 2021. Time's up for about 40 percent of the managers at the European Commission's competition department. A proposed new competition tool to deal with structural competition problems across markets which the Commission perceives could not be tackled or addressed effectively on the basis of the current competition rules (e.g. In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Commissioner Vestager is reported to have indicated that DG Comp’s review of Google’s plan to buy Fitbit Inc. for $2.1 billion will not involve privacy regulators. Businesses are increasingly more dependent on them to reach their customers resulting in those platforms wielding market power over those businesses (whose success depends on access to markets and consumers). Businesses operating on (traditionally) nondigital markets, however, may be surprised to learn that the reach of whatever NCT is adopted will have (at least) the potential to disrupt their industry. Articles 53 - 60 of the EEA Agreement covers competition. Much of the Commission’s focus in recent years has been on the unique competition issues borne out by the digital economy. 2. In June 2017 the OECD Competition Committee held a roundtable on the topic as a part of the wider work stream on competition in the digital economy, in order to discuss some of the challenges raised by algorithms. The Commission is expected to publish a legislative proposal by the end of 2020. The Commission is currently seeking feedback on the latter two points. If you feel like helping us, please complete the questionnaire by 25 May. In October 2019, it was reported in the press that DG COMP had opened a competition law investigation against Apple in relation to its Apple Pay service.
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