In his youth, his father William left him and his mother Diana as he could no longer deal with her paranoid schizophrenia, among other things. JJ mentions in "Neon Terror" that Reid was feeling apprehensive about his first lesson just before the team receives word of the case of Jeffrey Whitfield. In "Conflicted", Reid correctly profiles the victim/murderer, Adam Jackson/Amanda, and successfully talks him down from murdering his abuser, his step-father. (", He is good at playing cards and won over $2,000 while playing on a machine in Las Vegas, but he let a "hooker" keep his winnings. Charlie McDowell is the newest member of the BAU. In the episode "Damaged", he managed to save himself and Hotch from Chester Hardwick (who intended to kill them as a way to evade the execution of his death sentence) by giving a thirteen minute lecture on the medical explanations for Chester's condition and behavior. This leaves Reid extremely worried about his well being. However, she later tells Prentiss that she believes he manufactured the memory in a desperate attempt to find an answer to his circumstances. In "Collision Course", Prentiss hired a lawyer, Fiona Duncan, for him. "Extreme Aggressor" Reid has an eidetic memory, meaning that he can remember an exceedingly large amount of information with extraordinary detail. Prentiss arranges for him to teach seminars to new agents during his time off. He is the only main character to appear in the opening sequence of every episode. Mostly Spencer Reid, but maybe a few familiar faces at some point. Based on the later episodes, Reid does not seem to suffer any after-effects. (", After being on crutches since the second episode of Season Five, Reid was only using one crutch in ", He appeared without cane or crutches in the. I'm currently in treatment at the moment. On Morgan's advice (who told him "chicks dig magic"), he performed an impressive illusion with a pen and a flier showing a police sketch of the unsub. He tends to miss social cues at times (for example, unknowingly changing the subject of a conversation). This disappoints Reid, and he tries to find another study that his mother could participate in. Morgan worries that Reid is suffering from migraines, but Reid has not been having them for awhile. Alive "Miss .45" and "The Black Widow Killer", was a misandristic, psychopathic, narcissistic, and international prolific serial killer, hitwoman, and later proxy killer who first appears in Season Eleven of Criminal Minds. BAU Special Agent Reid also cites that he has barely slept, fearing that he will dream about her. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. He has also used revolvers taken from two unsubs: He took, He considered studying the classics (literature) but had previously read all of the course material so he opted to go to Caltech and study Mathematics instead (according to an article on, Reid has an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute. Throughout the entire case, he is consoled by Rossi and opens up to him about the fact that he never saw her personally prior to her death and that he never even touched her once. Feel free to submit! In "Lauren", it is Reid and Garcia who react strongest to the news of Prentiss' supposed death at the hands of Ian Doyle when he's told, he tries to run out of the room and winds up sobbing on JJ's shoulder after telling her that he "never got a chance to say goodbye". He is still very particular about staying clean, as seen in "Amplification" when he strictly refused to take any narcotic painkillers after Chad Brown infected him with Anthrax. By the end of the episode, it was revealed that his mother was one of the several participants who had to be cut out of the study due to unexpected budget restraints. Until Season Twelve, she resided in that same mental institution and Reid had stated that he sent letters to Diana every day because of the guilt he felt for not visiting her. The girl gave as good as she got. After 15 seasons, Criminal Minds finally ended its epic run in 2020. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for. He later made amends with both Prentiss and JJ. In "The Apprenticeship", Morgan takes Reid out to practice hitting a baseball as his team is in need of another substitute player. Specialty Its my interpretation of what would happen if Spencer and Max, met earlier. After she makes a nasty comment about Reid's mother, he pushes her against a wall and starts to violently strangle her in an attempt to kill her, but JJ stops him, reminding him that she's pregnant. Reid behaves rather strangely when he needs to speak to the woman during the cause of John Nelson, causing Blake to come back and confront him after she dropped him off at a payphone. Reid then said sorry before they all left to get to the plane. In "Angels", Reid was shot in the neck by Justin Mills while trying to protect Blake. When he comes out, he is wiping his mouth as if he had been vomiting. Though he had at least 3 seizures, they stemmed from the trauma he sustained with the explosion and being tortured. It is revealed that she viewed the MRI scans of his brain and has suggested a course of treatment for his headaches. In "Painless", Morgan plays a practical joke on Reid by giving his phone number to the press after Reid hustled him at a basketball game. Archive: Absolutely, just lemme know. She was safely taken in by police and has since recovered, but was embarrassed by the situation. My favourite character was Alice, i felt like i could relate to her in a way, the only sane person in a world of crazy. It's set around season 2, hope you like it! Last Appearance This gives Lewis an opportunity to visit Reid and act as his personal psychiatrist since she has a Ph.D. Lewis gives Reid a cognitive interview; it is during that interview when Reid reveals he stabbed Nadie to death. "That makes no sense. In "Corazón", Reid is revealed to be suffering from intense headaches, and possibly hallucinatory episodes, while working the case. For the second time since the start of the series, he celebrates his birthday during an episode, this time his 30th during "True Genius", with the team. Once the team arrests Chad Brown for the attacks, they discover a hidden cure for that specific strain of anthrax in his inhaler, and Reid is cured along with the 4 surviving victims of the attack at the park. He relates to Prentiss that he feels that he hasn't lived up to expectations. Upon arrival, he finds a note addressed only to him explaining why Gideon chose to leave the BAU. See more ideas about criminal minds, criminal minds fanfiction, criminal. Rossi later joined in the game to help him finish it. She resumes the interview on the next day, and Reid seems to remember the murder a little more clearly, recalling someone spraying a fine mist in his face during the attack in the hotel. When Rossi learns he is surprised and impressed. Alvez later helps him decipher some of his symptoms, leading to Reid realizing he has PTSD, or PTSS as Alvez explains corrects him, from the time Reid spent in prison in season twelve. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Criminal Minds, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page.Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. This is also a trait of autism called information dumping or info dumping. (", Reid is banned from several casinos in Las Vegas, Laughlin, and Pahrump because of his card-counting abilities. Job fbi, excitement, spencerreid. As a result, Reid befriends Shaw, who is also proficient in reading and chess, and who gives him tips to survive in prison. Reid is beaten, and though Garcia isn't physically injured, she is far more affected by the experience than Reid is. The episode ends with Reid entering the interrogation room to confront her and Cat calling him "Spencie". He also stated that he does some of his best work when under 'intense terror'. The team rescues Reid moments before they murder him at the end of the episode, and he is rather quiet on the plane ride home. "SSA Spencer Reid, Director sir." In "Assistance Is Futile", Reid befriends Luis, going as far as reporting his assault by inmates Frazier and Duerson to Officer Peters. In "J.J.", Reid takes antacids from Prentiss's desk, something that she notices; she asks, "Again with the dairy?" TV » Criminal Minds Rated: T, English, Romance & Humor, S. Reid, Words: 950, Favs: 457, Follows: 133, Published: 6/2/2011. I'm currently in treatment at the moment. The Next Victim Chapter 1: Teaser, a criminal minds fanfic. In "Red Light" Reid and Adams play another game, in which Cat Adams reveals she is pregnant, and tries to convince Reid that he is the father. October 28, 1981[2] You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. She quoted, "They need a break. The Director gave Derek a nod and moved on. FanFiction. In "Epilogue", Spencer reveals that he had an experience with seeing the afterlife when he died and revived by Tobias Hankel, one where he felt warmth and the light. In "God Complex", Reid makes a series of phone calls via payphone to Maeve Donovan. The nonstop calls irritated Reid to the point he yelled into his phone, but from Morgan's reactions to the calls, Reid realized what he'd done and declared revenge. Agent Reid, do you know why you're here today." … This is the Criminal Minds Fanfiction Archive. Abstract Brilliance, a criminal minds fanfic. Reid says that he used to play with an old friend who quit, Gideon, though he doesn't mention his name, just that he knows why he did quit. In "Target Rich", Reid mentions to JJ that his mother wasn't doing so well with her current medications. Prentiss later exclaims to Reid that there was a reason that he left the note only to Reid to find and not the team. Criminal Minds x Reader Imagines Including: Spencer Reid Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan Luke Alvez (coming soon!) He eventually becomes stable and regains consciousness, making a full recovery. His ability to retain auditory information, however, has been rather inconsistent, as evident when he once noted he could not remember Garcia's name ("Tabula Rasa"), but has been able to perfectly recite speech he hears, even when it was in a completely different language of which he didn't speak a word ("Corazón"). At the end of the episode, the nurse comes to retrieve Diana. In "A Beautiful Disaster", it is revealed that Morgan partially named his newborn son after Reid. He calls her to not come in and leave right away and goes to confront him, only to find out that it's the wrong person. Reid is a technophobe and does not use either email or the new iPads. In "Aftermath", Reid seems to be the only team member who notices Elle's odd behavior, and confronts her; he gets her to open up to him but it does not stop her from spiraling out of control. In "The Fisher King, Part 2", Reid reveals to the rest of the team that his mother is "a paranoid schizophrenic who wouldn't remember to eat without being properly medicated and supervised". On par with bring an eccentric genius with trouble at conforming to social behavior, the show has hinted at symptoms displayed with schizophrenia, minor autism, and Asperger's Syndrome, as evident by his bursts of long-winded commentary, his impressive academic history (three PhDs in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering) in a short amount of time, and adverse reactions when touched by strangers. When asked about it, Reid stated that he was overjoyed to learn about this, although he also expresses his belief that his mother might have actually forgotten about him, since they barely kept in touch. On the plane, Morgan's music is interrupted by a recording from Reid, which warned him against entering a prank war with MIT graduates, followed by Reid screaming. Down Pour Chapter 1: 8:00 am, a criminal minds fanfic. In "Green Light", Reid alerts the team and has them check his apartment, but they find her missing and Cassie dead, nearly pushing him over the edge. "Tactile Obsession" by Nyx PAIRING: Morgan/Reid RATING: AO SUMMARY: Reid becomes obsessed with the need to touch Morgan's tattoos and muscles. Hotch shook his head, looking down at the director's folders and continuing on the work he was supposed to be doing. ", despite failing his gun qualification, Reid still manages to deliver a fatal shot to the head of Phillip Dowd (with Hotch's backup weapon, a Glock 26); thus saving himself, Hotch, and a room full of hostages. Dr. Spencer Reid In "Amplification", Reid and Morgan go to Dr. Nichols' lab, believing that he is the unsub. NCIS and Criminal Minds crossover fanfiction archive with over 202 stories. In "The Uncanny Valley", Reid returns to the public park where he used to play chess with the locals. Matt Simmons (coming soon!) First Appearance Dr. Spencer "Spence" Reid is a Supervisory Special Agent with the BAU. NCIS and Criminal Minds crossover fanfiction archive with over 202 stories. Upon spotting her, Reid remembers the woman as Lindsey Vaughn, whom he met a decade ago (in "3rd Life") when he tried to stop Jack Vaughn from killing Ryan Phillips but failed, but the nurse denies being Lindsey before leaving with Diana. One of his first cases was that of Brian Matloff ("Tabula Rasa"). I started to think about what I … Terrified of having inherited his mother's schizophrenia, he vehemently denies this and storms out of the office. However, the two distribute the drugs throughout the prison, leading to five poisonings (including that of Shaw) that horrifies Reid. He is hailed as a genius and an autodidact. He spent most of the episode in the hospital, where Greg Baylor, who was posing as a nurse, attempted to kill him by injecting carbenicillin into his IV. In one incident, he was ambushed by the entire football team; they stripped him naked, tied him to a goalpost, and tormented him in front of half the school until they grew bored and left. Lila gives Reid what may have been his first kiss. Reid was the team member who was the most upset when Gideon was murdered by Donnie Mallick in "Nelson's Sparrow", even storming out of the crime scene in tears after Gideon's identity was confirmed to him. Spencer Reid… Incorrect Passcode (Completed) Part 1: Spencer and y/n have been together for years, they are literally the ultimate power couple.In this story, the reader finds out Spencer has been emotionally cheating on her with Maeve (I know, cheesy) ,and she doesn’t fail to bring up the past. In "Entropy", Reid returned to assist the team in taking down the Hitman Network tracking down Garcia. Reid falls asleep on the jet and dreams about Maeve, whom he shares a dance with. In "Alpha Male", Reid is sent to Millburn Correctional Facility instead of protective custody due to overcrowding. The BAU later realizes that Reid was framed by Lindsey Vaughn, who in ten years became part of an international drug cartel, and Cat Adams, a hitwoman who Reid directly captured in "Entropy". This, coupled with the fact that they both use pseudonyms to disguise their letters, Spencer addressing himself as Dr. Joseph Bell and that the caller addressed himself as Adam Worth, whom was the American criminal that Arthur Conan Doyle based the character of Moriarty on, prompted Reid to seek the help of Hotchner, and through him the BAU. But he actually didn't mind him talking and he was so happy that Reid wa yes to talk about his old cases and was about to say sure when Reid sees Hotch's look towards him. Out of Reach Chapter 1, a criminal minds fanfic. Reid locks Morgan outside of the lab as to not infect him. Still, Reid knew that the way his mother was living wasn't healthy. 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