The choreography incorporates several types of acrobatics and martial arts, including fight scenes using the Wushu style of martial arts, Chinese opera, Poi for manipulating staves and batons, Brazilian Capoeira dance, bungees, aerial straps, swing poles, and a wheel of death. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. 1984 Cirque du Soleil ontstaat als onderdeel van de festiviteiten rondom het 450-jarig jubileum van de aankomst van ontdekkingsreiziger Jacques Cartier in Canada. With shows based in the United States and Mexico, as well as a number of touring shows, Cirque Du Soleil is an international circus for a new generation! Paths intertwine. Search here for great tickets to our shows! Kà describes the story as "the coming of age of a young man and a young woman through their encounters with love, conflict and the duality of Kà, the fire that can unite or separate, destroy or illuminate." In case a power outage occurs, each airbag has its own uninterruptible power supply which can last up to 30 minutes. On June 29, 2013, cast member Sarah "Sasoun" Guyard-Guillot, an acrobat from Paris, France, died after she fell about 94 feet from the show's stage at MGM Grand. Through the music of Kà, René Dupéré attempts to provoke various emotions and moods such as drama, emergency, serenity, passion, and even "the birth of love". Only in Las Vegas. Kà lacks a conventional stage with a permanent floor; instead, two giant moving platforms and five smaller lifts and platforms appear to float through a bottomless space. [11], Due to the speed in which artists fall from the decks, an array of airbags had to be used in lieu of traditional nets alone. With Anatoli Akerman, Francisco Alegria, Sabu Alegria, Gabriella Argento. Hotels near KA by Cirque du Soleil: (0.07 mi) Skylofts at MGM Grand (0.08 mi) The Mansion at MGM Grand (0.06 mi) MGM Grand Las Vegas (0.27 mi) MGM Signature 1 Bedroom / 2 Bath Full Kitchen & Balcony (0.24 mi) Polo Towers Suites; View all hotels near KA by Cirque du Soleil on Tripadvisor View production, box office, & company info. A similar example of the infrared portion of this technology can be seen in some movie theater lobbies where people can step on and burst video projected bubbles. Once the house opens, guests are greeted by the villagers of Kà (better known as the “Gatekeepers"). Cirque du Soleil Official Site: Find show and ticket info for our big top, arena and theatre circus shows worldwide! In a November 2008 performance, Sarah Guillot-Guyard , left, and Sami Tiaumassi play "Forest People" during Cirque du Soleil's "Ka" at MGM Grand Resort in Las Vegas. MGM Grand Hotel - 3799 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Trailer for KA by Cirque du Soleil, live at MGM Grand. Such areas include power sources, fire precautions, falling, harness equipment, and other such items among many others. De voorstelling debuteert in het kleine plaatsje Gaspé in Quebec en wordt vervolgens in tien andere plaatsen in de provincie uitgevoerd. If a harness or wire were to fail, a fail-safe mechanism is in place which would lower the performer to the stage or in the aisles to safely detach from the cabling system. However, he left the show because of creative differences, and the music of Kà was composed by René Dupéré, who has composed music for multiple other Cirque productions, including Mystère at Treasure Island, and Cirque's touring production of Alegría. Created and directed by Robert Lepage, Kà began show previews on November 26, 2004 and the show premiered on February 3, 2005. A bit of false advertising there, I think. There were originally three Valets before being cut down to two. This is attached to four 75-foot-long (23 m) hydraulic cylinders that run along two support columns. From the stage level of the boardwalk up to the high grid is 98 feet (30 m), and the pit drops 51 feet (16 m) below, amounting to a total of some 15 stories from the highest ceiling grid to the lowest floor level. 2:01. Add the first question. The Firefly Boy glides and dives as he performs aerial acrobatics and makes a special connection, in an aerial duet, with the Twin Sister after she plummets from the flying bird into his world. (TV Movie 2007). The second issue was released at the 2013 New York Comic-Conon October 10 to October 13 with the final issue release the next year at the 2014 New York Comic-… The Kà theater, which has a capacity of 1950 people, is equipped with a total of 4774 loudspeaker drivers in 2139 cabinets: a pair of speakers at ear level in every seat and hundreds more strategically placed around the auditorium. Asian visual iconography was the inspiration for many of the costumes in Kà: this can be seen in the imperial court and martial artists wardrobes. Heartfelt emotion! Kà is the first Cirque du Soleil production that deviates from the company's usual format—the production presents a more straightforward story, unlike the more abstract visuals presented by other Cirque productions. Kà is a story about "conflict and love", of "imperial twins who are separated at the prime of their youth and must undergo a rite of passage of self-discovery. [11], As for the aerial rigging system which allows performers to perform tricks in the air while harnessed, it too has safety features. The stage is set as a movable battlefield. Imagen Ficción. KA by Cirque du Soleil is the greatest theater production the world has ever seen. [11], As the Kà theatre is inside the MGM, it too is integrated into the building's fire suppression system. Except you can't, as it's not available. [8], The multimedia projection in the show utilizes both infrared video motion detecting as well as a system of touch-sensitive panels beneath the surface of the main 'Sand Cliff' deck. Originally, Kà's score was to be composed by Benoit Jutras. Two artists in Zumanity at New York-New York were seriously injured in an onstage fall in November 2007. Although the album is somewhat remixed, most of the content remains faithful to the show. Cirque Du Soleil Death During Ka Show at MGM in Las Vegas. These airbags sit atop two nets, which at times are 70 feet (21 m) below the point the artist begins the fall. The performer was expected to return to the show. Cirque du Soleil liet zich voor de voorstelling ‘KÀ’ inspireren door diverse culturen. As an example, many performers wear earpieces during the show in order to hear cues when they can perform various stunts safely. During the show, stage managers must contact hotel security and ask that the fire officer override the fire detection equipment in the theatre during the duration of any pyrotechnic and fire stunts.[11]. The vocals in Kà are provided by a mezzo-soprano(played by Rochelle Collins) and an alto(played by Lizzy Munson). Glass, artist Wellinton Alves, and colorist Jean-Francois Beaulieu. On this #CirqueConnect special, we take you on a 60-minute tour of some of our longest-running Las Vegas-based shows! The first installment debuted at the Marvel booth at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con on July 12 – 15, then a wide release followed into comic book stores and a digital download version with subsequent issues to come. [5] This enormous performance space is reconfigured with each scene change by the complex movements of the show's lifts and platforms. Located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint-Paul on 16 June 1984 by former street performers Guy Laliberté and Gilles Ste-Croix. Beliebt. "[37] The album features the voices of Élise Velle (René Dupéré's wife), Ella Louise Allaire (vocalist, arranger and vocal coach) and a young soprano boy named Philippe Lapan-Vandal. Joe Biden. In 2008, the unique floating stages earned Kà the prestigious Thea Award for Outstanding Technical Achievement from the Themed Entertainment Association.[5]. Cirque du Soleil (French: [siʁk dy sɔlɛj], Quebec [sɪʁk dzy sɔlɛj]; "Circus of the Sun" or "Sun Circus") is a Montreal-based entertainment company and the largest contemporary circus producer in the world. He says that the music is not intended to sound as though it belongs to a specific time frame. This FAQ is empty. Cirque du Soleil employs 1300 performers from 50 different countries, and Cirque says about 40 percent of its artists come from disciplines like rhythmic gymnastics and diving. Cirque du Soleil presents KOOZA, the story of an innocent and charming clown who strives to find his own place in the world. In this spectacular event, two young lovers must cross an enchanted world to find each other again.Subscribe to this Channel. A team of over 300 people make up the production team for Kà, ranging from technicians to support staff. Kà features an off-stage band that accompanies the acting, acrobatics, and singing that takes place on stage. From Wings to Parasite, here's a look back at all of the Best Picture Oscar winners in the history of the ceremony. KÀ by Cirque du Soleil Characters on Stage To escape the Archers and Spearmen, the Nursemaid drags the Twin Sister onto a boat and they escape by sea, leaving behind the injured Twin Brother. Kà is a show by Cirque du Soleil at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. De eer… Dit komt terug in de decors, de kostuums en de muziek. These pegs shoot out at a speed of 19 feet per second (5.8 m/s), simulating arrows striking the surface. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? It was the first reported death from an accident onstage in Cirque du Soleil's 30-year history. Get your tickets for this breathtaking experience! [5][7], The second largest platform, the Tatami Deck, is a cantilevered 30-by-30-foot (9.1 m × 9.1 m) platform located upstage of the Sand Cliff Deck. Kà combines complex automation, pyrotechnics, puppetry, and multimedia projections that help immerse the audience in the story. Het Cirque du Soleil is gebaseerd op een geheel nieuw concept: een opvallende, dramatische mengeling van circuskunsten en straatamusement, met opvallende kostuums en belichting en originele muziek. Exclusivement à Las Vegas. In addition to the original score, the soundtrack features several 'inspired by' tracks. Achetez vos billets pour vivre cette expérience inoubliable! Songs in the show that are not on the soundtrack album: Cirque du Soleil and Marvel Entertainment teamed up to adapt Kà through a limited four-part series of collectible comic books. Newsletter", "Bill Rosemann & Marie-Hélène Gagnon "KÀ-smic KÀ-mic KÀ-nversation" - Fascination! In one scene, the entire deck is covered with 350 cubic feet (9.9 m3) of imported granular cork from Portugal which creates the realistic appearance of a beach. KA de Cirque du Soleil es la producción teatral más grande del mundo. 36 talking about this. The Forest (First part of the scene) / Pole jumping (First part of the act, 2004–2007), "Battlefield" was featured as the percussion break in, This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 23:39. Interested in seeing a Cirque Du Soleil show? Was this review helpful to you? The soundtrack for Kà was released on the 18th of October, 2005. The largest moveable platform employed in the show, the Sand Cliff Deck, measures 25×50×6 feet (7.6×15.2×1.8 m) and weighs 50 tons. Down is … [12] Likewise, each peg can only retract with less than 20 pounds (9.1 kg) of pressure. Unlike other Cirque du Soleil performances, Kà offers four pre-shows. Full list of Cirque du Soleil shows in Las Vegas and worldwide. KOOZA vertegenwoordigt een terugkeer naar onze oorsprong met haar combinatie van acrobatische prestaties en clownskunsten, in een verkenning van angst, identiteit, erkenning en kracht.
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