The Site Manager is Mr. Michail Batzakis. A former army barracks designed to house only a few thousand people, the Moria center had swelled to possibly over 20,000 inhabitants by the beginning of 2020, making it one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. Last May, at Kara Tepe refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece, seven school-age children gathered at a table to play with crayons. I returned to work as a volunteer physician on Lesvos in December last year. Eight women live in one of 18 small basic rooms under a large tent, nicknamed "the women's camp." I see a line of human beings form hastily in front of me. Vodafone Foundation continued its response to the European refugee crisis by deploying a team of four volunteers to Kara Tepe refugee camp in October. Source: Getty Images (obviously) When needed, these sorted boxes get moved 80 meters across the gravel access road to camp and into a green shipping container to restock the supply at the distribution point. north of Mytilene, a 10-minute walk from Kara Tepe camp. She worked in the Moria camp where more than 8,000 people live. My face shield painfully whips against my cheeks. It hosts over 1,000 people from primarily Afghanistan. All … And greater restrictions on refugees' movement due to the pandemic have seriously hampered their ability to access basic services, like healthcare. Last May, at Kara Tepe refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece, seven school-age children gathered at a table to play with crayons. Today Kara Tepe Resident Village paints a vastly different picture. Refugees are allowed to come and go as they choose, and it has gender-segregated toilets and showers with doors – simple measures that increase refugee women’s feelings of security and may help prevent sexual violence. The phrasing of the law also means that should a government employee witness any criminal acts they should report it to their superior and nobody else. The child has been having diarrhoea for several days. From 2015 to the present, tens of thousands of migrants and refugees trying to reach Western Europe have passed through the Kara Tepe camp. Kara Tepe, the first camp I volunteered at, is a camp for families only. Our readers trust us to hold power in the multi-billion-dollar aid sector accountable and to amplify the voices of those impacted by crises. Inzamelingsactie - I'm traveling to refugee camp Kara Tepe in Lesbos and raising money to support them. If you can handle the weight of what that link represents, I urge you to Walk in the Shoes of a Refugee. Conditions in Kara Tepe II are arguably worse than in Moria, where the situation was already beyond dismal. We call it Kara Tepe campUs because it is more than just a refugee camp. After volunteering in Kara Tepe Refugee Camp for almost two months and hearing people’s personal stories in the many layers of pain they are built upon, I couldn’t get through this one without crying. On days I am working inside the clinic, I meet men like Mohammed, a former political prisoner in Syria. Children, who make up more than a third of camp inmates at Kara Tepe, are suffering the most. The news of the planned closure of Pikpa camp comes after the earlier announcement by the government that Kara Tepe Camp, also accommodating vulnerable people, must close by the end of December. A spokesperson for the Greek ministry of … ‘I now know the choking effect of tear gas and the sounds of live bullets.’, ‘Maybe the humanity is in the fine print.’, ‘EU leaders are accountable not just to European voters, but also to the subjects of their policies – including the nearly 13,000 asylum seekers displaced from Moria.’, ‘I put my life in the hands of smugglers and traffickers and arrived safely. PIKPA is an open refugee camp in Mytilene, Lesvos. It will be replaced in 2021 by a new, permanent camp for up to 5,000 people created with EU assistance. A hundred muffled voices call out from behind face masks in Dari, French Lingala, and Somali insisting they need to be seen by a doctor. He is anxious, and his sentences jumble together. The importance of an education. I try to warm up Fatima’s hands so the pulse oximeter will take an accurate reading of her blood oxygen level. He has a sharp pain running from his head to his toes, and he can’t sleep at night. I write about how migration is affecting European business and society, Lisa R. Davis, Managing Director At Teneo, Is Driving DE&I At The Helm Of Corporate America, Mindset Matters: Building A More Effective Corporate Culture For The Autism Revolution, Activist Business Leaders Leading The Way In Flipping The Neurodiversity Narrative, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Dr. Anthony Fauci Discuss Lessons From The Holocaust, TikTok Makes Videos More Inclusive Of And Accessible To Deaf People With New Auto Captions Feature, Singapore: An International Model For Mental Health, Your Allyship Is Performative If You Can’t Take Accountability, How Microaggressions Relate To Systemic Biases. Hi everybody, From February 3rd to 12th I’m travelling to refugee camp Kara Tepe on Lesbos to do volunteer work. December 31, 2020. My refugee translators say they have been threatened, harassed, and sometimes physically assaulted in Lesvos’ streets by civilians and Greek police, who often use racist and anti-Muslim slurs – troubling evidence of a rising “social pandemic” of anti-Muslim hatred in Europe during COVID, which presents a real and present danger to many of my patients. Kara Tepe is a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesvos. Kara Tepe: A refugee camp built on top of ancient/Ottoman ruins. The wind threatens to yank off my carefully tied hijab. The camp is managed by the Municipality of Mytilene and UNHCR in collaboration with the NGOs that operate there. The prison guards allowed just enough blood to run down his face to make him feel like he was drowning. Camp Care Comics is a series of engaging booklets and care kits that address unpleasant health conditions, such as lice, scabies and toxic stress in a fun and engaging way. Photograph: Panagiotis Balaskas/AP. The temporary refugee camp in Kara Tepe is seen from above on 28 September. One Happy Family Community Center is located 4.9 km. For the next three weeks, I stayed in Kara Tepe and Moria, the two refugee camps, as a volunteer for Save the Children, the international relief organization. north of Mytilene, a 10-minute walk from Kara Tepe camp. Masouma, a young Afghani woman living at the Kara Tepe refugee camp in Greece for the last six months, is a shining example of an empowered woman. Kara Tepe (Greek: Καρά Τεπέ, from Turkish for "black hill") is located about 2.5 km to the north of Mytilene, the capital of the island of Lesbos. At just 12 years old, she had organised daily lessons for the children in the camp who lack access to an education. The New Humanitarian is an independent, non-profit newsroom founded in 1995. “You get this vague kind of reference at the end of the law, that anyone who violates it would face the so-called legal consequences" says Moschopoulos, “but it is impossible to say what those legal consequences will actually be. Do not close Pikpa down, replicate it. I try to find a doctor from the Greek national health system, which is in charge of the isolation centre, but I’m gruffly told by Greek staff that the situation is under control. Kara Tepe refugee camp, on Lesvos, Greece. Kara Tepe provides a community atmosphere for its residents, meaning that its staff and volunteers are comprised of both international volunteers, local staff and residents themselves. The chilling effect these actions have, Moschopoulos says, are reflected in the new confidentiality law, which will further hamper peoples' ability to speak up about issues in refugee camps. When I step outside to sip water from under my many layers of PPE, I see an Afghan woman behind the barbed wire separating the COVID ‘isolation centre’ from the clinic. It is a terrible thing to have to decide who is and who is not deserving of care. In mid-2020, the government announced all NGOs operating in the country would have to register in order to continue, a requirement which, given the hurdles involved in actually registering, appeared impossible for many groups, who accused the government of simply trying to shut them down. He says this law is part of the same strategy, and is designed to prevent people from reporting on what's happening on the inside because that would make it "clear as day" that the government's narrative of greater control is distorted. Before the pandemic, we worked inside Moria. “We came to you for help, and you aren’t helping. Sign up to receive our original, on-the-ground coverage that informs policymakers, practitioners, donors, and others who want to make the world more humane. Eight women live in one of 18 small basic rooms under a large tent, nicknamed "the women's camp." Many NGOs have been caught by surprise by the new law, with some scrambling to figure out what this means for their ability to operate in the camps. (Elias Marcou/REUTERS). “Moria is horrendous. “The Government has been doggedly pursuing a campaign against NGOs and civil society involvement in migration and asylum,” says Manos Moschopoulos, senior program officer for migration with Open Society Foundations. The camp, with a capacity of 1,000, is meant to house more vulnerable refugees including women, children and families. In October, a group of 29 humanitarian NGOs called on the Greek parliament to investigate so-called “pushbacks” of asylum seekers from Greek territory back into Turkey, as well as outright extrajudicial expulsions, both of which would violate international non-refoulement law. This striking quote from Laura, one of the founders of Movement On The Ground, truly applies to our resident and visiting volunteer-run clothing store in Kara Tepe. Our experiences volunteering for the great Dutch organization Because We Carry @ Kara Tepe, Lesvos, Greece Kara Tepe refugee camp, on Lesvos, Greece. Moria had long been notorious for degrading, unsanitary and dangerous conditions, and the government was urged to move as many people as possible to the mainland after the fire. I need to know if he is a torture survivor so I can refer him to more-specialised psychiatric care. Graffiti on the outer wall of Moria refugee camp in April 2016. Kara Tepe Refugee Village Today. Lesvos Solidarity manages Pikpa camp. In total 18 people went from campus to camp and joined us … Mohammed’s wife holds his arm to comfort him. The difference with before the European Union signed a deal with Turkey to stem the flow of migrants in exchange for economic and political favors is that now they stay at the camp much longer and capacity is reduced. Resources on the island are stretched thin due to COVID. This store, which is located in the Lesvos refugee camp for the most vulnerable cases, offers residents the opportunity to select a new set of clothing every three months. I came to Kara Tepe in May 2017 to volunteer with a group of other Harvard students. It is a terrible thing to have to decide who is and who is not deserving of care. The Greek government has enacted a new law that prevents NGO workers and volunteers from talking about abuse, neglect or deprivation in the country's refugee camps. My Experience at Kara Tepe The photo was taken in Kara Tepe camp by Jade Beall. The Greek government has enacted a new law that prevents NGO workers and volunteers … On my own journey to Lesvos, airport security repeatedly forced me to remove my hijab, something I have only previously experienced in Xinjiang province, where the Chinese government is holding an estimated 1.5 million Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in so-called ‘re-education camps’ where rape and torture are reportedly systematic. The news of the planned closure of Pikpa camp comes after the earlier announcement by the government that Kara Tepe Camp, also accommodating vulnerable people, must close by the end of December. According to the IRC, 62,000+ refugees fleeing violence are stranded in Greece.Many of them are living at Kara Tepe, a formerly empty site on the island of Lesbos. We keep our journalism free – no paywalls – thanks to the support of donors and readers like you who believe we need more independent journalism in the world. All … Breaking News; Kara Tepe: Babies bitten by rats in a refugee camp. For those many thousands remaining, the authorities established a new temporary camp, “Moria 2.0,” on an uncleared former munitions site. Kara Tepe is a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesvos. But the chilling effect, like in all these cases, is still there, even if they don't necessarily have to directly act upon it.”. As a doctor in a European refugee camp, I found deep neglect and xenophobia ... Around 7,000 people live in the Kara Tepe II camp for refugees and migrants (in the background), erected last year on the island of Lesvos, Greece after the Moria camp was destroyed in a fire. Help us deliver informative, accessible, independent journalism that you can trust and provides accountability to the millions of people affected by crises worldwide. NurPhoto via Getty Images. "Shirin", an Afghan journalist at Kara Tepe camp on Lesvos Kara Tepe is considered the “good” camp on Lesvos. This law is the latest step in what has been characterised as a crackdown on NGO workers and volunteers since the right-wing New Democracy party took over government mid-2019. Hope and Peace Center Our Hope and Peace Community and Distribution Center is only a few hundred meters away from Kara Tepe Refugee Camp, which is the new camp built following the fire at Moria Refugee Camp on Lesvos Island in Greece. New Lesvos refugee camp Kara Tepe sinks in the mud. He is a refugee and also lives in the camp. Since my last visit, in February 2020, Moria – long a symbol of the failures of EU migration policy – has burned to the ground. A mother of two, Masouma dedicates much of her free time to volunteering for the Red Cross. Back inside the clinic, I meet 25-year-old Fatima. Our eventual goal is to create a sustainable refugee community not only from a quality of life perspective (which is part of our everyday relief operations) but also from an environmental perspective. After hands grabbed for the preferred colors—yellow and blue-green were in demand for drawing the sun and the sea—most of the kids spent the next hour depicting the usual scenes of flowers and clouds, dogs and cats, and stick-figure portraits of their families. I returned to work as a volunteer physician on Lesvos in December last year. Refugees are allowed to come and go as they choose, and it has gender-segregated toilets and showers with doors – simple measures that increase refugee women’s feelings of security and may help prevent sexual violence. Around 7,000 people live in the Kara Tepe II camp for refugees and migrants (in the background), erected last year on the island of Lesvos, Greece after the Moria camp was destroyed in a fire. Go Project Hope will provide dental hygiene lessons to the children at Kara Tepe in Lesbos, Greece. From February 3rd to 12th, Marie and Frank travelled to Lesvos, to do volunteer work at the refugee camp Kara Tepe and organise a project week for students and teachers of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Recently, Manizia, a 12 year old girl living in the new Kara Tepe camp in #Lesvos, approached one of our volunteers politely asking for a list of class room essentials- pencils, pens, paper. "That (narrative) is an illusion that would be very clear if the evidence came out," he says. From February 3rd to 12th, Marie and Frank travelled to Lesvos, to do volunteer work at the refugee camp Kara Tepe and organise a project week for students and teachers of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. These people have escaped from war zones, crossed hostile borders, and braved the sea, only to end up here, on the Greek island of Lesvos, where I’ve seen the EU’s racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic migration policies intensify during the coronavirus pandemic. Based in Lesvos, Greece. Social Media Manager & General Dogsbody for Humanitarian Support Agency. She has been wheezing all night. The director of a medical NGO operating in Greece called the law "worrying" but said they did not want to comment on the record for fear of being expelled from the camp. Our beloved puppet Abu Rami will visit Kara Tepe with a special lesson and will pass out dental kits to children and caregivers. Doc Mobile and Sport for Refugees offer refugee support and activities at this center. Refugee for Refugees operates a warehouse near Moria Camp. Children, who make up more than a third of camp inmates at Kara Tepe, are suffering the most. Rainfall floods dozens of tents in Kara Tepe camp 1,778 Views Dozens of tents were flooded and large parts of Kara Tepe refugee camp on the island of Lesvos came under water after a strong rainfall on Thursday, an expected development as many people warned about from the very first moment the camp was set up. ‘COVID has provided a pretext for dehumanisation to continue largely under the radar and with impunity.’. I’m told she’s unlikely to get the tests that she needs. My last day helping at Kara Tepe camp was significant for me but just like any other day stuck in the dust, sweat and injustice for those waiting in a limbo not of their own making. *The names of all the asylum seekers and refugees mentioned have been changed to protect their identities. The purpose of the camp is to provide temporary housing for asylum seekersas they await their registration processes. In going from tent to tent and talking with families, we identified children with Doc Mobile and Sport for Refugees offer refugee support and activities at this center. This striking quote from Laura, one of the founders of Movement On The Ground, truly applies to our resident and visiting volunteer-run clothing store in Kara Tepe. The conditions there are appalling.
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