data-styled.g598[id="styles__ArticleTagsWrapper-sc-12zkpx6-0"]{content:"iJzUMM,"}/*!sc*/ He was intensely interested in the free homestead bill from the time it was first introduced in Congress. About 70km southeast of Hamilton and about 240km west of Melbourne, the property might also suit a modest vineyard. @media (max-width:1024px){.fiRUpV.fiRUpV{-webkit-column-count:3;column-count:3;height:150px;}}/*!sc*/ History of the Jackson Homestead. is one of four land holdings carved off an even larger estate seized from the Crown by squatters in 1840. Welcome to the Daniel Boone Homestead . 1009 Chatsworth-Wickliffe Road, Wickliffe, Victoria, Australia c.1864. The property’s outbuildings could be converted for use as a farmstay or other accommodation. The great thing about this is the size of land,” Mr Romeo said. Homesteading meant doing without. data-styled.g615[id="styles__AnchoredTrafficDriverContainer-sc-34inof-0"]{content:"gWYfwF,"}/*!sc*/ Berrambool Homestead at 1009 Chatsworth Wickliffe Road, Wickliffe, is for sale with a colourful history dating back more than 150 years. The grounds may be hired for weddings or other group gatherings. Create Your Business Website in 3 Easy StepsIt's free, powerful, and professional.Try It Free Today »FREE for 30 days! Peaceful and relaxed bed & breakfast accommodation surrounded by hills on the edge of Wollomi National Park and on the banks of the Goulburn River. The Anthony Morris House and Peter Wentz Homestead are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. @media (max-width:767px){.fiRUpV.fiRUpV{-webkit-column-count:2;column-count:2;height:200px;}}/*!sc*/ “It’s not extensive damage, some of the photos look frightening, but they are not,” he said. Lage. A personal Facebook group created by Eric M. A. DeSilva. Circa Heritage and Lifestyle agent Dominic Romeo is working on the sale with Charles Stewart Real Estate’s Leeson White. Rent the Jackson Homestead. Price Upon Application. Eurambeen Historic Homestead and Gardens is an historic landmark of Victoria's rural heritage, built in 1850 with a three acre garden which was commissioned when the home was extended in 1927. Glengallan Homestead was the ambitious vision of 19 th century Scots-born pastoralist John Deuchar and his wife Elizabeth who set out to build a grand sandstone home reflecting the colonial era. data-styled.g600[id="styles__ArticleTagsList-sc-12zkpx6-2"]{content:"dvmPPm,"}/*!sc*/ .ezAYRP{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-webkit-box-pack:start;-webkit-justify-content:flex-start;-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start;-webkit-align-items:stretch;-webkit-box-align:stretch;-ms-flex-align:stretch;align-items:stretch;padding:2rem;}/*!sc*/ But it was doing without with a difference, because the big prize, a piece of the good earth, had already been won. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Mr White said the property would likely appeal to metropolitan buyers in search for a weekender or a tree change, having already received inquiry from Melbourne and interstate-based buyers. Prairie Homestead Historic Site befindet sich in einer gastfreundlichen Gegend von Interior, die bei Reisenden aufgrund der Naturparks und der Campingmöglichkeiten besonders beliebt ist. Both agents agreed that either the wool shed, stables or homestead would be ideal for use in a hospitality setting. The Holyman family purchased and restored the homestead in the 1960s before the current occupants, who also own farmland nearby, took possession in 1975. On the basis of the law the President created the Federal Subsistence Homestead Corporation and soon subsistence farms projects were underway in several states. Startort der Route; Zielort der Route; Zwischenziel der Route; Hotels in der Nähe; Restaurants in der Nähe ; Unterkünfte in der Nähe. Homestead Movement, in U.S. history, movement that promoted the free ownership of land in the Midwest, Great Plains, and the West by people willing to settle on and cultivate it. Berrambool homestead in Wickliffe, Victoria is on the market for the first time since 1975. “Most of the people are the kind who want to do a serious restoration project and are looking for unique architecture and a historic house as well,” Mr Romeo said. Expressions of interest for Beerambool Homestead end November 27 at 1pm. Built in 1864 by Scottish stonemasons using stone quarried from the property, Berrambool was designed by Hamilton architect, James H. Fox, who had previously designed Chatsworth House. The South Dade area opened to homesteaders in 1898. Homestead Application Paper . by Cal Smith. From Dugout to Diesel: Transportation on Lake Nipissing. @media (max-width:1024px){.dhfUDx.dhfUDx{display:block;}.dhfUDx.dhfUDx > *:not(:last-child){margin:0 0 24px 0;}.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx ul{margin-right:0;}}/*!sc*/ Bermuda Online Genealogy Records These are genealogy links to Bermuda online databases to assist in researching your family history. Olga and Iver's parents, John and Hannah Iverson originally homesteaded the Bear … Built in 1868 and extended in 1890, the large bluestone building is situated on 13.94 hectares. The homestead has a national heritage classification and local heritage overlay and is being sold with a stable complex, constructed around 1868. We strongly recommend that you obtain independent advice before you act on the content. View property. Berrambool homestead in Wickliffe is on the market for the first time since 1975. Down by the Railroad Tracks. Thanks to Jared for sending this one in! [dm-listing-recommendation experimentname=’midcontent-listings’ positiononpage=’midcontent’], [dm-listing-recommendation experimentname=’below-content-listings’ positiononpage=’belowContent’], Heritage homestead Berrambool in Victoria's Western District on the market. Wednesday-Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed Mondays, Tuesdays, and major holidays ; Admission. Mr Moffat subdivided the property, leased the four estates he created and used the funds to build Chatsworth House, where he hosted Prince Albert in 1867. by Bessel J. VandenHazel. We make no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information, nor do we accept any liability or responsibility arising in any way from omissions or errors contained in the content. Statement of Significance. Originally named Mt. Not long after it was recognised as their own, an unrecorded forecast of financial difficulty convinced the firm to sell the full estate to John Moffat, a Scotland-born shepherd who had worked the land about 15 years prior. .dhfUDx.dhfUDx > *:not(:last-child){margin:0 24px 0 0;}/*!sc*/ The haunting of the Monte Cristo Homestead . .iBPxrK.iBPxrK .styles__MediaInfoContainer-sc-1bxop02-3 svg path{color:black;}/*!sc*/ Working people in Homestead made history in 1892, but as is so often the case, not under circumstances of their own choosing.-with thanks to Joe White and the Allegheny County Labor Council. .jTMJA-D{font-size:1.5rem;font-family:"Museo-Sans-700","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;line-height:1.75rem;font-weight:normal;margin:0;}/*!sc*/ Listing agent Leeson White of Charles Stewart Real Estate said the preference was for both listings to be purchased in one line but the owner would be open to separate offers. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Ab44 € Buchen. With rare and impressive Gothic and Elizabethan architecture, the 1864-built original house is joined by bluestone stables and the ruins of an early sheering shed. 6 bed. The almost 13ha parcel is expected to fetch more than $350,000. Through promoting agritourism and preserving homesteading practices and histories of the Shoshone Project, our various exhibits and programs are tailored to all ages. History. Downtown Homestead, Homestead, Florida. D. Domain 30+ days ago. Twitter My Tweets Instagram. Historic homestead surrounded by stunning landscaped gardens on 1828sqm (approx). Learn how the club got started and major events in its past. @media (max-width:1024px){.iyQFfw.iyQFfw{max-width:658px;padding:0;}}/*!sc*/ The Hotel Redland is an Historic hotel, built in 1904 it is the oldest building in The City of Homestead. Anzahl der Zimmer : 5. Between 1905 and 1920, more land in the American West was claimed under the federal homestead laws than had been claimed during the previous four decades of the Homestead Act. Situated just outside Wickliffe, a small town in the Rural City of Ararat local government area, Berrambool homestead is being pitched as a rare opportunity for buyers to secure a heritage property on small acreage. Squatter and pastoralist firm the Clyde Company illegally took over land previously held by the Crown — at the time, Queen Victoria. On May 20, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signs the Homestead Act, which opens government-owned land to small family farmers (“homesteaders”).The … All that was to come sprang from the deeply American conviction that a man’s homestead is his castle. According German. data-styled.g321[id="Text__Typography-zot5yv-0"]{content:"jztphr,kGBEQw,jblUyC,cZmZTg,iBYKpG,fMGuZL,fOaRtX,jTMJA-D,"}/*!sc*/ Berrambool, Victoria Map: This page presents the Google satellite map (zoomable and browsable) of Berrambool in Victoria. Old Bermuda: Our Island, Our History has 14,891 members. .fzQcOo.fzQcOo{height:250px;margin:2rem auto;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g479[id="styles__PlaylistContainer-th3w1i-1"]{content:"cWflTH,"}/*!sc*/ MORE: Real estate grants and concessions, Victoria: How to save the most, Isabelle Silbery: Googlebox favourite sells TV star home in Hampton, The Block 2020: Mitch and Mark dish the dirt on the best houses. Stained glass windows, keystones, finials, castellated parapets, decorative ceiling roses and cornices are among the striking details still on show more than 150 years later. The resort also includes an alpine ski resort; founded in 1959, it is the oldest in Virginia. Use Homestead’s free website building software to choose a design, customize it, and show the world. “The social history of properties like this are quite important for the people buying the property. Peaceful and relaxed bed & breakfast accommodation surrounded by hills on the edge of Wollomi National Park and on the banks of the Goulburn River. By: Daniel Wysocki. READ as many books as you like (Personal use). #HappyEaster! data-styled.g602[id="styles__ArticleTagsText-sc-12zkpx6-4"]{content:"egtrne,"}/*!sc*/ @media (max-width:767px){@media (max-width:767px){.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx.dhfUDx ul{margin-right:-1rem;}}}/*!sc*/ Berrambool homestead stable .gtFibK.gtFibK{list-style:none;display:block;-webkit-column-fill:auto;-webkit-column-fill:auto;column-fill:auto;-webkit-column-count:4;column-count:4;height:100px;display:block;overflow-x:hidden;}/*!sc*/ History. Areas like the stables and woolshed have seen better days but still show solid walls. by Doug & Paul Mackey 1999. Built in c.1864 by the Moffatt family of Chatsworth, the house is designed in the Victorian style with Elizabethan and Gothic style features. .cHWIXg.cHWIXg{color:#FFFFFF;color:var(--white);}/*!sc*/ .jsRYeX.jsRYeX .styles__StyledVideoInfo-sc-1koxy7l-1{border:none;}/*!sc*/ Kylie Klein-Nixon 15:45, Dec 04 2020. The 1862 Homestead Act accelerated settlement of U.S. western territory by allowing any American, including freed slaves, to put in a claim for up to 160 free acres of federal land. A rich vein of Australian folklore runs through southern NSW's Binalong district and Mylora, a historic homestead in the area, features in many tales regaled by locals. located inside the hotel on the first floor is a restaurant and bar called City Hall Bistro & Martini Bar. The Homestead Act of 1862 had an immediate and enduring effect on America and the world that is still felt today. Home Topics History & Culture The haunting of the Monte Cristo Homestead. data-styled.g490[id="styles__Top5VideoTitle-sc-6t66k5-3"]{content:"cHWIXg,"}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g623[id="styles__StickyContainer-jvifu1-0"]{content:"dBvGlu,"}/*!sc*/ AmaSun B&B. You also may search that site by location as well as the Washington State Archives, Digital Archives for survey plats, land patent books, maps and other land records for the Jefferson County, … Springridge" A Timeless Estate 3435, Lancefield, Shire of Macedon Ranges, Loddon Mallee, Victoria . Mr Romeo said while the home “does need a lot of work” it was still an “amazingly solid building”. Applicants had to live on the homestead for five years and make certain improvements to gain title to the land. .jsRYeX.jsRYeX{margin:0 auto;max-width:1000px;}/*!sc*/ Homestead History. Keep up with Commercial Real Estate news. data-styled.g578[id="styles__Medrec2Container-tc1w4x-1"]{content:"fzQcOo,"}/*!sc*/ From the Homestead Kitchen: The Meaty History of Chicken à la King; Subscribe to our blog. The Museum is housed in the Wilkinson Homestead, a State Heritage listed building on the banks of the Canning River. Kerrabee Homestead in the Upper Hunter, New South Wales. Like the family’s more famous residence, Berrambool Homestead followed a design by architect James Fox who also created the Werribee Mansion. The Werribee Mansion architects London trained James Henry Fox and Scottish trained James Gall … Classified: 09/06/1960. A Reset font size. Kerrabee Homestead in the Upper Hunter, New South Wales. This is an original photo album and discussion website about Old Bermuda, our historic PAST. .cTXFno.cTXFno{width:316px;margin-top:2.5rem;margin-left:1.5rem;}/*!sc*/ Merchiston is one of the few grand homes of the turn of the century still standing on the farm it was built to serve. data-styled.g577[id="styles__Medrec1Container-tc1w4x-0"]{content:"jeMkQK,"}/*!sc*/ Hope for Melbourne’s heritage homes after changes Then pay only $7.99 per month. Book now. On July 22 I had opportunity to visit with Magda Kaemmle. Agriculture, industrialization, immigration, American Indian tribes and prairie ecosystems-all were somehow impacted and forever changed by the implementation of this revolutionary land law. HNM Image. The Fossmill Story. @media (max-width:767px){.cTXFno.cTXFno{padding:0 1rem;}}/*!sc*/ There’s quite a high demand for historic houses but often when they come on the market they’re on large acreage so they’re out of reach for most people. @media (max-width:767px){.jsRYeX.jsRYeX{padding:0 16px;}}/*!sc*/ Classified: Local: 03/08/1998. BERRAMBOOL Homestead Stables c. 1864/186- (-- Acres) + berrambool woolshed c. 1868 For Sale by Expression of Interest closing Friday November... On Request 6 bed .dvmPPm.dvmPPm{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-wrap:wrap;-ms-flex-wrap:wrap;flex-wrap:wrap;margin:0 -1rem -1rem 0;}/*!sc*/ Melbourne mid-century homes: Lax heritage schemes endangering important part of our history. @media (max-width:767px){.cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH{margin-right:-1rem;}}/*!sc*/ How lovely it was way back when ! 1009 Chatsworth Wickliffe Road, Wickliffe is for sale by expressions of interest closing November 27. .jkrKGM.jkrKGM{-webkit-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;width:318px;height:unset;margin:0;}/*!sc*/ We do not recommend sponsored lenders or loan products and we cannot introduce you to sponsored lenders. Various members of the Moffat family retained ownership of Berrambool up until the commencement of soldier settlements in the district post-World War II when the 8190-hectare property was divided into smaller parcels. Personalised advertising: We show you more relevant advertising based on your activity. “It’s a unique property and well known to the district,” Mr White said. Directions and Parking. Cocker Spaniel Club of Western Pensylvania, Inc. history. Berrambool Homestead at 1009 Chatsworth Wickliffe Road, Wickliffe, is for sale with a colourful history dating back more than 150 years. @media (max-width:1024px){.cTXFno.cTXFno{width:100%;margin:0;}}/*!sc*/ .gtFibK.gtFibK a{font-size:0.75rem;line-height:1rem;margin:0.75rem 0;font-family:"Museo-Sans-300","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;color:black;}/*!sc*/ ISBM 0-921801-83-1. View Berrambool NSW suburb profile report & get real estate market data, median prices, property sales, lifestyle & demographic information on The first free homestead in the United States was taken by Daniel Freeman on Cub Creek in Gage County, Nebraska, about five miles northwest of Beatrice.Daniel Freeman was born in Ohio in 1826 and moved with his parents to Illinois in 1835. @media (max-width:1024px){.jeMkQK.jeMkQK{height:315px;margin:0 auto;}}/*!sc*/ Sign me up! .fiRUpV.fiRUpV{list-style:none;display:block;-webkit-column-fill:auto;-webkit-column-fill:auto;column-fill:auto;-webkit-column-count:4;column-count:4;height:100px;display:none;overflow-x:hidden;}/*!sc*/ Listing agent Leeson White of Charles Stewart Real Estate said the property was a "restoration delight". .fiRUpV.fiRUpV a{font-size:0.75rem;line-height:1rem;margin:0.75rem 0;font-family:"Museo-Sans-300","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;color:black;}/*!sc*/ Home Home Houses Houses by year of completion Houses completed in 1758 Peter Wentz Homestead. Myriad tragic incidents have led to a gallery of ghosts in this Victorian villa in New South Wales. The home’s decorative finials and architectural flourishes are hard to find in newer builds. Where the setting is, it’s beautiful – it’s next to the Hopkins River,” he said. Many students of the Homestead battle see it as a signal event in establishing the predominance of the rights of capital over rights of labor in the workplace. Charles Stewart’s Leeson White said while it had Hopkins River frontage, it was more suited for renewal as a home, or possibly as a bed and breakfast, than for farming. Narrapumelap Historic Homestead, Wickliffe: See 12 reviews, articles, and 13 photos of Narrapumelap Historic Homestead on Tripadvisor. 1009 Chatsworth Wickliffe Road, Wickliffe, RSL: Fitzroy sub-branch building that was to be refuge for sale, Real estate grants and concessions, Victoria: How to save the most. ESR. data-styled.g459[id="style__SEOFooterWrapper-sc-1j6h7ak-0"]{content:"Rjxjz,"}/*!sc*/ The Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (PHMC) will begin welcoming visitors to state-owned historic sites and museums, including the Daniel Boone Homestead on Friday, April 30 with reduced hours of operation and limited capacity.. * Magda Kaemmle's History ^ top. @media (max-width:1024px){.gWYfwF.gWYfwF{width:100%;min-height:206px;}}/*!sc*/ Homestead National Monument of America, located in Southeast Nebraska, commemorates this Act and the far-reaching effects it had upon the landscape and people. This is a list of historic houses or notable homesteads located in Australia.The list has been sourced from a variety of national, state and local historical sources including those listed on the Australian Heritage Database, on the various heritage registers of the States and territories of Australia, or by the National Trust of Australia .gIyhpL.gIyhpL{color:#a5adb5;margin-top:20px;}/*!sc*/ @media (max-width:767px){.jkrKGM.jkrKGM{margin:1.5rem 0;}}/*!sc*/ @media (max-width:1024px){.jsRYeX.jsRYeX{max-width:658px;}}/*!sc*/ The promise of free land and wide open … Group. “It’s a huge cosmetic renovation – it needs renovating and rewiring but the stonework is in excellent condition,” he said. Once the homesteaders had filed for their homesteads, they were given an interim receipt, on the back of which were spelled out the conditions that had to be met in order to obtain title to the homesteads. By Sarah Bartlett • September 4, 2018 • Reading Time: < 1 • Print this page. Arms family homestead thinks this is real funny, upgrading our backyard farm. Tucked away on an old grazing property, this federation-style timber homestead sleeps up to 10 guests. data-styled.g461[id="style__SEODisclaimerText-sc-1j6h7ak-2"]{content:"gIyhpL,"}/*!sc*/ Her family immigrated to the United States from Krasnystaw, Poland, from Antwerp, Belgium via the Red Star Line, on the ship Finland. Announcement: 18 March 2020 Please note this property is temporarily closed until further notice. The Homestead strike, also known as the Homestead steel strike, Homestead massacre, or Battle of Homestead was an industrial lockout and strike which began on July 1, 1892, culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6, 1892. Download full A Homestead History Book or read online anytime anywhere, Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle. @media (max-width:1024px){.cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH{margin-right:calc(0px - ((100vw - 658px) / 2));}}/*!sc*/ Built in 1864 by the Moffatt family of Chatsworth, the Victorian style house is designed with Elizabethan and Gothic style features. .cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none;}/*!sc*/ Part of a historic Victorian property pinched from the Queen and later panic-sold to a migrant shepherd who used it to build a landmark property portfolio has hit the market. Dominic Romeo of Circa Heritage and Lifestyle, who has the listing with Mr Leeson, said it was rare for a heritage property to be offered with a small amount of land, making it accessible to a greater number of buyers. data-styled.g599[id="styles__ArticleTagsTitle-sc-12zkpx6-1"]{content:"iZJMbt,"}/*!sc*/ In der Gegend können Sie aus 8 Hotels und weiteren Unterkünften wählen – so brauchen Sie bestimmt auf keine Annehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen wichtig sind, verzichten. While some of the images might appear “scary” for inexperienced renovators, the building is still quite sound. Historic "Couangalt" Property Circa 1857 3437, Gisborne South, Shire of Macedon Ranges, Loddon Mallee, Victoria . Treasured memories shared. The wool shed, that would make an amazing house studio or even perhaps someone could use it as a gin distillery,” Mr Romeo added. Join 1,161 other subscribers Email Address . Sharing the Big Horn Basin’s history with the surrounding community and beyond is our passion and purpose. Prefer us not to? ISBM 0-88954-251-1. “It’s a great lifestyle property. .iJzUMM.iJzUMM{margin-bottom:1.5rem;}/*!sc*/ BERRAMBOOL Homestead Stables c. 1864/186- (-- Acres) + berrambool woolshed c. 1868 For Sale by Expression of Interest closing Friday November... On Request 6 bed “It’s really a blank canvas and some people just want to go and live there.”. @media (max-width:1024px){.fzQcOo.fzQcOo{height:315px;margin:0 auto;}}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g487[id="styles__Top5VideoBackColorContainer-sc-6t66k5-0"]{content:"iBPxrK,"}/*!sc*/ is owned and operated by ASX-listed REA Group Ltd (REA:ASX) © REA Group Ltd. Australia's biggest share accommodation site. Under the original Homestead Act heads of family could claim 160 acres of contiguous government land. Ontario Northland since 1902. by Robert J. Surtees . In need of a renovation, the homestead with a $1.45-$1.55m asking price was designed by the same architect who created the landmark Werribee Mansion and was built for the Moffat family, known for their Western Districts station Chatsworth House — which hosted royalty. .jilpBL.jilpBL{padding:2px 8px;margin:0 1rem 1rem 0;border:1px solid #697684;border:1px solid var(--pebble);border-radius:30px;}/*!sc*/ A historic woolshed on an adjoining parcel of land is expected to be part of the deal on a separate title, but could be sold separately. .iZJMbt.iZJMbt{margin-bottom:1rem;text-transform:uppercase;color:#333F48;color:var(--bluestone);}/*!sc*/ Create free account to access unlimited books, fast download and ads free! Facebook. Situated just outside Wickliffe, a small town in the Rural City of Ararat local government area, Berrambool homestead is being pitched as a rare opportunity for buyers to secure a heritage property on small acreage. ISBM 978-0--9812560-6-1. .cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH.cWflTH{list-style:none;overflow:scroll;margin:0;padding:0;-ms-overflow-style:none;-webkit-scrollbar-width:none;-moz-scrollbar-width:none;-ms-scrollbar-width:none;scrollbar-width:none;}/*!sc*/ History is not merely dates and names, but the story of men and women who lived, just as we do today. data-styled.g489[id="styles__Top5VideoLayout-sc-6t66k5-2"]{content:"dhfUDx,"}/*!sc*/ A heritage Victorian homestead in need of a major cosmetic renovation is on the market for the first time in more than four decades. The Daniel Boone Homestead, the site of the legendary pioneer's birth in 1734, offers a unique glimpse at the diverse and dynamic community that formed in the Oley Valley during the colonial period through exhibits, programs, and tours. Animals. @media (max-width:1024px){.gtFibK.gtFibK{-webkit-column-count:3;column-count:3;height:150px;}}/*!sc*/
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