American Journal of Pediatrics (AJP) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal featuring research articles of exceptional significance in all areas of pediatric medicines. The category ‘Political Science’ comprises 232 journals – namely: • 180 in Political Science; and • 95 in International Relations (some journals are in both categories).. About this journal. (3years) Cites / Doc. Latest issue; All issues ; Articles in press; Article collections; Mendeley datasets; Sign in to set up alerts; RSS; About; Publish; Submit your article. Edited By: Professor Isabelle Engeli, Associate Professor Emiliano Grossman and Professor Sofia Vasilopoulou Impact factor: 2.830. Political Geography is the flagship journal of political geography and advances knowledge in all aspects of the geographical and spatial dimensions of politics and the political.The journal brings together leading contributions in the field and promotes interdisciplinary debates in international relations, political science, and other related fields. About. It is published bimonthly in English-language, providing a broad coverage of internal medicine. Frontiers in Political Science focuses on the theory and practice of governments and political systems at the local, state, national and international levels. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Vol. International Political Science Review (IPSR) is committed to publishing peer-reviewed material that makes a significant contribution to international political science.IPSR seeks to meet the needs of political scientists in different subfields of the discipline and regions of the world. Impact Factor/ 5 Year IF SSCI/SCIE ISSN H index Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. Journal of Chinese Political Science (JCPS) has been recently accepted into SSCI, Clarivate (formerly Thomson Reuter) Social Sciences Citation Index. Citation search. The main objective of AIJSS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. 1, April 2005. … Guide for authors. Their article, Spatial and Temporal Proximity: Examining the Effects of Protests on Political Attitudes appeared in the April 2014 issue of the American Journal of Political Science. Impact factor: 3.893. AIMS AND SCOPE OF JOURNAL: The Annual Review of Political Science, in publication since 1998, covers significant developments in the field of Political Science including political theory and philosophy, international relations, political economy, political behavior, American and comparative politics, public administration and policy, and methodology. Review of Economics and Political Science - Volume 3 Issue 2 to Volume 5 Issue 4 ... American attitude towards Iran and its reflection on Iran policy towards the Arab region Athbi Zaid Khalaf . 1, No. Journal of Women Politics and Policy: 2005 - present. Journal metrics; Aims and scope; Instructions for authors; Journal information; Editorial board; Editorial policies; Browse the list of issues and latest articles from Political Science. Actions. Citation search . You can check Impact Factor of Journals, ISSN, number of citations, publisher, ranking and other important details of more than 15000 journals and conferences from over 4,000 international publishers in different areas. Legislative Studies Quarterly: 1976 - present. It also refers to the study of interdisciplinary aspects of politics and international relations, social anthropology, social policy, global public health, social work, science, technology, innovation studies and sociology, etc. PS, Political Science & Politics: 1988 - present. Brazilian Political Science Review (BPSR) is a political science journal, published online and in English, with the mission of disseminating high quality scientific papers on topics of political science and international relations, thereby contributing to the exchange of ideas in the international political science community and the internationalization of scientific knowledge produced in Brazil. The American Journal of Political Science is a journal published by the Midwest Political Science Association.It was formerly known as the Midwest Journal of Political Science.According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2016 impact factor of 5.044, ranking it 1st out of 165 journals in the category "Political Science". Political Research Quarterly: 1948 - present. Tools. Impact factor – Reflecting the average number of citations to articles published in science and social science journals. The Journal of Politics in Latin America is a refereed journal dedicated to promoting a deeper understanding of the political process and political institutions in the region. 360, Issue 4, p423–426 Association of Pre-Admission Statin Use With Reduced In-Hospital Mortality in COVID-19 Shireen R. Chacko, Robert DeJoy III, Kevin Bryan Lo, Jeri Albano, Eric Peterson, Ruchika Bhargav, Fahad Gu, Grace Salacup, Jerald Pelayo, Zurab Azmaiparashvili, Janani Rangaswami, Gabriel Patarroyo-Aponte, Sadia Benzaquen, Ena Gupta Search Engine for checking Journal Impact Factor. About the journal. Governance. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook; PDY Interactive; Journal list menu . Go. Publius: 1971 - present. Science Journals Get Word file: After you open Full Text for each article, change the last 3 characters of the web address from pdf to doc you will get Word file. The correlation between impact factors in SCImago and JCR is very large (about 0.99 in a sample I took of 64 economics journals). A-Z Collaborations Asia Pacific USA & America Europe Middle East Africa. Published on behalf of American Political Science Association Back to journal; Peer reviewer guidelines Publishing ethics Author publishing agreement Open Access Policy Impact metrics Editorial board Instructions for authors Abstracting and indexing services Request permissions Advertising information American Political Science Review news Book review information Past titles. The purpose of this study is to cover the change that happened in the American foreign policy toward Iran by changing the American leadership from Obama to Trump. Membership Advertise with us Reprints and permissions. Menu. Journal Political Science Submit an article Journal homepage. Articles. AIJSS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in social science and become the leading journal in social science in the world. The Journal is devoted to geology and related sciences and publishes articles from around the world presenting results of major research from all earth sciences. American Politics Research: 1973 - present. High Impact Journals In Political Science; High Impact Journals In Public Administration; Scholarly Publishing; New Books & E-books ; Research, Write & Cite; Reference; UT Library Public Administration Journals With the Highest Impact Factors Journal Of Public Administration Research And Theory : J-PART. Publish. American Journal of Critical Care. I cannot present here a JCR impact factor of the Journal of Socio-Economics because the journal is not yet included in JCR (I do not know for what reasons). Impact factor: 3.424. American Journal of Translational Research (official SCI Impact Factor 2.829) is an online open-access medical journal dedicated to the translational research in medicine (translational medicine)including basic and clinical translational sciences in oncology, cardiology, neurology, pharmacology and all related medical research. It is a leading international journal devoted to providing cutting-edge research by and for the political science community in Latin American studies as well as for comparativists focusing on Latin America. The Journal of American Science (J Am Sci) ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online) First issue - Vol. JCPS is a rigorously peer refereed academic journal in political science that publishes theoretical and empirical research articles on Chinese politics across the whole spectrum of political science. Eigenfactor – A rating of the total importance of a scientific journal according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals. This journal is one of the few truly international political science journals with a broad scope across the discipline. Journal. APA Journals Portfolio Highlights. Articles & Issues. Introduction, Call for papers. References Cited: Goodwin, Jeff, James Jasper, and Francesca Polletta. About this journal. Our Services . Articles & Issues. Follow journal. Presidential Studies Quarterly: 1974 - present. Readers are primarily earth scientists in academia and government institutions. Editor(s): Cindy L. Munro; Richard H. Savel Publisher: American Association of Critical Care Nurses 2019 Journal Impact Factor: 2.1 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group) ISSN: 1062-3264 Register for eToc Alerts The American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS) was founded in 1889 to promote progress in the social sciences.Sparked by Professor Edmund J. James and drawing from members of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, Swarthmore College, and Bryn Mawr College, the Academy sought to establish communication between scientific thought and practical effort. Current issue About this journal. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry is the flagship journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and is the leading journal focusing exclusively on today's psychiatric research and treatment of the child and adolescent. American International Journal of Social Science (AIJSS) is a double blind peer reviewed journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. Subscribe. It presents authoritative coverage of new scientific developments in potato science, including biotechnology, breeding and genetics, crop management, disease and pest research, economics and marketing, … The journal is interdisciplinary and it explores both empirical political science and critical theories. The American Journal of Potato Research (AJPR), the journal of the Potato Association of America (PAA), publishes reports of basic and applied research on the potato, Solanum spp. Since 1889, The American Academy of Political and Social Science has served as a forum for the free exchange of ideas among the well informed and intellectually curious. European Journal of Political Research. New content alerts RSS. American Journal of Sports Science (AJSS) , a peer-reviewed open access journal published bimonthly in English-language, provides an international forum for the presentation of research findings and scholarly exchange in the area of Sports and Recreation. Economic Sectionalism, Executive‐Centered Partisanship, and the Politics of the State and Local Tax Deduction Nicholas F. Jacobs First Published: 18 March 2021 Following the release of the 2019 Journal Citation Reports ® (JCR) from Clarivate Analytics, APA is pleased to report that 41% of our journals with an Impact Factor (24 titles) rank in the top 10 of their topic category.. APA Journals highlights in Psychology categories. Journal Of Policy … It will consider the societal and cultural factors that influence the operation of government together with policy theories. 1.535 Impact Factor. Social & Political Sciences study the sociological impacts of political systems, change in political policies and administration.
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