You’re right. WHta was the UK number you rang to resolve this issue I cannot find a contact number and my countless cases have all lead to poor responses followed by a quick closure. According to Stine, the most common reasons new sellers fail the verification process include: Amazon has very specific guidelines for how they want the two types of documents submitted. you can’t just terminate it. Physix Gear Sport I can’t get past the verification process. No CSR at this company. Where do I go from here? Start selling Learn more They wouldn’t have clue what they are talking about and its a total waste of effort. Yes, that should work. An Amazon forum member who went through a similar ordeal suggested that I get verification first and then close the Japan marketplace. Or do I just google various permutations? However, I still recommend avoiding spaces and special characters. The documents I sent in are all the same as the originals way back when but the process is stalled as my wife, who is a beneficial owner, did not have a passport or a driving license. The link says Authorization Failed! The latter is problematic because the reply email is in Japanese and I have to resort to an online translator to see what went wrong (I have a Japanese name but grew up in Canada). My Seller Verification was rejected. Go to, or click “Sell” in the main navigation on Get direct access to the most accurate sales estimates. I believed Amazon just want to make money but never want to invest support for their seller( customer). Fitness Niche. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until you hear back from them regarding your account. I am from Norway, and the bills are in a not supported language, but I translated the headlines in pdf. Each member of an LLC will need to do this. For sellers who have a website it makes sense to do it your way. Amazon wants to see the entire document including all of the small print pages. Email address. Books are one of the biggest sellers on Amazon, and there’s no better example of choosing the right name to set yourself apart here. Free Amazon Keyword Planner. Hi Kristine, Have you been able to figure out this issue? Is there a specific way to search for similar names? and it usually happens or i am the only Person facing it? You know there’s even a business opportunity out there … I know there are companies that do consultS for individuals but $1000 is a bit steep. The pdf I am using as part of the verification x’s out all but the last 4 digits of my bank account number for security reasons. I have contacted seller support and they said that I can request another but I am not seeing the link and this is very frustrating. Dave lives in Norman, Oklahoma with his wife, Tracy, son, Jack, and a whole mess of pets. They aren’t giving you any reason why it’s not being accepted? Amazon is a massive online retail platform with, . Amazon bots respond 1 or 2 days after a submission but it’s always the same “unable to verify your…” from both Amazon US and Japan. Second, you must provide information that proves you are who you say you are. After verifying with Amazon Europe by submitting a copy of my passport, I terminated that marketplace. You can do a quick Business Name Search online to find out if your name is available within your country/state, also be sure to search if the name is also available for Trademark and Domain name Registration. Can any one help me? Do you have a debit card? I am having the exact same issue with seller verification! Does the scan or pic need to be a specific dpi to be deemed “clear” to them? There has been no other way you could sign into your account? Can’t seem to get a clear answer anywhere and I want to make sure I have my ducks in a row before I apply so I can avoid lengthy suspensions etc. New seller here. To get here, either find the link to your storefront in Seller Central, or go to one of your product listings, click the link in the “sold by” Section, then the link that says “ [Seller Name] Storefront”. These are foundational aspects of the process that are really non-negotiable. What should I do at this point ? Any insight you can give me on this would be super helpful. The issue can be that you had an older selling account. Based on what I’ve been seeing in the Amazon forums, it’s likely that Amazon will ask for additional verification when you switch from an individual seller account to a professional one. 1. Box? to sell on Amazon? This seem common. My question… and maybe a suggestion. I tried re-activating it but was unsuccessful. Credit card statements, bank statements, or utility bills, Amazon goes into further detail about the type of information that they accept, as well as the format in which you must submit this information, on, In early 2020, we spoke with Amazon suspensions expert. I still cannot be verify correct. Sorry to hear you are having trouble! Lots of sellers do both. i followed all the criteria in submitting My response really only applies to the smallest of small sellers … I find it unusual that Amazon is asking for my full nine digit Social Security Number in the account verification process when a transaction takes place that somehow appears suspicious. The account type that will let you get started selling on Amazon for free is called the “Individual seller account.” This account type has some limitations as compared to the account that has a monthly fee (known as the Professional seller account), but it’s perfect for someone who wants to get started without spending any money right away. local_offer Tags: Amazon Policies, Amazon Seller, Seller Resources, Selling on Amazon, Very useful info. My USA tourist visa, where it say visa was issued in Panama? For instance, many of the “bad actors” on Amazon — those signing up to sell on Amazon for unethical reasons — were immediately removed from the platform once the program was introduced. I suggest you contact seller support to get an accurate answer to this question. I’m not sure why I have to go thru the Seller Identity Verification process again. I had called amazon and spoke to an agent seller support and she said if I still have issues to do it over with a new email address, but I don’t want to get suspended. Will I be able to send more documents in the same attachment, if I can make it up to 10 megabytes? I now believe I made a typo when inputting my address on my seller account so my supporting documents do not match the address exactly due to my typo. And not only does Amazon have its own selection of first-party products, it also supports more than 2.5 million third-party sellers, too. I have a few in mind but it’s entirely possible that one or more of these are taken. Will “grandfathered-in” sellers have to go through the same verification process? To avoid multiple accounts? There is considerable value in choosing a seller name that can link easily to an internet domain name. For that reason, we recommend that sellers with older accounts prepare their verification documents now. That’s why they require new sellers to send in every single page of their document. The last 4 digits match what I gave Amazon in full, so it should be verifiable … yet I keep getting rejected and that is the only thing I can find as a possible reason why. Dave, who can we rattle? Did Amazon give you any explanation as to why your account was rejected? Seller Central Coupons became available to Amazon Sellers in mid-November 2017. There is considerable value in choosing a seller name that can link easily to an internet domain name. Become an Amazon seller. However, Stine fully expects Amazon to begin verifying grandfathered sellers as it continues to crack down on bad actors. I was just reject for my new seller account, but with research I think I know why. Create your Amazon seller account. Hi Dave, great insights! In diesem Beitrag erfährst du genau, wie du einen Amazon Seller Account erstellen kannst - und welche Stolpersteine dabei zu beachten sind. You can go to the regular amazon.comwebsite and in the search box where you would normally search for a product you can search for a seller name. Analysis of import records uncovering the shifting supply of goods globally. You’ll see two IDs in the URL: the Amazon Marketplace ID (e.g. When I enter my email address, I just get the same Seller Verification denial screen. I am a new seller applying to Handmade and am getting rejected. If an item is marked as sold by [company name] and Fulfilled by Amazon (note the capital letter), it’s been shipped to an Amazon warehouse and checked beforehand. Please confirm that there is a valid credit card on file, and provide the requested document(s) in .pdf, .png, .jpeg, or .gif format. Sign in to your account. Hello, I am new to this and I created a professional account in amazon seller central. I suggest that if you have a registered domain name, you choose something close to that in case customers want to find out more about you on your website. What additional documents do you recommend adding with my passport? How can I truly start over? I’m at an impasse until I can speak with a person in the identity verification department. Amazon account verify problem. I understand what you are saying. Amazon’s verification process exists for three main reasons: This article covers everything you need to know about Amazon’s verification process, including what you need to know to get verified as a seller yourself. Access our industry reports, blog, and webinar content. Are you able to contact support to see what the issue is with your information? Help / Account settings / Get started selling on Amazon. also, can i use a cell phone bill? Amazon doesn’t provide any answer and support! I got verified after I opened my account recently from Australia. Amazon states: Are you still facing this issue? Do you know if I can scan, for example,bank statememts downloaded and printed from the bank website or they should be originally sent from the bank by regular mail?. I have NOW incorporated my sole trade business to a UK Limited company. Your Amazon seller name must incorporate your brand name, however, which should … A quarterly study that explores changes in consumer behavior. What do I need in order to verify my identity/my business’ identity? The following are actual examples of businesses I found on Amazon. Follow along as we launch a product on Amazon, step-by-step. I also suggest that when you make your decision (and you do not have a registered domain name) that you also make sure that there is not one already out there that is too similar. Selling on Amazon is a great way for new online entrepreneurs to get started in this market. Generate name ideas, check availability, hold name contests. Seller Central from Amazon Services Europe. After I was verified I have been kind of locked out of US account. So, in the interest of protecting both its sellers and shoppers, Amazon requires all sellers to go through a strict verification process. I have been an Amazon seller for over 12 years when they started the re-verification process in November 2020. Happily selling on UK / EU platforms now. It gains considerable credibility to have a name that is registered rather than something that appears that it might change at any time. Are you able to change the account to your name? , who shared that, for the most part, the process has been a success for Amazon. Will they reject my application because they don’t match (my LLC is not listed anywhere on my utility bills). My account is currently deactivated due to verification failure. However, Amazon doesn’t make this requirement clear in their guidelines, which is why we’re highlighting it here. Last year I changed my seller name from two words shoved together, all lowercase, to two separate words – and one of those words has an apostrophe. I scan color PDF, clean, clear, and every good image nice. Using Stephen King as an example (simply because he’s such a well-known author), his new book Mr Mercedes brings back pages of sellers. At this point I’m concerned that I’ll never be able to get verified because there’s no human interaction available from seller support at Amazon to resolve this impass. Your LLC address is a P.O. Hello I have a physical address on my LLC , and while signing in Amazon they have rejected my address and explain that the address couldn’t be véridicité I will not be able to use this account . Can you help. However, a workaround that worked in the past was that of writing the name you wanted to have on google followed by “at a glance” (for instance Chris Amazing library at a glance). Have you resolved your problem? No. Hello, There is no way for you to reupload the passport? Hope you can help. It has been more than a week and still under review. Let somebody else do the hard work of shipping and managing inventory for you. SellerApp's Free Amazon Keyword Tool helps you generate keyword ideas for your Amazon product listing. Get started selling on Amazon To learn about Quick Start Guide > Intro to Seller Central, watch this Seller University video: Get started selling on Amazon . Use the following three tips for getting through the Amazon verification process smoothly: Sometimes, it can take weeks or even months for a seller to make sure their “ducks are in a row.” This is especially important for existing sellers whose livelihoods would be affected by a sudden change in Amazon’s terms of service. Dear Sir , Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Just a couple of questions: 1 – I created an LLC and have an EIN. Dave, Why not (with your influence) and with JS support bring these issues to the attention of someone who maybe cares are seller central … We want to sell on your platform… Maybe use your Big Amazon dollars and invest in a simplified system and use some AI …. I understand how frustrating it can be. Can I register with debit card instead of credit card as amazon seller? I sent requested about 50 time each time said the same thing even I did every step corrected. However All other markets are active. Amazon is a massive online retail platform with billions of shoppers across 18 worldwide marketplaces. Hi I have had several emails back from Amazon but am unsuccessful loading up the final documents. they state that I must enter a new address but I cannot access my sellers application to see what the problem is. Q: i have a Chinese passport: I haven’t been successful with different formats and resolutions and it’s been 10 days. I started the process the 9th of October and still have not received the post card. > As soon as I registered for a professional seller account, my credit card was charged, but my account status was “deactivated” and since then I’ve sent my internet service provider’s invoice as a utility bill document to verify identity and residence. Ensure that there are no extra spaces in your password. Resellers find popular products that already exist and offer them in Amazon's stores. However, if you have all of your identifying documentation ready to go, the faster Amazon will move you through the process — and the faster you can get back to selling! Or do I email them and ask to start again? And not only does Amazon have its own selection of first-party products, it also supports more than, So, in the interest of protecting both its sellers and shoppers, Amazon requires all sellers to go through a. This is also the place where sellers manage inventory, product performance, and define campaign settings. The only thing On my ID is I am scanning in my drivers license and although it looks clear to me, maybe it isn’t to them? Hi Brian, I contacted seller support who deleted two accounts that failed during recent registration attempts. The OTP is “one time password.” It is used as a 2 step verification to sign in. It may take a couple of days, up to a couple of weeks. I suppose my case is a slightly more complicated in that I have a separate account which previously had a seller account but I didn’t do anything with it and so Amazon deactivated for inactivity. Don’t forget to check if the name already exists! I pdf’d the scans before sending. My perspective opinion about Amazon seller support was a bad one, the company did not provided help with anything. Search your name idea on Google, Amazon and the free Trademark Search Database on the US government website. I Attached both and they sent me an email that says UNABLE TO VERIFY DOCUMENT in both attachments. She is partially sighted and suffers from Alzheimers and did not want or need either document. Amazon goes into further detail about the type of information that they accept, as well as the format in which you must submit this information, on their service page. My Question is that i have been applied for new Amazon central seller account since 27th July 2020 but unfortunately its still showing same status “We have received your information and we may contact you for more information within two business days”. And the verification algorithm just will not accept it, despite different file formats and resolutions. I am verified as an individual seller, do Amazon make another verification when i become a professional seller? Thanks. Then I learned about how global market regions are automatically attached to an account upon registration and each marketplace needs verification. That is not allowed if so. I’ve been battling since June 2020 to get some movement on things like bank statements and Utility bill etc. I live in Panama, but I am Peruvian and a resident of Panama for 30 years. You are not allowed to have 2 seller accounts unless you are approved by Amazon. Hi Dave. Can I register as a professional seller on Amazon with an Austrian residence card instead of passport or driver’s license? I can’t even re-upload document basically. An entire $100. €39 (excl. -passport I was told to start over. That may affect the process. Do you think AMZ would accept a state issued ID?? Also, does the scanner code that verifies the name and address of submitted documents smart enough to account for abbreviations like Road vs Rd, etc? Hi Dave hi.Can I use my passport for my National ID Card? This is something you’ll need to sort out with Amazon. What type of error or message are you getting from Amazon? The names and addresses are same everywhere. You can not enter an existing name, so choose whatever you like. Calculate potential profit, estimate product sales, and more. I believe so, but you might check with Amazon’s SIV just in case. Providing business reports as needed to other LLC members. If you plan to sell your own brand on Amazon, we have lots of resources and tools to help. Thank you, So I have been having an issue regarding registering with FBA seller and it states that it had to validate my address and that they will send a postcard. However my application for has been denied so many times due to unverified documents, and now I don’t have any ”UPLOAD DOCUMENTS” option. In order to sell in the North American marketplaces (the United States, Canada, and Mexico), Amazon requires sellers submit two types of documents to the Seller Identification Verification (SIV) process. We were unable to verify the document(s) you provided………… Dominate your segment and maximize your margins. Step 5 (if applicable): You may be asked for the following additional documents by Amazon Seller Performance Review team. 3 best practices for Amazon seller account verification. I apply for a new seller account, but I did every steps same as required but still rejected my verification,said cannot be verify, I never under stand. They asked me to attach my passport and bank or credit card statement. Read our comprehensive guides and case studies. Anyone who knows how long the verification takes? For those who aren’t aware of this rule, Amazon suspends active sellers during verification. Some good guidelines include making sure your name is simple and easy to remember (can you say it out loud?) Just in case, I submitted a credit card statement and mobile phone bill but they were also rejected. I think Amazon is a bad company to deal with. Amazon wants to see the entire document. who employ unethical tactics to win sales. I think that maybe they did not like how I scanned the passport but also i think that in my passport does not specify that I live in Panama. So I recommend proper spacing and grammar, eg: Apostrophe’s Books. It gains considerable credibility to have a name that is registered rather than something that appears that it might change at any time. I have one question. thanks for sharing such an informative article about Amzon central seller account verification. With the recent boom of ecommerce, aspiring entrepreneurs have looked to Amazon as a way to build a profitable business in 2021. Hope you can help!! I live in Singapore but will be operating my Amazon account under a business entity from Ireland with my team there. Seems to me they don’t want more seller on the platform. I am stuck on the verification process and am unable to load up my passport back page which i missed initially. Amazon will soon require third-party sellers in the U.S. marketplace to display their business name and address on their public-facing profiles.. Required fields are marked *, Everything you need to find a product & start your Amazon business, Tools to make managing your business easy, so you can focus on growing it, Insights from the Amazon Marketplace tailored to the world's largest brands, Get your product up and running on Amazon with a successful launch, Earn more product reviews - the key to driving traffic and sales, Simplify managing your Amazon business & save time, Web-based software suite to start & grow your Amazon business, Designed for brands and agencies to dominate the market, Access the most accurate Amazon insights for your business. Now I’m more serious about to be one of the seller on amazon . Da insbesondere immer mehr Kunden auf dem mobilen Endgerät kaufen, sollten man auch prüfen, ob der Titel auch mobil korrekt dargestellt werden kann. what documentation will be asked if they do a verification on the account. Wholesale Seller Advice., Build custom dashboards with Jungle Scout data. First, you must answer a series of questions (via an online form) about your business and yourself (or whoever the main contact for the business will be). What could I do in this case? You may have to dig through some mess but usually if there is a seller name that matches what you are searching for their listing will show up and have the merchant name just under the listing. Register now for up to three months free trial. I am sorry you are experiencing some issues. My address is a real street address with P.O. This can happen when you copy and paste your password from somewhere else. Reporting income earned (or lost) by your Amazon seller LLC on your personal tax return. A debit card may work as well. Avoid spaces or special character. I do not drive but I have a state of Illinois state issued ID which let’s me go thru the airport TSA. We have been forced to apply for a passport (at a cost of £111.00) and meantime my disbursements have been stopped since November with the usual impacts. I need to choose a seller name. “If you submit a copy of your passport, please ensure that the passport has the bearer’s signature.”. Are you referring to a website here or the Amazon Seller name? or my Panama driver’s license or my Panama id? And while that may not seem like much of an issue, sometimes Amazon’s verification process can take weeks, or even months. Dave Hamrick is an entrepreneur and has been an Amazon seller since 2015. Sellers may attempt to contact Amazon for further insight, but should first review every known step and all documentation carefully to ensure the discrepancy wasn’t on their end. You will need to use a credit card, not a debit card. Anyway, now it seems that extra account might be interfering with my current identity verification? my seller account identification criteria I have a question about AMZ Account set up and verification: If they send that information as is, Amazon will reject their application due to the discrepancy. You provided them everything they ask for? Annual insights from real Amazon sellers. First, your business name, domain name, brand name and Amazon seller name should matchto some degree.
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