Roman also got a small scene to prepare. Schutzherr Rocky tyrannisiert seinen eigenen Clan, darunter seine Freundin Terezka, die er auf den Strich schickt. Die Vorproduktion und Drehbucharbeit begann im Frühjahr 2015. His countenance had changed rapidly in recent years, they were grim, aggressive and no longer a 12-year-old boy. A minority of people without their own state, which is prejudiced and clichéed in our culture. Makarová lives and works in Vienna and Berlin. Alexandra Makarová Režie, Scénář; Sebastian Schmidl Scénář; Simon Schwarz Produkce; Konstantin Seitz Produkce; Johannes Winkler Hudba; Georg Weiss Kamera It was the story of a young couple from Eastern Slovakia who finally led me to deny our lovers Pepe & Marcela the happiness of fulfilled love. Johannes Winkler Cinematography by . Since the first reading of the treatment by Alexandra Makarová we could not escape the topic. A force that each of us has felt. Roman PokutaSimona KováčováFrantišek BalogSimonida SelimovicMartin GáborMaximillian SixWolfgang ZechmayerEva SpreitzhoferSasa Makarová, 19th Diagonale Graz – Official Selection/World Premiere – AT 03/201825th Art Film Festival Kosice – Official Selection – SK 06/201812th Fünf Seen Filmfestival – Official Selection – DE 09/201840th Biberacher Filmfestspiele – Official Selection – Award Best Screenplay – DE 10/201845th International Film Weekend Würzburg – Official Selection – DE 01/20193rd Open Window Film Festival Kolkata – Official Selection – IND 02/20194th Indie Lincs International Film Festival – Official Selection – Audience Award – UK 02/20195th Felacos – Festival de Largos y Cortos de Santiago – Official Selection – CL 03/201933rd Bolzano Filmfestival Bozen – Official Selection – IT 04/20198th New Austrian Cinema Festival Moscow – Official Selection – RU 04/201930rd Romy Academy Award – Official Selection – Award Best Producer Feature Film/Cinema – AT 04/201929th Filmkunstfest MV Schwerin – Official Selection – DE 05/20199th South East European Film Festival Los Angeles – Official Selection – Award GoE Bridging the Borders/Cinema without Borders – US 05/201916th Indy Film Fest 2019 Indianapolis – Official Selection – US 05/20195th Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne – Official Selection – AU 06/20196th Mind the Indie Film Festival Plovdiv – Official Selection – BG 06/20192nd Porto Femme International Film – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – PT 06/20198th New Austrian Cinema Festival Krasnodar – Official Selection – RU 06/201923th European Film Festival Romania – Official Selection – RO 06/20198th New Austrian Cinema Festival Rostov – Official Selection – RU 06/20193rd Santiago del Estero Film Fest – Official Selection – AR 06/20192nd Hong Kong Film Art International Film Festival – Official Selection – HK 07/2019The most important Films 2019 – Film Festival Las Vegas – Official Selection – US 07/20197th Ariano International Film Festival – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – IT 07/20194th Regina International Film Festival – Official Selection – CA 08/20191st West Europe Fusion International Film Festivals Brussels – Official Selection – BE 08/20198th Slum Film Festival Nairobi – Official Selection – KE 08/201924th Portobello Film Festival London – Official Selection – UK 08/20192nd Undo Divergent Film Awards Boston – Official Selection – US 09/20194th Crossing The Screen International Film Festival Eastbourne – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – UK 09/20192nd Pondicherry International Film Festival Guragon – Official Selection – IND 09/20191st Athens Marathon International Film Festival – Official Selection – GR 10/20194th Cuzco Underground Cinema Festival – Official Selection – MX 10/201914th Das Filmfestival Praha/Brno – Official Selection – CZ 10/20194th Fecis Salto Independent Film Festival – Official Selection – UY 10/20198th Winchester Film Festival – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – UK 11/201913th Lublin Film Festival – Official Selection – PL 11/201912th SiciliAmbiente Film Festival – Official Selection – IT 08/2020Louisville’s International Festival of Film – Official Selection – US 11/2020, Open Air Kino wie noch nie – Augarten/Vienna – AT – 18/07/2018Austrian Culture Forum Slovakia – Cinema Lumière/Bratislava – SK – 17/12/20182nd FilmApéro – Soroptimist International Club/Ravensburg – DE – 24/03/2019Independent Film Collaborative – Winner IFC 2019/Los Angeles – US – 30/04/2019Austrian Culture Forum Egypt – Cairo – EG – 13/08/2019, Guitar: Marko FerlanViolin: Polina WinklerMusic: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: Nicolas Fischer, Vanja Toscano de Almeida, Polina Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: DonauwellenreiterMusic & Lyrics: Casteñeda, Zaric© 2012 DonauwellenreiterBy courtesy of Donauwellenreiter, Artists: Polina Winkler, Johannes Winkler, Vanja Toscano de AlmeidaMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artist: One Two Three Cheers And A TigerMusic & Lyrics: Andreas Augustin, Daniel Prochaska, Jakob Hauck© 2009 Wohnzimmer RecordsBy courtesy of Wohnzimmer Records, Artists: Vanja Toscano de Almeida, Polina Winkler, Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artist: Moderat,Music & Lyrics: Gernot Bronsert, Sebastian Szary, Sascha Ring© Monkeytown Music GmbH, Random Noize Musick GmbH℗ 2009 BPitch Control GmbHBy courtesy of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Germany) GmbH, Budde Music & BPitch Control, Artist: Patrick SchmidlMusic & Lyrics: Patrick Schmidl© 2018 Patrick Schmidl, Artists: Vanja Toscano de Almeida, Polina Winkler, Magdalena Wieckowska, Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: Polina Winkler,Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: Polina Winkler, Nicolas Fischer,Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler. alexandra makarovÁ zer schlag mein herz diagonale filmfestival official selection 2018 5-seen festival bayern publikumspreis 2018 art film fest koŠice official selection 2018. zer ... produzentenstatement / simon schwarz 25 biografien 31 kleines lexikon / wissenswertes Über die kultur der roma 49. While we are happy to make plans for the future, for other cultures it can mean pain and suffering or even death. Alexandra Makarová; ... chce Simon rodičům představit svou novou přítelkyni. Most of the casted people do not have mail or trust an official casting call. “Why did not I tell him more often that I love him?” At that point, I somehow felt satisfied and freed. Dem Eintauchen in eine von Armut, Gewalt und Perspektivlosigkeit geprägte Parallelgesellschaft steht dabei der lebenshungrige Blick der Jungverliebten entgegen: Alles leuchtet in buntem Licht, wenn Marcela und Pepe durch die Wiener Nacht ziehen. For the first time in Pepe’s life, he looks beyond his own limits and tries to escape from his dreary everyday life with Marcela. Above all, I had the opportunity to include her in the screenplay asking repeatedly, how would they react, what would be conceivable in their life situation and what not. Pepe and Marcela have experienced feelings that many people are denied. Gemeinsam lässt sich ihr Außenseiterleben leichter ertragen und so träumen die beiden von einer gerechteren und besseren Zukunft. Simon Schwarz hat mit seiner Lebensgefährtin Alexandra Makarová die Liebesgeschichte zwischen zwei Teenagern verfilmt. Der Film ist auf Romani und Slowakisch gedreht. The risk loving, knowing how difficult their lives will be. [6] Produziert wurde der Film von der Alternative Productions. PDF Showreel. It is exactly this power that is typical for this culture. Simon Schwarz Schauspieler about-me-VIDEO. Additionally, it is the first experience in … Languages. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2. Synopsis. They lived for love. Ovšem jako vždy jsou jeho rodiče pohlceni svými vlastními problémy. The thought of him left me no peace. My thoughts were as banal as cheesy, so straightforward that it’s almost scary. Im Mai 2016 holte Simon Schwarz Konstantin Seitz als Partner mit an Bord. … Um Geld für seine Familie zu verdienen geht Pepe täglich mit anderen betteln. Alexandra Makarová. Alexandra Makarova war Preisträgerin des ersten gesamt-russischen sowie weiterer internationaler Dirigenten-Wettbewerbe, u.a. From the very beginning it was very important to me that I know as much as possible about their customs, their family structures and the rules of conduct. What we experienced in the slum-like Roma villages of Eastern Slovakia was the fact that the man/the father, must provide protection to their women and children. An unmarried, childless 35-year-old Roma from an Eastern Slovak slum like Rocky has to deal with a different kind of social pressure and behaves differently than an Austrian craftsman of the same age. When we happened to see Roman at a sports festival near the largest slum in Richnava, it was clear to me: that he could be the right main male character. In any case, it is an engine for our lives.The second motivation of our story is a story deeply rooted in our culture. Ari Yehudit Richter, my assistant director and I traveled to Eastern Slovakia every week and sometimes it happened that the candidates we came for did not even turn up and that, although we had contact with them on Facebook on a daily basis, often also one hour before the beginning of the casting. Without electricity or running water she lives a dreary routine. Schauspieler Simon Schwarz, der hier erstmals als Produzent fungierte, begab sich zusammen mit Regisseurin Alexandra Makarová und Kameramann Georg Weiss auf Dutzende Recherchereisen und Castingreisen in die Ostslowakei unter anderem nach Zámutov, Jánovce (Poprad) und Richnava.Später kamen die Szenenbildnerin Momo … But it was often the case that they only speak Romanes and no Slovak in a slum and ten kilometers away it was the complete opposite. It was important to immerse ourselves in this world and to allow the creative departments involved in the creation of CRUSH MY HEART to accompany Alexandra Makarová on research trips. It is important for us to combine this strong power of love with the emotions of the Roma people in a love story that is so old and yet is reinvented every day in our world.In Vienna we display a prospective most of us do not know but which exists. new videos new fotos CV updated. And that’s exactly how I see the last decision of Pepe and Marcela. 2016 - KAVIAR Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion Sender/Verleih: Thimfilm. Location. 2016 - KAVIAR Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion Network/Distributor: Thimfilm. 1971. (Already in the METAMORPHOSEN of Ovid these motivations break out in PYRAMUS AND THISBE, Bandello introduces in his novel about the TRAGIC DEATH OF TWO UNBELIEVABLE LOVERS Romeo and Juliet, thus offering Shakespeare and de Vega the material for their dramas. Something where each of us has realized what it can do or what it can trigger. A patriarchal society that can not freely agree with the notions of a modern world in which each person has the same rights, who she / he loves, or where she / he wants to live with.Through centuries of expulsion, flight and enslavement, the constant marginalization by the majority society, only social cohesion was left to them. He came to my table, wanted money and cigarettes, when we did not give him any of it, he began to berate us wildly without knowing that I speak Slovak and understand everything. Somewhere in the outskirts of Vienna, gypsy mafia man Rocky rules his “family” with an iron fist. That is the reason why, we scoured schools, villages, sports fields, music and dance schools, clubs, etc. Unlike in Austria, in Slovakia people are growing up very aware that there are Roma. At the very beginning, we had a Slovak casting agency, which was racist and sent us tanned gadji (non-Roma) with the message they were more reliable and better and the message authenticity was not important.
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