Find the local staff portal for your department or division. Your gateway to universities in Europe. Prøv studievejlederens værktøjer til at træffe et mere sikkert valg og mød studerende, der har stået i samme situation. Tuition is free for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens. Aarhus University follows the guidelines set by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science in the assessment of applications for Bachelor’s degree programmes with a Non-Danish entry examination. Bachelor of Engineering The BEng programme takes three and a half years and includes an internship semester. EORI-nummer: DK-31119103
Here you will find the information you need in order to apply for admission to Aarhus University. Få al den information, du skal bruge for at søge optagelse på Aarhus Universitet. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) #69 Ranking. Aarhus University in Denmark. BACHELOR AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Bachelor Aesthetics and Culture - Aarhus University in Aarhus, Dänemark Danish. For other students, tuition fees are set annually and can be found on the Aarhus University website. Study at Aarhus University (AU) in Denmark: 65 Bachelors, Masters, PhDs. As an exchange student at Aarhus University, you come to follow courses and are expected to participate actively in class discussions along with group works and projects. Find out what it means to be a student at Aarhus University: take a virtual tour of the Aarhus campus, experience student life and listen to the students talk about everyday life at AU. Ph.d.-portal Faculty of Arts. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Fra 2015 kan du studere Kognitionsvidenskab ved Aarhus Universitet. For students; For PhD's; For employees; Study portals Faculty of Arts. The deadline for payment of tuition fees is 1 December for winter admission to Master’s degree programmes. Another Bachelor of Science degree from Aarhus University with subject components in Mathematics equaling 60 ECTS credits, including at least of two of the courses in Algebra, Geometry and Measure and Integration theory (or equivalent), as well as an introductory course in … Having completed your bachelor’s degree, you can also get a job in a multinational or international company working with imports/exports or internationalisation. 8000 Aarhus, E-mail:
Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) Bachelor … The City of Herning . Bachelor of Musical Arts (B.M.A.) Her lægger vi informationer om uddannelsen. Billederne er brugernes egne, delt med #Yourniversity og #AarhusUni. Danish students will launch their own satellite next summer. You will learn to convert your theoretical knowledge into solutions. It is a community. Tuition fees. Aarhus BSS tilbyder business og samfundsvidenskabelige uddannelser på bachelor- og kandidatniveau. Aarhus BSS is a merger from 2007 and teaches programmes at Bachelor's, Master and PhD level along … Forschungsbasierende Lehre . Cookies på
Complete list of bachelor's degree programme offered at Aarhus BSS in Danish and English: Business Administration, BA soc. Faculty of Arts. 437 likes. How to apply for a Bachelor's degree Here you will find the information you need in order to apply for admission to Aarhus University What is quota 1 and quota 2? The department carries out research and teaching within all of the important fields of psychology and contributes with research and knowledge exchange for society at large. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 2021.03.13 | Department of Physics. Nordre Ringgade 1 8000 Aarhus E-mail: Tel: +45 8715 0000 Fax: +45 8715 0201. BACHELOR AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Bachelor Mathematics - Economics - Aarhus University in Aarhus, Dänemark Starting in 2011 all summer courses and summer schools offered by Aarhus University for Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students will be gathered together and expanded to provide more diversity in a new framework: AU Summer University. We have been achieving international excellence in research and education since 1928. Learn about the application process and deadlines. On aarhus_university a new international student take over our account each week to share their student life and experiences with life in Denmark. Over ten percent of Aarhus’ student body is international, representing 100 different nationalities. Nordre Ringgade 1
Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) Få overblik over alle vores uddannelser, adgangskrav, optagelse og meget mere på Bachelor … The main campus is located in Aarhus. Technical Sciences. Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Aarhus University offers more than 50 English taught Master's programmes across Arts, Business & Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences. A community of Danes and internationals. Education. What happens after you have submitted your application? Nordre Ringgade 1
The programme provides solid engineering qualifications and insight into the latest technology. CVR no: 31119103 EAN no: 5798000418370. Men nu er jeg klar til det, og det er bare fedt. Join us at Aarhus University in Denmark - a top 100 university with 50+ Master's and Bachelor's degree programmes in English. Profile; Employees; Contact; Vacancies; Collaborators. Tilgængelighedserklæring, "Det er et kapitel i mit liv, jeg virkelig har ventet på, men ikke har været klar til endnu. Accessibility Statement, Admission requirements, rules and important dates. Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) ", Ansvarlig forskningspraksis og forskningsfrihed, Telefon, e-mail og adresser for alle ansatte. Guidance and Study Counselling. Det er naturligt at blive ramt af tvivl, når du skal vælge uddannelse: skal du fx vælge ud fra interesse eller karrierehensyn? Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) 8000 Aarhus, Email:
A Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Aarhus University, the University of Southern Denmark or the University of Copenhagen. Datalogi. Medicine, public health, odontology, biomedicine, forensic medicine, sport science, dental hygiene, nursing. Find den lokale medarbejderportal for dit institut eller område. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Tel: +45 8715 0000
EORI no: DK-31119103, © —
Aarhus University. Über 15.000 der insgesamt 56.000 Studierenden und Mitarbeiter sind an der Business and Social Science School (BSS) beschäftigt, zu der auch das Department of Political Science gehört. Privacy Policy
Aarhus University logo / Aarhus … På #Yourniversity kan du følge studielivet på Aarhus Universitet – oplevet, fotograferet og filmet af de studerende selv. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Find. Find ud af, hvad det vil sige at være studerende på Aarhus Universitet: tag en virtuel tur på campus, oplev studiebyen og studielivet og hør de studerende fortælle om hverdagen på AU. Discover what Aarhus University has to offer you Aarhus Universitet tilbyder et inspirerende uddannelses- og forskningsmiljø for 45.000 studerende og 11.500 medarbejdere, der sikrer resultater af høj international standard. Spørg mig bl.a. Therefore, you must have a high level of English proficiency. Aarhus University (AU) is a top ten university among universities founded within the past 100 years. Bachelor i Kognitionsvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Denmark. Aarhus University. Natural Sciences. Vil du tage en bacheloruddannelse på Aarhus Universitet? (taught in Danish) Business Administration and Commercial Law (taught in Danish) Business Development Engineer (BDE) - in Herning (taught in Danish) Economics and Business Administration, BSc. Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Bachelor of Musical Arts (B.M.A.) This conversion only pertains to qualifying entry examinations that can be assessed in both quota 1 and … Privatlivspolitik
CVR no: 31119103 EORI no: DK-31119103 Bachelor of Engineering at Aarhus University (Herning) BSc in Engineering (3,5 years) Read about the programme: Bachelor of Engineering in Global Management and Manufacturing Apply for admission. BACHELOR AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Bachelor Digital Design - Aarhus University in Aarhus, Dänemark About us . Before you decide where and what to study, you can learn more about Aarhus University's programmes, experience the university live and see what it's like for other international students at AU. The school consists of seven departments: Economics and Business Economics, Management, Political Science, Law, Business Communication, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences and Department of Business Development and Technology. The Aarhus University School of Business and Social Sciences is one of four faculties of Aarhus University in Denmark. 4.2 out of 5 (66 ratings / 41 reviews) Aarhus, Denmark. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Biology, physics and astronomy, chemistry, geology, mathematics, computer science, molecular biology and nanoscience. You can also work with financial management, accounting, sales, marketing and … It has a long tradition of partnerships with some of the world's best research institutions and university networks. EAN-numre:, © —
Allgemeine Informationen: Die Universität Aarhus vereint 27 Departments an vier Fakultäten unter ihrem Dach. Bachelor's Programme in Cognitive Science Bachelor's Programme in Economics and Business Administration, BSc Bachelor's Programme in Economics and Business Administration, BSc (Herning) Bachelor's Programme in Global Management and Manufacturing (GMM) (Herning) Find ud af, om du skal søge i kvote 1 eller 2, hvordan du gør - og hvornår. When will you receive a response and when do you start?
Die Universität Aarhus bietet über 60 vollständige Studiengänge auf Bachelor- und Master-Ebene in Englisch an. Fax: +45 8715 0201, CVR no: 31119103
You must also be able to write academic papers and take written exams. Local staff information Staff portal - Faculty of Arts . Få overblik over, hvad der sker, når du har sendt din ansøgning afsted – og hvordan du kan forberede dig, mens du venter i spænding på svaret. om hverdagen på universitetet, Heidi, Spansk og spanskamerikansk sprog, litteratur og kultur. Payment on commencement of studies (first semester) The tuition fees must be received by the university 15 June at the latest (summer admission to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes). With a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration, you will be eligible for admission to a number of different master’s degree programmes. Video: Aarhus Universitet In general, admission to a Master’s degree programme requires successful completion of a relevant and recognised university degree equivalent to a Danish Bachelor’s degree in level and length (180 ECTS). Aarhus University is more than just a Top 100 university with research-based teaching and numerous programmes in English. An der Universität Aarhus lehren aktive Forscher, und der Unterricht findet in einem zwanglosen Rahmen statt. Aarhus BSS (School of Business and Social Sciences at Aarhus University) offers a wide range of degree programmes within the fields of economics, business, engineering, political science and communication at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level. The photos belong to the users, shared with #AUinternational and #AarhusUni. Read more in the guidelines on the Bachelor’s degree programme study start at Health (PDF in Danish) ... Aarhus University Vennelyst Boulevard 4 8000 Aarhus C E-mail: Phone (AU's main number): +45 8715 0000. Meet the Students. As an international student at Aarhus University, you will never be alone. The Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences is part of Aarhus BSS, one of the five faculties at Aarhus University. Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. Tlf: 8715 0000, CVR-nr: 31119103
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On Sunday 14 March 2021 our Aarhus University student CubeSat Delphini-1 finally decayed into the deeper atmosphere and met it's honourable fiery end. Darüber hinaus sind alle Ph.D.-Studiengänge in Englisch. Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) The Ministry website contains guideline conversion tables for a number of selected countries. Application deadlines.
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